2018 3:20 (and beyond) (Read 582 times)


    Looks like I’ll be running cherry blossom.

    Road Mile: 5:19 (2017), 5k: 17:09 (2021), 10k: 35:54 (2021), HM: 1:21:55 (2020), M: 2:53:18 (2021)


    Mother of Cats

      Looks like I’ll be running cherry blossom.


      Fantastic!   As I mentioned, it's a great race.  The course is fast, the race is extremely well managed and a real big deal, and people usually run very well there.  You'll enjoy it.   And....we'll have a forum encounter!


      As I mentioned, it's worth targeting as a goal race.




      6 miles easy today (9:04 pace) followed by 1650 yards of swimming (wanted to do more, but got to the pool too late).


      [and I see the "as I mentioned" twice now - but I'm too whatever to correct it]

      Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


      And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


      pie man

        Found a free 5k on the levee in sac.  It’s been an easy week so I felt like I could get a meaningful result (really wanted to find a half but the closest one was in Fremont and that’s a bit far).  Got stuck behind some kids at the start, but eventually it spread out and I was out by myself. I did have a guy running just ahead of me (and one pack at the front) so it helped me keep a pace.  It dipped on and off the levee a few times but overall was smooth.  They started a clock but not official results.  I saw 18:55 as I crossed so I’m going with that, even if the watch said 3.09


        now I found the only Peruvian place in NorCal for a post race reward.


        Happy weekend everybody!

        11:11 3,000 (recent)


        Mother of Cats

          Nice job on the 5K - a decent time, esp considering the lack of warm-up.


          And next time I schepp out to Sacramento, I want to know where this chicken place is, so I can compare to El Pollo Rico Smile




          My week: 39 miles and 7 "miles" pool-running.

          M - 70 minutes pool-running and yoga.

          T - 6 miles (9:47) and upper body weights/core. (first run post- CIM)

          W - 5 miles to yoga (9:40), yoga, and then 3 miles home (9:02).

          Th - off - business trip to NYC from DC - leave home at 4:30 am, get back at 8:15 pm.

          F - 6 miles (9:04) and 1350 yards of swimming.

          Sa - 9 miles (9:29) and upper body weights/core.

          Su - 10 miles averaging 8:28, progressing down from 9:30s at the start to 7:30s at the end. Followed with leg strengthwork and then 2350 yards of swimming.


          Also got prolotherapy injections in both hamstring pelvic attachments on Wednesday.  As I had mentioned, I set up an appt, and then thought it would be wasted, since things were feeling better.  But the right was still a bit achy, and reminiscent of the start of my hammy problems a few years back.  So we decided to do that one, and also the left at the same time, since that was a bit off (and no reason not to do both since I was there).


          [If you're wondering why I got the hammie injected when I've been talking about my groin, it's because the stiff/achy/soreness has been in that weird area that is where both one of the adductors and the innermost hamstring attach to the pelvis.]


          Good news was, as always happens with prolo and me, stuff really started trending upwards about 48 hours after the injections.  So yay. With a few days' perspective, I'm really happy we did the second set.

          Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


          And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.

            pj - excellent 5K!


            mcben - Hey!  Post your weeks.


            my week:

            M: 9 easy

            T: 6 with intervals at the armory 4x1K@3:41, 3x300

            W: 5 easy

            Th: 8 with tempo in the park (5.2@6:55)

            F: 11 easy

            S: spin

            S: 10 easy

            total = 49



              76 miles for the week.  I had a long run go very well.  It was a Pavement, Pacing, and Patience run.  23.5 miles.


              Pavement.  Most of my runs are on dirt.  On pavement runs I find myself sneaking to the shoulder to find dirt.  This time I stayed on pavement 100%.


              Pacing and Patience:  Stuck to a ridged 8mm pace even though there was some good downhill sections the first 10 miles.  After 10 I stopped being a slave to my watch and started running by feel.  Next 5 were right around 8mm.  Last section of the run was rolling terrain and I did go faster on the downhills, slowed on the uphills.  Last mile was uphill and the only uncomfortable mile of the run.  Overall pace ended up at 8mm, so I am really happy with the run.


              No hard efforts for the week.  Had some moderate effort hill sessions.

              12-23  Last One Standing  -  Finished 102 miles

              2- 24 Grandmaster 100 - 22:32, 1st place

              4-24. Cappy's Backyard - 17 yards, 1st place

              5-24  Bryce 100 - 29:38, 18th place



              Running Problem

              Problem Child

                beryl 23.5 miles of pavement?!?!?!?! MAN that's an impressive long run. what was the pace?


                pj NICE race.


                ace congrats. I guess it's time for a new 10K PR. If I do 13 a day I'll hit 2018. What kind style of beer do you like? I was hoping for some Bells but lost THAT bet.


                dwave your recovery from sub-3 is pretty awesome.


                max You figure out training for WS or is WS training for the 200? I'm interested to see what it's like. A friend will be doing TRT 100 this year but I can't Strava stalk him.


                rovatti Looks like recovery is going nicely for you as well. You just jumped right back into mileage.


                NeRP Rough week. MMR/Chickenpox vaccine Monday. Daycare reported 2 RSV cases. Had a couch/snot nose for a while. Saturday dad wasn't paying attention and he got his ear cut by a dog (nothing major. fine now) and my SIL (nurse) joked about the "repairs" I did. Oh and DW said he was getting some "goop" in one eye and it was kinda light reddish colored. Something to the effect of "It's a cut not a gunshot wound." 104F fever Sunday evening and tested positive for RSV. Eye drops, antibiotics, motrin and tylenol. Slept poorly last night and is currently medicated watching CoCo. Mostly because DW likes the music in CoCo.


                A "pre marathon training workout" is possibly scheduled for tomorrow (12x400). I'm leaning towards Hanson's training because I know it, and own the book. I might look at the JD2Q again and see what I think, but I think I liked the amount of GMP + 10 seconds running Hanson's has. It's lower in mileage, but I can change this with longer warm ups/cool downs for stuff. It has a section about adding cross training but I think I have that figured out. A RB seems interested in the speed work aspect of it and I've done the weekend runs with him. It's a slower pace for me, a faster pace for him, and just someone to do the miles with. I'm unsure how I feel about the slower pace because I know it's still beneficial to running, but thinking of 15 miles at a 9:30 pace kind of makes me want to skip it. The upside to all this is I'm now learning what a training cycle for the 4/20/20 marathon will be.


                18 weeks an 5 days. oh and I haven't drank for 2 weeks. Kinda fun, kinda uneventful. I was expecting more family drunken debauchery around the holidays. Maybe New Years is a better day for that. It seems to be conducive to running.


                Trying to get a base built. Not the 50 I dreamed up weeks ago after Chicago however not the goose eggs I've had. Maybe I should shoot for 50/

                Weekly Summary
                Monday, Dec 10, 2018 thru Sunday, Dec 16, 2018

                <tfoot> </tfoot>
                Day Miles Pace Description Link
                Tue 6.8 8:53 That time a warm bath sounded awesome. strava
                Wed 8.0 8:22 That time I’m flicted strava
                Wed 0.2 23:18 TRX 2x12 strava
                Thu 6.9 8:42 That time it was on repeat. strava
                Sat 9.0 9:03 That time we missed some turns. strava
                Sun 11.0 9:08 That time it’s dangerous out here. strava
                  41.9 8:57    

                Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                VDOT 53.37 

                5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


                RIP Milkman

                  Brew - I just saw your comment on Strava from a few days ago, no idea why it didn't alert me! Anyway, no particular benefit of doing my recovery run within 12 hours of the workout. I just had plans after work on Friday and so had to get my run in during the morning. We had this discussion over on sub 3, but I think there's a big difference if the 12 hour break between runs is overnight or during the day. Plus, I actually like doing recovery runs the next morning after a workout vs. waiting the full 24 hours. It makes me go a lot slower on them.

                  5K: 16:37 (11/20)  |  10K: 34:49 (10/19)  |  HM: 1:14:57 (5/22)  |  FM: 2:36:31 (12/19) 




                  Cobra Commander Keen

                    PJ - Nice 5k.

                    Rovatti - Looks like you're being quite consistent.

                    Beryl - Nice week.

                    Brew - Definitely sounds like a tough week for NeRP. Hopefully he recovers quickly.
                    12x 400? Nice one. You've done well with Hansons before.

                    Ace - Did I miss you hitting 2k for the year?

                    I think my running mojo is finally back! It has been much easier to get out of bed the last two running days than it has in the last few weeks. I think it's interesting that this coincides with my HR getting back down to "normal". "Normal" being what it would have been at a given pace in the month before my marathon.
                    I'm feeling a bit of tightness after my hill repeats this morning. I may regret them come tomorrow morning, though. It's been a long time since I've done hill repeats - I actually liked them for some strange reason, and may do a some every couple weeks.

                    5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


                    Upcoming Races:




                    Running Problem

                    Problem Child


                      Ace - Did I miss you hitting 2k for the year?

                      I think my running mojo is finally back! It has been much easier to get out of bed the last two running days than it has in the last few weeks. I think it's interesting that this coincides with my HR getting back down to "normal". "Normal" being what it would have been at a given pace in the month before my marathon.
                      I'm feeling a bit of tightness after my hill repeats this morning. I may regret them come tomorrow morning, though. It's been a long time since I've done hill repeats - I actually liked them for some strange reason, and may do a some every couple weeks.


                      He has 99 miles to go. Maybe a big snow storm will come so his kids have a wonderful white Christmas for Santa to bring gifts.  Hills are the devil.

                      Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                      VDOT 53.37 

                      5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


                      pie man

                        I was trying to get to 1500 for the year.  I think I had a shot if I could manage 35 miles per week for December.  Last week was 15.  Oh, well.  A good race tops mileage goals any day.


                        The Peruvian place was called Jimmy's or possibly Jimmy's Catering.  It wasn't like the Pollo a la Brasa places, more a restaurant style, despite the name.  I got cau cau and not chicken because I LOVE cau cau.  But i'm sure the chicken would be good, too.

                        11:11 3,000 (recent)

                        From the Internet.

                          Whoops I'm catching up on like 8 pages of posts. Thanks for the warm welcome!


                          calbears, rlk, DW - congrats on great races at CIM!


                          Jim wow, being a guide sounds awesome! I've been thinking at some point I'd like to pace, but maybe being a guide would be even better!


                          Up in/near the 50s for the last few weeks mileage-wise. 12-14 for long runs. Couple FF with averages around 8:05, couple easier effort. Up next: possibly an indoor mile this weekend, waiting for the child's weekend soccer schedule to come out before I enter (crossing fingers for another 4-5 PM game!)


                          Last week:


                          Day Miles Description Pace/Splits Other
                          Monday 7.4 Speed Dev 500/200x5, longish rests. 1:57/45, 1:54/44, 1:54/44, 1:53/43, 1:52/42 All alone on a dark track with my headlamp and the stars! Very zen way to do speedwork.
                          Tuesday 5.3 Easy just joggin' Busy with work so crammed in a quick <hour
                          Wednesday 6.15 Strength 1600 in a comfortable 6:45, 1200/400 in a reasonably comfortable 4:53/1:32, 800/800 in a less comfortable 3:04/3:04 Club indoor track. Talked Saturday race goals with coach after the fact.
                          Thursday 5.35 Easy w/hill 3x15s/5x20s hill sprints There was a red-tailed hawk watching me do my sprints so that was fun! Love a good raptor. Shorter than usual easy - work.
                          Friday 5 Pickups Upbeat-easy with 8x30s pickups - shaking out the legs before racing Felt light and fast! That's what an accidental cutback week will do, I suppose!
                          Saturday Juuust under 7 Race 3000m in 11:41.52 - kilometer splits were 3:55, 3:55.8, 3:50+ Not too shabby for my first attempt at racing indoors! Conservative goal was 12:20. Coaches took splits, I ran watchless. 
                          Sunday 12.1 Long Started off slow and picked it up as I warmed up. Still reasonably easy effort. 8:29 avg. Recovering from short races is great. Hit some dirt roads in the middle, ran past a movie filming location. Exciting times.

                            45 miles for me last week. Was going to run Sunday as well and get 50 for the week, but it was a busy day for the family and I didn't feel like waking up early to run before everyone was awake.


                            WARNING - GRAPHIC CONTENT: A bit of a rough weekend for us. I took a day off work to spend a long weekend home and do some fun things with the fam. However; starting Thursday night, at my oldest daughter's dance recital, my youngest daughter started throwing up. Nothing like getting puked on in public...in the middle of the bleachers...and having to run your 1 year old to the bathroom and clean off with paper towels. Good thing we gave her a yogurt before leaving the house because partially digested dairy smells great. I was bummed because I missed my daughter's dance as the youngest and I waited in the car. Anyways, my son and wife got the bug too. So the weekend was taking care of sickies and my oldest and me getting out of the house to try and avoid getting sick. So, at least I got some fun one on one time with one of the kiddos. Also, my son is kind of hilarious when vomiting. He tries to talk through it, saying "ewww" or "this is scary!"  It makes you feel for him, but also kind of made me giggle. Is that bad? I did get to enjoy 3-6am with him sleeping on the couch and talking about Christmas lights.  Sorry for the icky details.


                            Had a nice progression run yesterday. Started at 8:06 and worked down to 6:07 over 9 miles then a little cool down.


                            PJ: NIce 5k and post run grub!


                            CK: As brew said, I'm not there yet, but getting close. As of this morning I'm at 1,918 miles. 2,000 should happen, 2,018 is less likely. Good to see you getting back in the groove.


                            Beryl: Your weeks are quite impressive. Nice work!


                            RLK: How's the post marathon PR blissfulness going?


                            Dwave: Any recommendations of parts of town to stay in for Cherry Blossom?


                            Lauren: Nice training!


                            There's a half marathon outside of Palm Springs, CA (where we'll be for some of the holidays) on Jan 5th. Thinking about running it. No idea what I could do.

                            Road Mile: 5:19 (2017), 5k: 17:09 (2021), 10k: 35:54 (2021), HM: 1:21:55 (2020), M: 2:53:18 (2021)



                              beryl 23.5 miles of pavement?!?!?!?! MAN that's an impressive long run. what was the pace?



                              Overall pace ended up at 8:00.  Had a couple of 7:30s at the end, but was offset by 2 pee breaks and a text message.  It was mostly downhill, but had some hills at the end.


                              If you are bored: https://www.strava.com/activities/2016103952

                              12-23  Last One Standing  -  Finished 102 miles

                              2- 24 Grandmaster 100 - 22:32, 1st place

                              4-24. Cappy's Backyard - 17 yards, 1st place

                              5-24  Bryce 100 - 29:38, 18th place




                              pie man

                                I think where you to stay depends a lot on budget.  Anything close is going to have a premium for the race (or just the cherry blossoms in general, I guess).

                                11:11 3,000 (recent)