Boys, don't be jealous... (Read 420 times)




    a good way to get pm's from random guys is to post in the sports bra threads. Preferably mention your bra size to maximize pm-age.


    When I first read this I wasn't sure exactly what this meant, and thought you were referring to the age of the guys who sent you the pm. I guess it works either way.


      Call me crazy, but that doesn't look very comfortable.



        WHOA.....this is my new screen saver.


        English Villian


          Shoe Alarmist

            Joann Y


              Linked that for ya.




              not bad for mile 25

                It depends on how cold the morning was.


                It makes me sad that a lot of the pics have disappeared from that thread.

                  No Heather, I didn't get any PMs like that either, so we are both still pretty


                  yes, yes you are

                  "Famous last words"  ~Bhearn


                    I posted a PM on L&O once or twice. It caused a meltdown and I was no longer allowed in that establishment. I wonder if I still have it.



                      yes, yes you are


                        Hi, gumbee!


                      Runners run


                          Hi, gumbee!


                        How you doin'?

                        "Famous last words"  ~Bhearn

                          What's a PM?  Is that an Advil brand?  Nobody has sent me any PM's of this sort so my sleeping hasn't been the greatest.  Hello?  Where did you all go?

                            "Famous last words"  ~Bhearn
