Competitive Jerks Racing and Training - 2023 (Read 574 times)


    JT   The first ~ 1:10 of this video is a pre race ritual of mine lol. Sometimes pre workout as well. Never gets old. Been watching it since HS.


    Mmmm Bop

       Mikkey: How is the heel?


      It’s a lot better, but not to the point that I can train normally yet…so I’ll make a decision at the end of this month on whether Boston is doable or not. My flights are with Virgin Atlantic and could change destination for minimum charge because I booked during the “covid pandemic” and they fly to Sacramento via LA which could be an alternative option as I’ve never run a downhill marathon before!  Funnily enough I’m in the best physical shape ever as I’ve been going to the gym nearly everyday and also doing cardio on the elliptical and Climbmill.


      Anyway how are you? I had a look on Strava and can see that you’re on a mission again! Any races lined up?

      NACN - Belated welcome, I remember when you were the Sub 3:20 thread leader on RWOL when I joined back in 2008. 

      5k - 17:53 (4/19)   10k - 37:53 (11/18)   Half - 1:23:18 (4/19)   Full - 2:50:43 (4/19)


      RIP Milkman

        JT - good to see you!!! What's the plan this year? I know it's been a lot of ups and downs for you.


        Mikkey - if I remember correctly, it's some sort of spur, right? I feel like you've tried everything in the book - what do you think ultimately has led to it getting "a lot better"?

        5K: 16:37 (11/20)  |  10K: 34:49 (10/19)  |  HM: 1:14:57 (5/22)  |  FM: 2:36:31 (12/19) 



        Running Problem

        Problem Child

          Mikkey If you can change the flights then change them to CIM. It's a much easier marathon than Boston from what I'm told.

          Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

          VDOT 53.37 

          5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


          Overweight per CDC BMI

            Mikkey - I prefer the phrase "budget-mileage runner" as I have to balance my passion for the sport with the passion to not piss off my wife by being absent with the kids and life. Yes, good point that I can do a 10-mile run at 90-95% for free on my normal routes.


            Dave - timing doesn't work out for any 10k races in Feb but I am curious about your preference for a 10k race as prep for a Half.


            mmerkle/JMac - yes, I miss the days of setting PR's due to running races of various distances frequently. I was adamant last year to get to the Dec Marathon without getting injured and I only ran one 5k race in the 6 months prior. I know this conservative approach cost me several minutes when my hamstrings gave out around mile 22.

            Memphis / 38 male

            5k - 20:39 / 10k - 43:48 / Half - 1:34:47 / Full - 3:38:10

              mmerkle: Great clip, thanks for sharing. I can see how that would help to inspire before a race!


              Mikkey: Sounds good; I hope the heel gets better in time, but if not it's great you can change the flight to CA. If you end up changing to CIM maybe I'd cave and do it as well. Everyone here that's run it got their PR from it so there's that...


              JMac/Mikkey: thanks, just trying to get back into things and not really sure what race I'll do this spring, but the plan is to do a marathon sometime in April.

              2:52:16 (2018)


              Not an 80%er

                Flavio - I’ll have to agree with Mr McKeon and liked that post with the emojis!  Your wit makes up for your lack of running talent. 


                You're talking big, son 👶. Can you do a pull up yet ?


                Andy - I'm late for the party here, but I reckon a 10K would be best if available. If you race the 15k you will have gone to the well, and then 3 weeks later there's a good chance you will feel flat at the half race. Is the half a target race? If so, what's the purpose of racing the 15k so close to the half ? Which PR do you care more for? 15k or the half?


                me - Sort of back at it and it all feels surprisingly well. Also trying hard not to get sick again, this is the tricky part. I spoke to the coach and we both agreed that I took a small hit to my fitness but I should recover it in the next couple of weeks.

                So Feb 5th remains a PR attack for now. I'm thinking 37:52 would be a good time.

                PRs: 1500 4:54.1 2019 - 5K 17:53 2023 - 10K 37:55 2023 - HM 1:21:59 2021

                Up next: some 800m race (or time trials)

                Tool to generate Strava weekly



                  RP, thanks for the pep talk re: Boston (Mikkey, thanks for yours too, if it was one Wink ). I'm not hopeless yet. I know my level of fitness is enough, there's just other stuff that needs to come together on race day. A lot can still happen until Sept. 2023, so we'll see if Boston '24 is possible. Like mmerkle, I'm not a fan of traveling for races (I'll do regular travel fine, but I hate coordinating around a race), but if I want it bad enough... I'm still keeping Ft. Lauderdale open as a possibility, but I'm going to attempt a 50k training run the last weekend in Jan., so the priority for now has shifted to the March ultra.


                  That being said, I think I can recover from that in 3 weeks and still race Ft. Lauderdale, and on that note, Andy, I'm going with the majority opinion here that 15k will be the better race as a tune-up for the half. And race it! 9.3 miles is not enough to deplete your glycogen stores and you should be fully recovered from that in 21 days (even accounting for the differences we all have in recovery). You want to give yourself a chance to test your mettle at a longer distance and, as you say, figure out a good target time. Half and 5k are too different a kind of race. Ditto JMac, don't worry about tapering for the 15k (though the day or two days off before it can't hurt and will make it more fun to race).


                  Seeing that kick down by Geb is the strongest argument I've seen for him being the GOAT. More inspiring than seeing all his records listed. Thanks for sharing that, mmerkle. I'm not a fan of the rest of that video though, way too heavy on the pathos.


                  Glad to see you're feeling better and still attacking the PR in Feb. Flavio. 


                  Mikkey, I had plantar fasciitis that turned into a heel spur, and after taking 4 months off running and it not getting back to 100%, I just said "eff it" and started running again while continuing PT exercises and wearing the boot at night. It eventually went away. Don't know if that could be the case for you, but either way, it's good if it's feeling better.


                  ETA: darkwave, in case I don't come back to the forum before Sunday, and in case you see this, all the best at your race! Hope you meet your goal and the travel doesn't shake up the running software too much.

                  Qualifications: I like to run. In Florida. In the summer. At noon.  

                  Last race: May 27, Memorial Day 5K, 20:40.6. PR in not ideal conditions! A great way to start the summer.  


                  RIP Milkman


                    Mikkey, I had plantar fasciitis that turned into a heel spur, and after taking 4 months off running and it not getting back to 100%, I just said "eff it" and started running again while continuing PT exercises and wearing the boot at night. It eventually went away. Don't know if that could be the case for you, but either way, it's good if it's feeling better.



                    Dealing with this right now. I've had plantar symptoms for 2.5 years at this point. It's insane. There are times I've been diligent, and times I've been lazy. The only thing that seems to have worked is a night splint, and honestly, a lot of running. Every time I cut down my mileage (like right now), it gets way worse. I'm working with a PT on it though, and the exercises do seem to help. The only thing that is guaranteed not to help is time off, and I've seen so many people say this for Plantar or heel issues in general. There's something about this injury especially that rest makes things worse.

                    5K: 16:37 (11/20)  |  10K: 34:49 (10/19)  |  HM: 1:14:57 (5/22)  |  FM: 2:36:31 (12/19) 





                      Dave - timing doesn't work out for any 10k races in Feb but I am curious about your preference for a 10k race as prep for a Half.



                      It was mainly if you had any concerns about full recovery from an all-out 15k in 3 weeks (which as everyone else says here, you probably shouldn't), and it's always better to race all-out if you can, you should certainly have no concerns about recovery from a 10k. Also for me personally - I've never raced a 15k, so I'd rather do a distance where I can gauge my performance based on history.



                      RIP Milkman


                        It was mainly if you had any concerns about full recovery from an all-out 15k in 3 weeks (which as everyone else says here, you probably shouldn't), and it's always better to race all-out if you can, you should certainly have no concerns about recovery from a 10k. 


                        I will echo this, I was choosing between 5K and 15K, and 15K is clearly better prep. A 5K is such a different race. But I think a 10K is the sweet spot.

                        5K: 16:37 (11/20)  |  10K: 34:49 (10/19)  |  HM: 1:14:57 (5/22)  |  FM: 2:36:31 (12/19) 




                        Overweight per CDC BMI

                          I have never raced a 15k either but was a race which fit into my plans. I looked back at my Half PR from way back in 2019 and I did that only 2 weeks after a hilly 10-mile race. I don't think the 3 weeks between races is going to be a recovery issue for me.


                          I think what I am going to do is race the 15k and also do some 5k time trials over the next few weeks to help with the faster racing. I will have my son pace me on his bike at my 5k PR pace for extra motivation. If I do the first 5k in a time close to my PR, I might do the same thing for 10k the second time around.

                          Memphis / 38 male

                          5k - 20:39 / 10k - 43:48 / Half - 1:34:47 / Full - 3:38:10


                            Andy Doing some 5k time trials is an interesting choice. Just be careful not to do too much max effort stuff without enough recovery. I think another option could be to spend some time at tempo/threshold pace, in other words the famous 20 minute tempo. Less stressful than a 5k time trial so you can do more of those. And to help with leg speed you can do strides and/or 200s with full recovery. That's just what works for me though. Just my 2 cents.



                              Dealing with this right now. I've had plantar symptoms for 2.5 years at this point. It's insane. There are times I've been diligent, and times I've been lazy. The only thing that seems to have worked is a night splint, and honestly, a lot of running. Every time I cut down my mileage (like right now), it gets way worse. I'm working with a PT on it though, and the exercises do seem to help. The only thing that is guaranteed not to help is time off, and I've seen so many people say this for Plantar or heel issues in general. There's something about this injury especially that rest makes things worse.


                              Second this.  The only time I experienced any Plantar symptoms was during a very lazy summer.  I was also going barefoot or wearing sandals with zero arch support.  Switched to wearing sneakers at all times when "goofing off" and running more and the symptoms disappeared.

                              5K 18:36 (2023), 10K 39:40 (2022), 1/2 1:24:37 (2023), full 2:58:36 (2015) 

                              Running Problem

                              Problem Child

                                DK As much as it pains me to say this it is true.



                                The recovery from an ultra marathon is easier than a marathon. 

                                Go ahead and put that on the front page commanderkeen



                                AndyTN I also say race the 15k BECAUSE of the distance.  In my mind you can fake a 5k and get away with a lot of things you can’t in a 15k. 

                                planter fashyitis    I’ll pass. I thought that was something for old people.


                                Jmac you’re slightly injured? Damn sorry man. I can’t ever tell just because you’re one of the most elite people I Strava know so you runs always look easy. The other guy is the local olympics trails qualifier guy I was smoked by the other week. I don’t know how I started following him though. I think it was a button mash.

                                Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                                VDOT 53.37 

                                5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22