Competitive Jerks Racing and Training - 2023 (Read 574 times)

Pain is my friend

    Some really good info on transgender and sports. I may have to read it 2-3 times for it to all comprehend it. Thanks. 

    flavio- I am a big fan of Solomon packs. I have the ADV skin 12. Lots of pockets and easy access. I use 2- 500ml soft flask. Early on I used a 2L bladder but then found I really didn’t know how much I was drinking between aid station. Most of the time it wasn’t enough. I try to carry the bare minimum of gear to go lightweight. My drop bags are small. Gallon size ziplock bags. 

    Pulse Endurance 12 hour race report


    The morning started bitter cold and stayed that way for the first 3 hours. Then later in the day it got cold again. Light clouds all day. High in the 40s and lows in 20s. In Eagle Island state park ID there are a few ponds, trees, old farm houses and rivers. Beautiful area. The course was a 2.78 mile loop with 32 ft of vert. 

    I was able keep goal pace (8:45-9:00) for the first 7-8 hours. The headwind started about 6 hours in. My right hammy started to cramp about 8 hours in. The pace slowed a bit but it didn’t discourage me. I refused to quit. I had a buddy running the 6 hour. He was an added boost. We were able to run several loops together. 

    In the last hour the open up a smaller loop .3 of a mile. I hit that loop as soon as I could. The headwinds were less and the surface was asphalt. I was able to pick the pace up to a 7:30 for about a half hour. 

    Finished 1st overall with 76.22 miles in 12 hours. Set a new CR.

    ATY 24   141.445 2019 1st

    Bear 100 22:08 2021 

    Jackpot 100 Feb 14:59 - 5th


    Pulse endurance 48 hr 175.3 miles

    Bonnevile Backyard ultra 

    Ute 100 Aug

    24 hour loop race?



    Hot Weather Complainer

      Flavio - Very nice trail run, sounds brutal and very technical.  It must be quite intense having to focus for that long.


      Mark - Looking really solid for a good performance at Waterfront now.


      Krash - Incredibly impressive, even though I feel like you've glossed over some suffering and dark moments!  Longest race in the forum and shortest race report, almost made it sound easy.  Well done on first place.


      JMac - Looks like a pretty solid performance that represents your current fitness.  A pretty good stepping stone.


      me - Another solid week with 2 good workouts.  This cycle has been weird, I don't feel like I'm going to the well or working as hard but when I go back over the weeks my numbers are very similar to pre-Melbourne, except with fewer 32+ long runs with huge MP components.  Saturday was a pretty solid workout with a long high Zone 2 section then 2 20 minute blocks of aerobic threshold.  I definitely felt some fatigue in the last 10 minutes of work but I could feel the extra strength in my hamstrings and glutes helping me.  With 4 weeks to go, I feel reasonably fresh given I'm at the peak of the training, whereas last time I was counting down the days not so much because of excitement but because I was so tired I just wanted to get there.


      We also sold our house last week and bought a new one.  It's been a long process with a lot of work.  It's a very quick turnaround, moving day is in 9 days.  It's 2.5 weeks pre-race and we'll be getting movers to do the majority so I don't see it impacting my fatigue levels.


      Weekly for period: From: 13/03/2023 To 19/03/2023

      <caption>Weekly Grid</caption>
      Date Name mi km Duration Avg/mi Avg/km Elevation Gain
      in m
      13/03 Warm up 0.34 0.54 00:03:26 10:06 06:21 0
      13/03 Easy med long 9.56 15.39 01:21:43 08:33 05:19 12
      15/03 Warm up 0.33 0.54 00:03:22 10:12 06:14 0
      15/03 Midweek AeT - 35 mins 12.18 19.60 01:35:11 07:49 04:51 14
      16/03 Recovery hour 6.41 10.32 01:02:47 09:48 06:05 24
      17/03 Warm up 0.33 0.54 00:03:31 10:39 06:31 0
      17/03 Easy hour with 6 x 15 seconds strides 7.09 11.41 01:00:27 08:32 05:18 11
      18/03 Warm up 0.33 0.53 00:03:30 10:36 06:36 0
      18/03 Long incl. 2 x 20 mins AeT 17.23 27.73 02:13:59 07:47 04:50 31
      19/03 Recovery hour 6.40 10.30 01:01:41 09:38 05:59 14

      Total distance: 96.90km (60.22mi)

      5km: 18:34 11/23 │ 10km: 39:10 8/23 │ HM: 1:26:48 9/23 │ M: 3:34:49 6/23


      2024 Races:

      Motorway Half Marathon February 25, 2024 1:29:55

      Christchurch Half-Marathon April 21, 2024 1:27:34

      Selwyn Marathon June 2, 2024 DNF

      Dunedin Half Marathon September 15, 2024


      RIP Milkman


        JMac - Looks like a pretty solid performance that represents your current fitness.  A pretty good stepping stone.



        Thanks. One thing I'm noticing right away - my legs hurt way more than they did after my PR I ran last May. Granted I'm still early in my cycle this spring, so may just be a shape thing. But my guess is it's a total mileage issue: averaging around 48 these past 12 weeks, vs the low 70s for my PR.


        I'll have another crack at the half distance in 2 months. That will be the true test of whether doing 5k/10k training and stretching to the half or just doing marathon training and running a half is better for me. My guess is it will be the latter, even without a taper. But we shall see.

        5K: 16:37 (11/20)  |  10K: 34:49 (10/19)  |  HM: 1:14:57 (5/22)  |  FM: 2:36:31 (12/19) 




          1:24:37  New half PR.


          Looks like all the 50-59 fast men stayed home! Actually shocked with the AG award.  Maybe the wind/cold affected us elders more because the winner was 1:04Tight lippedx  1295 runners and a lot of fast times despite the conditions.


          Really pumped with the result.  I was targeting 6:30 and a little nervous after mile 4 (uphill and into the wind came in at 6:40) But got into a groove mid race.


          Race report to follow at some point.  Now I'm gonna rest!!


          #1102: SCOTT GLYNN Net Time
          Place: 140    
          Division Place: 1    
          Division: M5059    
          Ag: 52    
          Sex: M    
          6m Spli: 40:06    
          Net Tim: 1:24:37    
          Pace: 6:28    
          Gun Tim: 1:24:57

          5K 18:36 (2023), 10K 39:40 (2022), 1/2 1:24:37 (2023), full 2:58:36 (2015) 


          Mother of Cats

            Marky-Mark- I note the return of the vaporfly jogger.  That one is always a bit confusing, though not as confusing as the vaporfly gymrat or the vaporfly dog-walker (we have both around here).


            Flavio - that course sounds quite challenging.  I don't know if Puma makes trail shoes, but I have found that their PumaGrip has the best traction of any shoe I've ever run in.


            Krash - congratulations on the win.  I am confused - did they give you a choice of which loop to run?


            Steve - in reading your description of how you feel right now, I think you're in a really good place.  There is this mythical belief that marathon training has to suck and be exhausting, and if you're not exhausted, you're not training hard enough.  In actuality, the people who lay down solid weeks without straining or regularly going to the well tend to run much better on race day.


            Jmac- solid job - looking forward to the race report.


            FIshyOne - congratulations on the PR!  That has to feel good!



            My week:

            43 miles running, 1000 yards swimming and 4.5 hours pool-running.

            M: 100 minutes pool-running.
            T: 11 miles, including a track workout of 7x800, 12x200 with splits of 3:40, 3:35, 3:34, 3:29, 3:23, 3:20, 3:19, 47, and 48. Recoveries of 2:1x-2:4x after the 800s and full recoveries for the 200s. Followed with leg strengthwork and 500 yards recovery swimming.
            W: Streaming yoga and 8 miles very easy (9:47) on treadmill.
            Th: 80 minutes pool-running and upper body weights/core.
            F: 4 mile fartlek, with some 100s in 23-24 seconds and 200s in 48-49 seconds, plus running drills.
            Sa: 4 mile jog to start+warm-up, and then 5K in 21:45 (7:13/6:57/6:53/0:41. Then ran another 7 miles as I first cheered at the race and then jogged back to my car. 500 yards recovery swimming in the evening.
            Su: 6 miles easy on treadmill (9:51), 90 minutes pool-running, and yoga.


            Ran a large 5K on Saturday, simply because I knew it would be crowded and hilly and I need practice dealing with those. Time was very meh, but it was a good tune-up for Cherry Blossom. Race report is here.


            I ended up running a lot of extra miles on Saturday, so I skipped a Sunday long run in favor of a mixed run/pool-run

            Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


            And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


              Way to go, Fishy!


              Pain is my friend

                You only had a choice in the last hour of your race. If you don’t finish the big loop in time it doesn’t count. So if you don’t think you can finish the 2.78 mile loop in the time you have left, you can run the short loop to get more miles.


                Steve- yes my report left out the feet pain for hours, the dark hole if doubt, why the hell am I doing this, the pushing of the pace in to the wind to stay on pace, if can’t keep pace for 12 hours 24 is impossible, why try…. I can say a lot of it was easy. Keep running, relax, constantly checking my watch for the pace, which was easy for the first 6-7 hours. Loop races and ultra can get monotonous. Gels every 30 min, 16 oz of fluid an hour, salt pills on the hour, Mt Dew when ever I feel like it and repeat. Can be boring. But the process works for me. Then I try to laugh and play when remover I can. You pass people again and again. I try to learn their names and encourage them.





                Krash - congratulations on the win.  I am confused - did they give you a choice of which loop to run?



                ATY 24   141.445 2019 1st

                Bear 100 22:08 2021 

                Jackpot 100 Feb 14:59 - 5th


                Pulse endurance 48 hr 175.3 miles

                Bonnevile Backyard ultra 

                Ute 100 Aug

                24 hour loop race?



                  Never got around to posting last week’s summary, so I’ll post two weeks. I had the exact same midweek workout for both. Why not. The 6x1 mile tempo intervals are a marathon training staple for me. McMillan says these should be 6:31-6:46; the low end of that range is ridiculous for me, I’m happy to hit the top end. For both workouts, splits ended up mostly in the 6:40s. With the usual slow first one, I can’t seem to escape that. Good enough.

                  The first week’s LR was 18 finishing with 8 at GMP, around 7:25. Splits ended up right on target at 7:22-7:27, with a 7:36 outlier that had 100 ft of gain. I’ll take that. The second week’s LR was a straight up 22 miler. I wasn’t worried about pace, but I usually like these to be at the faster end of easy. This was at the slower end of easy. But it didn’t feel super easy, it was kind of a grind. I guess there is no such thing as a truly easy 22, particularly at the end of 3 straight 70+ mile weeks. 

                  I do get a slight mileage cutback next week, but only because I’m racing a half on Saturday. I’d be feeling pretty good about that, except yesterday my shin started hurting. I didn’t feel it during my run, only later in the day. But it hurt throughout today’s run. Not so bad I couldn’t run through it, but no fun either; hard to tell how worrisome it should be. Sometimes these things just resolve themselves as quickly as they arise, so that’s what I’m hoping for. Any suggestions are welcome, unless that suggestion is taking time off.


                  Weekly for period: From: 03/06/2023 To 03/12/2023

                  <caption>Weekly Grid</caption>
                  Date Name mi km Duration Avg/mi Avg/km Elevation Gain
                  in ft
                  03/06 Morning Run w/strides 7.02 11.29 01:01:55 08:49 05:29 338
                  03/07 Morning Run 10.09 16.23 01:27:06 08:38 05:22 459
                  03/08 6x1600m + 3x200m 12.09 19.45 01:34:38 07:50 04:52 486
                  03/09 Morning Run 6.01 9.67 00:57:27 09:34 05:56 253
                  03/10 Morning Run 10.08 16.22 01:32:07 09:08 05:41 466
                  03/11 8 MP 18.01 28.98 02:22:24 07:54 04:55 627
                  03/12 Morning Run 8.03 12.91 01:08:20 08:31 05:18 312

                  Total distance: 71.32mi


                  Weekly for period: From: 03/13/2023 To 03/19/2023

                  <caption>Weekly Grid</caption>
                  Date Name mi km Duration Avg/mi Avg/km Elevation Gain
                  in ft
                  03/13 Morning Run w/strides 7.04 11.34 01:03:34 09:02 05:36 341
                  03/14 Afternoon Run 9.01 14.50 01:15:31 08:23 05:12 449
                  03/15 6x1600m + 3x200m 11.53 18.55 01:34:06 08:10 05:04 430
                  03/16 Morning Run 6.01 9.67 00:54:00 08:59 05:35 253
                  03/17 Morning Run 10.01 16.11 01:27:27 08:44 05:26 459
                  03/18 Morning Run 22.00 35.39 03:15:23 08:53 05:31 318
                  03/19 Morning Run 8.01 12.88 01:11:52 08:58 05:35 771

                  Total distance: 73.61mi



                    Keen - goal for Waterfront is 1:13:59.  That would be a course PB for me.  Will depend on weather, of course, which could go either way at this time of year.  Anything from cool and perfect to humid and windy is on the cards and the way this "summer" went I


                    Steve - you have a remarkable ability to always turn up some house or family-related stuff as it approaches race time!  I am not sure I envy that haha.  Congrats on the new place anyways.  And what Darkwave says about it being better to be feeling energised than exhausted from training is entirely correct.


                    Darkwave - a crowded, hilly 5k sounds very unappealing but it does make sense in the context of the specific race prep you were after.  Glad you got what you needed out of it.


                    Fishy - congrats!! As I always say, you can only race the people that show up. Well done to PB on what sounds like a tough day weather-wise.


                    Krash - it's classic how your 12 hour RR is shorter than mine would be for a 5k! Congrats on the CR, how much did you beat the previous mark by?  The time and distances involved just blow my mind.

                    3,000m: 9:07.7 (Nov-21) | 5,000m: 15:39 (Dec-19) | 10,000m: 32:34 (Mar-20)  

                    10km: 33:15 (Sep-19) | HM: 1:09:41 (May-21)* | FM: 2:41:41 (Oct-20)

                    * Net downhill course

                    Last race: Runway5 / National 5k Champs, 16:22, National Masters AG Champ!

                    Up next: Still working on that...

                    "CONSISTENCY IS KING"


                    Are we there, yet?

                      Congrats for good race to Fishyone, DW, and Krash. Hope I didn't miss anyone. Looking forward to seeing Krash in WI in June.


                      Flavio: No help on the bladder. Since most of my races are on loops of 2K or less I don't need one.  If necessary during hot weather races, I'll carry a handheld bottle or a waist belt.


                      Had a solid 40.6 miles this week on 6 days of running.  Seeing good improvement.
                      Monday 5 x 5:00 tempo effort though still taking a longish 3:00 recovery
                      Thursday-Friday back to back long runs (for me) of 2:28 and 2:17. Was surprisingly able to also have a fast finish on Friday's run.

                       2024 Races:

                            03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                            05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                            06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                      Hot Weather Complainer

                        Fishy - Great stuff!  I would imagine that is a very high age graded percentage time so I'm not surprised you won it.


                        Mark - When we went to market I said there has to be at least a 2 week buffer before and after the race.  Things have been timed pretty well and the most stressful part is done.  Assuming I don't get the sort of settlement issues with my Mum's house I told you about in Wanaka that is.

                        5km: 18:34 11/23 │ 10km: 39:10 8/23 │ HM: 1:26:48 9/23 │ M: 3:34:49 6/23


                        2024 Races:

                        Motorway Half Marathon February 25, 2024 1:29:55

                        Christchurch Half-Marathon April 21, 2024 1:27:34

                        Selwyn Marathon June 2, 2024 DNF

                        Dunedin Half Marathon September 15, 2024



                          Time to catch up a bit on things more central to our running lives. 


                          Re: tight calves… my PT didn’t get to recommend new things for the calves, but he did help me with my knee! Don’t know if it’s just a short term fix or if he was able to work out the issue, but it’s feeling a lot better. But thanks mmerkle for the R8 roll recovery tip. I’m going to see if my gym has one of those, because I can’t afford one of my own right now! 

                          Mikkey, do you have any good calf exercises? I do the one where you kind of try to put your foot flat against a wall while standing, or put one against a curb while stepping onto the curb with the other… 


                          Steve, re weather… I do know it gets hotter than 28! I thought you had written only 20 for that one workout, but it looked like it got to 28 to that day. But yeah, dry heat always > humidity! And we also get little breaks after 38 degree days… to like 35 for a few, ha ha 


                          RP, awesome race photo. I always surprise myself that I have a heel strike when it feels like (and my shoes look like) I do a fore-or mid-foot strike most of the time. 

                          Strong workout so soon after the  PR! It bodes really well. 

                          Oh! And yes, Courtney Dauwalter is also too fast for the shorts she wears. But I remember reading somewhere that those are her lucky ones. I think the mental benefit outweighs the negative effects of the drag ;-) 


                          Flavio, running itself is an addiction, and then all those things within it (run streaks, city strides goals, etc.) can end up making them into unhealthy versus functioning addictions sometimes, ha ha. Still, it’s a better addiction than a lot of those other things out there!

                          Also re weather… I think there’s something about cold weather at the start of the season (like Steve, and Mark and the others are experiencing) that is a nice change from the hot, but the body isn’t acclimated yet, making it feel colder. In the spring, any rise in temperature automatically feels more tolerable, because the body is used to the cold by that point. Great that you’re in shorts and t-shirt weather. 

                          As for hydration vests, I certainly wouldn’t call myself an expert. I actually just use a Camelback bladder pack, and that has more back coverage than what you’re looking for. The vest you found looks great! You may find 2 350mL bottles a little less than what you need (especially if it’s a hot day), but I imagine closer to the end of the race, which is when you’ll need more water, the lines to fill up the bottle you have won’t be too long (if any). 

                          Strange that your trail shoes didn’t want to grip the slippery surfaces. I don’t know if road shoes would be better! 

                          And 15mpm at the peak of a steep hill is a solid pace. 


                          Re hills NYC and Boston, took some mental notes for if/when I run those two. 

                          Re heat, you could always do some heat acclimation work if you’re actively worried about it… wear a little more than you normally would on a long run (allow yourself to sweat, but make sure to take a shower immediately afterward, to avoid a cold) or, if you have access to one, spend time in a sauna and even do a few squats or lunges in one after cooking for a while. 


                          JMac, the loss of competitive fire could have had to do with getting sick like you did so soon before the race and maybe feeling like you were doing more 5k prep than race-specific prep. I’m sure it’s only temporary. 

                          re: poor races wearing on you… it feels like that for me with three marathons in a row of sucky warm weather. It was at least consistent (and I guess pretty predictable). But it does make it no fun to sign up for another one and doubt good race conditions. That’s why I’m actively considering CIM now. Watch that be the one year where it’s hot as hell, ha ha. 

                          Winds can mess you up, both physically and mentally. I ran in Blackpool once (western coast of northern England) and it was windy AF. I think gusts got up to 35, with a 25 steady. It was coming from the south too, and it was a straight N-S, N-S-N race. So that very last part was nice, but that first tailwind part prompted many people to go entirely too fast for the first part of the race, and that meant a lot of people lost the race before they got to the halfway point. Sometimes a cross wind can be just as annoying as a headwind. 

                          Well done on your race today! 

                          Also for future races, out of 5? I like the odds! 


                          Re pancakes… all those variations sound amazing. I am too lazy to do any cooking after a run.  


                          Mark, I’m not just impressed at your consistently fast week, but also that you had energy to supervise a birthday party after a long run (beforehand?). 


                          Krash, I commented on your race in the other group, but you didn’t mention you set a new CR there! Or maybe I missed it. But awesome 12 hour distance, win, and CR. Thanks for sharing a bit of the ups and downs. Knowing about the downs ahead of time makes me feel like I can at least expect them, rather than be surprised by them. 


                          Steve, almost an 100k week! Nice one. And congrats on the house sale! Yeah, I was concerned about how that would impact your energy until you mentioned you have movers, so it may be okay. :-) 2.5 weeks is better than the week before! 


                          Fishy, congrats on the PR!! And the AG award! Great pace and awesome that you were able to exceed your goal of 6:30mpm overall. 


                          Darkwave, well done on the negative splits in your 800s! Was that intentional? Also nice 5k test run. It’s smart to practice a shorter race like that before the goal race (which I’m guessing Cherry Blossom will be?). 


                          Dave, 6x 1 miles are one of my favorite workouts. Nice job getting them in the middle of the goal range. Also two great long runs. RE: shins, an important question is if it feels like hard tissue (more like shin splits) or soft tissue (some kind of muscle imbalance discomfort). I would start with icing it and massaging it and see what happens. It could also be a weird nerve thing that is gone tomorrow. That's what I hope for you! 


                          This was a taper week for me. I took it easy, keeping the consistency of the schedule but running less volume and almost no speed (my knee was hurting and I’ve been told there’s no need to overdo it). After seeing my PT Thursday, my knee has been feeling better and I’m starting to get excited about the race next weekend! Doing the biggest taper ever (only 7 miles between T + R), but maybe I add a short run in here or there if I feel the legs are getting stale. I've never done this before, so it's experimentation time. 


                          The barre class Monday was a spur of the moment sign-up. I had to do strength training and have heard there’s a lot of strength work in that class. People weren’t kidding. We did a lot of the exercises that are on my marathon and ultra-training plans. It was also much less boring to be told when/how to do them than figure out the workout by myself. I’ll probably go to them more after the race since it’s included in my gym membership. 


                          Weekly for period: From: 03/13/2023 To 03/19/2023








                          Elevation Gain 

                          in ft


                          Barre Class + swim 



                          00:56:20 + 27:56





                          Evening Run








                          Morning Run








                          Morning Run








                          Morning Long Run w/ WBRRC








                          Afternoon Run







                          Total distance: 34.1 mi running, none cycling (didn’t want to irritate the knee)

                          Qualifications: I like to run. In Florida. In the summer. At noon.  

                          Last race: May 27, Memorial Day 5K, 20:40.6. PR in not ideal conditions! A great way to start the summer.  

                          Running Problem

                          Problem Child


                            Pulse Endurance 12 hour race report


                            The morning started bitter cold and stayed that way for the first 3 hours. Then later in the day it got cold again. Light clouds all day. High in the 40s and lows in 20s. In Eagle Island state park ID there are a few ponds, trees, old farm houses and rivers. Beautiful area. The course was a 2.78 mile loop with 32 ft of vert. 

                            I was able keep goal pace (8:45-9:00) for the first 7-8 hours. The headwind started about 6 hours in. My right hammy started to cramp about 8 hours in. The pace slowed a bit but it didn’t discourage me. I refused to quit. I had a buddy running the 6 hour. He was an added boost. We were able to run several loops together. 

                            In the last hour the open up a smaller loop .3 of a mile. I hit that loop as soon as I could. The headwinds were less and the surface was asphalt. I was able to pick the pace up to a 7:30 for about a half hour. 

                            Finished 1st overall with 76.22 miles in 12 hours. Set a new CR.

                            That’s it? 12 hours of running with a course record and you write three paragraphs. It’s like asking my 5 year old how school was. “I ran, and when it got hard I kept running and then I won.”




                            fishy 1:24?!?!?!? Wow that’s awesome.


                            this place really IS filled with competitive folks. I think there needs to be a comma or two in the title.

                            Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                            VDOT 53.37 

                            5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


                              Morning!  KRASH- WTG I have no understanding of your sport 


                              JMac- I missed your results. Was the wind as brutal there?


                              DK  Taper weeks are tough....I find the only advantage is not to have to worry if a full calendar at work makes me skip a day.  The last few years have taught me I do far better with a larger than average taper.  I still feel "fat and lazy" every time 


                              Thanks to all who commented on the race.  This "team" was absolutely with me when the going got tough....I knew if I slacked off I'd have to face the unflinching gaze (over the web) of Mikkey

                              5K 18:36 (2023), 10K 39:40 (2022), 1/2 1:24:37 (2023), full 2:58:36 (2015) 




                                 DK  Taper weeks are tough....I find the only advantage is not to have to worry if a full calendar at work makes me skip a day.  The last few years have taught me I do far better with a larger than average taper.  I still feel "fat and lazy" every time 



                                That's reassuring, Fishy! Also, yeah I have about 55 hours of work this week, so it's a perfect week not to have to run a lot. But you know, it's harder to bend the head down and get to work than go for a run  


                                wcrunner, you've been consistently running more and faster, and that fast finish is nice to see.

                                Qualifications: I like to run. In Florida. In the summer. At noon.  

                                Last race: May 27, Memorial Day 5K, 20:40.6. PR in not ideal conditions! A great way to start the summer.