2018 3:20 (and beyond) (Read 582 times)


    Jim: That sounds like an awesome / anxious adventure. Glad you were able to do it. Thanks for sharing!


    Dwave and RLK: I honestly can't remember if I already told you all CONGRATS!! on here or not. I know I did on strava. I can't wait for the RR. Now enjoy some rest!


    Brew: I wish you could send your treadmill this way. I think I'd run more if I had one at home, but I really do hate running on them, so who knows. Best of luck pursuing the new position at work and getting back to training. You've got some good motivators to get out there, i.e. beer from me, not getting killed by Max, 4/20/20 with imaginary friends!


    Cal: I missed your result. How'd it go?!?!


    Trying to get motivated over here. I've ran the last 6 days which is a good sign. My hamstrings still feel tight from Indy. I feel like they need to be about 3 inches longer.  I also need some more sunshine in my life. We're getting 1-2 days of sun here right now and on my work days I leave and return home in the dark.  Still planning on speed cycle in the spring, but keep debating doing a spring Marathon instead. Who knows.

    Road Mile: 5:19 (2017), 5k: 17:09 (2021), 10k: 35:54 (2021), HM: 1:21:55 (2020), M: 2:53:18 (2021)


    Mother of Cats

      Thanks very much guys - Jim - I did recognize you.  It was crazy.  Thank you so much for cheering!


      And thanks to all for the kind words, it means a lot.  I am very very tired right now - I flew home yesterday, leaving my hotel at 5:45 am local time, and getting home around 5:45 pm east coast time, so 9 hours of travel, 3 of which was getting from the airplane deboarding to my house.  I had the misfortune to arrive back in the DC area at the same time as the casket of President George H. W. Bush, which made getting home difficult, since he was between the airport and my house.


      I'm also really sore.  This is the most I've hurt after a marathon in a really long time.  I think it's because I started having some muscle and gait issues fairly early, and was managing them the whole race.


      As for thread choices - I don't think you're getting rid of me that easily on 3:20 (too much cat talk here), though I do intend to drop in regularly on the sub-3.  I don't know where this talk about me being too fast for that thread comes from - from what I can see, I'd be one of the slower runners there (not that I think I'd be rejected for that reason).


      However, since it's December, we do need to start recruiting for 3:20 Thread Usurper and Ruthless Dictator 2019.  I've enjoyed my reign of terror, but not sure the natives can survive it much longer.


      Race report is here.

      Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


      And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


      RIP Milkman



        As for thread choices - I don't think you're getting rid of me that easily on 3:20 (too much cat talk here), though I do intend to drop in regularly on the sub-3.  I don't know where this talk about me being too fast for that thread comes from - from what I can see, I'd be one of the slower runners there (not that I think I'd be rejected for that reason).



        Race report is here.


        As I said earlier, you are the fastest person on this forum. We would be honored to have you in sub 3.


        Also, great race report. I'm considering CIM and I liked a lot of your little tidbits about the race. Also, running with (by?) a bunch of RA people is so cool!

        5K: 16:37 (11/20)  |  10K: 34:49 (10/19)  |  HM: 1:14:57 (5/22)  |  FM: 2:36:31 (12/19) 






          So....my first thought is - you need to be setting your paces according to your current fitness, and not your goal fitness.  So the 3:20 goal here is irrelevant, other than whether your workouts indicate it's reasonable or not.


          (and despite my statement just above - it's very important that the goal of your workouts be to provoke a physiological response, not to validate fitness...)


          Did the 6 miles at 7:00 pace feel hard but not anaerobic?  If so, then you probably did it right.    I can't make any judgments on pace because I don't know a) your fitness (your recent half was downhill, I believe) or b) how altitude affects you.


          I think you could slow down and go a bit longer next time, but I'm not sure what you're achieving with that - you'd just be somewhere in the grey area between lactate threshold and marathon pace work.  Better to shorten it some and speed it up - try a 3-4 mile tempo at the pace you think you could hold for an hour or so.


          I especially recommend this for you because it seems like you already do a ton of miles.  You don't need any more strengthwork.  You need to bump up your top end with stuff like 3-4 mile tempos, 2 mile repeats, and 800s at 5K effort.


          Thanks for the feedback.  I did use some of your advice last week.  The 6 miles at 7:00 pace was very hard.  Almost felt like race pace, but I was tired that week.  This week I did the same route and it was 7 miles at 7:30 pace.  Hard, but felt much better, but like you said, probably did not do much for a physiological response.  My other workout was short intervals.  pace was around 6:15.  Length was about 500 to 600 meters (I live in a rural area so I used the power poles as my markers).   So I will try a bit longer next time.  I was dreading all of this training, but I am having fun.


          Speaking of cats.  I have about 12 give or take depending on how many we are rehabilitating.  I threatened papers when we hit double digits.  She knew I was bluffing.

          12-23  Last One Standing  -  Finished 102 miles

          2- 24 Grandmaster 100 - 22:32, 1st place

          4-24. Cappy's Backyard - 17 yards, 1st place

          5-24  Bryce 100 - 29:38, 18th place




          Cobra Commander Keen

            Brew - I don't know that I have as much energy as you think I do. It may seem like I have a lot, but in reality I'm just funneling it from work to running. The race MIL got me in to isn't a trail marathon, it's named for the Chisholm Trail (part of which ended in Wichita).
            Given that my dad/brother/uncle/cousins are talking about a moose hunting trip during what would be peak 100 miler training, I'm probably not doing that race, and probably not the 50 mile version of it in the spring, either. At least MIL getting me in to one marathon and work paying for another (OKC) will help get next years racing miles per dollar down to Max levels.
            Bummer about not feeling any motivation. I agree with Ace, though, about possible sources of motivation. Best of luck on the job front.

            Max - Awesome that you got picked! How long have you been trying for that one, and how many tickets did you have?

            Pesto - How's your little one doing? Do you have any races planned?

            Ace - Tight hamstrings are not a problem I've had post marathon, but my quads have been tight. I wonder what it says about our running that we have opposing muscle tightness.
            What "speed" are you planning on? 5k? 10k? HM?

            DWave - What do you think lead to the extra soreness? And a third of your travel time just getting from the airplane to the house? Ouch.
            Oh, and I'm so glad the work firewall no longer blocks your blog!

            5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


            Upcoming Races:




            Running Problem

            Problem Child


              As I said earlier, you are the fastest person on this forum. We would be honored to have you in sub 3.


              Also, great race report. I'm considering CIM and I liked a lot of your little tidbits about the race. Also, running with (by?) a bunch of RA people is so cool!


              JMAC https://raceroster.com/events/2019/20808/2019-california-international-marathon $106.75 right now if you hurry up for 2019.


              ace/ken 4/20/20 is kind of the motivation right now. I think Christmas, fatness not fitness, and a lack of a cat to judge me is my problem. I grabbed 6. We shall see if I earn some beers. Trying the whole "lets not drink" thing again to see if that changes the attitude.


              TURD 2019 should probably get entry to CIM 2019 as part of the deal. What if JMac started it and dwave started the sub 3? (mind blown emoji)


              dwave My friend who also BQ'd -2 minutes was walking sore yesterday. I've NEVER seen him walk funny after a marathon. Maybe it's a sign of putting everything you had out there and the other painful marathons have been blocked out by now. Maybe it's the body saying "yeah we did our part brain/heart. Now take care of us with warm furry kittens and couch time." Traveling cross country is always a pain and I've only done it like onces or twice.

              EDIT: Just read the race report. I guess the only thing worse than having a roctane leak all over your shorts at the start is a positive split by 12 seconds. Such a slow down.  Oh and you're an NHRA Top Fuel Dragster not a diesel or a scooter. 9 gels with 12 on tap!?!?!? That's a lot of fuel.


              Well....I signed up for CIM 2019. I guess I should start a CIM 2019 thread. All this "PR' and "BQ' and "hey I saw you" and "The WS Lottery is the day before" stuff just reminded me of what I missed. CIM. I'm not sure anyone but runners, and my wife, understand the phrase "It's CIM. (blank stare). It's SEE....EYE....AM." 2019 shoudl be fun with a potential april marathon (revel scares the poop out of me, oakland is too soon), some yard work, bay to breakers, a weekend 28 6 person relay, a weekend with max and rlk (plus others? anyone? please.) in June, and CIM. maybe some 5ks and an attempted to break 20 around St Patricks Day again.

              Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

              VDOT 53.37 

              5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


                Just checking in to say CONGRATS Jim's Cat/RLK!


                Resident Millennial

                  beryl- 12 cats?!!!? you win! nice, the more cats the merrier.


                  dwave- reading your race report! And instead of just chuckling at/commenting on things in my head, I figured I'd write it out here...

                  - yes, I remember last year they introduced the national anthem player as a member of Cake (I forget his name) which is pretty cool!! I don't remember hearing that this year, but I heard "The Distance" as I crossed the start, so it all makes sense.

                  - A few years ago before Chicago, my first time shoving gels in my sports bra, I round-cut the edges of gu packets to try to reduce the scratchiness, but I cut a bit too far on a couple and I got my own gu explosion that way. Never did that again!

                  - narrow start: my teammates and I have a few acquaintances who work at SRA (and run on their elite team, in our USATF division). the narrower start line was intentional to try to lessen crowding on the course by the start, but honestly I think it worsened it. Not that it was bad. But I did get bumped from behind a couple times. I generally think one should use the entire width of the road available for a start line, as long as you can get your timing mat the whole way across. My team puts on a competitive 5k every spring and the first year (2017) our start line was just one lane of road width (Jim probably remembers). We got terrible feedback on that part, especially since scoring/placing goes by gun time and not chip.

                  - love your assessment of "local race feel". It's semi-local for me, but I still get this feeling that you observed: "The only difference was that I had no freakin' clue where I was. "  When "nonrunners" have been asking 'do you have a race coming up?' I've been describing this as a strip mall marathon. It's not scenic or interesting, and Sacramento and its burbs are generally a place to pass through and not stop. So I had no clue where I was, either Smile  I did laugh to myself upon seeing a few cutesy town name signs along the road (Orangevale, Citrus Heights, etc) - it felt like a lame mimic of Botswana, where you run by town name signs (Framingham, Natick, etc) but the signs and towns are actually somewhat historic.
                  - tissues: my nose runs when it's chilly and it was doing this on Sunday. I did a few snot rockets. I was considering grabbing one of the white things I saw, but I wasn't sure if they were tissues or baby wipes, and I didn't want the latter. Tissues would've been nice for this!

                  - your teammate Mollie: her dad (my coach) had said that she was inspired by her younger sister (my teammate)'s OTQ earlier this year and was going to race CIM also ... I was bummed to meet her at the finish area, fresh and in "real clothes"! Her sister BZ also DNSed due to injury Sad Tough break for dad, DZ.

                  - Question about "refilling your waterbottle":  remind me, do you run with a large handheld or one of those 8oz plastic "disposable" ones? I picked up the latter from a spectator around mile 10 and it was SO nice to have. Got to skip drink tables for like an hour. I think I might start marathons with one of these in the future (my only acceptable use case for plastic beverage bottles in a nation with potable running water...)

                  - !!! Glad you also mentioned storm debris on those final turns. I was slightly squeezed in between people on that first "final turn" and mustered my last iota of coordination to not step on the storm drain at the corner which was covered in  wet leaves, since I didn't have space to swing wide like you did. I complained about this to BF later and he said he saw that and thought they should have raked (cannot say this word without laughing/cringing anymore...) the leaves away by those final turns.

                  - I went on LRC yesterday and, for the second year at a row, got annoyed at all the "ski slope course" comments. The people saying this clearly have not run it and are probably just jealous/trolls. You stated the context for great performances perfectly: "CIM is a mass time trial as much as a race; at times I felt like every single person on the course was my teammate for that day, encouraging me along.  It's collaborative, not competitive (at least at the sub-3 level), and I've never experienced that in any other race.  It is an amazing experience, and a must-do if hitting a certain time goal is really important to you."


                  great writeup - thanks for sharing!


                  mine will come later, got to do some work now that I've successfully lowered myself into this desk chair...

                  mile, 5:26 /5k, 19:34 /10k, 41:00 /13.1, 1:31:49 /26.2, 3:12:58

                  Jim E

                    rlk I'm sorry I missed you, I was just looking at Darkwave. Congrats on your time! Those leaves got my attention too. We went wide on that penultimate corner, but tight going into the men's finish. The rolly course: My guy wanted a running commentary of  every little gradient, to be sure it was not his legs feeling weird. Counting those, it really does roll continuously until about mile 23.

                    Speed Surplus

                      Nice RR, DW. Also a belated "Nice RR" to Max for the Crooked Road writeup.


                      I've been sick since Saturday and haven't exercised. I was planning 13 on Sunday. My throat is still sore today, but my body feels better. Should I run? 🤔


                      Last week, which again got derailed by getting sick on the weekend. I did some fast biking, though...


                      <tfoot> </tfoot>
                      Day Miles Pace Duration Description HR Egain Link
                      Mon 7.0 8:55 1:02 Back on the mill for some sloggin' 139 (76%) 0 strava
                      Tue 6.4 8:12 0:52 Braving the (surprisingly excellent) weather 139 (76%) 218 strava
                      Wed 18.6 3:21 1:02 Weirdly hard and slow-ish today 128 (70%) 988 strava
                      Wed 6.0 8:25 0:50 Felt a bit better than AM bike ride 142 (77%) 171 strava
                      Thu 18.6 3:00 0:56 20.0 mph avg 💪💪💪 133 (72%) 763 strava
                      Fri 18.6 3:11 0:59 Sub 60 uphill route with AHR 123?! 🍳🔥🔥🔥 123 (67%) 976 strava
                      Fri 20.1 3:11 1:04 Casual ride home got a little more urgent when it started raining 122 (66%) 674 strava
                        95.3 4:16 6:48     3790

                      5:27 / 18:49 / 40:32 / 88:12 / 3:12


                        DW - Great write up and excellent race. Very nice that you were able to start conservatively and reel the pace groups in. Oh, and the tissues are just in case you need them for tears at the finish.


                        I cannot say whether CIM course is challenging or not as I haven't run it. The elevation profile looks like plenty of roller coaster like terrain. And even straight downhill courses are no walk in the park, I'm sure. However, a simple way to judge if a course's elevation change is an advantage or not is to consider if you could have run the same time if the course were reversed.


                            However, a simple way to judge if a course's elevation change is an advantage or not is to consider if you could have run the same time if the course were reversed.


                          mattwj4jc - interesting... I am curious what is easier - to climb a vertical wall or descend it via the same route? (no jumping please)

                          paces PRs - 5K - 5:48  /  10K - 6:05  /  HM - 6:14  /  FM - 6:26 per mile



                            mattwj4jc - interesting... I am curious what is easier - to climb a vertical wall or descend it via the same route? (no jumping please)

                            I haven't done much rock climbing, so can't say for sure. But if you're using a rope, you can just rappel down - much easier!


                              I haven't done much rock climbing, so can't say for sure. But if you're using a rope, you can just rappel down - much easier!


                              No, that is not the way you climbed - in your scenario you could just tie a rope to the top before going up and use that rope to get to the top (in like leaving a car at the finish, running from the start and then driving car back to the start). No, climb the wall and then do it backwards and see what is easier...

                              paces PRs - 5K - 5:48  /  10K - 6:05  /  HM - 6:14  /  FM - 6:26 per mile


                              RIP Milkman


                                No, that is not the way you climbed - in your scenario you could just tie a rope to the top before going up and use that rope to get to the top. No, climb the wall and then do it backwards and see what is easier...


                                This whole debate about rock climbing is silly.


                                An easier example is this: Run a course with one 200 foot climb in it to start off the race, followed by a 200 foot decline. Something like a bridge would work perfectly. The rest of the course is dead flat. So the net elevation change is exactly 0 feet.


                                Now reverse that course.


                                Everybody would agree that the reversed course is much harder because you need to run that bridge in mile 26. Times would probably be slower. Does this mean the first course is "unfair" because when I reverse it, it becomes much more difficult? Obviously not.

                                5K: 16:37 (11/20)  |  10K: 34:49 (10/19)  |  HM: 1:14:57 (5/22)  |  FM: 2:36:31 (12/19)