Running 10km everyday for 7 days (Read 168 times)


    So I started running because I want to take on the One Punch Man workout, which consist of 100 push ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats and 10 km run. I did 5 km a day for 7 days then jumped into this workout. It was a very difficult experience, however, I do think I had a breakthrough with my running and just overall physicality wise because I stuck to it. Here is a video that I made talking about the whole experience if you are curious. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yB5x2kOt928

    Because of the constant running, I am now all signed up for my very first marathon. As of today I have 59 days left to train for it, not a lot of time, but I am pretty confident if I train hard I can accomplish the task!



      Running 35km (21mi) for a week and then jumping to 70km (43mi) a week to running a full marathon in just over 8 weeks is ambitious.

      Were you running much before you did the 7 day streaks?

      Half Fanatic #9292. 

      Game Admin for RA Running Game 2023.


        Yes it is very ambitious. I only started running in August, so far I am 260 km in. When I signed up for the Marathon, for some reason I had a feeling I would get it. I really don't have any master plan other than, train hard, eat right, and prepare myself for the mental battles.


        delicate flower

          So you're basically going from not running to doing a marathon in three months time?  You'll finish the marathon (probably), but I ain't gonna lie...it's going to hurt.



          I lost my rama

            So you're basically going from not running to doing a marathon in three months time?  You'll finish the marathon (probably), but I ain't gonna lie...it's going to hurt.


            ^ Yup, I agree with this.

            3/17 - NYC Half

            4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

            6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

            8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours


              So you're basically going from not running to doing a marathon in three months time?  You'll finish the marathon (probably), but I ain't gonna lie...it's going to hurt.


              I've done this and can concur. It's going to hurt.


              But you'll learn some things about yourself and it might wind up igniting  something in you that changes the course of your life for the better. One day 20 years from now you may look around and find that half of the good friends you have in this world come from the bizarre realm of competitive distance running.


              Or you may check it off your bucket list and never do it again.


              Or you may get injured and not even make the start line.


              Only one way to find out, really.

              Runners run

              Joann Y


                I've done this and can concur. It's going to hurt.


                But you'll learn some things about yourself and it might wind up igniting  something in you that changes the course of your life for the better. One day 20 years from now you may look around and find that half of the good friends you have in this world come from the bizarre realm of competitive distance running.


                Or you may check it off your bucket list and never do it again.


                Or you may get injured and not even make the start line.


                Only one way to find out, really.





                  I've done this and can concur. It's going to hurt.


                  But you'll learn some things about yourself and it might wind up igniting  something in you that changes the course of your life for the better. One day 20 years from now you may look around and find that half of the good friends you have in this world come from the bizarre realm of competitive distance running.


                  Or you may check it off your bucket list and never do it again.


                  Or you may get injured and not even make the start line.


                  Only one way to find out, really.


                  +2.  I started running regularly later in life. Six years ago I completed my first marathon, on the most laughable "training" ever. And I can't even describe how awful the race was. (Except of course to the large number of people on these forums who have experienced the same thing.) But for whatever reason, I stuck with it, and it has transformed how I spend a large portion of my life.



                  Mmmm Bop


                    I've done this and can concur. It's going to hurt.


                    But you'll learn some things about yourself and it might wind up igniting  something in you that changes the course of your life for the better. One day 20 years from now you may look around and find that half of the good friends you have in this world come from the bizarre realm of competitive distance running.


                    Or you may check it off your bucket list and never do it again.


                    Or you may get injured and not even make the start line.


                    Only one way to find out, really.


                    I like this post. 👍

                    5k - 17:53 (4/19)   10k - 37:53 (11/18)   Half - 1:23:18 (4/19)   Full - 2:50:43 (4/19)


                      Great day in the morning. It's a coelacanths. A GSP hat trick.

                      Runners run


                        You'll be fine.



                        Can I have your red stapler?


                          experience is the best teacher in life, this is so well said Smile
                          yes, I won't know until I do it



                          I've done this and can concur. It's going to hurt.


                          But you'll learn some things about yourself and it might wind up igniting  something in you that changes the course of your life for the better. One day 20 years from now you may look around and find that half of the good friends you have in this world come from the bizarre realm of competitive distance running.


                          Or you may check it off your bucket list and never do it again.


                          Or you may get injured and not even make the start line.


                          Only one way to find out, really.


                            not doubting that, it is going to hurt Smile


                            So you're basically going from not running to doing a marathon in three months time?  You'll finish the marathon (probably), but I ain't gonna lie...it's going to hurt.


                            Are we there, yet?

                              So you're basically going from not running to doing a marathon in three months time?  You'll finish the marathon (probably), but I ain't gonna lie...it's going to hurt.


                              Wouldn't it hurt even if he trained for 3 years?

                               2024 Races:

                                    03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                    05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                    06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.






                                Wouldn't it hurt even if he trained for 3 years?


                                Yes, every marathon I have ever done has hurt, even when I was well trained (it just hurt a little less).

                                If it doesn't hurt your sandbagging. 


                                5K- 20:15 (2017)   HM- 1:39:38 (2012)    FM- 3:26:53 (2016)
