Official RA Joke Thread! (Read 7297 times)

    Two privates stationed at Fort Campbell were handed shovels and told to bury a large, dead animal. While digging they got into an argument about what they were burying.

    "This here's a big mule!"

    "This ain't no mule, this here's a donkey."



    Well, this went on for a while until the camp chaplain came by. "What are you boys doing?"

    "We're diggin' a grave for this mule."

    "Donkey, dammit!"

    The chaplain cut in, "Boys, this isn't either one, according to the bible, it's an ass."

    An hour later, the camp commander came up and said, "What are you men doing, digging a foxhole?"

    the privates responded in unison  "No sir. not according to the bible..."



      I don't have a joke... just this old ad:







      not bad for mile 25

        I don't have a joke... just this old ad:


        Where can I buy a running holster for that?

        Joann Y

          I don't have a joke... just this old ad:



          Ain't no joke man...  Don't throw it out!


            Where can I buy a running holster for that?


            you take it to the track, put it in the middle of the infield and use your 150 meter long headphone cord.






            not bad for mile 25

               you take it to the track, put it in the middle of the infield and use your 150 meter long headphone cord.


              Hey, that would improve your cornering as well!

              Joann Y


                Hey, that would improve your cornering as well!


                Depends on the track!


                not bad for mile 25

                  Depends on the track!


                  I foresee lane violations on that track.