PR by Duration (Read 89 times)


Shoe Alarmist

    Next month I'll complete my second 10-hour race. It seems unlikely I'll improve on last year's distance, but it would be nice to have a PR by time in same (or separate?) Personal Records section. Or to say another way, group PR's by races of same time (10:00:00, 12:00:00, 24:00:00, etc)


    I'm not terribly worried about how it would be implemented. A few possible ways I initially thought were ...

    • Additional "group by time" checkbox next to "Exclude from PR" checkbox when Race is selected as Workout Type, so both PR types show in same report
    • Personal Records subsections (one grouping races by overall time, the other grouping races by distance)
    • Add radio button to Personal Records section that switches between grouping by distance and grouping by time
      • Separate form in Options->Log Preferences (or other location) to configure "group by" times (e.g. user would add a row for 12:00:00, 24:00:00, 48:00:00, etc)

    But, I don't really know. I suppose the feasibility of the whole thing and implementation itself would be dependent on underlying data structure and interest/demand from others.


    Bridge Solution: I've just created a Report called "10 hour races". That should work pretty well as the Distance column is sortable.


    NB: I also have a separate report for HHFMM, because it differs from other marathons in extraordinarily silly & terrible ways. My hope is that report remains as is in perpetuity.


      Won't it show up in your PR list anyway, unless it happens to end up the exact same distance as another race you've done?



      Bacon Party!

        Won't it show up in your PR list anyway, unless it happens to end up the exact same distance as another race you've done?


        Yes, it would show in the PR list - along with PRs for all the other odd distances that also happened to be run in 10 hours.

        There would be no single 10-hr PR.


        pace sera, sera


          Yes, it would show in the PR list - along with PRs for all the other odd distances that also happened to be run in 10 hours.

          There would be no single 10-hr PR.


          But then you just check "exclude PR" in ones you don't want listed. That's how I track my 24-hour PR. (12-hour is more problematic, because that's generally a split in a 24-hour.)


            That solution is a bit unsatisfying.  I think I understand the OP's point and I think it's very valid.  I don't run 10, 12 or 24 hr races but if I did I'd want to be able to click the 24hr category in the PR list and then see the results of ALL of my 24 hour races (the same way if I click my 10K category in the PR list I can see a list of ALL of my 10K race results).


              I'd want to be able to click the 24hr category in the PR list and then see the results of ALL of my 24 hour races (the same way if I click my 10K category in the PR list I can see a list of ALL of my 10K race results).


              Huh. I did not know you could do that. Yeah, well here the answer would seem to be just to enable those links on the times as well as the distances. Or better, check a box in the workout that says "time-based" ... as bdub suggested. OK.