Auto fill weather during GPS import (Read 628 times)

eric :)

    Hi all,

    Over a month ago, I had to switch to a different weather data source.  In that announcement, I mentioned that I'll be working on auto filling workout's weather data.  I'm happy to say that this is now a reality.  I uploaded the change a couple of hours ago.  If you have an ad-free subscription, the weather will be automatically filled in when you upload your GPS based workouts.  This is especially useful if you don't upload your workouts immediately (like me) and then forget the weather conditions for the workouts.


    This feature is only available to users with ad-free subscriptions because weather services charge money to access historical data.  It currently only applies to new workouts.  I will consider auto filling existing workouts.  Enjoy!


    eric Smile


    MTA: the weather data contains more info than is shown.  In my spare time, I'm working on redoing the view workout page, which will display the weather info in all its glory.



      I just noticed that and then saw this thread. It is great! Thanks Eric!

      eric :)

        Great!  Happy to hear that it worked for you!


          I was just noticed that on my upload and I was like, "wtf!" This is really great! Thank you!!


            Oooh! I forgot about this one...will check it out tomorrow AM. Thanks Eric!

            Hope you will eventually be able to fill existing workouts.



              I noticed it as well this morning after uploading my run. Thank you!

              Train smart ... race smarter.


                will check it out tomorrow AM.


                Was not able to check it out this morning; if I had, it would've indicated "Thunderstorms", so instead I was forced on the treadmill.




                  Awesome new feature, thanks!


                  Proboscis Colossus

                    Awesome!  I actually noticed that his morning, too, and thought to myself, "huh, it says temp was 85...has it always just defaulted to that, and I haven't noticed?  Eh, probably so."


                    Glad to know my Sherlock Holmes-level powers of observation are still as shap as ever!

                    "God guides us on our journey, but careful with those feet." - David Lee Roth, of all people


                      I noticed this happened when I uploaded this morning. Kinda cool. Although I later edited the workout to un-check the "humid" tick box.


                      I reject he premise that it can be humid when it's 41° F and sunny. We don't call that humid, we call that glorious running weather.

                      Runners run


                      Interval Junkie --Nobby

                        Just noticed this.  What a wonderful new addition.


                        Eric, if the workout spans a couple hours, during a time of day that sees a significant temp change, which time does it sample for the weather in the workout?  I assume the start time.

                        2021 Goals: 50mpw 'cause there's nothing else to do

                          Noticed it last night when I uploaded my workout, THANKS Eric!!!

                          Take my advice: Pull down you're pants and slide on the ice



                          Former Bad Ass

                            Thanks, Eric!  That is wonderful.


                            If you can, please add some voice over to the weather so it can tell me the F word every time it uploads 90-100F.  The other day I swear I heard the Garmin groan with a heat index of 98F.



                              Very cool feature - thanks



                                Ha, just now I was all..."what the...?"  Very cool!

                                Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                                remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                                     ~ Sarah Kay