Competitive Jerks Racing and Training - 2023 (Read 574 times)


    DK I luckily have a locker room and shower facility here at work. I also have an old fashioned office with a desktop PC so the laptop can stay at home  The key for me is having a full work wardrobe with multiple sets of clothes, jackets etc. that I leave at work.  I've also added a second airpod charger for work.  I found the key to enjoying the run commute is to only have to bring my car key and really nothing else.  About every other week I drive in to replenish all of my work stuff.  I've tried the backpacks and they just didn't ever work. Hope you can find a system that works for you. It's taken a while to perfect but it has taken the stress out of trying to get in miles yet still be flexible to do the crap that inevitably comes up during the day.

    5K 18:36 (2023), 10K 39:40 (2022), 1/2 1:24:37 (2023), full 2:58:36 (2015) 


    RIP Milkman

      Darkwave - good to know on Brooklyn. It's going to be nearly impossible to meet up given the race is 20K people, but we'll chat as we get closer. Maybe a beer at 9 am? Or whatever your drink of choice is, I feel like I remember you saying it wasn't beer . Also I can't believe you take caffeine in gels but not elsewhere!


      DK - I run commute usually twice a week, but I don't take my laptop back and forth. Luckily my job is mostly email after hours if needed, so I can just use my iPad at home. However, one trick Zebano showed me that I really like is running home from the office in the PM, and then back in in the AM. It's especially good in the winter, because it's not really possible to bring coats back and forth, and if you always run into the office for example, you'll be stuck with 5 coats in the office at the end of the week! Also I cannot believe you read that book - I just read it last year! I have to go back and read Kafka on the Shore, I don't remember anything about it but I remember liking it at the end (which for me is rare: I probably drop 50% of the books I start reading).


      RP - SIGN UP NOW! The magic of CIM can't happen if you don't get to the start line. I'm so excited to run that race.



      Apologies for not being as engaged, will start to be as my training picks up. I ran a complete rust buster 10K this past weekend and was very happy with my time of 35:05 given I've only been running 20-30 MPW with zero workouts since NYC (except 2 tempo runs of 20 minutes). We talk about learning something every race, even rust busters, and I definitely did on this one. At mile 2 I felt pretty bad and was immediately saying I can't keep this up. I felt that same way the entire race, and yet somehow managed to negative split, which tells me maybe something is a bit off right now with how I feel early in races. That may have to do with the complete lack of training recently. But still.


      The only downside is the course may have been a tad short. GPS came up at 6.20. Most of the people around me did measure 6.25 or so, but I did find another couple at 6.19 and 6.20, which shouldn't happen in a certified race. I am VERY good about running tangents in Central Park which is very tough, as the course is basically repeating "S's" so you have to be very diligent. Anyway, I looked back at the course certification. It seems like they put the start line maybe 30-50 meters too far forward to avoid a very popular crossing in Central Park. Would have been annoyed if this was a PR. I emailed them to see what they say, but I doubt they'll respond.


      Real 5K/10K training will probably start next week. Looking forward to it!

      5K: 16:37 (11/20)  |  10K: 34:49 (10/19)  |  HM: 1:14:57 (5/22)  |  FM: 2:36:31 (12/19) 




      Overweight per CDC BMI

        I got in just under 40 miles last week and will try to keep that amount up the next few weeks. I ran with some of the elementary kids from my son's cross country team yesterday, after already doing 12 in the morning, and thought it would be a good recovery run. They were pretty amped up from not running together for a while and I was having to work hard just to keep up. I ran interval sprints Friday up the biggest hill on the route of my Half in March. This is the first time my new Garmin watch has classified my training as "productive" in the past 2 months.


        Date ▼ Type Distance Duration Pace Avg HR Max HR Temp Date of Week
        1/8/2023 Nolan 4.1 mi 37:25 9:04 150 171 50 Sunday
        1/8/2023 Long 12.0 mi 1:46:17 8:52 150 174 47 Sunday
        1/6/2023 Interval 9.2 mi 1:24:02 9:12 151 182 53 Friday
        1/4/2023 Nolan 2.9 mi 31:27 10:51 111 156 49 Wednesday
        1/4/2023 Easy 6.8 mi 1:06:48 9:53 138 159 53 Wednesday
        1/3/2023 Easy 4.9 mi 48:28 9:49 138 149 66 Tuesday


        JMac (or someone), can you please explain the concept of the Moose Mug? I know I will likely never reach that threshold but I have seen it mentioned several times and assume it is an accomplishment faster than BQ.

        Memphis / 38 male

        5k - 20:39 / 10k - 43:48 / Half - 1:34:47 / Full - 3:38:10


          JMac Y'all are tempting me to run CIM.


          Andy It's 2 hours + your age for men and I think 2:20 plus age for women.


          My Week:


          Last week was 45 miles, all easy runs and some strides, and two leg strength sessions with resistance bands. The longest run was 9 miles around 7:38/mile. Things are starting to feel better but when I accelerate for strides I still have this issue with my right hip flexor/groin area. This actually started before NCR, so it's been 2 damn months now.


          Still no official decisions on what I will focus on this Spring. It almost makes more sense to focus on HM-Marathon since fast running is a problem but far running is not. Salisbury is still a possibility, but it's looking less good. Let's see how the next couple weeks go. Hoping to work my way back to 60 mpw with some tempo runs.


          Mmmm Bop


            JMac (or someone), can you please explain the concept of the Moose Mug? I know I will likely never reach that threshold but I have seen it mentioned several times and assume it is an accomplishment faster than BQ.


            The difference between a BQ and winning a Moose Mug is like chalk and cheese.


            I needed a Sub 2:53 when I won my MM…but only needed something like a Sub 3:25 to BQ. 

            I’ve always said that Boston is a celebration race for the above average and I stand by that. 😎

            5k - 17:53 (4/19)   10k - 37:53 (11/18)   Half - 1:23:18 (4/19)   Full - 2:50:43 (4/19)


            Not an 80%er


              The difference between a BQ and winning a Moose Mug is like chalk and cheese.


              I needed a Sub 2:53 when I won my MM…but only needed something like a Sub 3:25 to BQ. 

              I’ve always said that Boston is a celebration race for the above average and I stand by that. 😎


              Jmac - in the end it was so obvious, we just needed to mention a moose mug to get Mikkey out 🤣

              PRs: 1500 4:54.1 2019 - 5K 17:53 2023 - 10K 37:55 2023 - HM 1:21:59 2021

              Up next: some 800m race (or time trials)

              Tool to generate Strava weekly

              Running Problem

              Problem Child

                JMac I need to get through the current marathon cycle before I start focusing on the next one.  The spots for CIM were available up to about a month before, plus they have dedicated social media pages for bib swapping. As race day became closer and closer people were more and more willing to sell their bibs for a somewhat reasonable price. I'll see what happens on April 17 before jumping straight to CIM 2023 as a race. I'm glad you're excited. Hope the girls are doing well.

                No comments on the recent race. I didn't see it on Strava and you know what you need to work on. I did 40-50 mile weeks to stay in shape and it seemed to work well for that Turkey Trot I did.


                MMerkkle are there any races requiring travel you could do? Maybe make a family weekend trip so you could get a race in? IT's expensive but maybe perks up the motivation to train a bit? Oh yeah.....I've PR'd CIM all FOUR time I've run it. I even PR'd the half marathon TWICE on the same day....kind of. The second half was a PR only if you don't count the first half. I positive split my first sub 3.


                12x400m today. definately gave me the confidence I need in life right now. Quick summary is "I expect to lose my job this week" so I need to drown out those concerns with "Marathon Scott doesn't give a FUCK about your job." I started out thinking 6:20/mi was going to be too fast. EVERYTHING says I should be doing this at a 6:00/mi (3:44/km) pace. IT just sounded too fast, I was intimidate, and I didn't want to blow up. I haven't had a great workout, and sometimes I just think I'm built for endurance not speed. I did the first 6 with a 6:15-6:20/mi (3:52-55/km) pace and really went for it for the final six. Mentally it was "you have to finish the workout, not go out fast and blow up." One or two were hard, BUT the last six felt controlled. I felt good and remembered "Anyone can fake it for a 400. Let's see what happens after 800m work." I'm also remembering how 5x1K was WAY too fast the times I tried it so I need to build up to proper speed.


                I honestly believe I'll never have a moose mug. I'll either grow tired of the marathon, or I'll just not be athletic enough to earn it. I've never really been even good enough to be "above average" even though some run times might disagree. It's cool to me to se guys like Cal doing it. Maybe he WILL be there in his wheelchair when I cross CIM and get it done. 2:53 at age 53? CRAZY!

                Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                VDOT 53.37 

                5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


                Mmmm Bop


                  Jmac - in the end it was so obvious, we just needed to mention a moose mug to get Mikkey out 🤣


                  Yep, I focused on the MM and achieved my goal!


                  Will Milkman be the next runner to win a MM…or maybe Marky….if he goes downhill?

                  5k - 17:53 (4/19)   10k - 37:53 (11/18)   Half - 1:23:18 (4/19)   Full - 2:50:43 (4/19)


                    Add me to the list of those not knowing what they're doing in the fall. I feel like I'm in no hurry to commit, unless of course I decide I want to run NYC. I have a time qualifer, and I would like to run it at some point. But I think it's best to run that one when I don't care about my finish time. I'm not sure when that will be.


                    mmerkle - I wouldn't discourage you from running CIM, but I won't rave about it. It is net downhill, and has a pretty nice steady downhill section in the final 10k. But the early miles are kind of hilly; not too extreme if you're used to hills, but you definitely feel them. You'll hear a lot of complaints from flatlanders. I did have a good day there, and the weather was perfect (I believe it usually is).



                    RIP Milkman


                      Jmac - in the end it was so obvious, we just needed to mention a moose mug to get Mikkey out 🤣


                      Wow we really botched it, it's so obvious!!!


                      Okay - how do we get Cal and JT to post again. I think if we say that Bekele is the most overrated runner of all time and slammin is the most underrated runner of all time, we can get them both back in one fell swoop.

                      5K: 16:37 (11/20)  |  10K: 34:49 (10/19)  |  HM: 1:14:57 (5/22)  |  FM: 2:36:31 (12/19) 





                        Wow we really botched it, it's so obvious!!!


                        Okay - how do we get Cal and JT to post again. I think if we say that Bekele is the most overrated runner of all time and slammin is the most underrated runner of all time, we can get them both back in one fell swoop.


                        I'll stir the pot here lol. I put The Emperor over Bekele, with his 27 world records. I'm aware Bekele beat Gebreselassie a few times but I'm standing my ground. During his prime on the track, The Emperor was unstoppable.


                        RP Sorry to hear about the tough times. Hopefully they pass soon. And don't count yourself out of a Moose Mug so soon. Nice 12 X 400.


                        Dave Roger that. Also, I ran with someone today for the first time in a million years. I definitely enjoyed it.

                        You big Dosser


                          Jmac - in the end it was so obvious, we just needed to mention a moose mug to get Mikkey out 🤣


                          I could beat you in a 1500m race no sweat.


                          Not an 80%er


                            I could beat you in a 1500m race no sweat.

                            You almost caught me 😁, I'm sure Tyson could beat me, I saw a video of a similar doggo on youtube titled "fastest dog in the world" 😎

                            Now what about a race with every runner maxed out in their abilities:

                            A) Tyson 🐕

                            B) Cal with broken ribs 🩻

                            C) Mark going downhill ↘️

                            D) Mikkey with cheater shoes 👟


                            Who's winning it ?

                            PRs: 1500 4:54.1 2019 - 5K 17:53 2023 - 10K 37:55 2023 - HM 1:21:59 2021

                            Up next: some 800m race (or time trials)

                            Tool to generate Strava weekly


                            Not an 80%er

                              Jmac - These race directors never had a chance against you!

                              RP - Weren't you the one talking about an RSV outbreak on child day care where your kiddo stayed ?
                              Also kudos for a well executed workout!

                              Mmerkle/Jmac - I remember a race, The great north run, I believe it was, it had Bekele, Gebrselassie and Mo.
                              Gebrselassie was old at this point but hung out till nearly the end. Then Bekele smoked Mo as expected. It was a glorious day for running.


                              There was a local race here this last Sunday, the San Silvester. Around 10K people perhaps? It's the biggest race around.
                              Anyway, oblivious to that, I've ordered food on UberEats.
                              Then the rider bringing my food got stuck across the street and couldn't cross cause the runners were passing.
                              So I had to play a game of Frog, and figure out how to cross the street to go meet him and fetch my food.
                              Then cross back. It was fun!


                              Also, after 15 days being nasal, my voice is now normal. It's a great day!

                              PRs: 1500 4:54.1 2019 - 5K 17:53 2023 - 10K 37:55 2023 - HM 1:21:59 2021

                              Up next: some 800m race (or time trials)

                              Tool to generate Strava weekly


                              Not an 80%er

                                Now what about a race with every runner maxed out in their abilities:

                                A) Tyson 🐕

                                B) Cal with broken ribs 🩻

                                C) Mark going downhill ↘️

                                D) Mikkey with cheater shoes 👟


                                Who's winning it ?


                                One more runner, late entry: Flavio with a GPS personal record 😎

                                PRs: 1500 4:54.1 2019 - 5K 17:53 2023 - 10K 37:55 2023 - HM 1:21:59 2021

                                Up next: some 800m race (or time trials)

                                Tool to generate Strava weekly