Sub 1:30 Half Marathon 2021 Edition (Read 448 times)

    James nice week. I've got left Achilles soreness too. It actually gave a couple of sharp twangs about a week ago but hasn't bothered me since.


    Darkwave yes half race  half tt. It confirms my tempo runs have been too fast. 4.05/km would be about right.


    Mark I hope it wasn't the lack of alcohol that caused your good workout  we don't want to stop that do we !

    I have the Beacons. At first I almost hated them as my legs felt beat up after my runs. The midsole seemed too firm or something. I read reviews that confirmed this but that they get alot better with mileage on them.

    Sure enough after 50kms or so they have become my favorite everything shoe.

    Would I buy them again ? Probably yes for that $100 price tag on RW Australia.


    My week

    Weekly for period: From: 01/02/2021 To 07/02/2021

    Date Name Distance
    in km
    Duration Avg Pace
    per km
    Elevation Gain
    in m
    01/02/2021 Morning Run 13.02 00:57:14 04:24 8
    02/02/2021 Morning Run 12.02 01:00:19 05:01 8
    03/02/2021 Morning Run 14.01 01:03:33 04:32 80
    05/02/2021 Morning Run 14.01 01:13:44 05:16 11
    06/02/2021 Morning Run 2.01 00:10:33 05:15 2
    06/02/2021 10k time trial thingy 10.02 00:38:44 03:52 8
    06/02/2021 Morning Run 2.00 00:10:23 05:12 3
    07/02/2021 Lunch Run 13.00 01:07:00 05:09 8

    Total distance: 80.09km


    Took Thursday off to travel to Christchurch and help our daughter shift. Ran 14kms easy Friday and then the time trial Saturday. Probably would have been better to take Friday off or do less but overall an honest result of my current fitness.

    55+ PBs 5k 18:36 June 3rd TT

    " If you don't use it you lose it,  but if you use it, it wears out.

    Somewhere in between is about right "      



    Not an 80%er

      Mark - Not sure about health effects, but the water has a funny taste (at least to us who are not used to it).

      Also, it causes blockages in the washing machine, so we need to use anti-limestone pills on the washing machine to prevent that.

      Sorry, this might be called something else in English, I’m doing translation here.


      Mick - Not sure about cars, but I can attest that every Italian person owns at least 367 dogs.

      And they’re 24/7 on the phone. On a bicycle, in the car, running. And they don’t use hands free LOL


      Piwi - awesome time and steady improvement! Now what do you have against car doors man, why do you have to be head butting the poor things!


      me - We got out of the house to visit Imola yesterday (famous for being in the Formula one circuit a few years ago). It was a nice day out, it's a very pretty city and we got to visit the race track and the statue of Ayrton Senna. It was a nice change of scenery.

      Our last out was back in the first of November before the second wave hit hard and the prohibition of leaving town arrived.

      A nice week, the 2 hour long run was not such a challenge today, it seems I'm getting stronger.

      Weekly for period: From: 01/02/2021 To 07/02/2021

      Date Name Distance
      in km
      Duration Avg Pace
      per km
      Elevation Gain
      in m
      01/02/2021 Morning Run 6.07 00:30:00 04:57 39
      02/02/2021 4x (9'T + 4'E) avg 3:59/km 14.95 01:08:03 04:33 22
      03/02/2021 Morning Run 6.03 00:30:01 04:59 33
      04/02/2021 28' T avg 3:58/km 11.20 00:50:02 04:28 41
      05/02/2021 Morning Run 5.80 00:29:55 05:09 19
      06/02/2021 Morning Run 11.98 01:00:01 05:01 62
      07/02/2021 Morning Run 24.54 02:00:00 04:53 129

      Total distance: 80.58km

      PRs: 1500 4:54.1 2019 - 5K 17:53 2023 - 10K 37:55 2023 - HM 1:21:59 2021

      Up next: some 800m race (or time trials)

      Tool to generate Strava weekly


      Cobra Commander Keen

        Piwi - Sub-39 like it's nothing. "Hey, why's that fast guy splitting off from the 5k?..."

        James - Good week, and nice consistency.

        Flavio - Good week, especially the LR.

        Mark - All the RP-inspired run names. Nice workouts, but why the planned decrease there? Just taking a step back in intensity for the week?
        No personal experience with those shoes, though I'm interested in anyone else's answers.

        This past week was pretty good, though high winds (~20mph/32kmh steady, plus plenty of gusts) did mess with my workout pacing Thursday. I honestly can't remember the last time I've started a run at 50F/10C and by the end wished I had worn more clothes and heavier gloves. Quite an enjoyable LR, despite a light rain the second half.
        I'm really looking forward to the big cold front coming in this week. After Monday afternoon we aren't forecasted to be above freezing for at least a week solid, and there are chances of snow later in the week as well.


        Weekly for period: From: 02/01/2021 To 02/07/2021

        Date Name Distance
        in mi
        Duration Avg Pace
        per mi
        Elevation Gain
        in ft
        02/01/2021 2x (5x 1k CP) 12.05 01:26:33 07:11 312
        02/02/2021 1 duck & 1 heron 7.25 01:00:39 08:22 285
        02/02/2021 A little sniping and a little conversation 6.15 00:49:07 07:59 217
        02/03/2021 2 herons, 2 geese, 1 hawk, & 1 rabbit 7.30 01:01:52 08:28 289
        02/04/2021 3x 10 min T + 5 min T 10.05 01:13:56 07:21 446
        02/05/2021 6 hawks & 1 rabbit 10.05 01:23:06 08:16 325
        02/06/2021 6 hawks, 4 deer (4 strides), & 1 rooster crossing the road 16.15 02:14:23 08:19 722
        02/07/2021 2 rabbits & 1 owl 2.75 00:23:29 08:32 102

        Total distance: 71.77mi

        5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


        Upcoming Races:




          Keen great mileage once again. I've got those Beacon shoes. I commented above on them.


          Flavio you went from bedridden with back pain to a 2 hour run in a week ! Nice recovery 👍

          55+ PBs 5k 18:36 June 3rd TT

          " If you don't use it you lose it,  but if you use it, it wears out.

          Somewhere in between is about right "      



          Mother of Cats


            Mick - Not sure about cars, but I can attest that every Italian person owns at least 367 dogs.


            Was that for when everyone was locked in the house for the pandemic, to give an excuse to get out of the house?


            CK - are you being sarcastic or serious about looking forward to the cold front?




            my week:

            68 miles, 1500 yards swimming, and 50 minutes of pool-running
            M: 9 miles very easy on treadmill (9:22); upper body weights/core, and then 1 mile on treadmill (8:57) (checking treadmill after lubricating and aligning the belt).
            T: 12 miles on treadmill including an alternation workout. Planned 32 minutes alternating between 4 minutes at 6:55 and 4 minutes at 6:35. Made it 26 minutes (including a 2 minute jogging break in the middle) and called it. Followed with leg strengthwork and 500 yards recovery swimming
            W: 10 miles very easy on treadmill (9:04) and streaming yoga.
            Th: 50 minutes pool-running and upper body weights/core.
            F: 12 miles, incluing 6 Iwo Jima hill repeats (2:00 up, 90 second jog, 25 second stride, 75 second jog). Followed with leg strengthwork and 500 yards recovery swimming
            Sa: 10.5 miles very easy (9:05) drills, 2 hill strides, and 2 flat strides, followed with streaming yoga.
            Su: 14 miles progressive on treadmill, split as first 5 averaging 9:14, next 5 averaging 7:49, next 4 averaging 7:14, and then a ~.5 mile cooldown. Followed with streaming yoga, injury prevention stuff, and 500 yards recovery swimming.


            My mileage was artificially inflated this week because I ran on Monday instead of going to the pool (which was closed due to a snowstorm). Snow/ice/black ice actually had me on the treadmill on Monday-Wednesday, and then I also did my long run on the treadmill on Sunday due to a forecast snowstorm that was supposed to roll in Sunday morning. As it turns out, it was too warm for today's snow to stick to pavement, so I could have run outside. Oh well.


            On Tuesday, I took advantage of being on the treadmill to try an alternations workout (something that Nate Jenkins talks a lot about in his writings). The idea is to do a tempo workout varying between slightly faster and a bit slower than tempo pace - having to recover while still running fairly fast is very good for aerobic development and teaches the body to clear lactate.


            I failed miserably at the workout. Which was actually a good thing, as it demonstrated that I have a real weakness here. I'm going to attempt that workout again this week, and just shorten the faster segments (from 4 minutes all the was down to 1).

            Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


            And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


            Cobra Commander Keen

              DWave - 100% being serious. I love cold weather, and I can always add an extra layer if I need to. When low temps are 80F/26.6C in the summer I can only take off so much before I start to embarrass myself. The forecast has actually changed a bit in the last day so that we're no longer expected to get much if any snow and lows aren't quite as low later in the week, but I'm still looking forward to it.
              Over/Under style workouts like the one you did Tuesday are great - it has been a long time since I've done one of those but I should fix that. I like doing longer (4+ minutes, at least) interval-style workouts on the treadmill as it makes it "easy" to really dial in to the proper efforts compared to doing those same workouts outdoors.

              Slight update to comment: the over/under workout I've done before and liked was 5x 5 minutes at HM effort, 1 minute 5k effort.

              5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


              Upcoming Races:





              Mother of Cats


                Slight update to comment: the over/under workout I've done before and liked was 5x 5 minutes at HM effort, 1 minute 5k effort.


                THanks - will keep that one in mind.  Honestly, I am so aerobically underdeveloped right now that I think that would be an overreach.


                But it's good to know my weak points

                Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


                And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.



                  THanks - will keep that one in mind.  Honestly, I am so aerobically underdeveloped right now that I think that would be an overreach.


                  But it's good to know my weak points


                  Great work DWave, those alternations are my absolute favorite workouts and what I default to if I'm bored of straight tempo runs. I really feel like not jogging a true easy pace but staying relaxed at a faster pace helps me so much more than any other workout I've done. You did some crazy fast work and the line between a good workout with alternations and blowing up is just so fine that getting in 26 minutes of work is superb.


                  Keen I've done 4min @ Threshold, 1 min at 5k as per Pfitzinger and I've never felt as in shape as when I crushed 4 sets of that plus 4 min T for 24 minutes of work but I ended up injured and didn't get to race.


                  Flavio - 2 hours @ sub 5 pace, strong stuff.

                  1600 - 5:23 (2018), 5k - 19:33 (2018), 10k - 41:20 (2021), half - 1:38:57 (2018), Marathon - 3:37:17 (2018)


                    I just finished my week in time for a Superb Owl... or at least the watching of commercials and the eating of Chicken Wings and Hot Pretzels.


                    Date Name Distance
                    in mi
                    Duration Avg Pace
                    per mi
                    Elevation Gain
                    in ft
                    02/01/2021 Warm up ride 0.00 00:20:01 00:00 0
                    02/01/2021 shuffling, but no ice falls! 3.02 00:30:06 09:58 112
                    02/01/2021 Doing the workout I want to do (1-2-3-2-1 on min recovery) 4.55 00:34:17 07:32 108
                    02/02/2021 Better than morning coffee 3.85 00:35:35 09:15 144
                    02/02/2021 2x3x75m descending on the 2:00 0.59 00:19:33 33:08 0
                    02/02/2021 pup run time! 3.40 00:30:21 08:56 154
                    02/03/2021 Pokies from the screw shoes =( 3.23 00:29:29 09:08 164
                    02/03/2021 ~min on / off ride 0.00 00:16:05 00:00 0
                    02/03/2021 3 mi progression 5.13 00:38:42 07:33 138
                    02/03/2021 Evening Swim 0.17 00:05:49 34:13 0
                    02/04/2021 Thorsday 12.40 01:57:14 09:27 705
                    02/05/2021 Not a recovery run 3.38 00:29:03 08:36 266
                    02/06/2021 Cold? It's not cold yet 10.01 01:34:16 09:25 479
                    02/06/2021 3, 3, 3, 5 min T on min recovery 0.00 00:30:37 00:00 0
                    02/06/2021 Miles w/ Piper! 3.59 00:29:28 08:12 210
                    02/07/2021 Chillin & Drillin (1200m - catchup, 616, 636) 0.34 00:20:53 61:25 0
                    02/07/2021 Dragging Phil out into the cold Wink 8.11 01:20:02 09:52 358



                    I didn't list all my ancillary work here, but this has been a great week because I did running drills twice, plyometrics twice and basic bodyweight strength twice. Most of these were only 7-10 minutes but I feel like I'm creating the habit that I do work after I run.


                    Running: 60.7 miles / 9h 8min

                    Swimming: 1.6 miles / 1h 12min

                    Cycling: 1h 6min

                    strength/drills/plyo: 6 times 1h 45min (mostly due to counting shoveling as my strength work on Friday post-blizzard)


                    Very happy with my running. Some very slow due to the snow, but I kept the easy runs easy and hit the workouts harder. The doubles are probably not optimal but I like they way they break up my day.

                    1600 - 5:23 (2018), 5k - 19:33 (2018), 10k - 41:20 (2021), half - 1:38:57 (2018), Marathon - 3:37:17 (2018)


                      DWave - I had a staple workout last year that was 1,600m (1 mile) at MP, 400m at 5K pace, normally 4 or 5 repeats.  The logic was exactly that it teaches you to recover while running at MP.  It looks like the hard efforts in mine were much shorter than yours, at 1 minute for the hard efforts the ratio would be similar.


                      Piwi - good week.  I checked my size in NB shoes and seems to be either a 13 (regular width), or a 12 / 2E width would do the job.  I'll keep an eye for when the Beacons become available cheaply in the right size.  Hard to beat if you can get them that cheaply.


                      Flavio - nice work.  You get acclimatised to those two hour long runs for sure but they are a bit of a shock to start with.


                      Keen - I share your love of cold temps!  The slightly easier week was planned, just trying to avoid the overtraining that I hit last year.


                      Zebano - that snow running is tough but it'll make you strong, it's basically like running cross country.

                      3,000m: 9:07.7 (Nov-21) | 5,000m: 15:39 (Dec-19) | 10,000m: 32:34 (Mar-20)  

                      10km: 33:15 (Sep-19) | HM: 1:09:41 (May-21)* | FM: 2:41:41 (Oct-20)

                      * Net downhill course

                      Last race: Runway5 / National 5k Champs, 16:22, National Masters AG Champ!

                      Up next: Still working on that...

                      "CONSISTENCY IS KING"


                        NB Beacon is a shoe that some people really like to train in, and some really don't like.


                        Piwi - nice time trial.


                        Had my last physio on Monday for my shoulder.  I will be doing my rehab/strength work two times a week. End of February I cut back to once.


                        I will start looking like a runner with training in March!

                        PRs: 5km 18:43 (Dec 2015), 10km 39:59 (Sep 2020), half 1:26:16 (Sep 2016), full 3:09:28 (Jun 2015)


                        40+ PRs: 5km 19:31 (Oct 2020), 10km 39:59 (Sep 2020), half 1:29:39 (Jun 2018), full 3:13:55 (Sep 2022)


                        2023 PRs (hope to beat in 2024): 5km 20:34, 10km 41:37, half 1:32:32, full 3:21:05


                        2024 PRs: 5km 20:25

                          (reposting b/c when I tried before I got gibberish)


                          Mick-  We have a small dog, mostly Maltese and part poodle.  He's great for our apartment, because he doesn't shed & rarely barks.  He's not interested in other animals or most people, but he's very happy around us - don't know if that's the breed or just his personality.  Not a runner, though.



                          Hi JD can you please repost we all want to see the picture of the doodle!!! But it doesnt show. Piwi has a great website to upload and link up....

                          HM: 1:47 (9/20) I FM: 3:53:11 (9/23)


                          2024 Goals: run a FM & HM + stay healthy!

                            Zebano & Rune: bloody stupid idea of mine on Gamestop, just because I don't understand the dynamics of margin calls. But it was worth the fun Big grin I will debit this to the mental Education Expense account.


                            Flavio: now that you are one of them - what dog will you get first then? Wink Are they just as good as the French in picking up after their dogs? haha I think I know the answer to that.


                            Piwi: you are an inspiration. I didnt know you only started at age 42, saw that in your strava. You must have had a fantastic progression. I am the type of person, I would probably constantly ask myself what could I have done in this sport, if I had started in my teens? I have no talents, so this isnt something that occurs to me, thank god.


                            Kiwis: can you import from Australia without paying for customs? Just shipping? How about South East Asia, wouldn't it be cheaper from there?


                            My week was a 3 run only week, but was good fun - still on the Flavio 5k regiment and hitting the paces better than initially. I think this is week 3 of 6 Smile Not enough easy runs, but I will add those in from this week on.

                            Weekly for period: From: 01/02/2021 To 07/02/2021

                            Date Name Distance
                            in km
                            Duration Avg Pace
                            per km
                            Elevation Gain
                            in m
                            02/02/2021 Morning Run 9.38 00:53:50 05:44 142
                            04/02/2021 Morning Run 10.74 00:56:58 05:18 68
                            07/02/2021 Morning Run 16.03 01:35:50 05:59 30

                            Total distance: 36.14km

                            HM: 1:47 (9/20) I FM: 3:53:11 (9/23)


                            2024 Goals: run a FM & HM + stay healthy!

                              Mick good job on the running. We can import shoes ok although we are supposed to pay gst tax now to keep an even playing field for local retailers. I haven't noticed been charged that yet. Some of our local retailers seem to be having better deals since covid. I used to buy from Wiggle UK but its quite expensive now.

                              Yes I started at 42 and was fully addicted and ran my best times at 45 and 46 then sorta lost that crazy motivation needed to push hard each week. 52 now so probably on a slippery slope.


                              Darkwave and Zebano excellent 60 mile weeks again from you guys.


                              Zebano very nice on the strength training etc. I'm doing nothing additional right now and also need to cut out beer and ice cream 🍦


                              Mark New Balance for me are the same as Nike. The Beacons have a generous toe box and are only 7oz probably lighter than your Next %.

                              One thing about the new carbon race shoes is that they are not as light as traditional race shoes. All that midsole comes at a price.


                              Watson good to hear a return is imminent!

                              55+ PBs 5k 18:36 June 3rd TT

                              " If you don't use it you lose it,  but if you use it, it wears out.

                              Somewhere in between is about right "      



                              Hot Weather Complainer

                                Some great mileage and racing/time trialling.


                                piwi - Sorry I couldn't catch up this time - things got a bit crazy last week with trying to organise everything for work and Mum by the weekend so we could avoid cancelling our much needed weekend away.  Look forward to the next visit!


                                Another solid week for me as I build back up.  Easy runs are feeling easy again, although early in the week it was pretty warm which always makes things tough for me.  A nice cool end to the week was a boost as everything started feeling very comfortable again.  I think my coach will be slowly adding some workouts this week and increasing mileage.


                                Weekly for period: From: 01/02/2021 To 07/02/2021

                                Date Name Distance
                                in km
                                Duration Avg Pace
                                per km
                                Elevation Gain
                                in m
                                01/02/2021 Warm up 0.46 00:02:58 06:27 0
                                01/02/2021 70 mins easy pace 14.48 01:10:06 04:50 13
                                03/02/2021 Warm up 0.46 00:02:52 06:14 0
                                03/02/2021 70 mins easy pace 14.38 01:10:09 04:53 20
                                04/02/2021 Recovery 10km 10.69 00:56:29 05:17 21
                                06/02/2021 Warm up 0.46 00:02:47 06:03 0
                                06/02/2021 Easy 20 20.19 01:38:06 04:52 20
                                07/02/2021 Mt Cook Recovery 7.01 00:40:59 05:51 105

                                Total distance: 68.13km

                                5km: 18:34 11/23 │ 10km: 39:10 8/23 │ HM: 1:26:48 9/23 │ M: 3:34:49 6/23


                                2024 Races:

                                Motorway Half Marathon February 25, 2024 1:29:55

                                Christchurch Half-Marathon April 21, 2024 1:27:34

                                Selwyn Marathon June 2, 2024 DNF

                                Dunedin Half Marathon September 15, 2024