Oh, by the way... leave your iPod at home (Read 1650 times)

Lazy idiot

    So I ran the race w/headphones. No one said anything and there were other runners doing it as well, though surely less than usual. If I didn't check my email I would never even have known the "no headphones" policy as no one even mentioned it on race day.
    And yet it looks like you still had a pretty good day. Nice job, Chris.

    Tick tock


      Threadjack: when were you there? did lived in Aberdeen for a year...around 92/93. I spent a few weeks there with him. I LOVE that city. I'd about kill for haddock & chips from the New Dolphin, about now... Cry
      1992-1994. Stationed at a little base in Edzell just about halfway between Aberdeen and Dundee, lived in a Brechin for about six months, the rest of the time in a town called Forfar.

      E-mail: eric.fuller.mail@gmail.com


        Re: the headphones - I thought of this thread during my marathon this weekend ... as I finally went completely over to the dark side and am now entirely anti-iPod. A year ago I was arguing for them. You can probably find me arguing the point. I was wrong. They should be banned, period - and the ban enforced. I ran alongside one of the wheelchair racers (apologies if that's not the politically correct term) for almost the entire 26.2. Which was fascinating, by the way; it seems easy on the downhills, but man they struggle on the ups. So we kept passing each other on every hill. Bet I passed him 50 times and vice versa. But he'd fly on the downhills. And you see where this is going, right? On every downhill, he'd have to yell: "On your left! On your left!" And everybody got over. Except the idiots with iPods in their ears. No offense. At least a dozen times I saw him almost hit somebody. Twice runners with iPods had to be physically pulled out of his way. They were completely oblivious. Somebody will get killed, sooner or later. Guaranteed. They should be banned. Period. Or at least ban wheelchair racers. Good luck with that one.

        E-mail: eric.fuller.mail@gmail.com



          1992-1994. Stationed at a little base in Edzell just about halfway between Aberdeen and Dundee, lived in a Brechin for about six months, the rest of the time in a town called Forfar.
          Forfar...that sounds really familiar. Where is that? Man, you were there the same time did was...and while I was, as well. Small world. If you ever saw a big hairy guy wandering around downtown Aberdeen in the middle of the night with no shoes and no shirt--that was did.

          Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

          remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

               ~ Sarah Kay


          I've got a fever...

            But he'd fly on the downhills. And you see where this is going, right? On every downhill, he'd have to yell: "On your left! On your left!" And everybody got over. Except the idiots with iPods in their ears. No offense. At least a dozen times I saw him almost hit somebody. Twice runners with iPods had to be physically pulled out of his way. They were completely oblivious.
            You know what would be fantastic is if they made some sort of attachment for the front of the wheelchair, similar to what 19th century locomotives on the front had to shunt cattle to the side when the train hit them. I'd stop running races and would volunteer for more of them just to watch that.

            On your deathbed, you won't wish that you'd spent more time at the office.  But you will wish that you'd spent more time running.  Because if you had, you wouldn't be on your deathbed.


              You know what would be fantastic is if they made some sort of attachment for the front of the wheelchair, similar to what 19th century locomotives on the front had to shunt cattle to the side when the train hit them. I'd stop running races and would volunteer for more of them just to watch that.
              Cattlecatcher. Apparently, the number of train strikes in a day would amaze you. Usually it's an animal, but people get hit fairly often, too. It's a pain for the railroad, because they have to treat it like a hazmat situation, and the goo gets all over the wheels and into little cracks and such. Bloodborne pathogens are a real pain.

                You know what would be fantastic is if they made some sort of attachment for the front of the wheelchair, similar to what 19th century locomotives on the front had to shunt cattle to the side when the train hit them. I'd stop running races and would volunteer for more of them just to watch that.
                I would probably pay to watch that. You really should have seen this poor guy bellowing over and over: "On your left!" ... to the oblivious zombies. I almost tripped over a couple myself. Bring on the cattle catcher.

                E-mail: eric.fuller.mail@gmail.com


                I've got a fever...

                  Usually it's an animal, but people get hit fairly often, too. It's a pain for the railroad...
                  I bet it's a pain for the person who gets hit, too. BTW, thank you for the correct name: cattlecatcher. I knew there was a word for it...

                  On your deathbed, you won't wish that you'd spent more time at the office.  But you will wish that you'd spent more time running.  Because if you had, you wouldn't be on your deathbed.

                  Think Whirled Peas

                    Bring on the cattle catcher.
                    I vote cattle prod. I know Len would approve.

                    Just because running is simple does not mean it is easy.


                    Relentless. Forward. Motion. <repeat>


                      I vote cattle prod. I know Len would approve.
                      Yes. But then he'd be going out of his way to impede other runners in hopes of a free tasing. And that's just sad.

                      E-mail: eric.fuller.mail@gmail.com

                      Lazy idiot

                        Yes. But then he'd be going out of his way to impede other runners in hopes of a free tasing. And that's just sad.
                        Plus, think of all the extra miles he'd run chasing people all around the course. Kinda tough to run a PR when you're adding an extra couple miles to a race. Unless you count it as a non-certified PR, I guess.

                        Tick tock

                          And yet it looks like you still had a pretty good day. Nice job, Chris.
                          Thanks Drew.

                          I've got a fever...

                            Yeah, looks like a new PR. And sub 20's just around the corner. Nice job, Chris!

                            On your deathbed, you won't wish that you'd spent more time at the office.  But you will wish that you'd spent more time running.  Because if you had, you wouldn't be on your deathbed.

                              Eye of the tiger baby. i just hope you had time to smack your bitch up. Jake, i saw that wheelchair experience repeated dozens of times at last year's Marine Corps Marathon. They ought to put a marshal on the hill and yank those a-holes off the course. The truth is I don't much give a nut if someone wears an Ipod during a race -- but if there are wheelchair racers on the course, they need to get serious about the rule.

                              A Saucy Wench

                                You know what would be fantastic is if they made some sort of attachment for the front of the wheelchair, similar to what 19th century locomotives on the front had to shunt cattle to the side when the train hit them. I'd stop running races and would volunteer for more of them just to watch that.
                                oh yeah.....that is a great visual!

                                I have become Death, the destroyer of electronic gadgets


                                "When I got too tired to run anymore I just pretended I wasnt tired and kept running anyway" - dd, age 7