Goal of sub 1:40 half. (Read 3802 times)

    Well done - Mich, nice to see you running a half - the longer ones will really help your 5k improve too.


    & nice runs Buckeye & Larry too!

      Good job Michigan. Way to stay strong. Come on no sprint finish???  Maybe you had a few extra seconds there. That is the coach in me talking! It was a great experience for you. Next race you will be stronger and know what you are up against and will be better for it. Nice accomplishment and very rewarding!


      Thanks. I wondered about setting a time goal for my 1st half marathon but I am all about numbers and I had a great time figuring my paces as I ran. It was not easy by any stretch I was very close to the point of losing contact with my pace group way up ahead but right after I finished I told my borther-in-law that I could have run it a little faster, He said "you can always run them faster". But I felt pretty good out there yesterday for 90% of the race so that leaves a positive experience.


      Regarding the end of the race and not sprinting...Whil not sprinting I was running pretty hard.

      I knew it was going to be close to sub 98 but had not scouted the finish before so I did not know how long the finish chute was.


      I thought for sure I had sub 98 minutes when I got to the 12 mile mark in 1:29:29.

      All I had to do was run 7:30 pace and I would be around 1:37:45...and I figured I would probably run

      the last mile in 7:20 or less. So the markers got me but I also messed up by not hanging onto my pacers the whole race. I think it would have been mentally easier had I stayed with the pace group instead of lagging 15-20 seconds back for 2/3 of the race. I just lost focus somewhere around mile 4.5 enjjoying the scenery and when I looked up they were 5 seconds up. I should have closed right then because once they got 12 seconds up I knew it would take miles to close that large a gap and stay in my comfort zone.

        Congratulations! Great job!  


        Any thought about trying a full?  And perhaps a BQ attempt?



        Thanks. I wondered about setting a time goal for my 1st half marathon but I am all about numbers and I had a great time figuring my paces as I ran. It was not easy by any stretch I was very close to the point of losing contact with my pace group way up ahead but right after I finished I told my borther-in-law that I could have run it a little faster, He said "you can always run them faster". But I felt pretty good out there yesterday for 90% of the race so that leaves a positive experience.


          Congratulations! Great job!  


          Any thought about trying a full?  And perhaps a BQ attempt?



          I cannot yet imagine completing that half marathon then turning around and doing it again.


          My BQ time would be 3:15:59....that seems a little less tough than it did a couple days ago.

          I would just need to keep the same pace I had yesterday for another hour and  38 minutes.

          But No the marathon is still a ways off for my current mindset.


          The Limping Jogger


            I cannot yet imagine completing that half marathon then turning around and doing it again.


            My BQ time would be 3:15:59....that seems a little less tough than it did a couple days ago.

            I would just need to keep the same pace I had yesterday for another hour and  38 minutes.

            But No the marathon is still a ways off for my current mindset.



            I said exactly the same thing after my first HM in 2006... mind you I was running at most 20mpw and the last 5k of the HM was tough.  Can't think why.

            "Only a few more laps to go and then the action will begin, unless this is the action, which it is."

              Michigan, you never know if you don't try it.  My 5k PR was 21:05 when I decided to go for BQ.  I not only got my BQ, but I've broken all my PRs by a mile, from 1500 all the way up.


              I am pretty sure you can get it if you can run consistently good mileage.


              I cannot yet imagine completing that half marathon then turning around and doing it again.


              My BQ time would be 3:15:59....that seems a little less tough than it did a couple days ago.

              I would just need to keep the same pace I had yesterday for another hour and  38 minutes.

              But No the marathon is still a ways off for my current mindset.

                Congrats, M'Flyer.  Well done.

                  Michigan, you never know if you don't try it.  My 5k PR was 21:05 when I decided to go for BQ.  I not only got my BQ, but I've broken all my PRs by a mile, from 1500 all the way up.


                  I am pretty sure you can get it if you can run consistently good mileage.


                  As a 55 year old guy, my BQ time is 3:45.  This is a case where it's good to be old!

                  Mr Inertia

                  Suspect Zero

                    Well, even though I didn't break 1:40 I did run a darn good race and set a serious PR (18+ min) and I think I might get some sort of award for worst finishing photo ever!



                    Like I said, I was running through a cramp 

                    Prince of Fatness

                      Well, even though I didn't break 1:40 I did run a darn good race and set a serious PR (18+ min) and I think I might get some sort of award for worst finishing photo ever!



                      Like I said, I was running through a cramp 


                      Sorry dude, that's bad but you lose.  This is the worst.  I was crippled by a cramp.


                      Not at it at all. 

                        Well, even though I didn't break 1:40 I did run a darn good race and set a serious PR (18+ min) and I think I might get some sort of award for worst finishing photo ever!



                        Like I said, I was running through a cramp 


                        I personally like the 10 mile photo where it looks like you are sleep walking. 


                        I was lucky they could not identify me at the 10 mile mark, because I had a extra compression shirt underneath and was getting warm at that point and passing back through town figured I would throw near my car on the way through ... anyways in the middle of trying to get one shirt off while hanging on to the other during a race, I got the one shirt stuck on my head (Part of reason for the 8:50 split for mile 10) and just as I get it off I look up and there are the two photographers ..... I actually whish I could have had a pic of this as it probably looks funny put without a BiB at the time I cant find it.

                        "It's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard... is what makes it Great!

                        Mr Inertia

                        Suspect Zero


                          Sorry dude, that's bad but you lose.  This is the worst.  I was crippled by a cramp.




                          Well crap! Is there nothing redeemable about this race!?


                          Mr Inertia

                          Suspect Zero


                            I personally like the 10 mile photo where it looks like you are sleep walking. 



                            When the going gets tough, the tough run with their eyes closed.


                            I have no idea why I do this. I'm not aware that I'm doing it when it's happening. My first race ever was a 10k and I had a friend run it with me. During the final kick, he was yelling at me to move, to drop the hammer. Later he told me that I ran the last .5 miles with my eyes closed. I had no idea.


                            Last year I had a friend come to take some race pics at a 5k. During the last mile, he got a few shots of me. Each one with my eyes closed. Every race that has pics of me during the tough spots will have shots of me running with my eyes closed.


                            I don't realize I'm doing it and I have no idea how I run with my eyes closed and don't run into people or trip or fall of whatever. Perhaps adrenaline gives me X Ray vision and I can see through my eyelids.

                            hairshirt knitter

                              Close... but no cigar.

                              I ran 1:41:18 at the Valley Harvest 1/2m in Wolfville, Nova Scotia on Sunday. I hadn't realised that the course would only be marked in km, so had to do some swift mental math to work out what pace to be running! I started off a bit slow and had to work hard later to make it up.

                              I just need to put a few more miles in the bank over the winter and I reckon I could take a big chunk off that time. I could have another go at it on Nov. 1 but I think I'll give it a rest.

                              Ah well, sub-1:40 was always an ambitious goal this year, and I ran well, enjoyed the race and am uninjured so all in all pretty good result.

                              edit: actually that was gun time, chip time was 1:40:47, 4:48/km - damn 47 seconds!

                                Very close, tough break! The Annapolis Valley is a pretty area to run through, must be a nice race!

                                PBs since age 60:  5k- 24:36, 10k - 47:17. Half Marathon- 1:42:41.

                                                                    10 miles (unofficial) 1:16:44.