Sub 1:30 Half Marathon in 2018 (Read 704 times)

Running Problem

Problem Child

    My week. Saturday I wasn't feeling it. Had to stop the run because my 6 week old son wasn't napping but even when I stopped my HR was in the 165-167+ (threshold) rand for me. Apparently I'm not in "6.8 mph at Incline 3 on a treadmill" shape. Tuesday was 8x10 1 minute repeats. I thought I was doing 7:00 pace but apparently not. Garmin said almost spot on 6:45 for each repeat. Working on a 5K goal of sub 20 using information from here. I need to add in the tempo/threshold runs. I also need to start getting more 8-15 mile runs at least 1. I need to keep looking at the 5K outline so I can know what needs work. I'd hate to go out and BONK a 5k. Sub 20 is 6:26 so I might aim for 6:30 repeats for the 5-10 x 2 minute repeats tomorrow.


    Weekly Summary
    Monday, Jan 15, 2018 thru Sunday, Jan 21, 2018

    <tfoot> </tfoot>
    Day Miles Pace Description Link
    Mon 7.5 9:05 That time I got all my chores done. strava
    Tue 6.7 9:14 That time you can wait 5 minutes. strava
    Thu 8.4 9:02 That time I MOOSE not pack in the dark strava
    Fri 5.5 8:45 That time he is sleeping. strava
    Sat 2.4 9:33 That time I didn’t feel like running anyway strava
    Sun 10.0 10:18 That time I started feeling better. strava
      40.5 9:22    

    Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

    VDOT 53.37 

    5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22



      Enric - Welcome.


      Mark - Ditto on the pre-dawn track workouts.  I only run a few per year, but they're probably the ones I appreciate the most.  I go to a high school track, usually running 4x1200 at what winds up being a little faster than 5k pace, so by the end I'm not totally exhausted but am definitely tired in a good way.  One time last year, as I was on my third interval and too focused to pay attention to anything outside my limited view, five high schoolers came out of nowhere to silently pass me in the darkness.  Turns out they had started 200s.  Another time the football field sprinklers came on during my second interval, and I was soaked a couple of times per lap the rest of the way - welcome since it was warm with high humidity.  At the start when it's dark, I'm in my own world that's about 50 meters square.  As the workout progresses, my field of vision expands as the sky starts to get lighter.  This also gives me a visual cue that I'm getting nearer the end, which I think unconsciously encourages me to keep pushing.  I usually feel good for several hours after track workouts, more than after any other kind except races.

      Post-1987 PRs:  Half 1:30:14 (2019); 10K 39:35 (2019); 5K 19:12 (2017); Mile 5:37.3 (2020)

      '24 Goals: consistency, age-graded PRs, half < 1:32


        Sorry for the absence guys, have had a couple of super busy weeks with work and home improvement. We are doing a kitchen remodel all DIY, and when I had my big Daniels workout scheduled I was stuck under the house to finish up some plumbing to make sure my family would have heat and water in the house by the time I finished. Then had several days in a boat for work, with the result I was completely wiped every evening when I got home. Combining that with some more DIY plumbing on the weekend led to me only logging 2 short days of running that week. Last week was better, with a work trip to Washington DC, but I ended up with 25 miles total for the week, including a 10x2 min interval workout that went better than I thought.


        I also managed to sign up for the Amsterdam Marathon in October with some old friends from Norway so now I know what my goal race will be in the fall .

        5k: 20:32 (1/17)  |  HM: 1:34:37 (2/18)  |  FM: 3:31:37 (3/18)


        Getting back into it

        running metalhead


          I also managed to sign up for the Amsterdam Marathon in October with some old friends from Norway so now I know what my goal race will be in the fall .


          Hey nice!


          Weather uses  to be quite mild  here during and the Amsterdam Marathon there's even some sun Wink

          I am not sure if I am going to run this one this year, if yes we will meet there, if not , then 'veel success'   (doesn't need translation, does it?)

          - Egmond ( 14 januari )            :  1:41:40 (21K)
          - Vondelparkloop ( 20 januari ) :  0:58.1 (10K but did 13.44!!!)
          - Twiskemolenloop ( 4 maart )  :   1:35:19 (3th M45!)

          - Ekiden Zwolle (10K)   ( 25 maart )
          - Rotterdam Marathon ( 8 april )
          - Leiden Marathon Halve ( 27 mei )
          - Marathon Amersfoort ( 10 juni)


            Hi guys,

            Enric: welcome!

            Mark: I hope you are enjoying our winter.  I imagine how hard is to leave summer for snowboarding.

            Good weeks so far and it seems nobody is complaining about his/her injuries.

            Me: A weird week, good couple of runs, back pain on Saturday prevented me from running.  So the long run was done on Sunday.  The strange thing was that I finished completely empty when I didn't really push.

            Weekly Summary
            Monday, Jan 15, 2018 thru Sunday, Jan 21, 2018

            <tfoot> </tfoot>
            Day Miles Pace Description Link
            Tue 8.1 7:13 Tempo 7Km@4:09 strava
            Wed 9.2 7:36 15k with strides at the end. Coming back! strava
            Thu 4.4 18:26 Indoor soccer strava
            Fri 7.4 7:56 12k Easy Run strava
            Sun 19.7 8:10 Hamster is out of the wheel strava
              48.8 8:45    

            English Villian


              Hey nice!


              Weather uses  to be quite mild  here during and the Amsterdam Marathon there's even some sun Wink

              I am not sure if I am going to run this one this year, if yes we will meet there, if not , then 'veel success'   (doesn't need translation, does it?)


              Would you recommend the Amsterdam marathon? (I'm in the UK).

              If I do another one I would quite like something not in England.

              running metalhead


                Would you recommend the Amsterdam marathon? (I'm in the UK).

                If I do another one I would quite like something not in England.


                Sure. The organisation is good, I don't know the ones of London or Berlin, but it's in this league. It is less hilly than Berlin, even though people in Berlin say it's pancake flat: To me it felt like the Alps, LOL. 

                Amsterdam is also way closer than Berlin, and we have parrots Wink

                Thus, nice flat and fast course, good weather (we suffer the same weather as the UK)  and parrots, what do you want more ?

                - Egmond ( 14 januari )            :  1:41:40 (21K)
                - Vondelparkloop ( 20 januari ) :  0:58.1 (10K but did 13.44!!!)
                - Twiskemolenloop ( 4 maart )  :   1:35:19 (3th M45!)

                - Ekiden Zwolle (10K)   ( 25 maart )
                - Rotterdam Marathon ( 8 april )
                - Leiden Marathon Halve ( 27 mei )
                - Marathon Amersfoort ( 10 juni)


                  Enric - welcome! And great to see another fellow metalhead on the thread too!  Sorry for the late welcome (I'm on holiday at the moment).


                  Rune - nice job signing up for the Amsterdam Marathon!


                  BrewingRunner - nice week and great TM descriptions (competition for Keen!!)


                  Jaime - I prefer winter to summer, if I'm being honest!  Snowboarding here has been great so far with a 20cm powder day today.  Practically no lift lines and lots of friendly Canadians!! Also quite a lot of Australians but hey that's not their fault haha.


                  Me - my runs at the moment are short, hilly, and hard.  I guess that's what comes of trying to run outside on snowy mountain roads!! Fortunately the village roads are quiet-ish and there are a few trails so I have been able to get a few runs in and will keep that going.  Definitely notice the altitude difference versus being at home - makes the hills harder!

                  3,000m: 9:07.7 (Nov-21) | 5,000m: 15:39 (Dec-19) | 10,000m: 32:34 (Mar-20)  

                  10km: 33:15 (Sep-19) | HM: 1:09:41 (May-21)* | FM: 2:41:41 (Oct-20)

                  * Net downhill course

                  Last race: Runway5 / National 5k Champs, 16:22, National Masters AG Champ!

                  Up next: Still working on that...

                  "CONSISTENCY IS KING"


                  RIP Milkman

                    Hey everyone. So excited to see how many people are in the thread this year. Just a quick update on my progress.


                    I'm still battling my left foot. I've gone to three PT / trigger point therapy combination appointments to try to get this thing to resolve. My doctor is pretty convinced it's something in my hip/legs that's wreaking havoc on my foot, i.e. it's not something directly related to the foot. I really believe it because I don't generally have problems below my knees, so it just felt odd that it would come out of nowhere with only a few 4-6 mile runs after taking two weeks off after the marathon.


                    I have good and bad days with it. I'm working very hard on getting it out, but things are still pretty cautious. I did run for the first time in 4 weeks yesterday. The pain wasn't terrible, but it generally doesn't show up extensively until longer into runs. So for now, I'm going to keep it at this distance for a while and just build up some strength back in my legs. I will say that after not running for 4 weeks, you quickly realize where your weak spots are. I've never felt like my hips were a weak spot in a run before, but man did they hurt towards the end of it. It shows me something I've known along: the hips are a key part of my weakness and something I should be continually strengthening.


                    Hope everyone is doing well. Unless this thing really shuts me down for another period, I should be back on this thread for good, although I won't be running anything exciting for at least 2 months!

                    5K: 16:37 (11/20)  |  10K: 34:49 (10/19)  |  HM: 1:14:57 (5/22)  |  FM: 2:36:31 (12/19) 



                      Jmac thats very frustrating but not forever so hang in there. I started doing lunges and core stuff a couple of months ago to improve weak hips etc.


                      Mark looks like you are having an awesome snowboarding holiday. I dont know much about powder but imagine its like glassy surf with a nice swell running . Good to see you drop below 4.30/km pace haha.


                      Enric welcome.


                      Rune nice job on the DIY and plumbing front !


                      Watson good to see you back and logging good miles. Yes sorry Vic University !


                      Jaimegu 48 miles very nice. Back problems are very common in middle age.


                      Kittenkat my brother is out visiting from England, he lives in Crowborough Sussex. Not a runner although has done London years ago in 3.48. Hes better than me in everything in life....except I ran 2.54 marathon 


                      Lat week I had vey low energy and was sleeping alot so my running suffered to 27kms and this week the surf is pumping so I am been distracted 28kms so far with one day left. Good thing about surfing is it gives me a good upper body workout with all the paddling.

                      55+ PBs 5k 18:36 June 3rd TT

                      " If you don't use it you lose it,  but if you use it, it wears out.

                      Somewhere in between is about right "      


                        Hello everyone. My aim in 2018 is to break the 100 minutes and to get as close as possible to 90. My first half was 3 months ago and 113 minutes. I will probably run 2-3 hm's this year. Let me know if this is good enough to join this thread!



                        HM: 1:47 (9/20) I FM: 3:53:11 (9/23)


                        2024 Goals: run a FM & HM + stay healthy!


                        Cobra Commander Keen

                          James - I have a similar feeling when doing pre-dawn workouts on the track. I haven't gotten to do any recently though, as the track has been closed while it and the football field are completely redone.


                          Rune - I hope all of the home improvement stuff has gone well. I hate doing that, myself. For one reason or another projects that should be very simple end up being nightmares for me.


                          JMac - Here's hoping for more good days and that you get your issues sorted out.


                          Shameless copy/paste from the sub-3:20 thread:


                          A sad, all-indoors week from me this time. I need to do some calibration or calculation regarding the pace on the treadmill, or see about using my Stryd for pace/distance. There's just no way I'm getting those paces with these HR numbers.


                          Monday, Jan 22, 2018 thru Sunday, Jan 28, 2018

                          <tfoot> </tfoot>

                          Day Miles Pace Description HR Link
                          Mon 8.1 8:14 Treadmill feature: Star Wars. Yes, the original. 135 (69%) strava
                          Tue 1.0 8:55 Footpod calibration stuff 155 (79%) strava
                          Tue 6.7 8:45 Treadmill podcast: Ten Junk Miles, episode 50. 138 (70%) strava
                          Wed 8.5 8:03 Treadmill album: Evanescence - Origin 134 (68%) strava
                          Thu 8.5 7:08 3x 2 mi @ LT w/ 2 min recovery 160 (82%) strava
                          Fri 9.1 7:46 *Placeholder for clever treadmill run name* 137 (70%) strava
                          Sat 13.3 8:02 1st tready LR. Missing the Landrunners, + Ten Junk Miles ep 51. 131 (67%) strava
                            55.2 7:59

                          5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


                          Upcoming Races:






                            I’m continuing to gradually get back in shape after a bad case of the flu.  Still coughing some, but it’s not getting worse, and my running is heading in the right direction.  Am surprised my quads are sore since I'm not going that far or that hard, but maybe it's a carryover from being on the treadmill all last week.


                            Sun - off

                            Mon - 6.2 miles very slowly, slowing each of my four loops around the park.  8:44/mile

                            Tues - 6.2 slow, stopping every half-mile for exercises

                            Weds - off

                            Thurs - 6.2 easy, more steady pace.  8:27/mile

                            Fri - 6.2 easy, stopping every ¾-mile for exercises

                            Sat - 6.2 easy to moderate, felt stronger.  8:19/mile


                            Total - 31 miles


                            Hope to add a few miles next week and gradually start a base period with 35-40 mpw.

                            Post-1987 PRs:  Half 1:30:14 (2019); 10K 39:35 (2019); 5K 19:12 (2017); Mile 5:37.3 (2020)

                            '24 Goals: consistency, age-graded PRs, half < 1:32


                            Not an 80%er


                              PRs: 1500 4:54.1 2019 - 5K 17:53 2023 - 10K 37:55 2023 - HM 1:21:59 2021

                              Up next: some 800m race (or time trials)

                              Tool to generate Strava weekly

                                Thanks for asking Flavio. I will give a bit more info on my background.


                                About myself: I am Phil, from all over Europe. I live in Switzerland now. 37 & male. Married, two kids both in school. They are awesome. I am an office slave in Finance - nothing too exciting but work life balance is great.


                                Background: started running last year in July (2017), following JD's half marathon plan. I had been jogging before but just half ass. I had a shoulder injury that prevented me from tennis and that's when I decided to train for a half. The plan was designed for 12 weeks. I had a 14k race mid August that went really bad - it took me bloody 80 minutes and I felt like crap afterwards. I wasn't too sure whether I would be able to complete 21k...My aim was to stay below 2hrs and had I not gotten myself a patella tendonosis, I would have been closer to 1:45. Well, volume was light between 30-50kpw during the preparation but I made the typical mistake of too much quality in relation to the mileage. I was doing my long runs on the weekends with a triathlete and we pushed ourselves hard. And I was doing the quality sessions that JD has in his plans on top. 3 weeks prior to the race I had to cut back and have been battling the patella since.


                                Current status: I am currently running 4 times a week for a total of around 30km. I had taken November and Dec completely off and have restarted slowly. I had done all sorts of rehab including excentric squats, laser, rolling, resting. The patella didn't get any better. Now I massage and use heating pads and that works quite well. I will keep my current mileage for another week and then add another day of running. I know the key to faster times is higher easy mileage. By increasing slowly I hope not to damage my Patella, which has been improving slowly.


                                Races: I definetly want to do the same half again this year - that would be at the end of October. And the mid August 14k. Besides that I will try to run 1-2 additional half races.


                                Other hobbies:
                                - family
                                - snowboarding
                                - tennis

                                HM: 1:47 (9/20) I FM: 3:53:11 (9/23)


                                2024 Goals: run a FM & HM + stay healthy!