3:20 Marathoners ... New and Improved for (the rest of) 2017 (Read 372 times)



    I have nothing to share. Carry on.

    ps: elfboy won something, not a single pro congratulated him. wooosh.

    Mile 5:24 3k 11:01 5k 19:01 10k 38:34 hm 1:26:57 fm 3:02:33

    Strict WTF adherent

      Lots of hip stuff going on here. Is it contagious, or are we just old?


      Arvind - I'd try not to think about stuff like that too much. If you feel good running fasted, do that. Otherwise, do something else.


      Max - Have "fun" with that.


      DW - Good news on the cat.


      Signed up for a spring marathon today (NJ). I won't be racing it. The expo is at a brewery. Those last two thoughts may or may not be related.


      My week:

      Mon - 5.5 recovery

      Tues - 6.2 hills and weights

      Wed - 6.4 easy and 2 dog

      Thurs - weights

      Fri - 6.4 fartlek

      Sat - 3.9 dog

      Sun - 10.3 easy

      Total - 40.6. The buildup continues...


        Does training in a carb-depleted state help your body race in a carb-depleted state (ie late marathon)?


        i suspect it does, but it’s controversial. I don’t think it’s very important one way or the other.


          Arvind -- I found this interesting reading: https://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2016/03/09/for-serious-training-hold-the-carbs-at-dinnertime/?_r=0


          Dwave -- good news on the kitty


          After the HM last Sunday, I took two days off (calf kinda tight, me kinda lazy). But then I at least got a bunch of easy miles in, including a 20 miler on Saturday to avoid the unseasonably muggy mess on Sunday. It went okay, but I don't think I can say I enjoyed the last 5 miles or so. At least I get to try the weekly app:


          Weekly Summary
          Monday, Oct 02, 2017 thru Sunday, Oct 08, 2017

          <tfoot> </tfoot>
          Day Miles Pace Description Link
          Wed 3.7 9:08 Morning Run strava
          Thu 7.2 8:59 Morning Run strava
          Fri 7.3 8:45 Morning Run strava
          Sat 20.0 8:38 Morning Run strava
          Sun 9.1 9:21 Afternoon Run strava
          Sun 2.3 8:37 Afternoon Run strava
            49.6 8:52    

            I may have stumbled across this group when I was just uploading a few runs. I recognize quite a few names. I may have to try to stick around.


              DkW - Glad to hear things are looking up for the kitty. If you manage to run Columbus, we would expect at least a picture with ace.


              arvind - like CK, this summer I've done most of my workouts fasted, for no good reason really. I'm not often hungry in the morning, so I just prefer to eat something after running (also to save time in the am). I've recently heard (i.e., last few months) that doing this can help the body burn fat, and it makes sense, but like rovatti says it's controversial. FWIW, in my case, after doing all my workouts and LR depleted, I still faded at the end of the marathon.


              McB - nice week and glad you found some spring motivation. And I don't mean the marathon.


              Kai - good week and great LR! Nobody should enjoy the end of a 20 miler.


              scream - welcome! Hope you stick around Smile

              5K - 18:03 (5.18) | 10K - 37:58 (2.18) | HM - 1:20:45 (9.18) | FM: 2:57:59 (10.18)

              Arvind Balaraman

                Thank you all for your comments. I do all my long runs fasted and most of my workout fasted as well. Was not sure if it will help or not. Hence asked.


                Cobra Commander Keen

                  Zab - Introduce yourself and stick around!


                  Kai - That's a good week back.


                  Arvind - To elaborate a little on my fasted running: I do think it has helped me, but I can't be 100%. I haven't had issues hitting the paces or lengths I want during workouts fasted, and I was doing much better after my most recent marathon than my others before I started doing everything fasted. I also took an extra gel in that marathon compared to before (and used caffeinated ones), so it's not conclusive by any means. It is nice being able to knock out a hilly 18 miler or put in 10+ marathon-effort miles into a long run without needing fuel while seeing others suck down gels and gatorade anytime they run double-digit miles. And it's cheaper, too!


                  Me - I ended up not trying to run this morning. Not because of the hip, but because I wanted to stay in bed since I was up all night with DD2 who was having a rough night and couldn't sleep. I'm still very seriously considering taking some cold-weather running gear with me on the trip later this week, just in case I get the chance to run.

                  5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


                  Upcoming Races:




                    So this thing works?

                    Strict WTF adherent

                      I may have stumbled across this group when I was just uploading a few runs. I recognize quite a few names. I may have to try to stick around.


                      There goes the neighborhood



                        So this thing works?


                        It doesn't. This post will never reach anything, anywhere, anyone.

                        Mile 5:24 3k 11:01 5k 19:01 10k 38:34 hm 1:26:57 fm 3:02:33

                        Running Problem

                        Problem Child

                          If I could remember my password I'd know what everyone is doing. Apparently some people have had races. I have about a year before my next priority race (363-ish days) so I should probably start running more consistently. I had a physical yesterday and everything seems fine. I just hope to have my speed for 2018.


                          Ace What race are you targeting again? Since we don't have the xcl file anymore I can't remember. You're looking fast.


                          EDIT: Galen. I was hoping he would win. He's probably doped to the gills but I thought it was cool how he came across the finish line and gave his kid a high 5. I'm sure his coach is happy as well. In 5 years they'll retest his blood sample and find out he was using stuff that becomes illegal in 5 years. I also knew at least ONE other person in here (who shall NOT be named) was probably super excited elf boy won.

                          Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                          VDOT 53.37 

                          5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


                          Resident Millennial

                            apparently RA can eat posts, too. i thought a posted a few days ago but it seems to have disappeared!


                            yes, galen for the win, it seems. hm.


                            rovatti- that's a lot of elliptical! you are tenacious


                            pesto- hello!


                            max- oh dear. well, yes, what rovatti said. you're a kook. have ... fun? stay alive? all of those things. Smile


                            c keen- "semi local semi pro" ha.ha. that hip sounds rough, i'm sorry! hope it improves.


                            sclever- well, a more even paced race with less of a dramatic negative split might make for an overall faster race. but yeah there's a lot of speculation (letsrun) of oh, what if he's really not ever going to be a fast marathoner, but he is a great championship racer, etc? it would be great to have seen him in berlin or at a breaking2-type thing which is guaranteed to go out fast.


                            dwave- "Where she proceeded to make a liar out of me by eating in front of the vet...." CLASSIC kitty. well, i'm glad she is doing well!


                            sam- yes, i noticed that none of the pros congratulate him. but they congratulate jordan a bit. that confuses me - you'd think it'd be a protest of the alberto system, so all or nothing.


                            mcB- look at you running mileage! nice buildup.


                            kai- nice week. you don't seem to have OCD, or you would have run .4 more miles Smile


                            Dad- no, not really.


                            jim- long time no see/talk. are you racing humboldt?


                            last week:
                            M- 6.1mi ez
                            T- AM 5mi, PM 9mi incl 8x1000 w/ 90sec rest, average about 4:01
                            W- 6.8mi ez
                            Th- 8mi ... tried to tempo, had done 1 very laborious mile that clocked in at 7:20 and turned it into a steady state run
                            F- off (core/pre-hab)
                            Sa- 16.5mi/2100ft. gorgeous trail long run in nearby protected seashore area. unfortunately my body wasn't on board and it was really rough. should have been a couple miles longer.
                            Su- 7mi ez + strides
                            = 59mi

                            and then there were a bunch of really bad fires in napa/sonoma late sunday/early monday - that's like 80 miles away - to the point where i woke up at 2am on monday morning and thought that my apartment was on fire because the smell of smoke was so strong. the air quality index isn't good - worse in the mornings. i might be doing some treadmilling later this week if it continues like this :/  
                            lots of destruction and a few deaths up there. really tragic.

                            mile, 5:26 /5k, 19:34 /10k, 41:00 /13.1, 1:31:49 /26.2, 3:12:58

                            Running Problem

                            Problem Child

                              Previous week. I could have hit 30 if I didn't have birthing class on Saturday and a lack of desire to run past a 10K on a regular basis.


                              Weekly Summary
                              Monday, Oct 02, 2017 thru Sunday, Oct 08, 2017

                              <tfoot> </tfoot>
                              Day Miles Pace Description Link
                              Mon 6.5 8:33 That time you should be in school. strava
                              Tue 6.8 8:35 That time I was batting 1,000. strava
                              Wed 6.0 8:32 That time there should be a Parental Advisory strava
                              Thu 2.2 8:22 That time you could have just said you didn’t want to go. strava
                                21.5 8:32    

                              Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                              VDOT 53.37 

                              5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


                              Recovery Phenom

                                Finally found it! I was very slow on the uptake.


                                Seattle: Your Utah tour sounds really exciting. Have a great race too!


                                Rovatti: Sorry about your hip. That's a lot of time on the elliptical and I wouldn't be surprised if it was making it worse. Might be something you need to do pool running for.


                                Pesto: That's a great week post-marathon! I have the Pfitz book too. I personally found it to be one of the more boring plans with not enough variation for my ADD! But I know many people enjoy it. I agree with cutting it down. I tend to prefer shorter cycles over longer- shorter but more intense.


                                Arvind: Congratulations on your half marathon. I think that running on an empty stomach is better for teaching your body to use fat as fuel. But if you do it for all your long runs, you'll find that you don't recover as well. I use Generation UCAN because it's slow releasing energy that allows the body to burn fat as fuel.


                                Commander Keen: Sounds like the skunks and the locked track might have been a sign. Sometimes when you have forced time off due to injury you end up surprising yourself with how well you've maintained your fitness. And mentally it's easier with the pressure off.


                                SomethingClever: Those wrist HRMs don't work at all for me. Great week.


                                Darkwave: Columbus is one of my favorites. You probably know this already, but the hills in miles 16-19 can be tough. I think it's all about surviving those and then really kicking it at the end. I believe the last 10K is slightly downhill, so if you make sure those hills don't kill you, you end up well poised for a fast finish. Weather looks warm, but heck- you are acclimated! And it won't be as warm as it's been for the past two weeks so it might feel good. And, it's definitely better weather than you would have had at Mohawk.


                                - - - - - -


                                I ran the Army Ten Miler on Sunday, and it went surprisingly well, given the record-breaking heat and humidity. Full race report in the link, cliffs notes version is that I took advantage of the fact that most everyone would go out fast. I went out slow and ended up placing in the top 100 women, out of over 11,000! First mile in 7:31, last mile in 6:53.

                                26.2 x 31 (3:15:34 PR)

                                13.1 x 35 (1:30:58 PR)

                                Author of the book Boston Bound