Improving short and middle distance (Read 108 times)


Are we there, yet?

    Thanks! before the results below, just about my situation:

    I'm currently on holidays, and only just started running mid-December. The 'trial' will be in late february, so I'm trying to get either the 100m or 800m in shape before then. Any clues on which I should do?

    I've got my results here:

    Standing Long jump (no shoes, on timber): 2.4m

    30m crouch test: 4 seconds

    30m fly test: 3.7 seconds

    60m crouch: haven't done this one yet!

    I've also been doing some 800m training with 100m intervals of 14-14.5 seconds each. I feel this is my domain, as I only recently started these intervals and can do 4-5 intervals with 3-5 second break in between.


    Is there are reason why you couldn't do both?


    I'm not familiar with any of those tests, so I can't advise you based on that.  As far as training, I'd suggest 200m intervals (instead of 100m)  at slightly slower pace, maybe 33-35 seconds, with 30-45 seconds active recovery (walk or jog easy instead of standing still)

     2024 Races:

          03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

          05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
          06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.




      Your 30m crouch would indicate current potential of around 11.1 flat.  Your fly time is very slow in comparison.  Were you full speed as you hit each mark?  Your standing long jump would indicate 11.7-12.1.


      It's a double edged sword in that you can be good in both but you can not be excellent in the 100 and 800 at the same time.  You should figure out which one is your passion.  I think it is good advice from wcrunner2 to do both if you have rest in between trials.  It would be better if the 100 was first or you would need a good hour rest after a full effort 800.


      About that, I'm not really sure what you mean?  Is it a track meet?  Tryout for a team?


        Your 30m crouch would indicate current potential of around 11.1 flat.  Your fly time is very slow in comparison.  Were you full speed as you hit each mark?  Your standing long jump would indicate 11.7-12.1.


        It's a double edged sword in that you can be good in both but you can not be excellent in the 100 and 800 at the same time.  You should figure out which one is your passion.  I think it is good advice from wcrunner2 to do both if you have rest in between trials.  It would be better if the 100 was first or you would need a good hour rest after a full effort 800.


        About that, I'm not really sure what you mean?  Is it a track meet?  Tryout for a team?


        Oh I misread the fly test! Didn't realize the full speed bit. I'll redo all tests and let you know! It's a tryout for a team btw. (My height is 1.72m if that helps for the long jump bit)
