Ice Bath Anyone? (Read 2048 times)


    Ok, I'm a women but can this cause permanent "Shrinkage". No wonder you wife wasn't laughing !!! Big grin


      OMG, For funny. Your legs make me hubba, hubba. You should video tape next time. You will be famous on youtube.


      The Greatest of All Time

        OMG, For funny. Your legs make me hubba, hubba. You should video tape next time. You will be famous on youtube.
        DW wanted to video tape it. I declined. Pics were enough. And no permanent shrinkage problems. Everything was good to go an hour later. Wink
        all you touch and all you see, is all your life will ever be

        Obesity is a disease. Yes, a disease where nothing tastes bad...except salads.
          My husband will actually help me get the bath ready and then sit around watching me get in laughing his butt off. Lovely guy huh? Clowning around I don't go buy ice though. Our ice maker in the freezer has a button that I push before I go for a long run that puts the ice maker in overtime so the bucket is full by the time I get home to empty it in the tub. Nice picture though. It sure brings back memories!
          Finished my first marathon 1-13-2008 in 6:03:37 at P.F. Chang's in Phoenix. PR in San Antonio RnR 5:45:58!!!!!! on 11-16-08 The only thing that has ever made any difference in my running is running. Goal: Break 2:30 in the HM this year Jay Benson Tri (place in Athena category) 5-10-09


            DW wanted to video tape it. I declined. Pics were enough. And no permanent shrinkage problems. Everything was good to go an hour later. Wink
            Did you tape that? Big grin


            The Greatest of All Time

              Did you tape that? Big grin
              all you touch and all you see, is all your life will ever be

              Obesity is a disease. Yes, a disease where nothing tastes bad...except salads.


                Oh yeah! Ice bath's are not for sissys!


                  After Action Report: There is an improvement, I have to admit it. I forced myself to run very slowly this morning just to test the water. This morning's run was the first I have had since Saturday where my legs were not screaming when I finished. Also, the right knee was my biggest complaint yesterday, especially going downhill. It appears to be fine this morning. My wife was not laughing, at least out loud. She was not in a great mood after a crap day at work, so she just stood there shaking her head in disbelief. She thinks I am crazy and I can't refute that opinion. Sitting in ice water for 15 minutes while reading a book is not normal I think the first 5-10 minutes after I got out was as bad or worse then sitting in there. Ice bath Polio is no fun. And there were more pictures where my facial expressions were more pronounced and uglier. But I will only humiliate myself for the entertainment of the group so much.
                  Whew. This means I won't be murdered next time Marcus sees me. Always a good thing. By the way...my ice bath from yesterday looked much less painful, and much more business like. I calmly perused my issue of The Sporting News...and waited til my 15 minutes was up.

                  Sack up and run.

                  The Greatest of All Time

                    By the way...my ice bath from yesterday looked much less painful, and much more business like. I calmly perused my issue of The Sporting News...and waited til my 15 minutes was up.
                    Kiss my grits. I won't be such a wuss next time...and there will be a next time, oh yes.
                    all you touch and all you see, is all your life will ever be

                    Obesity is a disease. Yes, a disease where nothing tastes bad...except salads.
                      Kiss my grits.
                      I used to love that show!


                        My husband will actually help me get the bath ready and then sit around watching me get in laughing his butt off. Lovely guy huh? Clowning around I don't go buy ice though. Our ice maker in the freezer has a button that I push before I go for a long run that puts the ice maker in overtime so the bucket is full by the time I get home to empty it in the tub. Nice picture though. It sure brings back memories!
                        DH and I took an ice bath after our 18 miles (Nov). We wore sweathshirts, gloves and knit beanies, and sat there sipping lattes. I could not keep my feet in the water---the ice cold hurt my foot bones much more than any mileage was going to hurt. I too kept my feet out of the water. He steadfastly refused to do an ice bath after our 21 mile run. My daughter thought it was all a great hoot. Clowning around

                        San Diego 1997: 4:59:59, San Diego 1999: 4:37:23, Carlsbad 2008: 6:32:21, America's Finest City Half Aug 2008: ??

                        "Run if you can. Walk if you must. Crawl if you have to. Just don't give up."

                        SMART Approach

                          Man maybe I won't be doing this next month. I have recommended ice baths to others but have not done one myself. I was actually telling my wife this morning I was going to do an ice bath after my half next month to enhance recovery. The halfs tear me up as I only avg. 20-22 miles per week. I did jump in Lake Michigan Jan. 1 st (Polar Bear Plunge) last year. That was 30 seconds of hell. BUT, only 30 seconds. 15 MINUTES!!! Shocked

                          Run Coach. Recovery Coach. Founder of SMART Approach Training, Coaching & Recovery

                          Structured Marathon Adaptive Recovery Training

                          Safe Muscle Activation Recovery Technique


                          The Greatest of All Time

                            That was 30 seconds of hell. BUT, only 30 seconds. 15 MINUTES!!! Shocked
                            Jake told me, and he was correct, that the first 3 minutes is the worst. After that it sucks but at a lesser level. Last night I didn't feel like going out for ice so I just filled the tub with cold water and sat in it for 15 minutes. It was just as much shock getting in there with no ice, but it didn't do as good a job. [sigh]
                            all you touch and all you see, is all your life will ever be

                            Obesity is a disease. Yes, a disease where nothing tastes bad...except salads.
                              Great post! I actually did an ice bath in a hotel room after a long day of skiing. I hadn't skiied in a year and I had a planned run the next morning. So I did the ice bath so I could run. How crazy is that? But I was able to run no problem the next day. Oh man, yeah, the feet are the worst. But the guys that went in the hot tub after skiiing were in real trouble during the flight home. I warned them!


                                Your wife's comments cracked me up Big grin Loved the step by step pictures, I could feel the pain through the screen!
                                Don't look at me, I'm just here to run.