Looks like I am benched for a long, long, 'Oh so long' time (Trent - advice would be peachy!) (Read 1247 times)

Now that was a bath...

    Warning, this will be long! I'll begin with the apology. Sorry that I have only been notable for my absence of late, I still love you all though. I had my follow up appointment with the Sport's Doctor post CT Scan last week. The news is bad for me. He started with - 'Wow, you really did a number on that leg. You don't often see fractures this bad.' So I sort of knew that the concept of running in January had grown wings and flown out the window already. The CT scan showed the severity of the fracture and lack of healing clearly. It is over an area of my tibia that is 7cm long and has a main fracture with lots of fracture lines extending from it. The cross section of my tibia shows lightening strike patterns all down the back of the bone. He said that fractures have a range of healing patterns in different people. Some heal with just 6 - 8 weeks rest from running. Some never heal. I am not quite at the 'Never heal' end of the line, but I am definitely saying hello to it. My bone has a large area of thickening (which suggests that my body made attempts to heal) but the CT scan showed that the bone hasn't knitted at all across the fracture site. I am now 10 months post fracture. Prognosis - At this point he has little reason to believe that this will be a quick process. 3 months of rest and a month on crutches have achieved nothing. We need to look at ways to catalyst fresh healing. We discussed the following options. *An Electronic Bone Stimulator - He thought that I was not a suitable candidate for this as my fracture was severe, in a difficult position and resistant to repair. *Ultrasound Treatment - he said that there wasn't any conclusive proof that this definitely worked but that some thought it was beneficial. It would be difficult to do though as I would need treatments daily for months and I have three young children to care for. *Phosphate treatment (forgive me that I forgot the exact name) - which he said was contraindicated in women that are of fertile age. *Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy - Here's where I need Trent Smile He said that his gut feeling was that this was worth a shot. My fracture is severe enough to get the $1500 treatment funded and he said that there are good indicators that I am a good candidate for it. My concern? He said it would hurt and that in America you get spinal anesthesia for it, but that here in NZ they do it without pain relief or anesthesia. Trent, have you heard of it? Could it work? Am I insane to consider it? *Surgery - A bone graft is a possibility at this point. Obviously we want to avoid that if possible but if the ESWT doesn't work, then it would be our next option. I tentatively asked 'Am I still aiming to run in late January?'. To which I was told 'No' - that the middle of next year would be optimistic but still unlikely. So I spoke to my hubby and said 'Hey - you know how I started running to focus myself and give my body a physical goal that would distract me mentally from my burning desire to have another child? Can I have another child to distract me from my burning desire to run now?' He said 'That would be a wonderful idea, how about May?' So - if the hematologist gives me permission (I have a blood condition) then we are thinking May to start trying for a baby. The Sports Doctor said that he thinks it's a good idea as long as we can stimulate some sort of healing first. Obviously more weight on a fractured leg would be a problem, but he felt that an extended period of 'Not Running' would be much better for my leg. So that's me. I laughed with my daughter Alice just now about how I may have experienced the shortest running hobby in history! Eight short weeks running left me in this total mess. Top tip for those starting out - Whatever you do, do it sensibly, do it slow and listen to your body when it tells you things are quite right. Love and hugs. Clerical. xxx
  • jlynnbob "HTFU, Kookie's distal tibia"
  • Where's my closet? I need to get back in it.
      Oh Claire, I am so sorry to hear how things are turning out. You've had to deal with so much and this is yet another unfair factor. I wish that the answer comes to you without doubt, and that what ever decision you make will first off, bring back comfort and secondly lead to your being happy all around once again.



      Good Bad & The Monkey

        Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy? Lessee, this is a therapy for plantar fasciitis (not broken bones) for which a recent study in JAMA showed no benefit. http://jama.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/abstract/288/11/1364 $1500? I suspect that the dude has paid for a machine and is trying to recoup the cost. I'm thinkin it is time for a second opinion. And I am not sure why NOT use a bone stimulator.


          This seems so unreal to me...I can only imagine how completely insane it seems to you, friend. And so unfair. But I'm glad your hubby is open to the baby plan...life works in mysterious ways, huh?! Smile Fate's a pretty cool thing. I hope you can find some treatment that will get that bone healed. Do they think any of this could be related to your blood condition? (((Claire))) k

          Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

          remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

               ~ Sarah Kay

          Now that was a bath...

            Hi Michelle! Big grin My husband said 'Second opinion please' very loudly. Trent I believe he was using this study as a guide... http://ajs.sagepub.com/cgi/content/full/35/7/1188 He printed it out for me but I can't access it online as I am not important enough. Anyhow, he said it is a very recent study (July this year) and it is his belief that this is the way stress fracture treatment is heading. This one you might be able to read Wink and also refers to this treatment being used for stress fractures of the tibia http://www.ovingclinic.co.uk/shockwave_therapy.html I like that one. It said it doesn't hurt much! He won't be doing the treatment, there is only one man doing this for stress fractures in NZ at the moment and he is on holiday until next week. I think I will start looking into a second opinion, just in case! Claire xxx
          • jlynnbob "HTFU, Kookie's distal tibia"
          • Where's my closet? I need to get back in it.

            Now that was a bath...

              Zoomers I asked if my lack of healing could be ITP related and he said no. My platelets are excellent at the moment and have been all year. I will be very nervous when I get to run after all of this. Shy
            • jlynnbob "HTFU, Kookie's distal tibia"
            • Where's my closet? I need to get back in it.
                ((((((((((((((((((HUGE HUGS)))))))))))))))))))))))))

                Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson

                Now that was a bath...

                  Hugs received with a big smile Pam. I've missed you all.
                • jlynnbob "HTFU, Kookie's distal tibia"
                • Where's my closet? I need to get back in it.

                    Oh that stinks! At least you are a wonderful mommy...something many of us would give our left leg for! Wink
                    Ironman Louisville 8-30-09


                      I will be very nervous when I get to run after all of this. Shy
                      No doubt. I hope once you are able to get back to running that it is an entirely positive and healthy experience.

                      Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                      remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                           ~ Sarah Kay

                        No doubt. I hope once you are able to get back to running that it is an entirely positive and healthy experience.
                        And, we'll all be here cheering you on, perhaps as you push that jogger stroller with your newest family member. Smile


                          Claire - (((hugs))) and so sorry about this latest news. Sad Don't give up on the bone stimulator yet, either - it wouldn't hurt and it is non-invasive. There is now a compact unit that you can wear 24/7. click

                          Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments that take our breath away...(unkown)

                          Go With The Flow
                          Thyroid Support Group


                            Wow that is a huge amount of bad news. I have been thinking about Clair and where she has gone off to and what exciting adventures she must be having on the other side of the world. Be patient....and hopefully your doc is looking out for you.
                            Run like you are on fire! 5K goal 24:00 or less (PR 24:34) 10K goal 50:00 or less (PR 52:45) HM goal 1:55:00 or less (PR 2:03:02) Marathon Goal...Less than my PR (PR 4:33:23)

                            Another Passion

                              Sorry to hear of the additional bad news, Claire. You sound like you're approaching this wisely though and with more maturity than I ever would. I pray there is a favorable resolution to this for you. Wink

                              "The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare." - Juma Ikangaa
                              "I wanna go fast." Ricky Bobby

                                Hi Claire, My stress fracture also seems to be in the resistant to treatment camp, so I know the feeling. You know, HTFU, I just want to get back to daily life and such, even if not running! A few thoughts. Did you ask about trying crutches for longer? I know you did it for 4 weeks and you seemed to have a lot of progress then. I would think it would be worth a try. Same thought about the bone stimulator. Why not give conservative treatment every chance you can to fail before heading towards a graft. Especially since it doesnt sound like you have a deadline or are in a rush, other than just wanting to get your life back. You getting plenty of calcium and vit D? I am sure thats not the problem, but again it cant hurt! Heal up quickly!!! Youve spent way too long being injured!!!