New to running, already injured? (Read 85 times)



    I am very new to running but not new to pain. I have arthritis and I assumed that my knees and hips would be the problem when I run. Boy I was wrong, but it might have caused me a running injury. I run very poorly to begin with, but I was on my way to correcting my form until I started to develop shin pain. It’s a sharp pain at the front of my shin. That doesn’t appear to be muscular (flexing doesn’t impact it too much at all). I’m not too worried about it even though it feels like I’m being stabbed, I’m icing it and if it gets worse I’ll see a doctor. What I am worried about is my form. I’ve started to stomp on the injured leg. I can’t run on the ball of my foot, I just stomp right down onto it very flat. Is there anything that can help me with this? I don’t want to injure my leg further, but I love running. Thank you in advance for any advice!!!


    Are we there, yet?

      Google shin splints and see if the symptoms match. If so there should be a number of exercises you can do to treat and prevent them. Stomping down with your foot can be a cause.

       2024 Races:

            03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

            05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
            06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.




      SMART Approach

        Also, be much slower in your progression to running. Mix walking with jogging the first couple months. Allow your body to adapt slowly to the stresses of running. Your body is telling you that you are doing too much too soon.

        Run Coach. Recovery Coach. Founder of SMART Approach Training, Coaching & Recovery

        Structured Marathon Adaptive Recovery Training

        Safe Muscle Activation Recovery Technique



        not bad for mile 25

          Yeah, when I saw the title, "New to running, already injured?", I thought, yep, that's when injuries are most likely.  Take it easy at first.

          sport jester


            Shin splints are the result of too much forward lean in your running form.


            The best runners in the world don't push their weight, they pull it...

            Experts said the world is flat

            Experts said that man would never fly

            Experts said we'd never go to the moon


            Name me one of those "experts"...


            History never remembers the name of experts; just the innovators who had the guts to challenge and prove the "experts" wrong