workout comments (Read 1627 times)

Dad, Runner, Programmer

    So, from what it looks like, you want ericSmile to rebuild Facebook for you.


    Sound close?


    I'm not looking for Facebook at all.  I don't post my runs to Facebook because I don't want to clutter up other people's feeds with daily runs.  What I'm asking for is for friends who happen to be looking at each other's logs to have the option to comment on each other's work outs.  Plus, not everyone uses Facebook.  


    The reason I suggested it be controlled by adding friends is it would work as a level of security for who you would want to comment on your work out.  That kind of functionality is hardly unique to Facebook. This is just a feature request that I would be interested in and it seems there are at least a few others who would be interested in it too.  


    Just to be clear, I think ericSmile does an amazing job with this site.  As a web application developer myself, I know how much work is involved in making modifications and enhancements while keeping things running, and I'm very impressed with what he is able to do by himself.

    2015 Goal:For now, keep running!

      I do not use Facebook.


      I was just thinking it would be cool to motivate each other via a simple text box.  Nothing major.


      Maybe not even a 'Friend' type of function, just a text box tied to a date, so you can comment on your fellow runner's workout that day.


      There could be the option to disable it for those that choose not to use it.


      Again, nothing too complex here.   I am just looking for another way to help colleagues continue to motivate each other.

      2012 Goals: 


      • Complete River To Sea Race
      • Bike 1000 Miles
      • Run 300 Miles
      • Lose 15 pounds

        I'm a newbie here so bare with me.  I think just adding a simple text field to allow friends/teammates to post a simple "good job" or some sort of short inpirational post would add significant value.  As a new runner I am looking for all the support and motivation i can get.  I don't really know anything about web development and i don't know if this makes a difference but what if the text for comments had a character limit like in an excel field and a way for the owner to delete unwanted comments or at least a way to flag another user for leaving inappropriate comments.


        Just a few thoughts.  Love the site and can't wait to start using the graphs and all the fun toys.

        eric :)

          I've been meaning to add this functionality but never find the time.  The comment function itself is not hard at all.  I can probably whip it up in a few hours.  However, it requires additional access support (i.e. friends) which turns it into a major project.  It basically turns RA into Daily Mile.  If you're willing to allow anyone or no one to comment on your workouts, I can certainly fast track it.


            I've been meaning to add this functionality but never find the time.  The comment function itself is not hard at all.  I can probably whip it up in a few hours.  However, it requires additional access support (i.e. friends) which turns it into a major project.  It basically turns RA into Daily Mile.  If you're willing to allow anyone or no one to comment on your workouts, I can certainly fast track it.


            Eric .. you think it might be feasible to allow anyone to comment, but the owner gets to approve the comment before it becomes public?

            I dont sweat. I ooze liquid awesome.

            Dad, Runner, Programmer

              I've been meaning to add this functionality but never find the time.  The comment function itself is not hard at all.  I can probably whip it up in a few hours.  However, it requires additional access support (i.e. friends) which turns it into a major project.  It basically turns RA into Daily Mile.  If you're willing to allow anyone or no one to comment on your workouts, I can certainly fast track it.


              Hi Eric Smile


              I would love any implementation of this. I think having the option of anyone or no one is perfect. For the people that don't want this feature, they can leave it turned off.  But, for some of us, it would be awesome! I was thinking that making this work with a whole friend concept would turn this into a bigger project than what is needed at this point.


              Thanks for all of your effort, and as always, your quick response.

              2015 Goal:For now, keep running!

              Feeling the growl again

                I've been meaning to add this functionality but never find the time.  The comment function itself is not hard at all.  I can probably whip it up in a few hours.  However, it requires additional access support (i.e. friends) which turns it into a major project.  It basically turns RA into Daily Mile.  If you're willing to allow anyone or no one to comment on your workouts, I can certainly fast track it.


                I think this easy solution is perfectly acceptable...perfect, in fact, if there is a button to delete a particular comment.  I don't think it would be used much, but there are always a few people out there...


                With or without it, the feature is great.  If someone starts getting a lot of comments they don't like having there they can always turn it off.

                "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills




                  Eric, I am impressed.


                  As I am still a bit of a newbie around here, I must say that your quick response is GREAT!  Just the fact that you are even listening to requests and engaging in discourse is comforting.


                  I think a simple 'anyone' or 'no one' function would do the trick.  If people want it they can use it, if not, just turn it off.  Nice and easy!


                  Again, thank you so much for your quick response and efforts.

                  2012 Goals: 


                  • Complete River To Sea Race
                  • Bike 1000 Miles
                  • Run 300 Miles
                  • Lose 15 pounds

                  not bad for mile 25

                    Although I'm wondering if you'd need the ability to block certain (obnoxious) users.


                    (Also, I'm wondering why anyone would care to even look at my workouts. :-o  Maybe just a personal problem.)

                      Isn't this what the "Look What I Can Do" board is for?

                      There was a point in my life when I ran. Now, I just run.


                      We are always running for the thrill of it

                      Always pushing up the hill, searching for the thrill of it

                        I've been meaning to add this functionality but never find the time.  The comment function itself is not hard at all.  I can probably whip it up in a few hours.  However, it requires additional access support (i.e. friends) which turns it into a major project.  It basically turns RA into Daily Mile.  If you're willing to allow anyone or no one to comment on your workouts, I can certainly fast track it.


                        I'd be excited about the anyone or no one approach (especially if it only requires a few hours work to develop) just to get the comment feature started. Hopefully, a future feature that allows the owner to delete comments could be implemented.


                        I love the site Eric and thanks for your amazing support!


                          I'm not looking for Facebook at all.  I don't post my runs to Facebook because I don't want to clutter up other people's feeds with daily runs.


                          Just so you know, friends can hide your posts from RunningAhead.   I was concerned about that at first too until friends told me that could happen if someone wanted to, and that they like reading my run posts each day. (Most my friends are runners, too.) 

                          Just a dude.

                            Isn't this what the "Look What I Can Do" board is for?


                            Kinda, but not really...


                            Look What I Can Do is great for achievements.... but what about someone wanting to say that they think your training is looking really consistent? Or how about looking at a workout that went wrong and giving a pointer or some encouragement? Plus, for me, posting in a thread that I ran such and such feels like I am fishing for a compliment.  If someone cared enough to look at my log and post an atta boy, that would say a lot more to me...



                            Getting back in shape... Just need it to be a skinnier shape... 

                              Have the workout comments been changed?


                              Workout comments: <input id="ctl00_ctl00_ctl00_ctl00_SiteContent_PageContent_MainContent_OptionsContent_WorkoutComments" checked="checked" name="ctl00$ctl00$ctl00$ctl00$SiteContent$PageContent$MainContent$OptionsContent$WorkoutComments" type="checkbox" /><label>Allow other users to comment on my workouts</label>


                              Nevermind, found the answer to my question.

                              Get off my porch

