2018 3:20 (and beyond) (Read 582 times)


Mother of Cats

    Ace: Ditto on the congrats for the 2K miles!  18 more miles is the obvious response Smile


    CK - sorry on the ick.  I think you have more than enough time to bounce back for a March race or later, FWIW.


    My week:49 miles of running and 24 "miles" pool-running.

    M: yoga and 9 "miles" of pool-running. Foam-rolling at night.

    T: 11 miles, including three mile repeats in 6:30, 6:23, 6:14, with 2:00 jogged recovery between each. Followed with leg strengthwork and recovery swimming. (yes, there was a gym open on Christmas day). Foam-rolling at night.

    W: 7 miles very easy (9:34), yoga, and then another 5 miles very easy (8:55), followed by drills and strides. Foam-rolling at night.

    Th: Upper body weights/core and 9 "miles" of pool-running. Foam-rolling at night.

    F: 11.5 miles, including four longer hill repeats (2:00 uphill, 1:30 jog, 30 second downhill stride, 1:00 jog) and four short uphill reps (70 seconds uphill, 2:30 jog). Followed with leg strengthwork and recovery swimming. Foam-rolling at night.

    Sa: 10.5 miles very easy (8:52), drills+strides, yoga, and then another 4 very easy (8:50). Foam-rolling at night.

    Su: Upper body weights/core and 6 "miles" of pool-running. Foam-rolling at night.

    Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


    And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.



      80 miles for the week with some quality.  An interval session with 1 mile repeats, an 11 mile progression with mile 10 @ 6:30, a 21 mile long run with some short intervals and strides.


      I couldn't have asked for a better block of training with 1000 miles in the last 3 months.  Only a few minor niggle injuries.  Now for a taper.  Any suggestions on a schedule?

      12-23  Last One Standing  -  Finished 102 miles

      2- 24 Grandmaster 100 - 22:32, 1st place

      4-24. Cappy's Backyard - 17 yards, 1st place

      5-24  Bryce 100 - 29:38, 18th place




      Mother of Cats

        80 miles for the week with some quality.  An interval session with 1 mile repeats, an 11 mile progression with mile 10 @ 6:30, a 21 mile long run with some short intervals and strides.


        I couldn't have asked for a better block of training with 1000 miles in the last 3 months.  Only a few minor niggle injuries.  Now for a taper.  Any suggestions on a schedule?


        Taper is very individual, so hard to give a blanket recommendation.  What taper has historically worked best for your ultras?

        Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


        And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.

        Running Problem

        Problem Child

          Maybe I'll make 2019 a better year. I was short of 2018, then short of 2,000 then 1,900. I guess the upside is I ran 1,892 miles up from 1,627 in 2016 when I ran 3:13 at CIM. I would have hit it if I didn't run Sunday's run with Saturday night.

          Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

          VDOT 53.37 

          5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


          Cobra Commander Keen

            Maybe I'll make 2019 a better year. I was short of 2018, then short of 2,000 then 1,900. I guess the upside is I ran 1,892 miles up from 1,627 in 2016 when I ran 3:13 at CIM. I would have hit it if I didn't run Sunday's run with Saturday night.


            No "maybe" about it. Just do it!

            5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


            Upcoming Races:







              Taper is very individual, so hard to give a blanket recommendation.  What taper has historically worked best for your ultras?


              Well, no taper.  But I don't race Ultras for time.  I could usually do well with just a light week before the race.  Marathon is completely different and I have never had so many big weeks in a row.

              12-23  Last One Standing  -  Finished 102 miles

              2- 24 Grandmaster 100 - 22:32, 1st place

              4-24. Cappy's Backyard - 17 yards, 1st place

              5-24  Bryce 100 - 29:38, 18th place




                Jmac: 2018 is done.

                Road Mile: 5:19 (2017), 5k: 17:09 (2021), 10k: 35:54 (2021), HM: 1:21:55 (2020), M: 2:53:18 (2021)


                RIP Milkman

                  Jmac: 2018 is done.


                  Congrats. I don't drink, so that was just motivation to get you running.



                  J/K obviously buying something. Well done. Send me a link.

                  5K: 16:37 (11/20)  |  10K: 34:49 (10/19)  |  HM: 1:14:57 (5/22)  |  FM: 2:36:31 (12/19) 



                  Running Problem

                  Problem Child

                    (Insert eye roll/head nod/blah blah blah hand) okay DAAAAD



                    No "maybe" about it. Just do it!

                    Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                    VDOT 53.37 

                    5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


                    Duke Of Bad Judgment

                      According to the timestamps, it's already 2019.  Seattle is so behind the times.


                      Beryl: I'm going to ignore Darkwave's advice and give blanket advice.  I'd train for another week, reducing your miles a little bit.  Then I'd reduce more for the second week and keep the workout moderate.  E.g. if you've been doing 40 minutes in a tempo workout, do 20 minutes ~2 weeks out.  The last week, keep the miles low and do the Magness Tension workout (works for a bunch of us) as your only "workout".   Then kick butt in your race.


                      Presumably some turd has or will start a 2019 thread.  See you over there.  Happy New Year to all!



                        Thanks Max, I will look that up.

                        12-23  Last One Standing  -  Finished 102 miles

                        2- 24 Grandmaster 100 - 22:32, 1st place

                        4-24. Cappy's Backyard - 17 yards, 1st place

                        5-24  Bryce 100 - 29:38, 18th place




                        pie man

                          Auburn is a neat little town, glad I decided to check it out (been meaning to for months). Didn’t continue on to the mountains like I wanted, though. Real winter will have to wait.


                          Did a little progression since there was the nice track.  Sevenish down to 6:20, which I’ll take cause I wasn’t feeling super fantastic,


                          bought new shoes with my overtime money.  I was about 100 miles overdue on my last pair.  The place didn’t have GT 2000s and I wasn’t really happy with the last update anyway (had a blister problem, then they mostly distingrated past 100 miles).  Wound up with a pair of new brooks.  They’re a little weird, but I didn’t feel achey when I was in then so I took a chance.  They have some sort of energy return thing and a knit upper part,  I don’t even know who I am any more.


                          happy 2019 everybody, maybe I’ll actually get a ticket to that auburn race this year somehow,

                          11:11 3,000 (recent)


                          pie man

                            Bedlam, that’s what they're called.


                            99 for the motnh

                            1454 for the year.


                            Low and low.

                            11:11 3,000 (recent)

                            Running Problem

                            Problem Child

                              So who dropped the ball on making a new thread? Government shut down kill our future?

                              Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                              VDOT 53.37 

                              5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22

                                brew - I think you'd make a fine turd.  Grab the glory!