Will there be a 2020 Racing Season? (Read 139 times)

    Will there be a 2020 Racing season?


    I've personally been a bum lately with the gyms closed etc...


    I think I'm realizing how much races were motivating to me to train/run...

    figuring out some new goals/motivations at the moment.

    300m- 37 sec.


    Are we there, yet?

      Technically we already have one since there were races in January, February, and the first two weeks of March.  I'm sure somewhere there are people who will insist on putting on a race this fall whether it's really safe or not.  I don't think there will be any medium to large races, probably nothing more than a few hundred runners.

       2024 Races:

            03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

            05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
            06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.




        Yeah I generally agree with wcrunner2. I think you might get some smaller races and maybe some of the majors will happen but with pros only, like they did with Tokyo before everything shut down. I am signed up for a marathon in September and another in December so i am training like those are happening until they arent. But if you made me take a bet I would bet on neither happening. 

        This would be an organizational nightmare but one of them is a somewhat smaller race that only has a couple dozen runners under 3 hours each year (and several hundred athletes overall) so it really would be feasible for me to race it while socially distancing. I get why that isn't something that you can institute though.


          So I voted no, but I'm still hoping to get a few marathons in this fall. Anyone planning on modifying their training plan to hedge against their race being cancelled later? I've been running more than normal already because I have extra time on my hands. I usually start doing longer runs pretty early because I like to ramp up the distance slowly. However this year I feel like it might be worth waiting and compressing the schedule a bit. I figure Boston will be the canary since it's in early September. They will have to make a decision by mid-summer.


          Mmmm Bop

            I’m registered for London (rescheduled to October) but I really can’t see how any medium/large races could safely take place this year as it’s impossible to social distance. Our current lockdown in UK is no more than 2 people gatherings, so I very much doubt that a race with 50k runners will happen 5 months later. And Boston? You’ve got all the crowded transport in buses to the start line before the race has even started...it’s not going to happen....unless injecting bleach actually works?


            Interesting times....a lot of folk will crack up if they can’t participate or watch big sporting events. Do governments risk going down the herd immunity route when there’s no evidence yet to suggest that you can’t get it more than once?

            5k - 17:53 (4/19)   10k - 37:53 (11/18)   Half - 1:23:18 (4/19)   Full - 2:50:43 (4/19)


              ...And Boston? You’ve got all the crowded transport in buses to the start line before the race has even started...it’s not going to happen....


              A lot of races have this problem.    Fontana Days HM in June just got canceled.  It only has about 1000 participants and the course is wide and I really think they could run it in a socially distant way with a staggered start.  EXCEPT there's a 30-minute ride in a schoolbus to the start line.



                Plus add on top that races likely can't go international. Closed borders. Elites may not be able to travel to get to races so elites-only might not be possible at all. I heard one suggested Toronto Waterfront Marathon could become a Canadians only race if they are able to hold it (doubtful) in October. Right now there is no non-essential travel between Canada and the US which pretty much keeps Canadians out of Boston even if it doesn't get cancelled.


                I like the analogy that Boston is the canary.

                Half Fanatic #9292. 

                Game Admin for RA Running Game 2023.

                Half Crazy K 2.0

                  I'm guessing there will be some races that happen (thinking Florida, Georgia or Texas). I doubt the large events will happen.


                  I took the RRCA survery and if races happen with tight guidelines/restrictions in place that were mentioned in the survery, for me, it probably won't be worth it.


                  Mmmm Bop


                    A lot of races have this problem.    Fontana Days HM in June just got canceled.  It only has about 1000 participants and the course is wide and I really think they could run it in a socially distant way with a staggered start.  EXCEPT there's a 30-minute ride in a schoolbus to the start line.


                    June is way too early to be thinking of any races and staggered start times doesn’t guarantee social distancing. Bottom line is that easing any lockdown means getting the economy going again and races I would assume would be near last on the list of what gets back to normal again.

                    5k - 17:53 (4/19)   10k - 37:53 (11/18)   Half - 1:23:18 (4/19)   Full - 2:50:43 (4/19)



                      Races have a lot of volunteers and, depending on the race, police on the course. I think in June, even if a race was held, there's a good likelihood of high DNS runners. How many runners do you need showing up to make these races worth it?

                      Half Fanatic #9292. 

                      Game Admin for RA Running Game 2023.



                        June is way too early to be thinking of any races...


                        I know.  I brought it up as a small example of the problem Boston will be facing - putting participants cheek by jowl on a bus.

                        Half Crazy K 2.0

                          If you have time to read a lengthy doument, here's guidance from RRCA about all the things races need to think about.

                          runnin gal

                            It won't make any difference to me, I'm over 65 and can't see being in a race of any size until there's a reliable vaccine. I'll still be running, but not in a race setting.  And even though I've always enjoyed the fun and energy of a race, I'm finding it's nice to just run without feeling I have to maintain a certain pace or number of miles.  In a way it's like when I first started running nearly 40 yrs ago, I just enjoy the accomplishment and benefits of each run.

                              recently got an update for a race in IL here....


                              half, 10k, 5k....


                              I'm not sure what the limit will be, but the plan is to release a runner every 10 seconds...

                              300m- 37 sec.

                                I would never have guessed that my last race of the year would be March 8th.
