Wii or Xbox 360 (Read 348 times)

    We are thinking about a game system for Christmas this year and have to choose between Wii or Xbox.  The system will be mostly for our children (7 and 5), but we will probably use it a bit also.  I have played with both.  The Wii control concept is fun, but the Xbox supports high def and seems to have higher end hardware (better picture, detailed games, etc), and has kinect (but game support is probably limited atm). My 5 year old has played lego batman on the xbox and loves it, and has no issue with the controller.  The real direction of my question is something along the lines of:  "I would prefer an xbox, but does the novel controller and game selection of the Wii make it the obvious choice for kids considering I will probably only use it 1-2 hours a week?"


    I'm wondering if anyone has any experience with either system for children and would be willing to share. 



    Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say, It is well, it is well with my soul.

      The xBox is a better gaming system. However, the Wii can be hacked , which means some nice things. For little kids the Wii is probably the best system. The PS3 now has similar remotes as the Wii and it plays Bluray. It also can be hacked. So in the end, I say PS3.


        The xBox is a better gaming system. However, the Wii can be hacked , which means some nice things. For little kids the Wii is probably the best system. The PS3 now has similar remotes as the Wii and it plays Bluray. It also can be hacked. So in the end, I say PS3.

        PS3 looks nice, however, generally Wii=$199, Xbox with Kinect=$299, PS3 with motion thingy = $399.......$399 is to many $.

        Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say, It is well, it is well with my soul.

          Between the two, xbox 360 no doubt. Now they have the new motion sensor just like wii, except you don't have to hold anything. Seems fun. And as for adults, it is WAY better. Go 360 so that everyone can have fun.

            PS3 has the bluray that you won't have to buy extra. So really you save. But, obviously, if you don't have the money you don't have the money.


              I have all 3 and play xbox 360. The Wii is good for kids but my 9 year old son perfers the 360. I let him play most games but nothing like grand theft auto he can't even watch me play it. I allow him to play the call of duty titles but he can't use the headset ever. Too much trash talking and the older kids are alsways talking about sex to the little ones. You don't need graphics to have fun but the 360 rocks


                i vote 360. wii can be fun too but with the 360 you get what you pay for. in addition to a gaming system you have plenty of multimedia tools, good parental controls, and i like the way xbox and playstation operate more like a computer which gives it more potential for add ons and cool upgrades. plus you dont have to worry about the remote getting chucked into your new plasma tv.