2018 3:20 (and beyond) (Read 582 times)

Running Problem

Problem Child

    Rovatti hill repeats sound interesting,.


    rlk nice weekend run. You doing Bay to Breakers again? Suggestions on places to stay and how to get to the start for a newb?


    elis nice run this weekend. We didn't have a bib number to track. Looks like a LOT of turns.


    ace Guess you better keep the miles up. I got some kind of stomach thing Saturday night and didn't want to mess with it so I stayed inside today.


    jmax I swa your 1st workout for beantown. I can't imaging doing 2x6 MP right now.


    I just bought two pairs of Zoom Flys for under $60 each as they were the last ones in my size, at this price, in stock. I guess I'm in the crowd/club/fanboi league now. I saw a post on social media from dwave from October 2017. Any input/update on the Flys vs Adios? Maybe this will motivate me to train and sign up for Revel Mt Charleston (19 weeks from Saturday). What was it max was saying about training? Run downhill fast and without fear? Squats? I'm signed up for CIM 2019 as well. I gotta get to Brunch SOMEHOW.


    interview manana with another application in waiting to hear about GETTING an interview. downside of tomorrow's interview is if I move to the next step it will require multiple "late days" at the current job going through the background check before even being offered a position. Upside is I would be back to doing lab stuff (give me work, leave me alone in my hole). I might not be able to train at work either.

    Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

    VDOT 53.37 

    5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22

       Curious - what's the point of this workout, vs. just normal hill repeats? As someone running in CP I'm wondering if it's worth adding to my repertoire. Also, do you any larger hill repeats? I see a ton of groups that do repeats through Harlem, where they start at the 102nd street crossing on the west side and do that 1.3ish mile loop, which seems very difficult.


      To tell the truth, I'm not sure what the point of running down a hill before running up one.  Kind of fun to get up a head of steam though...


      We also do a workout with a longer, tougher hill (going counter-clockwise starting just past Lasker Ice Rink and going to the top of Harlem Hill (just jogging back down, then repeating).


      We also do tempos which include a couple of trips around the upper loop you described.


      BTW - If you ever feel like jumping in for a workout with CPTC-NB you can easily just show up (without any commitment).

      Tues 7:30pm (during winter) - track intervals at the armory (W168th., costs $20 to get in)

      Thurs 7pm tempo in Central Park (meet at W72nd Daniel Webster statue)


      RIP Milkman

        Thanks Rovatti. Interesting stuff. And now I know you guys are at least one of the groups that meets there, it can get so crowded on the 72nd intersection! I feel like often when I'm running my cruise intervals down there, I have to get around a huge group of 20+ people just standing in the running lane.

        5K: 16:37 (11/20)  |  10K: 34:49 (10/19)  |  HM: 1:14:57 (5/22)  |  FM: 2:36:31 (12/19) 



        Running Problem

        Problem Child



          Downhill race: You have to train for them to get the benefit.  Long downhills, pushing a little bit, not coasting.  You want a run/workout every ~3 weeks that makes your quads sore for a day or two afterwards (at least the first 2-3 times you do it, after that you are "immune"/trained for the wear-and-tear).  If you are trained, it's pretty friggin' awesome to go at marathon effort and run downhill on a 2-4% grade. 


          Hard downhill workouts every three weeks to benefit from a downhill race. Is there a suggestion of what this would be? 6 miles at MP? mile repeats downhill at 10K? The wear and tear is the fear for 24+ miles downhill then a (mostly) flat finish.


          dwave what's your rule about non-running workout and hard run days? Do them the same day close together? I'm thinking some TRX could help strengthen the legs and possibly running form.

          Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

          VDOT 53.37 

          5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


          Resident Millennial

            brew- You are doing B2B?? I'm not sure of my status yet- I put my name in the hat for my team's centipedes, but they haven't announced yet who will be on it. Not sure if I'd do it solo.


            Honestly I think I have optimized my B2B routine to include the w/u + c/d I'd want anyway, convenience/logistical ease, and maximal fun.

            You probably know roughly where I live based on Strava (#creepy) - halfway down the course. So for me B2B entails:

            - warmup jog 3mi to the start line. it's time efficient, would want roughly that much warmup anyway, and public transit on sunday morning has longer headways (going back to efficiency). no bag-checking or anything. I honestly don't know if they have it.

            - run the race

            - cooldown is "salmoning" up the course. the race is on the park road so the park "sidewalks" are free and clear. this enables you to get a fun look at the "mass participants" who are probably just shuffling and prioritize their costumes - lots of fun. yes, an uphill cooldown.

            - then sort of stop cooling down by the time you get to the GGP panhandle, because that's where it's just a party in the streets with costumes/drinking/etc and ya might as well join in. much of SF "partakes" in B2B this way, even if they don't buy a race bib and get themselves to the bay to cross the start line. or some people start at the start line but can't really run so they only make it a few miles, and stop at the panhandle.

            And then I just walk the few blocks home.

            There is a bus from the finish line back to start, but tbh I know nothing about it and I imagine if you are trying to beat the crowds, you wouldn't be able to relax much at the finish line, and then you wouldn't get the "party" side of the race which is what makes it unique.


            I think that would actually be a pretty fun way to do it for an out-of-towner who's ok with higher running volume that day. Plus then you'd get to stay in a more fun part of town. I'm biased, but staying anywhere near the start line would be definitively dead on a weekend and really isn't fun when "alive". Union Square is only like a mile from the start but it's not really an interesting place to stay - is mostly comprised of the same chain restaurants and stores that exist in every other place in the US. Let me know what you think of that type of race day plan ^ and I'll rec where to stay.

            mile, 5:26 /5k, 19:34 /10k, 41:00 /13.1, 1:31:49 /26.2, 3:12:58


            Resident Millennial

              also brew- i will add my 2c about (nonrunning) hard workouts. the ideal time to do them is in the morning of the day when you do your hard (ie track, tempo) workout that night

              mile, 5:26 /5k, 19:34 /10k, 41:00 /13.1, 1:31:49 /26.2, 3:12:58


              Mother of Cats

                Brewing - I like to do my hard leg workouts immediately after the track workout (i.e. cool-down jog is to the gym and then home).  That way I have as much time to recover as possible before the next track workout.  Upper body and core is done on easier days - I find that some heavy lifting with the arms can help my overall recovery (if you search, there's some research about heavy lifting promoting the body's natural production of testosterone and HGH, which is very good for recovery).


                As for the Zoom Flys - I never ended up running in them.  Just Vaporflies and Adios 2 (which is different from Adios 3).    The more bounce my VF's lose, the more they feel like Adios 2's....


                RLK - you owe us a race report Smile




                Yoga and 7 "miles" pool-running.

                Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


                And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


                Resident Millennial

                  I do owe you!! Work is getting in the way Sad


                  I ran this morning. It felt weird.

                  mile, 5:26 /5k, 19:34 /10k, 41:00 /13.1, 1:31:49 /26.2, 3:12:58

                  Running Problem

                  Problem Child

                    rlk I'm doing B2b PLUS the inagural "Breaker Bonus" (15K) because the spinny medal is kinda cool. You should do it solo. I'll probably be post-marathon so a casual 8:30-9:00 pace could be fun and it has the added bonus of not requiring a warm up/cool down. MAYBE we grab a beer along the way. Check out the party you always miss. Salmoning sounds...interesting. I'll have to see if DW and NeRP want to meet at the start, finish or GGP. I had a roommate do B2B one year. Not a runner. There for the party. Her story of losing friends who were too drunk sounded awesome. She was the sober one.  I'm open to all suggestions for accomodations AND we could plan out MAX'S DOOM WEEKEND. I'll warn you I may be volunteering my oversized vehicle for the weekend which doubles as more comfortable sleeping quarters than fuel efficient vehicles. Upside is it can hold lots of coolers, beer with many complex ingredients and also Coors Light. Oh and I just assume you start your Strava runs from random spots but, like all runners, those spots/runs repeat themselves a lot. Maybe you just meet up at a coffee shop in SF and take off from there. It removes the stalker/creepy element. Oh and I'll try the morning workout. It just means NeRP has to sleep past 5am. He seems to enjoy spending the morning with dad including breakfast. It's slightly annoying.


                    dwave thanks. I thought you said to do them right after the workout last time I asked. I will attempt to do some post run workout later this afternoon to see how tomorrow feels. I seem to be going with the Nikes for 2019 (pegasus 33 and now Zoom Flys) and I've always avoided Nike as a brand. I'll have to see how they feel as they flatten out. I'm thinking of using them for workouts only.


                    max has training for WS started? I'm asking since I logistically know NOTHING about a 100 mile training cycle. If you have plans to run the canyons let me know and I'll see if I can get away. If you're coming for that 3 day weekend thing, and they'll let me, I might tag along for a day. I'm sure there are a few locals going.

                    Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                    VDOT 53.37 

                    5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


                    Mother of Cats


                      Hard downhill workouts every three weeks to benefit from a downhill race. Is there a suggestion of what this would be? 6 miles at MP? mile repeats downhill at 10K? The wear and tear is the fear for 24+ miles downhill then a (mostly) flat finish.




                      Y'know, I did downhill training for CIM - two of my long runs had 5 mile downhill segments at marathon effort, which meant faster than marathon pace (since...y'know, downhill). Quads still suffered at CIM, in a way they did not at Boston. Hmmmm.




                      First run back today - 6 miles very easy (9:42). Felt awful at the start, but better by the finish.


                      My right groin/hip has been a bit achy ever since CIM - enough so that I scheduled a doctor check-in for tomorrow (it's not all that bad, but I just want to get myself to 100% before starting a new cycle). Ever since this morning's run, the groin has felt totally fine. Huh.


                      Then hit the gym for weights - upper but also reintroducing lower (until I start doing workouts again, I don't see any need to split days).

                      Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


                      And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


                      Cobra Commander Keen

                        Failed to run again this morning. I'm not even living up to my self-anointed forum title.   


                        Since I have no running things to talk about, here's this: DD1 and DD2 are acting weird. They've been doing nothing but fighting and complaining about each other for what seems like months now, and two days ago it was like a switch flipped and now I'm just hearing giggling and other fun sounds from them. Strange little people...

                        5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


                        Upcoming Races:





                        Duke Of Bad Judgment

                          Poking my head back in after a week with visiting family, a brief trip out of town to fix something that turned out not to be broken, and then keeping the house from rotting to the ground while my DW was away.


                          Brew: For the downhills, it doesn't have to super structured.  When I'm training for those, I go to a 2000 foot mountain near here, run/hike up it on the steepest trails, and then come down a more runnable trail that's about 3 miles and takes me 24-30 minutes depending upon whether I'm trying to pound a little or coast.  2-3 repeats of that every ~3 weeks does the trick for my long races but you might not need that much.  I've lost track - are you signed up for Tunnel?

                          Jim's Kat: I liked your CIM/DW highlights post.  I often think about our mile 24.5 conversation and have told that story to a lot of people when I try to explain what they'll feel like towards the end if they are running a good race.

                          Keen: Little people are strange.  It took me 15-20 years to accept that.

                          DW: The prophylactic dr. appt strikes again, proven to be at least as effective as a placebo.

                          Timing of strength training: I'm like DW - I try to do those right after my one or two harder runs each week.  Keep the easy days easy and the hard days hard.  I've seen people advocate otherwise though.

                          Bowl workout: Sometimes I will do hard short downhills, but it's usually either hard down/easy up or hard up/easy down.

                          PJ: Too bad about Miwok.  Those events do cost though - not just the reg fee but inevitably you have to stay somewhere the night before because of the early early start.  And possibly the night after because you are wrecked.

                          Course direction: I DNF'd at IMTUF (100 miles) this year.  It's a loop and they switch directions each year.  I'm pretty sure I did it in the harder direction.  The trails are flat(ish) and runnable for the first 100k and then they get very technical and remote.  By the time I hit the hard part I was towards the back, the aid stations were running out of everything, and there were no drop bags (too remote).  In the other direction, I would have suffered through the hard part early and even if the aid stations were tapped out (not as likely because they could potentially resupply), I could have had emergency supplies in a drop bag.  Direction definitely matters, not just due to hill placement.


                          I don't think I've done a flat speed day in 8 months, since I rewonkified my hamstring tendon in March.  Strides have gone ok the past couple weeks so I'm going to do a short fartlek tomorrow and see what happens.  If you hear a loud curse in the morning, something went wrong.  Also vaguely thinking about training for my (awesome!) races next year - 5 day stage race in Wales called Dragon's Back in May, Western States in June (their decision, not mine), plus finally giving the hometown 200 (Bigfoot) a go in August.  And still no marathons.  Couldn't be much better than that.


                          Resident Millennial

                            ckeen- i don't remember how young your DDs are, but speaking from experience girls are weird/mean/catty, and especially sisters who are close in age. this isn't your fault :P

                            mile, 5:26 /5k, 19:34 /10k, 41:00 /13.1, 1:31:49 /26.2, 3:12:58

                            Strict WTF adherent

                               Little people are strange. 


                              Never trust anyone under 200 lbs.

                              Running Problem

                              Problem Child


                                Never trust anyone under 200 lbs.


                                I agree. My wife fits this rule and ever since she married me I don't trust her judgement. Also, I haven't ever weighed 200lbs officially.


                                max not signed up for Tunnel. Leaning towards Mt Charleston. DW wants NeRP to have a backyard to play in so Tunnel might have been possible however June might have been a little late to be in recover/taper mode. Plus I have an ultra marathon to prepare for around that time.


                                TRX and a long run yesterday. Sore but not too bad. Easy 6+ today because I didn't want to go and no one else was around. Ended up seeing two RBs within 2 minutes who I'd never expect to see since I never run the loop I did today. Plus one doesn't work in town.

                                Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                                VDOT 53.37 

                                5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22