2020 Marathon Training and relevant COVID 19 discussion echo chamber (Read 700 times)


Mother of Cats


    Darkwave - I'm glad it looks like Houston is on! 16 was on your schedule for this weekend? Seems like 12 is more than enough the weekend before a half, so doesn't seem like you'll have lost much, if any.




    So....Houston was originally a goal race, but then got revised to a half-marathon-within-a-marathon-training-cycle when I decided to run One City on March 1.  Due to the marathon training, I would normally have had an 18-20 miler this past weekend, but we cut it back to 16 on the plan to make sure I was well rested for Houston.  Then, when this happened, we cut it back even more, to 12.


    If I had been targeting Houston as a stand alone goal race, I would have done 10-12 this weekend.  So the hamstring-related adjustments this week were well timed.


    BCarv - to keep my hammies healthy, I consistently do single leg deadlifts, eccentric hamstring curls using an exercise ball, glute bridges, reverse planks, and single leg balance exercises (I have a wobbly right ankle, which predisposes the left hammy to injury.  It doesn't help that I have a slight leg length discrepancy, with my left leg being longer).


    To that mix, we added in more bridges with my heels at various distances from my hips, and also prone hamstring single leg curls, with a light weight on my ankle and a focus on controlled steady lowering of the leg (when my PT evaluated me, what stood out is that my eccentric lowering on that side was very jerky, so I'm working on smoothing that out).

    Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


    And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


      DPS: Wow, your dad was one hell of a runner! Those times are very impressive. Great goal to go after his 2:37 PR.  BTW, I completely understand that for some, running slower just starts to feel awkward, and can actually be counterproductive if form is compromised, etc. Me bringing up that you are on the fast side for easy pace was just to reminisce about the huge debate that happened years ago on that topic which was quite entertaining (at least for me as I followed it). I totally agree with the Macmillan article DW posted.


      I always wondered about this. It seems like it's relatively easy to teach yourself to slow down if you want to--keep your cadence up, stride short, and focus on form. That's a lot easier than having to focus on form late in a race. I buy the "I just don't like running slow" a lot more. Why force yourself to do hours and hours of something that's not enjoyable? If training isn't fun, then you'll stop training even if you're injury free. This is a hobby for us that we should enjoy, after all. As far as DPS goes, what's interesting is that his coach is not giving him faster workouts because his easy days are so fast. Or maybe I misread his post. Either way, having a difference of 1 minute from your fastest mile to your slowest in a week seems odd. To each his own, though.


      Mark - If you can take 80/week, you'll be a lot closer to 2:30 than 2:40. That'll be awesome.

      Upcoming races: Boston


      RIP Milkman

        Andres - as your new training overlord Internet coach, I think you've really nailed it! I do wonder if the 3x1 was a touch too much just 7 days prior, but that ship has sailed. Definitely keep it easy this week, 3x.5 mile sounds great. I would definitely do that run on Tuesday, even Wednesday is probably getting a bit too late. Don't overdo it this week. You've had a great cycle and everyone is excited to see what you can do. You can only botch this thing by doing too much.


        Easy Pace - I think DPS is going down the same road as Mark. The thing is, Mark was running 6:45-7:00 pace when his half marathon was like 1:20. Now that his half marathon is 1:10? His easy pace is still 6:45-7:00. It's sort of like he was training at what his potential was, not where he actually was, but it's clear his easy pace is perfect now. May be a touch fast for some folks on this thread, but he doesn't get injured and it's certainly within reason. As Andres pointed out, there were more question marks when his easy runs were actually his marathon pace.


        JT - trust me, I will never run 4K miles a year. Just not crazy enough about running to do that. The only way that would have happened if I was running these times when I was like 22 and thought I had a good chance of OTQ'ing by getting up to that mileage. At this point, I know that OTQ ship ain't sailing for me.


        Me - nothing to report. Feel awful coming back, way too sore, and then I came down with some sort of virus on Friday that stopped my running. It's going to be a long road back, but I have enough time so I'm not too worried. I did take a look at Boston weather for April 20, and laughed when I saw the record low was in the 20s and the record high was in the 90s. It would be cool if someone had a look at what the largest "spread" was between records for major marathons. I imagine Boston takes the cake.

        5K: 16:37 (11/20)  |  10K: 34:49 (10/19)  |  HM: 1:14:57 (5/22)  |  FM: 2:36:31 (12/19) 




        3 months til Masters

          As far as DPS goes, what's interesting is that his coach is not giving him faster workouts because his easy days are so fast. Or maybe I misread his post. Either way, having a difference of 1 minute from your fastest mile to your slowest in a week seems odd. To each his own, though.

          My marathon is late June so it has been a lot of base building and speed work is in the 5:50-6:15 range right now. I'm sure there will be more sub 5:30 and slower recovery jogs in april and may. Most of the workouts now are still base building and getting my sense of pace back. January 20th I'll be 6 months from the marathon. Part of it I think is so I don't go crazy doing 4-13 miles @7 min for 3 months.

          2023 Goals

          Marathon Sub 2:37 (CIM) 2:41:18

          10k Sub 35:00 (Victory 10k 34:19)

          5k Sub 16:00 (Hot Dash 5k in March (16:48), Brian Kraft in May (16:20), Twilight 5000 in July and August (16:20/16:25 Both heat index 102-103F)

          Sub 1:16 Half Marathon  City of Lakes Half Marathon 1:15:47)

          Sub 56:30 in 10 mile (Twin Cities 10 mile, Canceled due to weather, 56:35 as a workout)


          2024 Goals

          Sub 2:37 Marathon

          Sub 1:15 Half

          Sub 34 10k

          Sub 16 5k: 16:21 BK5k (May)




          Stotan Disciple

            I'm excited for Houston I had a bet with a forumite that I could get her to a sizeable marathon PR. Only I went soft,  I bet her a 5 minute PR but seems like she can get almost a 15 min PR possibly a sub 3 if she's got the balls and the weather stays nice.

            Andres, you better not let her run you down.


            I had two great races  went after some records got humbled I had 1 success in 3 attepmts. It was fool hardy to think Icould pull it off on a 100 mile week but these races are for fun. I'll get serious about the track in my 50s.



            As for houston, If I lose so don't be surprised to see me running in these... in bright Pink no less.


            The shit I do for my athletes





            *** That's not my ass by the way, mine is much nicer.***


            Weekly Run stats 1/6/2020 – 1/12/2020: 103.0 mi 16:16:45
            Date ▼ Activity Course Type Distance Duration Pace Actions
            1/12/2020 Run

            SCC Indoor Track 400m Race

            Race 400.0 m 0:56 3:47
            1/12/2020 Run  Warm Up Default 1.3 mi 33:08 24:44
            1/12/2020 Run

            Bob Marley Burial

            Easy 10.7 mi 1:38:53 9:13
            1/11/2020 Run

            Assassins Creed 😆 KTB ⚔️💣

            Tempo 20.1 mi 2:46:28 8:18
            1/10/2020 Run  

            💀💀💀 Death March AM

            Default 4.6 mi 50:43 11:05
            1/10/2020 Run  

            Track Hack Shack Shakeout 



            Easy 10.6 mi 1:41:17 9:32
            1/9/2020 Run

            NY Armory Track 3000m Race

            Race 3000.0 m 9:24 5:03
            1/9/2020 Run

            NY Armory Track 600m Race

            Race 600.0 m 1:28 3:57
            1/9/2020 Run  Warm up  & Cool downs Easy 2.1 mi 1:12:54 34:24
            1/9/2020 Run Mona Fartlek 😏🔪😈 Fartlek 8.3 mi 1:09:58 8:26
            1/8/2020 Run


            💀💀💀 Death March PM





            Easy 6.1 mi 1:00:31 9:58
            1/8/2020 Run  

            💀💀💀 Surging Splurging Stotan Style 💀💀💀

            Tempo 13.9 mi 1:47:29 7:43
            1/7/2020 Run


            5x 2k w/ 2x 400M Track 6:57, 6:36, 6:40, 6:44, 6:49 


            Interval 12.1 mi 1:34:03 7:47
            1/6/2020 Run

            💀💀💀 Death March PM

            Default 5.1 mi 1:04:28 12:36
            1/6/2020 Run  

            💀💀💀 Death March AM

            Easy 5.5 mi 45:04 8:13

            Thinking should be done first, before training begins.


              Nimmals - Did you toe the line vs Mary Cain in that 3k?

              3K: 8:29.12 (2017)     5K: 14:56.59 (2016)     8K: 25:27 (2016)     15K: 53:46 (2022)     HM: 75:41 (2022)     FM: 2:43:17 (2022)

              Running Problem

              Problem Child

                DPS I ran as fast as I thought I could downhill on Sunday and couldn't get under a 5:00 pace. Your dad is some kind of genetic freak if he can run a 4 minute mile. I can't even comprehend how that feels on a flat track when I'm sucking wind HARD going downhill. I also try and do my easy runs at an 8:00-8:30 pace, but it's been so focused on marathon training and "not going too fast" that when I just shut up and run I'm doing 7:30s like Saturday's race run.


                darkwave I was thinking about you on Sunday when I was running uphill wondering if this is a good training decision.


                Nimmals Coree Woltering is already having more fun than you in those. People from the "Midwestern" United States are weird.


                JMac Low 20s to high 90s...Sounds like Mt. Charleston 2019. It isn't a major Marathon, doesn't have the downhill of Boston and the aid stations can suck, BUT it gets all the weather Boston has had over the course of 124 years in 26 miles.


                If I knew 80 miles a week would turn into a 2:30 marathon I'd run 80 miles every week. I'd even commit to doing long runs and easy pace slower than 8:59/mi. Thankfully half marathon training doesn't have easy pace so I can just do speed work and whatever else I want outside of the speed work.


                I earned myself a Strava KOM in what I consider to be my hometown this weekend. I was going to do an easy 4 miler after Saturday's "went too fast talking the guy's ear off" run and time became an issue so I went for it. All I could think going up was "going up is the easy part. IT's going to SUCK going down." The up and downhill record looked so ridiculously fast I assumed it was on a bike. The person has me beat by 1:10 or more. Somehow I hold the downhill only strava segment record. Not sure how THAT works. Also not sure if I care I have the KOM I just put my name on the board for those in the area who have met me and maybe wanted to use it as motivation one day on a run. Other than that this week has been eventful. I fell on my trail run, ran two 8 mile "workouts" that mirrored marathon training, and reserved the Jack Danials Marathon training book at the Library. It's on hold until Wednesday so I need to pick it up today.



                T 8.17 + 0.50 pacing duties. New RB didn't think he could do 8 miles at an 8:00 pace. We averaged 7:04.  I told him no one ever said  being my friend was a good thing because I don't exactly make the best decisions in life.

                W 5.16

                Th 7.89 with a fall in the snow on rocks. It's anb 8 mile loop but I stopped my watch and forgot to start it.

                F1.01 in street clothes and running shoes because I had a bad attitude all day at work. I should have done at least 4.

                Sa 6.31 with a Western States sub 24 hopeful. He wanted an easy 6. I thought I was just keeping up with him. AT the end he commented on my ability to chat AND run 7:30s. He titled his run "that time I slowed down a sub 3 marathoner" on his own and I laughed. It becomes contagious.

                Su  4.93. Full blown Strava Segment assault. Segment I'm the King of. Segment I went after.


                43ish for the week with no plan. 11 weeks and 5 days until my race so I should probably start training. Maybe even TRX. Rain and wind in the forecast this week.

                Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                VDOT 53.37 

                5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


                Stotan Disciple

                  Nimmals - Did you toe the line vs Mary Cain in that 3k?


                  MMC_They put Mary in the 2nd heat of the men's. I barely edge her out timewise. I definitely got beat by Bogale. But it was my first time at the armory since my 1:56 800m back in 2012 so I am quite happy. Next week I run an 800m for our association record and 5000m double for shits and giggles.  I'm going in Mary's heat next week. See what All Salazar's fuss was about.


                  Can someone with and account get my 600M video it felt epic I'd like to have seen it.



                  Brew -I had no idea that guy is bad ass! But men did this way before. The modern women's tri suit was the 80's men duathlon suit.


                  No"BODY" did it better than Kenny he was my only man crush ever.  Like me he couldn't swim but there was no one faster on the bike or run.

                  Those are Nike Air Mariah shoes, I wore those too.

                  Thinking should be done first, before training begins.


                    Cal - Is this your ramp up for the next ultra race? Or are you already looking at another marathon?



                    I have both in mind.


                    Cal: Very impressive week, not only the 2 hard sessions but the LR; that was epic! I can see how you need a day off to let the legs recover from that; smart move. 


                    Ha-ha JTR - it was beyond impressive - I took today off too and have no doubt tomorrow will be another day off - that trail 20 miler totally destroyed me and probably will change this week's training removing all the workouts from it. It's always tough to return to trail stuff but looking back now I definitely should not start with 20 miles, should pick something shorter.

                    paces PRs - 5K - 5:48  /  10K - 6:05  /  HM - 6:14  /  FM - 6:26 per mile


                    Cobra Commander Keen

                      Skipping some replies as they're already in sub-90...

                      JT - Nice week, and good that you're getting back to your usual volume without issue.

                      DPS - Did your old college buddy give you something to put on that sick burn? 


                      OMR - Nice week. How're you feeling a month out from BC?

                      Slammin' - Good week, and thanks for clarifying regarding that picture. Nice idea on the screencap from your log. I might have to copy that going forward.

                      Brew - Great job on snagging that KOM. Even if it was downhill, you've given me another distance PR of yours that I need to chase.

                      Oh, and Camille as #4 ultra runner of the year?? How many world records must one crush to get the #1 spot?

                      76mi last week:
                      M - 10.5E
                      T - 10.5E
                      W - 11 w/ 5 min T, 10 min T, 15 min T. It's definitely more difficult doing it this way than going from longer intervals to shorter.
                      Th - 10.5E
                      F - 10.5E
                      Sa - 20E
                      Su - 3E

                      5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


                      Upcoming Races:





                      Mmmm Bop




                        As for houston, If I lose so don't be surprised to see me running in these... in bright Pink no less.


                        The shit I do for my athletes



                        Slammin, I’m starting to think that you do these bets because you actually want to lose. I bet you’re great at twerking. 😜

                        5k - 17:53 (4/19)   10k - 37:53 (11/18)   Half - 1:23:18 (4/19)   Full - 2:50:43 (4/19)


                        Stotan Disciple


                          Slammin, I’m starting to think that you do these bets because you actually want to lose. I bet you’re great at twerking. 😜


                          Hahaha you know me well. It may  have been in my race report. I think Boston 2014 when Twerking was in. Guess who stopped at a Boston College sorority house and twerked for the BC Girls. LOL it was fun times I was going so slow up Heartbreak it only cost me a few seconds but it got plenty of cheers the crowd went wild.

                          Thinking should be done first, before training begins.

                            Nimmals: You're in luck, I made an account to watch my son's races at the Armory a few weeks ago. Just found your 600m race; nice work! Not sure if I can copy it here somehow but if not I'll PM you my account details.

                            2:52:16 (2018)


                              OMR - Nice week. How're you feeling a month out from BC?



                              Nice week to you as well, Keen!  I'm feeling pretty good right now.  I'm definitely not fast, but I feel quite a bit stronger from all of the hill work, so hopefully I have more endurance.  Question will be how detrimental treadmill running will be compared to trail running.  It's too icy outside here, not so much just for running, but for not getting hit by a vehicle at an intersection.


                              Stotan Disciple

                                Nimmals: You're in luck, I made an account to watch my son's races at the Armory a few weeks ago. Just found your 600m race; nice work! Not sure if I can copy it here somehow but if not I'll PM you my account details.


                                Thank you so much. I passed 7 guys in 25 meters going into the last lap I didn't even look at the 3000m that was painful no sense reliving it .


                                Thank you.  So much.

                                Thinking should be done first, before training begins.