Facebook Integration (Read 5812 times)

    Has anyone heard anything further about a facebook integration?
    eric :)

      Has anyone heard anything further about a facebook integration?
      Still working on it.
        By all means post any other suggestions you might have. For instance, do you want to see graphs? Summery info (week totals etc)? PRs? Do you want it to post to friends news feed? etc. Friend challenges?
        a nice display would be the following: with a starting point and a direction, using google maps, show how far someone has run within the current week/month/year or in total e.g., starting in X running east, runner R, who did 100 miles this year, reached point Y (just draw a line in google maps) would give a nice visualization and look impressive tell me if you need any help with that, I think I could program this stuff having the data
          a nice display would be the following: with a starting point and a direction, using google maps, show how far someone has run within the current week/month/year or in total e.g., starting in X running east, runner R, who did 100 miles this year, reached point Y (just draw a line in google maps) would give a nice visualization and look impressive tell me if you need any help with that, I think I could program this stuff having the data
          The only thing you would need an RA API for is to get the mileage; the harder part would be using the Google Maps API.
            That would be cool. Certainly more dramatic that a list of numbers. I'm not really sure how to do the maps part though, you'd have to programatically figure out a destination that was the right distance along roads and roughly the right direction, which strikes me as perhaps difficult. Easier would be to draw a line east around the great circle of the earth...
              I didn't think about streets. just geographical distance. even through oceans (if Google Maps had information about that it would be cool, but only nice to have...) the direction would be nice because a user living close to the west coast could show that he ran to the east coast, a user in Canada might show that he ran to Argentina etc. another possibility would be to give two points (e.g., hometown and the place where you live at the moment) and then to display how many times one ran that distance (from LA to NY and half way back etc.). you're right, all I need is the mileage. I'll try to do something.

                Is there a plan to add any form of API? I have tried the Javascript for data display on blogs and I can only get one to work at once - all other instances seem to fail. An API would mean I could code up some PHP anf do it myself Smile A decent face book plugin would also be excellent publicity for the site! Viral marketing time.
                eric :)

                  mark, I'm working on and off on a REST interface. I haven't worked on it recently because I just want to wrap up the new log. There is a smaple app out there for Face Book. We need to find tune it to reduce the load on my server before it can go live. eric :-)
                    One thing that would help is if you could put together an API for your site. The scripts are fine but they are hard to parse. For example instead of document.write('

                    Powered by RunningAHEAD
                    '); Have a URL I could hit that would return a list of the last 5 workouts and return
                    You know... this shouldn't be so hard to wrap in an intermediate script.

                      That's good new eric...... Will keep an eye on this thread and see what I can write when it appears.

                        Just jumping on this thread to add my vote for a Facebook app. I'd definitely use it, and if you need beta testers, let me know. Wink I'd be happy with a simple box read-out like with the javascript option now. I guess if it updated the mini-feed when you entered a workout, that would be cool. I'm definitely not interested in mapping -- I tried the mymotionbased app on FB, but, even though my profile info is friends-only, I'm still a little wary of web publishing maps of my runs, which mostly go from my house. Thanks for the work on it, and I look forward to seeing what's developed!
                          I would like to add my two cents worth too! There are a bunch of running log applications for facebook that integrate from a parent site, but they are all incredibly lame! Several don't even work/do anything at all! If RA is taking this on it is a massive opportunity to attract new users from other poorly intergrated FB applications. I don't have the tech sav to help, but would love to see the summary graph and a way to challenge your friends. This would bring my more competitive mates off the couch and RunningAHEAD!

                          run for fun!

                          IMKY13 finish!!

                            Just wanted to add my four cents worth (inflation ya know), that I'd love to see a Facebook application for RA as well. And speaking of facebook...how many RAr's have a facebook page and how do we get hooked up as "friends"? Confused I'm not all the tech saavy Undecided

                            Fitness/weight goals for 2014


                            1) STAY INJURY FREE!!!

                            2) Get to 189 lbs by the end of July 2014...and stay there (as of 4-25-14 was at 203 lbs)

                            3) Complete Ironman Chattanooga in under 14 hours

                            4) Break 4 hours in a stand alone marathon (Goal race=Rocket City 12/13/14)

                            5) 4,500 total overall miles for the year:

                                     Swim: 100 miles

                                     Bike: 3,000 miles

                                     Run: 1,400 miles

                            Why is it sideways?

                              Trent, you're on Facebook? No way!