Facebook Integration (Read 5812 times)

    Since i'm in the voting mood (Provincial election day here in Ontario!).... I vote for this to be the next item after the GPS thing too. No rush - but something i will take advantage of when released. No idea how to do it (I love having an IT department) but from a marketing side... love the idea! Good thinking brantcarter.
    eric :)

      This once again comes down to the closed nature of RunningAhead. There seems like there's a pool of technical people out there who could use an actual RH API (rest, soap, xml-rpm, pick your poison), and then the community could put our own apps together. Instead we wait all year for Eric to implement a single feature just for GPS users (and I'm guessing just forerunner users at that). sigh.
      Peter, I understand your frustration. I tend to work on several projects at the same time. Minor feature requests tend to be fulfilled in several weeks, while big projects like GPS upload tend to take longer. It's just a reflection of the project's complexity. Hypothetically, suppose there is such an API, what kind of apps will you be developing? If you come up with the API spec, I'd be willing to put it in for you. eric Smile
        Hypothetically, suppose there is such an API, what kind of apps will you be developing? If you come up with the API spec, I'd be willing to put it in for you.
        Somehow I suspect it's not completely hypothetical. I have some ideas for a stand alone graphing application, a rough plan for integrating wordpress blogging and the running log, and of course facebook. Let's start with facebook, if you're willing to provide the data. I'll send you a note. -Peter
        eric :)

          Peter, Let's take this offline. What I can do is create an API on the server side that can allow you to write applications that use it. You will need to provide the API spec though because I don't know what you have in mind.

            Guys, I've written an app for the FB API. Here is the fundamental conundrum: the hypothetical FB app must have access to the RA data. Building an RA API is only going to create a situation where someone else has to build a parallel application that Facebook users register with, meaning a user has three logins -- one for RA, one for Facebook, and one for the new hypothetical app. The hypothetical app then serves primarily as a mapping of RA accounts to FB accounts. I don't think that is in any user's best interest, particularly from a usability perspective. The most viable architectural solution is going to be building it as part of RA, integrated with RA's database. The sections of the FB API you'll want to use are auth.* and user.* (the basics) and likely feed.publishActionOfUser. Of course, this app is going to have to live on the RA server(s) and writing it is going to require some intimate knowledge of RA under the covers. I do not really think it requires building an RA API. There may be other good reasons to do that, but building a little Facebook app probably isn't it. BTW, I'll help if you want.
              An initial API which will simply provide the data that the current scripts already provides probably doesn't even require a password, as those scripts do not need one. The real problem with the facebook app is that it uses a push model. So something needs to push the data to the profile page, it can't fetch it when the profile page is loaded. Applications which update their profile page based on an external (to facebook) change do so via a cron job running on a third party server. i.e, every hour or so they go see if any of their users data needs to be updated and if so they push the change onto the profile page. To do this you need to keep a db of facebook userids, which the facebook api gives you, and associate that with some identifier to RA that the user enters in the application's canvas. -Peter
              eric :)

                We should probably take this offline due to all the techno talk. I'll take care of the RA side work. Peter provided me with a draft API that he needs for the app, and I don't think it's too difficult to implement. In regards to the push model, I think there can be a compromise. The RA server knows when a record is updated, and can push only the modified profiles at a predetermined interval. The next version of the log will support background tasks. I created the thread pool to process incoming GPS data, but it can be adopted quite easily to run such tasks.
                  I'm getting excited about the next monster-update coming on the log! I'll add a facebook app for sure, and if there is an API I might find some other ways to use the data. Could be neat stuff. Thanks Eric!



                  Do I look important?

                    This once again comes down to the closed nature of RunningAhead. There seems like there's a pool of technical people out there who could use an actual RH API (rest, soap, xml-rpm, pick your poison), and then the community could put our own apps together. Instead we wait all year for Eric to implement a single feature just for GPS users (and I'm guessing just forerunner users at that). sigh.
                    Hey Peter, here's a thought, use a different online running log? I'd like to see you find one that can do the things this one does, one which has been built from the ground up FOR FREE. Eric really doesn't have to do a thing if he doesn't want to, I've been on this a long time and would've been satisfied even if it had stayed the exact same way the whole way through. I've seen some pretty absurd requests made of this site, but the improvements that HAVE been made are greatly appreciated, but not ness. As for the Facebook app, like someone said, why not just add the link in your FB profile? Done.

                    Nobody cares what you didn't do.

                      Any update on this? b

                      Goals: 20:00 5K, 3:30 Marathon, Finish Marathon, 4:00 Marathon, Finish IronMan, 45:00 10K

                      eric :)

                        Hi Brant, Progress is slowed down by the CR stuff but I'm still working with Peter to get it done. eric Smile

                        Grand Master Funk

                          Hey Peter, here's a thought, use a different online running log? I'd like to see you find one that can do the things this one does, one which has been built from the ground up FOR FREE. Eric really doesn't have to do a thing if he doesn't want to, I've been on this a long time and would've been satisfied even if it had stayed the exact same way the whole way through. I've seen some pretty absurd requests made of this site, but the improvements that HAVE been made are greatly appreciated, but not ness. As for the Facebook app, like someone said, why not just add the link in your FB profile? Done.
                          Sure RA is the bomb but having an API just makes it even more "awesomerr" Wink

                            Sure RA is the bomb but having an API just makes it even more "awesomerr" Wink
                            I vote for more "awesommer"!
                              To update this, Eric is pretty busy, but we'll get there eventually. I have a Facebook application working which is updating a list of workouts on several test Facebook pages, including my own. At the moment there's an API which Eric put together, but it doesn't provide all the data needed to finish up the first pass of this and get it out to people yet. (For those who are interested, there's also Python wrapping of the API which I wrote to make the Facebook application. Eventually others will be welcome to use that too.) The initial version will probably just show a list of recent workouts on the users profile page. It will update within an hour or so of you logging it on here on RA. It will look much like the Mini-feed. By all means post any other suggestions you might have. For instance, do you want to see graphs? Summery info (week totals etc)? PRs? Do you want it to post to friends news feed? etc. Friend challenges? -Peter
                              eric :)

                                Peter, I meant to write back to you but I've been busy with a lot of stuff. I even had your email in front of me yesterday but my attention was diverted to something else right after.