Jogging... Not. (Read 2593 times)

    So let me poke this thread by asking a question. Is it offensive if I call myself a jogger? I kind of like the term.


    The answer may seem obvious, but what if I'm a lot faster than someone who is militant about being called a runner?

    A Saucy Wench

      So let me poke this thread by asking a question. Is it offensive if I call myself a jogger? I kind of like the term.


      The answer may seem obvious, but what if I'm a lot faster than someone who is militant about being called a runner?

      You are going to offend someone no matter what you do.  Call yourself whatever you want. 

      I have become Death, the destroyer of electronic gadgets


      "When I got too tired to run anymore I just pretended I wasnt tired and kept running anyway" - dd, age 7


        Everything is offensive to someone.  I don't worry too much about that (shocker, I know.)


        I call my blog the hobbyjogger chronicles.  If someone becomes offended by that it's their issue.

        Runners run


          Jinx, Ennay, you owe me a coke or something.

          Runners run


            There are other things more offensive about you, Pete. 




            Actually, I totally get the question.  It is similar to when I tell people "I'm slow" (which I do a lot because I believe I am based on the amount of training I do) and someone within earshot (or readshot, if I write it) has marathon times slower than mine.  I come across sounding not-nice or perhaps condescending and what I said about me gets projected onto them *sometimes*.  Everybody's different, we all have different goals, different abilities, and different amounts of time/effort we can put into running.  It's just running anyway.  Or jogging.


            Anyway... I think I should come up with better language for describing my situation, and I continue to try to do that while not going the other way and delude myself into thinking I'm rocket ship galileo.  Or making it sound like I think that.  I just run. Or jog.   The j word is interesting because to some folks it implies a judgment about slow/fast, and you may not even be meaning that.  Or maybe you are, but you are applying it to yourself in certain situations.


            Ah, screw all that.  You are faster than me.  Jog, my ass.




            Someone will always get offended.  Except mikey and ennay.  And anyone with a name ending in y.


              Anyway... I think I should come up with better language for describing my situation, and I continue to try to do that while not going the other way and delude myself into thinking I'm rocket ship galileo.  Or making it sound like I think that.  I just run. Or jog.   The j word is interesting because to some folks it implies a judgment about slow/fast, and you may not even be meaning that.  Or maybe you are, but you are applying it to yourself in certain situations.



              This sort of thing is an endless struggle for me. Lots of times I want to express the thought to someone: "I have much more respect for what you accomplished today than I did." But if I finished a long way in front of them it always comes across wrong, patronizing or worse.


              And it looks like it won't happen this year, but I've always wanted to be the over-50 jogger who breaks 3 hours.Smile

              A Saucy Wench

                This is why I stopped trying not to offend people.  When I was struggling with my nerve problem before it was properly diagnosed my running did weird things.  I'd be fine and then I would "bonk".  I wouldnt be tired, I wouldnt be winded, my legs would just not respond to my body telling it to move.  So I had several races where I would be cranking along just fine and be somewhere at least NEAR my normal race pace.  And then I would suddenly slow and not be able to go much above a "recovery pace"  (was going to say jog, but thought better of it). 


                Needless to say I was not happy with my race times. 


                Apparently not being happy with your race time is offensive to anyone who is slower than that.  I am supposed to be happy about my race time as long as there is one human being on the planet who finished slower.   Anything else is stupid and condescending. 

                I have become Death, the destroyer of electronic gadgets


                "When I got too tired to run anymore I just pretended I wasnt tired and kept running anyway" - dd, age 7


                  Anyway... I think I should come up with better language for describing my situation, and I continue to try to do that while not going the other way and delude myself into thinking I'm rocket ship galileo. 


                  How about, "I'm as slow as DK for someone who runs as much as DK."?

                  "Because in the end, you won't remember the time you spent working in the office or mowing your lawn.  Climb that goddamn mountain."

                  Jack Kerouac


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                    How about, "I'm as slow as DK for someone who runs as much as DK."?


                    It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.

                      Definitely makes me want a pair of Pearl Izumis....


                      ...WAIT! I figured it out! You're a runner if you wear Pearl Izumis! That is the secret!!!


                      Conundrum. Solved.

                      2012: Just run.

                        ok so im a jogger......... see u later.. im going out for a run

                        Roses Revenge

                          One of the coaches in my training group says that anyone who gets up to go out with the group at 5 AM on Saturday morning in the dark and the rain is a runner - even if they walk.


                          I don't mind faster runners lamenting about being slow.  If I'd started doing this when I was as young as they are, I'd probably be faster than I am.  But, I didn't.  And I'm not.  And it's okay.

                          Marathon Maniac #991 Half Fanatic #58 Double Agent #22  It's a perfect day and I feel great!

                          I look my best blurry!

                            One of the coaches in my training group says that anyone who gets up to go out with the group at 5 AM on Saturday morning in the dark and the rain is a runner - even if they walk.


                            I don't mind faster runners lamenting about being slow.  If I'd started doing this when I was as young as they are, I'd probably be faster than I am.  But, I didn't.  And I'm not.  And it's okay.


                            I wannabe like you.  You're way cooler than most.    
