Sub 1:30 half marathon in 2017 (Read 323 times)


Not an 80%er

    bro - out of curiosity, do you have a coach or follow one of the famous plans (pfitz, hansons, daniels, etc)?

    Or do you make it on your own based on past experience?

    PRs: 1500 4:54.1 2019 - 5K 17:53 2023 - 10K 37:55 2023 - HM 1:21:59 2021

    Up next: some 800m race (or time trials)

    Tool to generate Strava weekly

      bro - out of curiosity, do you have a coach or follow one of the famous plans (pfitz, hansons, daniels, etc)?

      Or do you make it on your own based on past experience?


      I have Daniel's Running Formula and I steal a lot of workouts from that. 


      I've followed as much as could before life gets in the way.  A commute, work, marriage, baby, side projects, other hobbies and a social life make things difficult.  I literally cram workouts into lunch breaks, at 5am, and I've been known to run at 10PM around my neighborhood with a baby monitor to get a couple extra miles in.   Then, sometimes I'm pretty beat for whatever reason and running sounds like the worst idea.


      When I was single, it was much easier to literally run all night and eat dinner whenever I wanted to.  It's a good thing my wife understands and is a runner as well and lets me go for an hour to run and shower, etc.  We also have a jogging stroller and it's been a blessing.


      How about you? 

        Bro good commitment. Most of us have similar life issues that get in the way. I have 4 kids run my own business and am on one income. Sometimes running with that is tough. 3.30 is way too soft for that marathon if you are hitting 60mpw next year 


        Flavio there used to be an app Runkeeper I think which uploaded to here but Im not sure if we can get strava direct to here. We should ask the question.

        55+ PBs 5k 18:36 June 3rd TT

        " If you don't use it you lose it,  but if you use it, it wears out.

        Somewhere in between is about right "      



        RIP Milkman

          Bro - As those in this thread know, I'm a big Daniels fan. Used him for my half this spring and have used him for my full training this fall. I love his style, but I know other people like Pfitz more as Pfitz tends to stress endurance more.

          5K: 16:37 (11/20)  |  10K: 34:49 (10/19)  |  HM: 1:14:57 (5/22)  |  FM: 2:36:31 (12/19) 




          Not an 80%er

            Bro -thanks, sounds like a plan.

            I don’t follow anything these days. I’m recovering from injury which pretty much took one year to heal, so just running easy runs, doing core work, and hoping I don’t get injured again.

            As per coach, it’s a bit odd. I know that I could probably run best if I had a coach since they’d rein me back when I’m about to burn myself to the ground (I’m opposite of most people).

            However, I find it hard to believe it’s worth it. I feel like I’m too slow to have a coach, if I at least would run a 17 minute 5K then I could start considering it.

            As it is, I find it better to invest in a gym membership to work the core and general strength and to do injury prevention routines.

            If I had a bit of extra cash I'd probably then invest on hiring somebody to slap me every time I'm overeating, which is the main reason I can't get my weight in order 

            PRs: 1500 4:54.1 2019 - 5K 17:53 2023 - 10K 37:55 2023 - HM 1:21:59 2021

            Up next: some 800m race (or time trials)

            Tool to generate Strava weekly


              Forecast is now moderately wet, not really heavy, but moderate.  Very little wind. And temperature 11-13 C or 52-54 F.  So two out of three will have to do.


              Left knee is so-so. And annoyingly have a moderately sore throat.

              PRs: 5km 18:43 (Dec 2015), 10km 39:59 (Sep 2020), half 1:26:16 (Sep 2016), full 3:09:28 (Jun 2015)


              40+ PRs: 5km 19:31 (Oct 2020), 10km 39:59 (Sep 2020), half 1:29:39 (Jun 2018), full 3:13:55 (Sep 2022)


              2023 PRs (hope to beat in 2024): 5km 20:34, 10km 41:37, half 1:32:32, full 3:21:05


              2024 PRs: 5km 20:25


              Not an 80%er

                Watson - Propolis capsules are my go to medication when with a sore throat. What are your plans A, B and C in terms of pace?

                PRs: 1500 4:54.1 2019 - 5K 17:53 2023 - 10K 37:55 2023 - HM 1:21:59 2021

                Up next: some 800m race (or time trials)

                Tool to generate Strava weekly



                  Bro - Welcome.  Like others have said, with that 5K speed you've got a great chance of improving your half & full times.


                  Flavio - Thanks for letting people on the RW Facebook group know that we're here.


                  My week was good in some ways & not so good in others.  Monday's 14 miles was my longest run of the year, & I wasn't very tired afterwards.  On the other hand, my legs started hurting earlier than I expected (11 miles), my pace was slower than I had hoped, and my knee started hurting again later in the week.  I cut back on volume for the rest of the week, deciding that I'd just start to taper for next week's 15K a little early.  Increased the intensity of my swims to compensate a bit.  My time for Friday's hill reps was pretty good, so the rest may have helped.


                  Looking forward to the 15K, as I haven't raced since April.  I'm treating it as prep for my goal half five weeks later.  The 15K is very hilly and I've never run that distance before, so I don't have any time expectations.  Just hope I can get used to running around my half effort in a race.


                  Sun - off

                  Mon - 14 miles moderate

                  Tues - 3.1 easy, stopping every half-mile for exercises

                  Weds - 34 minutes swimming

                  Thurs - 4.2 easy

                  Fri - 4.7 including 3 600-meter hills @ 3-5K effort

                  Sat - 20 minutes swimming, then 3.1 easy


                  Total - 29.1 miles

                  8-week average - 29.5 mpw

                  Post-1987 PRs:  Half 1:30:14 (2019); 10K 39:35 (2019); 5K 19:12 (2017); Mile 5:37.3 (2020)

                  '24 Goals: consistency, age-graded PRs, half < 1:32

                    James nice one taper looks good.


                    Flavio he should be underway by now. I think A goal was sub 3.


                    My week done


                    Weekly Summary
                    Monday, Oct 02, 2017 thru Sunday, Oct 08, 2017

                    <tfoot> </tfoot>
                    Mon 5.0 8.30 Flat Link
                    Tue 6.3 7:30 Bribe kids to bike for candy strava
                    Wed 6.2 7:47 Post beer and sushi strava
                    Thu 6.8 8:48 Papamoa Hills strava
                    Fri 8.7 8:14 Morning Run strava
                    Sat 7.7 6:57 Napier with 8k tempo strava
                    Sun 10.0 9:14 Napier hills strava
                      50.7 8:11    

                    55+ PBs 5k 18:36 June 3rd TT

                    " If you don't use it you lose it,  but if you use it, it wears out.

                    Somewhere in between is about right "      



                      James and Piwi - nice weeks.


                      Flavio - I didn't get my A, B or C times.


                      Ran the Wairarapa marathon this morning. I ditched my A aim last night, a combination of a niggly left leg, the course being hillier than I realized (I drove it yesterday), being a little sick,  plus not having had enough volume meant sub 3 was out of the question.


                      I also ended needing to stretch out on Saturday significantly as left knee was quite sore (tendonitis in the ACL). Saturday night I had my left knee, hip and achilles do large releasing. It meant I lost some muscle tension, and therefore a little speed. But I think my knee would have fell apart around 30-35km otherwise.


                      In hindsight I should have made my last week's aim to get my leg as good as possible.


                      So I started out at about 4:30/km pace. Aiming for 45 minutes at 10km, which I managed. And then aimed to speed up a bit and run 3:02-3:04.


                      Well I didn't speed up. Went through halfway at 1:35. And then faded and did 1:41 second half for 3:16.


                      It was a very small race. I ended up in 4th at around 4-5km. And stayed there until 36km when the guy that was 3rd fell apart. I was doing 5 minute/km or 8 minute/mile at that point, and I passed him relatively quickly.


                      First was 2:59, second 3:00, so it was a long way back to me.


                      I got over taken by about 4 halfers on my second lap, but it felt pretty lonely out there. I guess there was 35 in the full.


                      So a personal worst, but I am ok about it. After having 6 months of very low volume, it took me a long time to get up to ok volume.


                      I have a house to do some work on now before selling, so very little running the next 6 weeks. But I will then get myself to around 45 miles a week which should be much easier to ramp up from than 20 miles a week.

                      PRs: 5km 18:43 (Dec 2015), 10km 39:59 (Sep 2020), half 1:26:16 (Sep 2016), full 3:09:28 (Jun 2015)


                      40+ PRs: 5km 19:31 (Oct 2020), 10km 39:59 (Sep 2020), half 1:29:39 (Jun 2018), full 3:13:55 (Sep 2022)


                      2023 PRs (hope to beat in 2024): 5km 20:34, 10km 41:37, half 1:32:32, full 3:21:05


                      2024 PRs: 5km 20:25

                        Watson well 3rd place in a marathon is awesome so congratulations. Probably a good stress release for you now its over ! I know you have a sub 3 in you one day. You just need an uniterrupted cycle and a good course like the rest of us. Did you win a prize ? They had the inaugaral Tauranga Marathon yesterday and 1st was 2.37. All Strava users who ran came in at about 41.8kms and I saw one claiming his sub 3 with a 2.59.xx but it must have been badly short as normally marathons should run a little long. The half was also showing 21.7kms on most Ive seen. They need to sort that out.

                        55+ PBs 5k 18:36 June 3rd TT

                        " If you don't use it you lose it,  but if you use it, it wears out.

                        Somewhere in between is about right "      



                        Not an 80%er

                          Watson - a 3:16 is a very good result and 3rd overall on top of it. You should be proud, great effort, and remember that training is cumulative, the next time around you will have a bit more endurance.


                          Piwi - Ouch, getting the distance wrong is the worst mistake they can make.

                          PRs: 1500 4:54.1 2019 - 5K 17:53 2023 - 10K 37:55 2023 - HM 1:21:59 2021

                          Up next: some 800m race (or time trials)

                          Tool to generate Strava weekly


                            Thanks guys.


                            Yeah, I got a micro fleese Rowell and a little bag.


                            My GPS came a little short (80 metres). But from previous years I saw a 42.6km (exact same course), so it was probably legit distance.


                            Tauranga distance does not sound good.

                            PRs: 5km 18:43 (Dec 2015), 10km 39:59 (Sep 2020), half 1:26:16 (Sep 2016), full 3:09:28 (Jun 2015)


                            40+ PRs: 5km 19:31 (Oct 2020), 10km 39:59 (Sep 2020), half 1:29:39 (Jun 2018), full 3:13:55 (Sep 2022)


                            2023 PRs (hope to beat in 2024): 5km 20:34, 10km 41:37, half 1:32:32, full 3:21:05


                            2024 PRs: 5km 20:25


                              See the article below. Most people end up about 200m "long", but some end up short, and some much longer.


                              Of course if everyone in a race ends up short, it is almost certain the course was short.



                              PRs: 5km 18:43 (Dec 2015), 10km 39:59 (Sep 2020), half 1:26:16 (Sep 2016), full 3:09:28 (Jun 2015)


                              40+ PRs: 5km 19:31 (Oct 2020), 10km 39:59 (Sep 2020), half 1:29:39 (Jun 2018), full 3:13:55 (Sep 2022)


                              2023 PRs (hope to beat in 2024): 5km 20:34, 10km 41:37, half 1:32:32, full 3:21:05


                              2024 PRs: 5km 20:25

                                Watson - well done.  3rd place is nothing to sniff at.  I know it's not the time result you were looking for but I am sure every runner has been there (myself included), that nagging injury, not quite the training cycle, tough course... I feel ya.


                                My week was good.  It was my peak week, mileage-wise.  My long run today was 26km with a bathroom break (becoming a regular thing  - I trust a shakeout run will help that on race day, as it usually does).  It was windyyy.  It did not come easy even though the pace was pedestrian, especially coming back after the bathroom break (breaking rhythm on even an easy long run is unsettling).  The last 3 kms I just reminded myself it's not about pace, but the effort.  Maintained form, focused on breathing.  Still was at 5:15/km or so but it felt like it should've been <5 with the way I felt at the end and afterwards.  I had one pretty kickass workout run this week do.  During my cruise interval run I ended up running 13/19km close to 90 minute HM pace.   I'll probably aim to hit about 50-55km this week and then 35km the week of the race.

                                P.S. the Monday "run" listed here was a jog with my girlfriend.  I wasn't going to log it but as she so aptly put it on strava: "this wasn't a jog for me, it was a run!"  So my mileage ended up around 52/84km.


                                <tfoot> </tfoot>
                                Day Miles Pace Description Link
                                Mon 6.9 13:07 Trail Jog with Melissa strava
                                Tue 5.6 7:58 Lunch Run strava
                                Wed 9.8 7:20 Tempo intervals (2k w/u, 7k,3k,2k) strava
                                Thu 5.7 8:28 Lunch Run strava
                                Fri 11.8 7:21 Cruise intervals (7x7mi) Ended with 800/400/800/400 HM target pace strava
                                Sat 3.1 9:00 Morning Run strava
                                Sun 16.2 8:23 LSR - windy af. 2 weeks out from half. strava
                                  59.1 8:34

                                Personal Bests: 5k 19:43 (04/2017), 10k 43.24 (10/2016), Half 1:33:18 (10/2017), Full 3:32:47 (05/2017)
                                2018 Targets: 5k: sub19, 10k: sub41, Half: sub90