Sub 1:30 Half Marathon 2021 Edition (Read 448 times)


Mother of Cats

    You can also catch people in "non-technical" ways.  You catch them with syringes and EPO in their bag.  Or you can get records from whomever provided them the substances.


    Here's a US athlete who recently got busted without testing.


    I think that the question of what percentage of athletes are doping depends on how you define doping.


    If you define as "has EPO shipped to a friend's house" then not that many.


    If you add in "gets a doctor to prescribe something that's not allowed in hopes of improving performance" then it's more.


    If you add in the instances of people taking Sudafed or similar before races (and shrugging when it's pointed out that such is not allowed) then it's even more.


    A few weeks ago I joined a Facebook group dedicated to athletic women in their late 40s - basically how to manage the combination of sports and menopause/peri-menopause.   Literally every other post was dedicated to how and where one could find a doctor to prescribe HGH or small doses of testosterone.  Both of which are banned both in and out of competition under USADA.


    I left that group pretty quickly.

    Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


    And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.

      Darkwave thats interesting. I bet there's loads of men my age who take that TRT treatment. I think moreso in the US when high profile retired athletes advertise it.

      55+ PBs 5k 18:36 June 3rd TT

      " If you don't use it you lose it,  but if you use it, it wears out.

      Somewhere in between is about right "      



        If you add in the instances of people taking Sudafed or similar before races (and shrugging when it's pointed out that such is not allowed) then it's even more.


        We can't legally access pseudoephedrine based cold and flu medication in NZ any more - the gangs were all using it to make meth so the government just banned it.


        It's probably still getting into the country, periodically Customs will make a big bust at the border, but it's not exactly widely available.

        3,000m: 9:07.7 (Nov-21) | 5,000m: 15:39 (Dec-19) | 10,000m: 32:34 (Mar-20)  

        10km: 33:15 (Sep-19) | HM: 1:09:41 (May-21)* | FM: 2:41:41 (Oct-20)

        * Net downhill course

        Last race: Runway5 / National 5k Champs, 16:22, National Masters AG Champ!

        Up next: Still working on that...


          Mark/Flavio and strength experts I've done about 6 strength sessions now. I bought a couple of 10kg plates to add a bit more to my squat where I was just doing 10kg to learn the technique.

          Anyway I tried today with 30kg but I'm not confident I can get it on and off my shoulders. Should I make up some sort of a stand to rest it on ?

          55+ PBs 5k 18:36 June 3rd TT

          " If you don't use it you lose it,  but if you use it, it wears out.

          Somewhere in between is about right "      



            No expert.  But front squat using the Olympic style grip might be a good, safe alternative.

            PRs: 5km 18:43 (Dec 2015), 10km 39:59 (Sep 2020), half 1:26:16 (Sep 2016), full 3:09:28 (Jun 2015)


            40+ PRs: 5km 19:31 (Oct 2020), 10km 39:59 (Sep 2020), half 1:29:39 (Jun 2018), full 3:13:55 (Sep 2022)


            2023 PRs (hope to beat in 2024): 5km 20:34, 10km 41:37, half 1:32:32, full 3:21:05


            2024 PRs: 5km 20:25


            Mmmm Bop

              Mark/Flavio and strength experts I've done about 6 strength sessions now. I bought a couple of 10kg plates to add a bit more to my squat where I was just doing 10kg to learn the technique.

              Anyway I tried today with 30kg but I'm not confident I can get it on and off my shoulders. Should I make up some sort of a stand to rest it on ?


              If I can’t get to the gym then I’ll use my barbell set for deadlifts and power bags for front squats. I have a 30kg power bag in my home gym and that is more than enough weight for me.

              5k - 17:53 (4/19)   10k - 37:53 (11/18)   Half - 1:23:18 (4/19)   Full - 2:50:43 (4/19)



                Electrolyte drink


                i did this one. Doesn’t taste like anything. If I remember correctly they’re in Oklahoma.


                The one I have is from Reno.  Synerplex. Tastes the same as yours.

                Next: Ballarat, April 28, Pacing 3:50

                Best: 5k 19:46 (Parkrun, 2016), 10k 40:37 (Track, 2022), Half 1:26:41 (2016), Full 3:00:23 (2021)


                  Piwi - both Watson and Mikkey make good suggestions here. You could set up some sort of rack but tbh it’s probably just as good (and less hassle) to do front squats at that weight.

                  3,000m: 9:07.7 (Nov-21) | 5,000m: 15:39 (Dec-19) | 10,000m: 32:34 (Mar-20)  

                  10km: 33:15 (Sep-19) | HM: 1:09:41 (May-21)* | FM: 2:41:41 (Oct-20)

                  * Net downhill course

                  Last race: Runway5 / National 5k Champs, 16:22, National Masters AG Champ!

                  Up next: Still working on that...

                  "CONSISTENCY IS KING"


                  Mother of Cats

                    Piwi - both Watson and Mikkey make good suggestions here. You could set up some sort of rack but tbh it’s probably just as good (and less hassle) to do front squats at that weight.


                    But if you don't have a rack, don't you have to do a clean to get the bar into position before you can squat?


                    Side note - I used to squat and split squat regularly, but had to stop due to lack of power cage access.  Instead, I tried to make due at home with kettlebells.


                    Got back into the gym, and I've lost a lot of ground - where I used to squat 135 pounds (60 KG) now I'm down to 105 pounds (47 KG).  It gives me hope that if I can get it back, some of my speed will return.

                    Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


                    And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.



                      But if you don't have a rack, don't you have to do a clean to get the bar into position before you can squat?


                      Side note - I used to squat and split squat regularly, but had to stop due to lack of power cage access.  Instead, I tried to make due at home with kettlebells.


                      Got back into the gym, and I've lost a lot of ground - where I used to squat 135 pounds (60 KG) now I'm down to 105 pounds (47 KG).  It gives me hope that if I can get it back, some of my speed will return.


                      This is the point I was going to make. If it's on the ground, you basically have 4 options in my opinion and 1 of them is highly questionable.


                      1. Deadlift it. DL are IMO arguably more useful than squats. If deadlifts are too easy, do Romanian deadlifts to hit the hamstrings harder. Split squats are even harder (and probably more running specific) and weighted pistols are absurd.

                      2. Assuming your grip is ok, use it like a Kettlebell and do kettlebell swings

                      3. lunges, walking lunges, lunge matrix, backwards lunges... all forms of lunges

                      4. Clean it into front squat position. This is a fairly technical move so I'd do it with just a broom first and watch lots of video before weighting it.


                      As someone else who lost strength during the lockdown, it comes back really quickly.

                      1600 - 5:23 (2018), 5k - 19:33 (2018), 10k - 41:20 (2021), half - 1:38:57 (2018), Marathon - 3:37:17 (2018)


                      Mother of Cats



                        1. Deadlift it. DL are IMO arguably more useful than squats. If deadlifts are too easy, do Romanian deadlifts to hit the hamstrings harder.

                        I hate traditional deadlifts for one reason - shin scrapes  I've found that doing them with a gorilla bow (so stand on a band that attaches up to the bar on your shoulders) is much more appealing. At the gym, I generally do single leg deadlifts.



                         As someone else who lost strength during the lockdown, it comes back really quickly.


                        I hope.  One of my worries is that as one gets older, muscle gets use it or lose it.  Especially when one doesn't have high testosterone levels to start....

                        Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


                        And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


                          I hate traditional deadlifts for one reason - shin scrapes  I've found that doing them with a gorilla bow (so stand on a band that attaches up to the bar on your shoulders) is much more appealing. At the gym, I generally do single leg deadlifts.


                          Try using a trap bar. Much more user friendly and still get plenty out of it.


                          But yeah, squats with a cage and split squats seem to be the best for me. I know almost nothing about weightlifting. Just watched some YouTube videos. Every time I'm consistent with the lifting, I see huge gains in my running. I take long periods of time off, but can add strength rather quickly after a month or so of lifting.

                          Upcoming races: Boston


                          RIP Milkman

                            Thank you guys for the electrolyte offers. I have to try Keen's first since he sent me a referral link. If it's no good, I'll go down your path.

                            5K: 16:37 (11/20)  |  10K: 34:49 (10/19)  |  HM: 1:14:57 (5/22)  |  FM: 2:36:31 (12/19) 





                              Try using a trap bar. Much more user friendly and still get plenty out of it.


                              But yeah, squats with a cage and split squats seem to be the best for me. I know almost nothing about weightlifting. Just watched some YouTube videos. Every time I'm consistent with the lifting, I see huge gains in my running. I take long periods of time off, but can add strength rather quickly after a month or so of lifting.


                              +1 for the trap bar, I use it when it's available (it seems to regularly disappear from the gym only to reappear months latter)


                              Meb was known to trap bar deadlift prior to his Boston win.


                              Andres have you found that  increased strength applies to all events? Lifting consistently is something I credit with my 1 mile time being way faster than my other race times. Maybe I'm just fast-twitch dominant and should be trying to race mid-distance but it just hasn't seemed to transfer up to the 5k and distances. That said, there are likely other explanations including my form, and persistent injuries that seem to reoccur during long & hard efforts including races and I've traditionally masked those deficiencies by racing on trails where the irregularity of the stride seems to prevent such issues.


                              DW, Your right that I didn't consider lack of testosterone or age . I'll amend the statement to I hope your strength returns quickly.

                              1600 - 5:23 (2018), 5k - 19:33 (2018), 10k - 41:20 (2021), half - 1:38:57 (2018), Marathon - 3:37:17 (2018)


                                Andres have you found that  increased strength applies to all events? Lifting consistently is something I credit with my 1 mile time being way faster than my other race times. Maybe I'm just fast-twitch dominant and should be trying to race mid-distance but it just hasn't seemed to transfer up to the 5k and distances. That said, there are likely other explanations including my form, and persistent injuries that seem to reoccur during long & hard efforts including races and I've traditionally masked those deficiencies by racing on trails where the irregularity of the stride seems to prevent such issues.

                                Yes, I've seen improvements across all distances. The most obvious for me was the half. In October 2015 I ran something like a 1:23:30 in a well executed race that I was very happy with. January 2016 I ran 1:19:20. I did heavy weights between those two races, once per week. I'm sure other things factored in, but I'm convinced weight training was the biggest contributor.

                                Upcoming races: Boston