Dick hurt in the cold morning (Read 4744 times)

Mpls Laker

Northstar Running

    Gray Runner

    Running Bear

      Pretty sure there's an app for this.

      Upcoming races:  
      Mt. Cheaha 50K 2/22
      Georgia Death race 100K 3/15-16
      Sweetwater 50K 4/12
      Cruel Jewel 100 5/16-17
      Make It By Midnight FM 7/XX
      H9 50 mile 8/9
      Georgia Jewel 100 9/27
      Pacing at Pinhoti 100 11/XX
      Dunkin Ridge Trail 50K 11/XX
      Lookout Mtn 50 mile 12/20

      running > all else

        Finally a problem I will never encounter with my runs. hehe

        running metalhead

          Finally a problem I will never encounter with my runs. hehe


          LOL, but now you know why we guys use 3 socks during the winter XD

          - Egmond ( 14 januari )            :  1:41:40 (21K)
          - Vondelparkloop ( 20 januari ) :  0:58.1 (10K but did 13.44!!!)
          - Twiskemolenloop ( 4 maart )  :   1:35:19 (3th M45!)

          - Ekiden Zwolle (10K)   ( 25 maart )
          - Rotterdam Marathon ( 8 april )
          - Leiden Marathon Halve ( 27 mei )
          - Marathon Amersfoort ( 10 juni)

          running > all else

            oh lawd. :-P haha!



            LOL, but now you know why we guys use 3 socks during the winter XD


              OMG this post is too funny, but all seriousness I wear jocks and a compression legging(shorts over the legging). Supacore works really good on cold days.


                Hey, Dick Hurt's cousin Tripp Hurt is in the finals folks.



                Mpls Laker

                Northstar Running

                  I am surprised to see this thread revived in July.


                    I am surprised to see this thread revived in July.


                    It's like Christmas in July!

                      I am surprised to see this thread revived in July.

                      It's never too early to take precautions against the onset of the dreaded DHITCM.



                        It's like Christmas in July!




                        Runners run

                        Best Present Ever

                          Just seeing the subject is enough to trigger a fit of uncontrollable giggling.


                            The weather lately makes me almost long for those dick hurt mornings. Almost.

                            Runners run


                              The weather lately makes me almost long for those dick hurt mornings. Almost.


                              Reminds me of our ex-Congressman -Dick Swett.


                              not bad for mile 25

                                We get certain sensations in the summer and other sensations in the winter.  That's running.