What's the (or one of) the funniest things that's happened to you when running/ racing? (Read 1242 times)


    Now you know why cotton isn't a bad thing to have around when running.... There's been a couple runs I came back having given up at least part of a shirt.....

    You'll ruin your knees!

      Now you know why cotton isn't a bad thing to have around when running.... There's been a couple runs I came back having given up at least part of a shirt.....
      Bwaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaa! Too funny! I was in a 100 mile trail race once and learned just how creative some people are in shaving time off their result! I noticed in a dusty trail these "water marks" and thought to myself, "Self, (that's what I go by when it's only me) it's a shame that somebody has a leaky water bottle on such a hot/dry day." Later on in the race, I notice a guy about 5 yards in front of me with a really unusual gait and just about the time I begin to study his gait closer, a female runner appears at the top of the hill ahead of both of us, coming our way. He spins around to hide what he's up to...well let's just say I immediately knew that no one had a leaky water bottle! Shocked Undecided Lynn B

      ""...the truth that someday, you will go for your last run. But not today—today you got to run." - Matt Crownover (after Western States)


        heh. I've done that on a training run or two. There's been a couple times, in the Army when we're out in the field, I would come back with sleeveless t-shirts. That, and empty canteens. Hey, it works.

        Now that was a bath...

          Kirsten the other day...
          Ahhh...that explains the blood running down your legs while you run... Wink
          Kirsten today...
          Man, I hope Claire will post her recent TMI running experience... Wink k
          Well seeing as you asked so nicely Cool my post in the girly forum... "Dude - Where's my tampon?"
          I get half way through a blissful 6K run this morning when a sudden and mortifying thought hits me as I realise that I am 'sweatier' than usual downstairs. 'Did I remember to put a new tampon in when I removed the old one?' It's hard to look down there and run (try it some time) so I stop and pretend to alter my laces. Hmmmmmm. Definitely a problem there. I can't decide whether to run fast and get home quickly or to waddle slowly and try and keep my legs together. I opted for a mix of the two which totally screwed my pace and made me look exceptionally stupid. Being summer I didn't even have an extra layer that I could remove and tie around my waist! This was my biggest running nightmare. Well that - or defecating during a long run. I remember reading a blog of an amateur runner who had an 'accident' towards the end of a marathon and had to keep running. My husband got evicted from the shower so I could clean up and he asked the stupid question - 'Why didn't you put one in for the run?' I don't know John. I like to paint and run at the same time! Modified to say 'I should have posted this on the 'general running' forum. I am sure the men would have appeciated it'
          Claire xxx
        • jlynnbob "HTFU, Kookie's distal tibia"
        • Where's my closet? I need to get back in it.


            OMG, that post still cracks me up! Big grin

            Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

            remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                 ~ Sarah Kay

            My dogs are fast, not me

              OMG, that post still cracks me up! Big grin
              The title alone....


                A couple funnies, both scatological. If potty humor offends, you better skip the following: First story: Running the 1997 Chicago marathon, my first. I had not been warned that marathoners have a tendency to just go to the bathroom whereever they feel the urge. So I was shocked and highly amused at mile 5 to see three women walk about 30 feet off the road and all simultaneously drop their shorts and squat to take care of business. I'm not sure what was funnier: the fact that I was being mooned by three women, the fact that they couldn't bother to find a port-a-potty (or a bush or a car to hide behind), the fact that they all did it together (what? is that a group activity now?) ... or just the fact that this was only 5 miles into the race. Who the heck can't hold it for 5 miles? I've seen it enough now so it's not quite as funny ... but that first time had me giggling for miles. .
                Come to Philadelphia. During my Philadelphia Marathon run in 2005 within the first few miles there were several walls of men peing on buildings. After seing that I put a mental note NEVER to touch any of the buildings that are on the Philadelpha Marathon route!

                Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson

                  One of the funniest things that's happened to me is I raced a turkey. A real turkey. I was running one winter morning and there were snowbanks on either side of the road about 2-3 feet high. Well I come around a small bend and there are a bunch of wild turkeys in the road--this is on a pretty busy stretch of suburban road too. Anhow they all sort of scatter--turkeys cand fly when they want to--except this one. He/she starts running away from me. Slowly, at about my pace. So I'm about 6 meters behind this thing and it's running along in the same direction as me. This went on for a few hundred yards. A guy in a passing car thought it was so funny he rolled down his window to laught at me. "What?" I said, "I'm taking my turkey for a run." The turkey eventually turned off into a driveway and let me right on by. He knew he couldn't hold me off much longer.
                  Hilarious! We have turkeys all over the place here too, although I've never taken any for a run! In the summer, it's goose time. They don't run away from you, though. They run AT you, especially the mammas! I try to avoid geese at all costs! Big grin
                    You'd be surprised. Smart biological management is critical. Don't laugh. Potty threads serve an important purpose. For example - I now take a roll of toilet paper with me to every single race.
                    This is good advice! Useful even when you're not in a race! On a regular run or two, I've been known to come back with only one sock! LOL Big grin

                      Where do new runners come from? .................... I was just wondering - because it's clear from this thread that most of us are way too gross to ever reproduce. This thread should probably be classified. This kind of information in the hands of non-runners might be dangerous. To my sex life. On the plus side, I never really understood the phrase "too much information." But I think I get it now. Yes

                      E-mail: eric.fuller.mail@gmail.com

                        Where do new runners come from? .................... I was just wondering - because it's clear from this thread that most of us are way too gross to ever reproduce. This thread should probably be classified. This kind of information in the hands of non-runners might be dangerous. To my sex life. On the plus side, I never really understood the phrase "too much information." But I think I get it now. Yes
                        Bwahhahahahahahahaha! (whispers) "Come on. We know your drawer is one sock short too!" Big grin
                          OK, this was just a little weird. One of those really hot, hazy nights, It was just starting to get dark I had sweat in my eyes. I was running along and i hear this sound like Ting, Ting. I just keep moving and again with Ting, Ting. I stopped and started walking trying to figure out what that sound was. All of the sudden i see this Med-evil group practicing sword fighting and for about 5 seconds (seemed like 5 minutes) I thought i was back in time. thank goodness i only had a little more to go. Confused

                            When I was a kid, a long time ago, me and a bunch of my friends used to ride our bikes on long trips to the beach, 25-35 miles each way. Our bikes were all equiped with an odometer, so we could log all of the miles we travelled. One day, after about 20 miles into a 50 mile their-and-back trip, our group was descending a long hill, and there was the sound of cracking plastic, as something fell to the ground off one of our bikes. We all stopped and saw that the odometer had fallen off one of my friend's bikes, and broke into a million pieces. He was quite upset about it, so much so, that he didn't want to continue, and we couldn't really understand why he would make such a fuss over a cheap bicycle odometer. Well after a few minute of him fuming, we found out what was really bothering him - since his odometer was now broken, he had lost the only record of the long miles he had covered on his bicycle, and any additional miles, for that trip, would not be recorded. This make me think of running and logging miles on RunningAHEAD. What would we do if the RunningAHEAD web site computer crashed, and all of our data were lost? How would we feel? Shocked This also makes me wonder, will I ever run without concern for the miles covered? The pace maintained? The calories burned? Will I ever run just for the enjoyment of it? I think that's where I'd like to be some day.

                              Kay, I do realize this thread is 3 years old, but it still cracks me up =D

                              Sulphur Springs 50km-- Ancaster, ON-- May 28, 2022

                              Tally in the Valley 12 hours-- Dundas, ON -- July 30, 2022 (Support SickKids Toronto)

                              Stokely Creek-- 56km-- Sault Ste. Marie, ON-- Sept. 24, 2022


