Can someone recommend a good, reasonable way to lose 5-6 lbs? (Read 1470 times)

    I think a great tip is to not eat 2 to 3 hours before going to bed. What I do is, after eating dinner I brush my teeth. Since my teeth are nice and clean, I don't want to ruin it my eating a snack. So I don't have anything to eat after dinner. I also have a diet log that I fill out everyday. I track calories, protein and fiber. I have been using my log for 5 years now. Hope this helps. Gwin
    2007 Races: 5K: 25 minutes, 10 seconds 10K: 50 minutes, 31 seconds 2008 Races: Half Marathon: 1:55:45 (ZOOMA, Annapolis, MD) 10-Mile Race: 1:25:24 (Piney Point, MD) 2009 Races: Marathon: 4:44:22 (Piney Point, MD)


      Oh man me too. Going through last year's log is killing me. All I can figure in the evening when you start opening up the cubard you have to close it. No eating after 7:00 p.m. Right now I have "loose .5 before Monday" written on my arm, so I don't forget. I'm taking .5 pounds at a time.


        No eating after 7:00 p.m. Right now I have "loose .5 before Monday" written on my arm, so I don't forget. I'm taking .5 pounds at a time.
        wow - i'd never get any dinner! its a rare day we manage to have our evening meal before 8.30pm. i agree about not eating after dinner though. even if i think i'm still hungry i always wait at least 30mins after eating to be sure. and then have a pint of water. and then wait another 15mins. if i'm still hungry after all that i can have something to eat. i think it might have happened once. i log food only if i'm trying to lose weight - it definitely does help. but i don't need to log it to maintain so i don't bother.

        Options,Account, Forums

          re: not eating after dinner But I've read books advising eating before going to sleep and eating after waking up, to minimize the length of the fast time? I forget their reasoning -- maybe it was they wanted to extend the time during which the body is metabolizing normally (spending more energy?) and reduce the time the body was in "starvation/preservation" mode? Disclaimer: I know very little about nutrition; I just repeat nuggets that I read (or that the runner before me left on the trail).

          It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.


          Resident pinniped

            Bugs, are you seriously eating 640 calories a day while training for a marathon? Shocked How many times have you passed out so far? I'm hoping you just didn't enter dinner for today yet. As for losing 5 pounds, cut out all sugary drinks, including juice or Kool Aid or punch or anything like that. Any fluid you drink should be water, diet soda, or flavored water. And don't add the calories back somewhere else. It's CRAZY easy to drink 400 or more calories a day and not even know it.
              Hi. I can honestly and truly suggest a way that has worked for me even though I wasn't actually trying to lose weight. I cut down on the amount of wheat, dairy and gluten I was having in my diet and I lost nearly 4kgs in a month. No kidding!!!! It's not all that difficult to maintain and not all that more expensive on the grocery shopping bill. I eat soy yogurt now (which believe it or not is actually quite nice), and I rarely have milk with anything (although I LOVE Gloria Jeans white chocolate mocha coffees occasionally). Instead of Weetbix with dried fruit and nuts for brekky, I got rid of the wheat and dairy and have porridge/rolled oats instead with diced peaches (tinned) and prunes. It's filling and low GI. I eat gluten free bread instead of 'normal' bread and admittedly, it's more expensive to buy but it's only me eating it. I've started eating a lot more fish instead of meat, and I love salads like you wouldn't believe. I'm not totally strict with my diet but for the most part I eat pretty well. Oh, and eat more often but in smaller amounts. My metabolism is so fast because I eat every 2-3 hours. See how you go.
                I wish "run more" were the right answer, but for many of us it is not. The older you get, the harder it seems to be to lose weight. Add female body changes on top of that..... The key is burning more than you consume, which is NOT easy. You have to watch for the real sneaky things like salad dressing, that huge glass of wine that is really 3 servings, the donuts at the office etc.

                Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth

