2020 Marathon Training and relevant COVID 19 discussion echo chamber (Read 700 times)


    Goal for this year is sub 2:50. Not sure if a spring race is possible, I'll have to play it by ear. This fall I'll probably either run Hartford or Detroit; still undecided.


    Might I recommend Baystate as a fall race for a sub-2:50 attempt? I'm biased since my club hosts it but it really is a well-supported, no-frills, fast course with easy logistics for a New Englander (though probably not as easy for you as Hartford) for runners, by runners. And it has a good layout if you have family who want to see you at multiple points on the course. I have 2 sub-2:50s there.

    Runners run

       I’d rather wear my Borat mankini.

      I'm not sure you could pull off the mankini like KingDong used to... Ill-advised at your age, I'd think.


      +1 to mikeymike's endorsement and description of Baystate.  (I PR'ed there.)  Also, the weather is usually good.


        Me - legs feeling pretty good again this week.  Punched out a good 50 minute tempo at goal marathon pace and felt pretty solid (despite it being the final day of a 10-day running streak - actually my longest ever, due to a couple of extra easy runs while on holiday). Kept the long run up-tempo too.  I've got a 10km race next weekend - the first of the three North Shore Run Series races, but I'm just using this series to keep the race-rust away before Southern Lakes Half Marathon in April.


        M: 6.3km easy

        T: 15km with intervals

        W: 10.2km easy

        T: 21km incl. 50 min @ MP (~3:45/km)

        F: weights

        S: 14.6km easy with hills

        S: 28km long run

        Total: 95.1km

        3,000m: 9:07.7 (Nov-21) | 5,000m: 15:39 (Dec-19) | 10,000m: 32:34 (Mar-20)  

        10km: 33:15 (Sep-19) | HM: 1:09:41 (May-21)* | FM: 2:41:41 (Oct-20)

        * Net downhill course

        Last race: Runway5 / National 5k Champs, 16:22, National Masters AG Champ!

        Up next: Still working on that...



          Good looking Week Mark.  

          81 total

          mon 9 8:22

          tue AM 5 8:35

             Pm 11 with 5x5:30 at FTP power (5:40)

          wed 9 8:22

          thurs 9 8:22

          fri 11 with 4x7:00 at just under FTP power (5:51)

          sat 9 8:20

          sun 18 as 80 min easy then 2x20:00 at just over MP power. (6:06)

          HM: 1/17 1:18:53. FM: 12/18 2:46:04 


          UM 45 Ohio 23

            this is a real comedown (not sure that's even a word) after all the elite training week/plans discussion...


            Ran 37 this week which is my best week in months. All pretty slow but my nagging injuries seem to be under control so Boston is still a possibility...knock on wood, etc...


            3 months til Masters

              Mark- Nice MP tempo.  I started this week on those and will be doing them weekly until the marathon in June.


              Swim  Nice 18 miler.  Not looking forward to doing the up tempo runs in the second half of my long runs as i get closer to my June marathon.  My least favorite type of workout which means i likely need to do more of them.


              wolvmar-  Best of luck on the healing and return to running.  Hoping you get healthy to do Boston.



              My Week:

              Monday: 4 mile lunch and 9 mile late night run.  All at 7-7:03 pace

              Tues: 3x1.5 miles @6:02 with .5 mile jog in between (2 mile WU/CD)  10 mile total in 1:06:01

              Wed: 8.5 miles in 60 min

              Thur: First tempo of the year. 2 mile WU @ 7:00, 4 miles at 6:15 (MP), 3.03 mile cool down in 1:00:02

              Fri: 5 miles easy lunch and 8 miles easy at 9:45 pm for total of 13 miles on the day...all 7-7:03)

              Sat: 16 miles of rolling hills on the tread mill at 6:44 pace while watching the Vikings loose (I'm a packer fan :-))

              Sunday:  7 miles in 48:52 and will do another 5 miles after work tonight


              Total for the week will be 82 miles.  Down from the 6 weeks which were closer to 90, but added an extra workout instead of easy miles on Thursdays and will continue going forward.  My wife and kid are both doing well and sleeping again so I managed to average over 7 hours a night of sleep....i feel like a new man.

              2023 Goals

              Marathon Sub 2:37 (CIM) 2:41:18

              10k Sub 35:00 (Victory 10k 34:19)

              5k Sub 16:00 (Hot Dash 5k in March (16:48), Brian Kraft in May (16:20), Twilight 5000 in July and August (16:20/16:25 Both heat index 102-103F)

              Sub 1:16 Half Marathon  City of Lakes Half Marathon 1:15:47)

              Sub 56:30 in 10 mile (Twin Cities 10 mile, Canceled due to weather, 56:35 as a workout)


              2024 Goals

              Sub 2:37 Marathon

              Sub 1:15 Half

              Sub 34 10k

              Sub 16 5k: 16:21 BK5k (May)



                Mikeymike: Thanks for the Baystate endorsement. That one's been on my short list but as you noted, Hartford is even more convenient for me so it has won out thus far. Maybe it's time to diversify a bit...


                JMac: Seeing your yearly mileage progression underscores that you still have a lot of room to improve. Who knows what you'll be running if you get up to the 4000 mile years like Weather.


                Marky: Great week; when I saw your Thursday workout I thought "Wow, he ran better than my half PR in a workout"! Your potential improvement of your marathon time is insane, could be chopping half an hour off of it!


                Kram: Nice to see you back at it! I don;t think I will be boarding any 2:40 train; that is beyond my abilities, but I am in for the 2:4X train!


                Swim: Nice week. I forget, are you doing Boston next?


                Wolvmar: A good week is a good week, whatever that means for the individual. Glad the injuries are under control!


                Mikkey: I hope your heel can get sorted out soon. Will you be donning your mankini for the Boston 2021 showdown against Cal? If so, I may have to bail on running that race 


                dpschumaker: Glad the family is doing better. Very speedy week! I think only Marky is running as fast/faster on daily runs as you. Beware, you may be getting scolded at some point for your easy pace by Nimmals and/or JMac.


                My week is not exciting to look at but I'm ecstatic to be running close to my "normal" amount and without pain. Aerobically things are still rough but hopefully coming around.


                Mon: off

                Tue: 10.1 mi @ 8:28

                Wed: 10.3 mi @ 8:33

                Thu: 6 mi on TM @ 7:27 with 3 miles tempo

                Fri: 10.1 mi @ 8:42

                Sat: 10 mi @ 8:19 w/ my son

                Sun: 16 mi @ 8:02

                Total: 62.6 miles

                2:52:16 (2018)


                  JT - great that you're feeling healthy again and can push that mileage back up.  And before Nimmals gives me a hard time about pace on my easy runs (JMac's been down that road enough times), Monday's was almost 8 min/mile pace.  I do try to run them on feel which can lead to some quite wide variations in pace.


                  DPS - thanks, the tempo felt how I'd expect it to feel after 9 straight days running, which was tough but manageable.  Definitely some work to be done between now and May 31 but it's a good start.  Nice week.


                  Wolvmar - good stuff getting it done.  We're all at different ages and stages in our training so don't worry about how your week compares to others!


                  Swim - nice week, like how you got the tempo section at the end of that long run, that would've been a good challenge.

                  3,000m: 9:07.7 (Nov-21) | 5,000m: 15:39 (Dec-19) | 10,000m: 32:34 (Mar-20)  

                  10km: 33:15 (Sep-19) | HM: 1:09:41 (May-21)* | FM: 2:41:41 (Oct-20)

                  * Net downhill course

                  Last race: Runway5 / National 5k Champs, 16:22, National Masters AG Champ!

                  Up next: Still working on that...

                  "CONSISTENCY IS KING"

                    JT - great that you're feeling healthy again and can push that mileage back up.  And before Nimmals gives me a hard time about pace on my easy runs (JMac's been down that road enough times), Monday's was almost 8 min/mile pace.  I do try to run them on feel which can lead to some quite wide variations in pace.



                    I do recall an epic debate about your easy pace several years ago involving Mikkey and JMac (maybe others?), but I'd say you've proven you are running the pace that works for you. DPS may be the same type of runner, whose easy pace is not the "usual" 1.5-2 minutes slower than MP.

                    2:52:16 (2018)


                    3 months til Masters

                      I get a lot more variation when i'm actually running outside, but on a treadmill, I just set it to 8.5 or 8.6 mph and go.  Also everything around me when running outside is fairly flat so it is easy to cruise.  In college we were surrounded by many hills and country roads in norther MN.  I would have way slower easy days, but most of my routes now go up or down 50-60 feet from high point to low point.


                      When I'm in shape, running much slower than 7:20 feels really weird and clunky.  It's fine if i'm running with others, but if running alone my body hits 7-7:10 and i just knock it out.  Also since I'm running very early in the AM or very late at night, I'm also anxious just to get the damn run done if it is just basic miles.  As a result, the guy who is coaching me as I get back into running (and on my club team) has me running slower workouts I think.  I have had hardly anything faster than 10k pace in 3 months.

                      2023 Goals

                      Marathon Sub 2:37 (CIM) 2:41:18

                      10k Sub 35:00 (Victory 10k 34:19)

                      5k Sub 16:00 (Hot Dash 5k in March (16:48), Brian Kraft in May (16:20), Twilight 5000 in July and August (16:20/16:25 Both heat index 102-103F)

                      Sub 1:16 Half Marathon  City of Lakes Half Marathon 1:15:47)

                      Sub 56:30 in 10 mile (Twin Cities 10 mile, Canceled due to weather, 56:35 as a workout)


                      2024 Goals

                      Sub 2:37 Marathon

                      Sub 1:15 Half

                      Sub 34 10k

                      Sub 16 5k: 16:21 BK5k (May)





                        I do recall an epic debate about your easy pace several years ago involving Mikkey and JMac (maybe others?), but I'd say you've proven you are running the pace that works for you. DPS may be the same type of runner, whose easy pace is not the "usual" 1.5-2 minutes slower than MP.


                        So far so good, I guess.  As I've upped the mileage the easy pace has definitely slowed down, and I'd expect it'll drop even further once I really start pushing the mileage through March/April.

                        3,000m: 9:07.7 (Nov-21) | 5,000m: 15:39 (Dec-19) | 10,000m: 32:34 (Mar-20)  

                        10km: 33:15 (Sep-19) | HM: 1:09:41 (May-21)* | FM: 2:41:41 (Oct-20)

                        * Net downhill course

                        Last race: Runway5 / National 5k Champs, 16:22, National Masters AG Champ!

                        Up next: Still working on that...

                        "CONSISTENCY IS KING"


                        Mother of Cats


                          I do recall an epic debate about your easy pace several years ago involving Mikkey and JMac (maybe others?), but I'd say you've proven you are running the pace that works for you. DPS may be the same type of runner, whose easy pace is not the "usual" 1.5-2 minutes slower than MP.


                          I'm just gonna drop off this article here.

                          Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


                          And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


                          3 months til Masters

                            Dark- that is very good and accurate.  Especially about strides and knowing them a mile away.  Last year I saw a college teammate out running that I had not seen since we left college 12 years ago running ahead of me, and I knew exactly that it was him.  I caught up and ran a few miles together.  I told him I could spot him from behind, he said that's because he was faster and I ran so many miles behind him in College.  

                            2023 Goals

                            Marathon Sub 2:37 (CIM) 2:41:18

                            10k Sub 35:00 (Victory 10k 34:19)

                            5k Sub 16:00 (Hot Dash 5k in March (16:48), Brian Kraft in May (16:20), Twilight 5000 in July and August (16:20/16:25 Both heat index 102-103F)

                            Sub 1:16 Half Marathon  City of Lakes Half Marathon 1:15:47)

                            Sub 56:30 in 10 mile (Twin Cities 10 mile, Canceled due to weather, 56:35 as a workout)


                            2024 Goals

                            Sub 2:37 Marathon

                            Sub 1:15 Half

                            Sub 34 10k

                            Sub 16 5k: 16:21 BK5k (May)




                            Mother of Cats

                               I told him I could spot him from behind, he said that's because he was faster and I ran so many miles behind him in College.  




                              Not quite the same thing, but I have a teammate who is a PT.  I was joking yesterday that I always get insecure when I'm running in front of her, because I know she's checking out my gait.

                              Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


                              And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


                              Mother of Cats

                                Also, I'll just drop off my week and then try to circle back for shoutouts.


                                54 miles, 12 "miles" of pool-running, and 3000 yards of swimming
                                M: yoga and 8 "miles" pool-running.
                                T: 4 mile warm-up, then attempted workout of 1600, 4x800, 2x400. Pulled plug during 1600 due to left hamstring spasm. Sports massage in afternoon.
                                W: 6 miles very easy (9:11), DIY yoga, 3 miles very easy (9:32). PT for hammy in afternoon.
                                Th: 10 miles very easy (9:12), drills, 4 "miles" pool-running, and then lifting, core, rehab exercises.
                                F: 8 miles very easy (8:54), drills, 4 uphill strides, and then 2000 yards swimming with 2x5x100 yards on 2:00; 1:00 recovery between sets. Split between 1:37-1:39 for each rep. Then rehab and leg strengthwork.
                                Sa: 10 miles (8:36), drills and four strides, DIY yoga, core, and rehab work.
                                Su: 12 miles progressive, split as first 3 averaging 8:53, next 5 averaging 7:27, last 4 averaging 6:54. Followed with leg strengthwork and rehab, and 1000 yards recovery swimming.


                                Hamstring got all ugly on Tuesday morning, so the rest of the week was modified.  Easy running on flat ground was fine, so I stuck with that, but limited pool-running and fast running (the swimming workout on Friday was my attempt to do something in lieu of the Friday tempo workout).  By Saturday, it was feeling much better, including during some strides, so I tested it a bit on Sunday with a shorter progression run.  It held up for that too, so we should be back in business.


                                Not the week I wanted to have, but I still got off relatively lightly (fingers crossed).  And at least this popped up at a time where I didn't miss any key long runs or races.  I was only supposed to do 16 for my long run this weekend, so it was an easy call to pull it back to 12 to be safe.

                                Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


                                And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.