2022 Advanced Racing Thread (Read 497 times)


    Get after it Steve!


    Fishy nice 10k PR and mileage.


    RP My current plan is to work my way back to 50mpw by... well next week. This week should be 45 ish. Then do a 12 week cycle for Salisbury on April 1st. I'm slightly worried about this training cycle being shorter, since I'm still bouncing back from NCR, but I think I can do it if I stay healthy? Honestly 16 weeks got on my nerves towards the end both times last year.

    Running Problem

    Problem Child

      NCR? Sorry, I wasn’t active here as much as usual. 45 miles is a great goal. It’s probably where I lived a lot, and it makes doing a 12 mile long run not too much if you stick around the standard 25-30% of weekly mileage. Going from 45 to 50 also satisfies the 10%/week increase rules people have.  Nothing sucks more than taking months to go from 20 to 50 miles because 10%.

      Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

      VDOT 53.37 

      5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22



        Hi all! Going to post here to reply to stuff from the last week, and am excited to post in the new thread for the new year.


        darkwave, ah, software is a useful metaphor for the darkness issues. Hope those meds work! Also thanks for explaining your Jima loop! a) I think it's just really cool you can run amidst those monuments. Sounds like a great workout.


        JMac, good point re: biased and accurate. Yeah, that's even something I forget sometimes. And re: running window. Yeah, the time to Feb. 19 is pretty small. I've done a back-to-back marathon before that was spaced 8 weeks apart, and the second one was a PR, but I also wasn't fighting for it in the first one. I'm still somewhat regenerating from Jacksonville... I may still agree that it's a stupid idea. My body will certainly tell me even if my mind is slow to decide. Also, mmmm duck! Yeah, not a lot of meat on the birds, but goes well with all the other traditional dishes.

        oh! and thanks for pointing out my activities were private. Yeah, I guess the Strava linking is pretty useless in that respect. I'll make this one unprivate for now, and try to remember to make at least one link unprivate for the future. Strava link from last Sat.'s run


        mmerkle, now that you mention it, the treadmill used to be one of my favorite tools! Then I got injured and spent about 3 years off it, and the last time I was on it was in a hotel room in Bangkok. But I do have cheap access to a gym now. I should probably take advantage of that. Thanks for the workout suggestion!


        RP wow! yeah, okay, with 75 miles, yep, driving is a necessity. That's even more impressive then, that you did that! Sounds like the Fenix 6 would be a god tool to have before starting, though... especially given my woeful ability to get lost. The emptiness you describe after finishing sounds a bit like the typical hole one falls into after finishing something like a dissertation. It's a bit blah until the next challenge! Still, great accomplishment. Do I understand correctly that you started before this year and finished in this year? Also, sounds like you had a rough week. I hope the weekend is a good one.


        ch17 ha ha, okay, good to know I have a bit of time to build up to that mileage!


        Fishy, congrats on the 10k PR this year!


        Steve, how did it go?!

        Qualifications: I like to run. In Florida. In the summer. At noon.  

        Last race: May 27, Memorial Day 5K, 20:40.6. PR in not ideal conditions! A great way to start the summer.  


        Hot Weather Complainer

          Foster Park Run 5km - Race Report


          I've never done a 5km before, and this one was about getting a heart rate baseline for my new coach to set up the zones so I didn't do a 5km training cycle.  I only decided on this 2 weeks ago and did a few aerobic threshold workouts with a small lactate threshold component.  So it's fair to say I thought I wasn't prepared to run a 5km all out and it would be tough.


          I looked at the 3 Park Runs around Christchurch, and stalked some of the regulars on Strava, and found the Hagley Park Run consistently measures 4.9 - 4.93, while the Foster Park Run measure 5.07 - 5.10km.  Because my 5km 'PR' was the second half of a 10km I knew it was soft but wanted it to be the legitimate distance, even though that wasn't really the point.


          I got to the park about 35 mins before the start and did a 20 minute warm up with 4 100 metre strides.  Then changed into my Endorphins for the race.  It was a nice welcoming atmosphere at the race brief, where they asked first timers to raise their hands and me and 4 others got a round of applause from the 114 people who turned up in the middle of the holidays.


          We go to the start and I recognise a guy from the Motorway 10km, an 'old' guy who finished third and ran an extra few hundred metres after somehow missing the turnaround.  Usually when I say old these days it turns out they're my age but this guy is in the 60-64 age group and is probably up there in world terms for that age group.


          We start and I hit the front for 100 metres, then 'old' guy pulls up next to me and slowly pulls away.  The pace is hotter than I wanted but I feel good so I go with it.  I just try to hit a rhythm and get to 1km to see 3:42 on my watch.  I'd planned on 4:00 for the first then try to move down to 3:55 then 3:50 and hold on.  I felt okay so I didn't panic but I thought I should stick to 3:50 for a few km.  Lead guy is far enough in front to be irrelevant and at a corner I glance behind to see no-one - this is going to be essentially a solo time trial.  Second km flies by in 3:49 which is making me feel better.  It crosses my mind that if I don't fall apart, I can meet JMac's expectations.  The course has a small out at the start and back at the end with 2 laps in between.  I see my partner at halfway and she later tells me I'm 30 seconds behind.  It looked further.  I run my own race and the third km comes up in 3:41.  My coach said he wanted me to be hurting at 3.5km and I glance at my watch and see 3.4km, and yes, I can feel it and start doubting if I can hold it.  I get to 4km in 3:47 and I know I'm in good shape for a better than expected time.  I know I'm well clear of sub 19 pace but factored in the potential extra 70 - 100 metres and realised I had to go for it, which is what my coach asked me to do and I should be doing anyway.


          I feel like I'm getting closer to the leader but know I won't catch him.  I just gun it and try to leave it all out there.  Legs are wobbly, breathing hard but not suffering too much.  5th km flashes up in 3:36 and I sprint down the straight to break 19, and the watch stops on the official time of 18:53.  18 seconds behind the leader who I did close on a little on the second lap.


          It feels so good.  PRs at every distance for the year, although the marathon was the main goal and still irks me.  I feel like the 5km, 10km and marathon PRs are soft given what happened in Melbourne, and the fact that for the 5km and 10km I spent 2 weeks sharpening up with other bigger goals in mind.


          As I always do when I get a PR, I plugged it into McMillan which says my times are:


          10km              39:13

          Half                1:27:26

          Marathon       3:04:00


          I think 10km and half are potentially within the ballpark.  That marathon estimate gets a big LOL from me though.  Incidentally, my maximum heart rate was 195.  I assume that's accurate with the chest strap but really blows the 220 - age out of the water.

          5km: 18:34 11/23 │ 10km: 39:10 8/23 │ HM: 1:26:48 9/23 │ M: 3:34:49 6/23


          2024 Races:

          Motorway Half Marathon February 25, 2024 1:29:55

          Christchurch Half-Marathon April 21, 2024 1:27:34

          Selwyn Marathon June 2, 2024 DNF

          Dunedin Half Marathon September 15, 2024




            It feels so good.  PRs at every distance for the year, although the marathon was the main goal and still irks me.  I feel like the 5km, 10km and marathon PRs are soft given what happened in Melbourne, and the fact that for the 5km and 10km I spent 2 weeks sharpening up with other bigger goals in mind.


            As I always do when I get a PR, I plugged it into McMillan which says my times are:


            10km              39:13

            Half                1:27:26

            Marathon       3:04:00


            I think 10km and half are potentially within the ballpark.  That marathon estimate gets a big LOL from me though.  Incidentally, my maximum heart rate was 195.  I assume that's accurate with the chest strap but really blows the 220 - age out of the water.


            Congrats, Steve! That's an awesome race, even if you were solo for most of it. The race report helped me see some things I could do better in my own 5k running, too. Never really have a strategy... it's good to see you had one and could stick to it!


            You can't trust the McMillan calculator for estimating a marathon based off a 10k or less time. The half marathon is the most accurate predictor, but even that is guessing for 13 miles. Still, it's useful for the 10k and half! Also, re: HR, I don't think the 220- age is a guarantee for accuracy. It's used as a standard because it's less complicated than some other formulas out there and accurate for many people, but obviously not all. Obviously your coach wants to see what your actual MHR is close to, and they will probably use a different formula to figure out your HR zones.

            Qualifications: I like to run. In Florida. In the summer. At noon.  

            Last race: May 27, Memorial Day 5K, 20:40.6. PR in not ideal conditions! A great way to start the summer.  


              STeve- Really great race!!  PR and super time.  Congratulations.  I agree with  DK on the Mcmillan regarding longer distances but there are just so many more variables.  I absolutely think it reflects what you are capable of running given ideal training, conditions, fueling, pacing, etc. If all of those are in line then a 3:04 is absolutely spot on. Right now you are in 3:04 or better fitness just find the right race and go for it.  I may have missed it but do you have a goal marathon that you're working toward now?

              5K 18:36 (2023), 10K 39:40 (2022), 1/2 1:24:37 (2023), full 2:58:36 (2015) 


              RIP Milkman

                I predict 18:59 for Steve.


                I’m not often wrong with my predictions.


                Congrats to Steve, and congrats to Mikkey for getting his first prediction of the year right with 0 days left.


                I'm glad we can close this thread out with validation of rule 7.

                5K: 16:37 (11/20)  |  10K: 34:49 (10/19)  |  HM: 1:14:57 (5/22)  |  FM: 2:36:31 (12/19) 




                Hot Weather Complainer

                  Thanks guys - yeah I've never really bought in to the calculator for longer distances except that perhaps it's my absolute potential when I get a perfect training cycle, have had experience with plenty of marathons, sort out strength issues and have a perfect day.


                  Fishy - I'm targeting the Christchurch marathon on April 16.  The calculator may lead to more sandbagging accusations but I definitely want to avoid a similar experience to my last so I'm playing it cautious.


                  JMac - Your last job as dictator is update the front page with Mikkey's great result 

                  5km: 18:34 11/23 │ 10km: 39:10 8/23 │ HM: 1:26:48 9/23 │ M: 3:34:49 6/23


                  2024 Races:

                  Motorway Half Marathon February 25, 2024 1:29:55

                  Christchurch Half-Marathon April 21, 2024 1:27:34

                  Selwyn Marathon June 2, 2024 DNF

                  Dunedin Half Marathon September 15, 2024


                  It's Tuesday every day

                    Greetings, all! Here to file my year-end report, but first of all:


                    Fishy: great year! Those are nice times. Obviously you're not afraid to race. (Or, you're afraid but you do it anyway.)


                    SteveChCh: Nice job on the 5k! You ran like you've already run a ton of those.


                    Me, 2022:


                    3044.2 mi @ 9:42 min/mi pace. Races: one 10k, one 5 mi, one 8k, six 5ks.


                    Goal that happened: got 4th consecutive 3000-mi year (6th total)


                    Goal that didn't happen: sub-20 min 5k ... instead, got even further away (doh!)


                    Wasn't a goal but glad it happened: won Ed Barron Holiday Series 50-59 F category (third consecutive year)


                    Home/auto DIYs of which I'm proud (single F; my previous go-to handyman now in jail. That fact is unrelated to me, I should add.): replace toilet fill valve (yes!!!), reinstall pulled-out towel bar, remove car stereo-system fuse to prevent malfunctioning CD player from draining battery, replace the trunk-lid lifters on my station wagon so I could stop holding the trunk open with my head.


                    Not even close to RPs welding festival, but I was proud.


                    Happy New Year's Eve!


                      DK- I have no idea how you could run in Fla year round.  I assume there's some heat adaptation but wow.  To also run primarily mid-day LOL


                      Steve- You'll get none of that sandbagging foolishness from me.  I've made the mistake of trying to be too aggressive and it truly is one of the 2 marathon killers (other is heat) in my opinion.  I've always run my best when trying to take 4 minute improvements.  The 10 sec per mile also fits nicely into my OCD I think you are certainly closer to 3:04 than 3:20 but I think a 4-6 minute improvement per cycle is a great goal.  Then if the stars line up and your feeling it go a little stronger on race day.  I'm sure you and your coach will come up with a realistic goal after the marathon training steps up.


                      CH- Thanks! Racing more has been a goal for 2022 and continuing into 2023. One of these years I may try to run 3-4 marathons in a season just to see how my body reacts.  I seem to recover pretty quickly and 20+mile long runs don't phase me a bit.  What Shalane Flanagan accomplished returning from knee surgery and retirement is nothing short of inspirational.  I doubt I'll run 6 in 7 weeks but who knows

                      5K 18:36 (2023), 10K 39:40 (2022), 1/2 1:24:37 (2023), full 2:58:36 (2015) 

                      Pain is my friend

                        What to say? Not much to say. I know I am crazy and borderline insane. What can I say I love the Ultra running. I will say there is a lot to ketch up on here. I take a few days off to run a race and hell there is 5-6 pages of thread to read. Race report to follow.


                        Ch- I do run a lot from my house. But many streets are so far out. I do drive out to areas to pick up more new streets. If I run from my house I can get 2 or 3 new streets. If I drive 3 miles a way I can get 15-30 new streets. Its a no brainer. I am now 81% done with my next city.






                        Krash: what to say? [Note: I'd typed that in as a placeholder because every bullet was so heavyweight, but now I'm going to just going to leave that as my final answer.]



                        ATY 24   141.445 2019 1st

                        Bear 100 22:08 2021 

                        Jackpot 100 Feb 14:59 - 5th


                        Pulse endurance 48 hr 175.3 miles

                        Bonnevile Backyard ultra 

                        Ute 100 Aug

                        24 hour loop race?



                          DK- I have no idea how you could run in Fla year round.  I assume there's some heat adaptation but wow.  To also run primarily mid-day LOL



                          + one billion. I’ve never liked the heat, but since moving here I have pretty much de-acclimated myself. It is rarely too hot, and when it is, it’s not humid, and either way it still cools down at night so my early AM runs are no issue. I ran on a day it hit 106, but at 6 AM it was 75.


                          Pain is my friend

                            Across the years 24 hour Phoenix AZ


                            There is a long and a short answer to how the race went. I don't know if I will write the long one. Since the race didn't go as planned I feel some of the details don't matter. I think the hardest part is that I put in so much work for this race and came away with a flop. I say flop because I know I can so much farther in 24 hours than I did. Many have told me I did amazing. I think many of you know how I feel when I say I want more and doing ok in my book is not good enough.


                            The race started off just as planed. The course was a 1.04 mile loop. Mostly dirt with very little elevation change. Every 4 hours we changed directions. It was like a fresh start every time we changed directions. Everything was new. I was running 9:10-9:25 pace for the first 30 milers. It was easy and relaxed. Then I notice the pace started to slip and I had to work to get it back to goal pace. I new something was off. I backed off the 9:45s for some time and then that pace was hard to keep. My feet and quads started hurting earlier than I think they should have. I had done a lot of long training runs in the Carbon X Hoka. I felt they would help me with the long miles. At mile 72 I switch my shoes to my traditional Bondi's. I have never switched my shoes during an ultra. This time it was the smart move. But the damage was done.


                            About the some time as I changed my shoes I did some math. Most of the time math and ultra running don't mix. I would never bet on that guy to figure do the math in a life or death situation. I still had a clear had at that time and my math was spot on. I knew at the pace I was running and the pace my body would let me run, I wouldn't make my goal. I then found myself is the darkest hole ever. I was hurt, sad, frustrated and angry all at the same time. I though about quitting and I don't know that word. Many say ultras are 20% physical and 80% mental. The brain is a powerful thing. I thought about the options I had. I could call it a day or do something about it.


                            I text my wife and let her know I was in a dark place. To my surprise the text started to flood in. She had posted on FB that I wasn't doing well and to send me text. Well it worked. I started to look for a new reason to finish the race. Could I still win the race? I figured if I could keep a steady pace that I could.


                            The temperature wasn't that hot but I always felt like I was sweating. It was a bit humid. I used some ice and water to cool off. Ave was 50-65 degrees the whole race. But coming from 20 degrees and snow it felt a bit warm to me.


                            With 2 hours to go it started to rain. I didn't put on a rain jacket or change my cloths. Just kept running. I finished the race with 130.969 miles and first overall. So far. There was 6 days of running and you could start any of the 6 days. On the last day someone beet me by one lap to win.


                            I am grateful for my family and friends. I met many new ones that helped me too. I couldn't have pushed on without them. I don't know if I will do another 24 hour loop race. I will leave that decision for another day. There are so many take a ways from this race and lessoned learned.


                            You are never alone and you can do hard things.

                            ATY 24   141.445 2019 1st

                            Bear 100 22:08 2021 

                            Jackpot 100 Feb 14:59 - 5th


                            Pulse endurance 48 hr 175.3 miles

                            Bonnevile Backyard ultra 

                            Ute 100 Aug

                            24 hour loop race?



                              Damn Krash!!  Why did you bury this in the 2022 thread...I almost missed it!


                              Thats a powerful report and inspirational.  Love the fact that your tribe jumped in to give you the final push you needed.


                              That said you are absolutely bonkers.  24 hours on the same 1 mile loop

                              5K 18:36 (2023), 10K 39:40 (2022), 1/2 1:24:37 (2023), full 2:58:36 (2015) 

                              Pain is my friend

                                Not trying to bury it. I guess the traffic is over on the 2023 group. I will find it and post it there. Thanks.


                                Damn Krash!!  Why did you bury this in the 2022 thread...I almost missed it!


                                Thats a powerful report and inspirational.  Love the fact that your tribe jumped in to give you the final push you needed.


                                That said you are absolutely bonkers.  24 hours on the same 1 mile loop

                                ATY 24   141.445 2019 1st

                                Bear 100 22:08 2021 

                                Jackpot 100 Feb 14:59 - 5th


                                Pulse endurance 48 hr 175.3 miles

                                Bonnevile Backyard ultra 

                                Ute 100 Aug

                                24 hour loop race?