Competitive Jerks Racing and Training - 2023 (Read 574 times)


Not an 80%er

    DK - You need to edit the tags in that Source Code text box.

    I suppose another alternative would be to do my other suggested brute force strategy:

    1 - Click the quote button. It will take you to the text editor already showing the quoted text within a shaded box

    2 - Select and copy that shaded box however many times as many quotes you need

    3 - Edit out from the shaded box what you don't need.

    It's quite interesting that you cannot access health care in Germany, aren't you a citizen there? I know in Italy you're required to be a resident in the city to access health care in said city, so perhaps Germany is the same, since you're living abroad (US) you don't have access to health care?


    Cal - A very interesting (and surprisingly simple yet hard) strength workout that you can do is do just balance yourself on one leg. If you can make it to a minute and it feels to easy, then slightly lift your heels from the ground (if you lift too much like a ballerina it will work the calves too much, you lift just slightly so you're working your feet arches more). I find it very hard to balance myself on a single leg with the heels lifted for more than 15 seconds at the moment. And feet and feet arch strength is transferrable part and parcel of full body strength. Strong foundation etc etc.


    Piwi/Fishy - I'm very jealous of you folk with a hobby that does not involve screens. I've been trying to find something for myself, I'm definitely not into fishing. So far I found doing house chores and cooking are good things that I can do to free myself from screens.


    Keen - Still living that jet setter life ?

    PRs: 1500 4:54.1 2019 - 5K 17:53 2023 - 10K 37:55 2023 - HM 1:21:59 2021

    Up next: some 800m race (or time trials)

    Tool to generate Strava weekly


    Overweight per CDC BMI

      Hey everyone, I'm getting back into the miles after the busy life stuff caused me to take a bit of a vacation from running with only ~17 miles per week the past 3 weeks. We have been very busy in general with numerous birthday parties, baseball All-Stars, and extracurricular stuff almost every day for 2 weeks. I ended up skipping my 10-nautical mile race back on June 4th because we were hosting an end of season baseball party at our house that day and the day prior, my wife's parents unexpectedly split up and she was stressed out to no end. She is still dealing with all that drama and my job has been to just do what I can to keep the stress level down.


      The drama with the in-laws has actually freed up some of my summer as we were supposed to go on vacation with them all next week and then another whole week with them at the beach in July, both of which have been cancelled. Learning lesson of the situation: don't let little irritations and minor problems build up for years without talking to your spouse because they can cause a powder keg explosion later.


      On a positive note, I did want to mention a really cool program the head coach of our XC/Track team puts on during the summer for kids. Basically, kids from the age of 3 up to middle school meet up at a park twice a week to run (and walk) as many laps around a lake as they can in 30 minutes. The laps are approximately 1k and for each lap completed, they get a little plastic running charm shaped like a foot to put on a bracelet. This sounds cheesy but you would be shocked at how motivating the charms are for the kids when they accumulated them over 2 months. My 4-year-old ran 4 laps the other day during his 30 minute session and was so determined to get a 5th charm, he went and ran another lap with the older kids. So first 5k completed for the little man! My older son ran 6k in 30 minutes and that is pretty much the max for the faster kids but some of them just keep running even after we say the 30 minutes is up. She started the program 6-7 years ago with only 25 kids and now has almost 500 kids from schools all over the area.

      Memphis / 38 male

      5k - 20:39 / 10k - 43:48 / Half - 1:34:47 / Full - 3:38:10

      a smith

      king of the non-sequitur

        DK, as for you question about the 14 miler i think i ran full out and right on the edge of falling on the descents which improved my time, thankfully, since i didnt fall. i ran like that last year in a trail half and did fall and hurt my shoulder pretty bad on a rock. i am not graceful. one thing that makes me run full out is to keep ahead of conga lines on the trail, they are super annoying, especially people who wear noise cancelling earbuds

        I also think general activity level shouldn't be understated. i like the manual trimmer also and think leaf blowers are an abomination (why piss everyone off and kill people who have allergies when you can sweep? lazy.) i commute by ebike every day, have a bamboo garden (possibly the cause of the hernia), play bass and drums every day and my job is 80% moving around walking and standing. even when i run i do 'old man parcour' on any non lethal obstacle i can find. do short barefoot sessions at least once per week and now that's it's warm diving in the lake. i am jealous of you guys who go fishing every day


        Cal, some of that quote doesn't make sense. is it the grammar or am i just senile?


        but i am not making excuses to avoid the weight.s..well i am but they are valid. currently it's an inguinal hernia but it always seems to be something. i have a kettlebell attachment for the dumbbell i like to use for swings even when i dont have time for anything else. it's there waiting for me and i will return to it.


        Bridle Trails 50k 1-13-24 5:39

        Cottontail 6 Hour 4-13-24

        Cougar Long Series (May,June,July,Aug 2024)

        Carkeek 6 Hour 10-19-24 

        Running Problem

        Problem Child

          I go out in crappy air all the time. The smoke and bad air get trapped in the SLC valley all the time. I tried one year to get above the smoke. Running at 9k-10k ft didn't get above it. I have worn a filtered mask at times. But I can't wear it for long. Can't breath.


          Even 10,775 ft was covered in smoke. 10/10 do not recommend.


          Currently you look nice and clear about 10K.

          Avoid Wisconsin unless you apply COVID 19 restriction protocols and can stay inside.

          Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

          VDOT 53.37 

          5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


          Not an 80%er


            but i am not making excuses to avoid the weight.s..well i am but they are valid. currently it's an inguinal hernia but it always seems to be something. i have a kettlebell attachment for the dumbbell i like to use for swings even when i dont have time for anything else. it's there waiting for me and i will return to it.


            Ugh, I hate kettlebell swings, I don't know, maybe I'm very bad at motor coordination, I avoid them like the plague, I always injure myself with these. I like slow and controlled movements.


            RP - Damn, it seems you're under bad air quality a good portion of the year. This feels quite dystopian to me.

            PRs: 1500 4:54.1 2019 - 5K 17:53 2023 - 10K 37:55 2023 - HM 1:21:59 2021

            Up next: some 800m race (or time trials)

            Tool to generate Strava weekly

              Dk the 400m works out around 2 mins for me which seems about right. I see others who only do 60 or 90 secs recovery so I still feel like a slacker 


              Flavio dishes and chores are definitely not a hobby 

              Andy welcome back, that must be quite a shock to have parents split up. Mine just hit 69 years married .  Nice incentives for the kids. Should build good habits for the future.


              Meh getting some sort of a cold. Hopefully just a minor one.

              55+ PBs 5k 18:36 June 3rd TT

              " If you don't use it you lose it,  but if you use it, it wears out.

              Somewhere in between is about right "      




                DK - You need to edit the tags in that Source Code text box.

                I suppose another alternative would be to do my other suggested brute force strategy:

                1 - Click the quote button. It will take you to the text editor already showing the quoted text within a shaded box

                2 - Select and copy that shaded box however many times as many quotes you need

                3 - Edit out from the shaded box what you don't need.

                It's quite interesting that you cannot access health care in Germany, aren't you a citizen there? I know in Italy you're required to be a resident in the city to access health care in said city, so perhaps Germany is the same, since you're living abroad (US) you don't have access to health care?



                I think I get it now, Flavio. So I can reply to this quote here and if I copy and paste another quoted box, like asmith's... 


                DK, as for you question about the 14 miler i think i ran full out and right on the edge of falling on the descents which improved my time, thankfully, since i didnt fall. i ran like that last year in a trail half and did fall and hurt my shoulder pretty bad on a rock. i am not graceful. one thing that makes me run full out is to keep ahead of conga lines on the trail, they are super annoying, especially people who wear noise cancelling earbuds

                I also think general activity level shouldn't be understated. i like the manual trimmer also and think leaf blowers are an abomination (why piss everyone off and kill people who have allergies when you can sweep? lazy.) i commute by ebike every day, have a bamboo garden (possibly the cause of the hernia), play bass and drums every day and my job is 80% moving around walking and standing. even when i run i do 'old man parcour' on any non lethal obstacle i can find. do short barefoot sessions at least once per week and now that's it's warm diving in the lake. i am jealous of you guys who go fishing every day


                I can reply here. Cool! Now that you mention it, it does seem totally obvious.

                So to answer your question: Yep, you got it right. I am a German citizen, but since I'm not living and working in Germany (mostly it's the lack of paying taxes they care about), I don't have access to their health-care system. That being said, even if I went in without insurance, costs in Germany are much lower than in the US. It's utterly ridiculous here.


                asmith, taking those descents with no-holds barred takes guts! I can build up some courage as the runs go on, but straight out I'm too chicken. But the motivation is strong, as you say. I hate getting stuck behind people on a trail. Nice barefoot sessions.... I would like to do that more often around the track, but people do all their spitting on the inside between the track and the field...stepping in that is so gross.


                Andy, hope things get smoother for your wife. I can imagine how hard it is to be there for a couple during this difficult time. The kiddie park laps and charm rewards sound like a great idea! Congrats to both your kids.

                Qualifications: I like to run. In Florida. In the summer. At noon.  

                Last race: May 27, Memorial Day 5K, 20:40.6. PR in not ideal conditions! A great way to start the summer.  


                  Get out of bed, check, snatch a child from danger, check,  lift a box, check, pick up groceries bag, check, leap for joy, check, Frisbee, check, row a boat, check,  


                  Ha-ha PK - but I am talking about preparing for the future, not about "todays", when you are still relatively young...


                  Ugh, I hate kettlebell swings, I don't know, maybe I'm very bad at motor coordination, I avoid them like the plague, I always injure myself with these. I like slow and controlled movements.


                  Kettlebell is very popular in Russia, I observed that when I was in University - many of my friends were doing heavy kettlebells as a competition (I didn't do because I felt I was not strong enough Smile. I am doing kettlebell exercises from time to time - some short 20 minutes full body routine. Love it, it is challenging, simple, but involves all the core muscles. This guy, Pavel Tsatsouline, is very popular on the Internet, Russian guy, kind of short in words and tough in approach to workouts Smile


                  Cal - A very interesting (and surprisingly simple yet hard) strength workout that you can do is do just balance yourself on one leg. If you can make it to a minute and it feels to easy, then slightly lift your heels from the ground (if you lift too much like a ballerina it will work the calves too much, you lift just slightly so you're working your feet arches more). I find it very hard to balance myself on a single leg with the heels lifted for more than 15 seconds at the moment. And feet and feet arch strength is transferrable part and parcel of full body strength. Strong foundation etc etc.


                  Oh.. one leg balance... yeah, it's not simple, especially with heel up - to complicate things I also close the eyes and cross my arms when balancing.


                  Mikkey - not sure your advise is related to the topic Smile


                  Cal, some of that quote doesn't make sense. is it the grammar or am i just senile?


                  An example what doesn't make sense would be helpful. And I would not bother about grammar if you understand the core principle. Too often people get very picky about non-related issues skewing the main point.


                  DK - thanks for the long message. I am getting as much fiber as I can - because you are right - it is all removed from the current food - what we call, processed foods - to increase the shelf life of the stuff. Fiber is vital and I make sure I get it enough. As for physical tasks once in a while. Once in 3 months is just not enough. Just imagine you would be running 13-20 miles just once in 3 months Smile It is difficult, but not enough - 3 times a week at least, that's close to minimum Smile

                  paces PRs - 5K - 5:48  /  10K - 6:05  /  HM - 6:14  /  FM - 6:26 per mile

                    Cal what you are saying is all good stuff. We need to keep the body moving and working as we age. My parents just hit 91 and 92 and still relatively fit. They never purposely exercised but were always active in the garden and hiking etc.

                    55+ PBs 5k 18:36 June 3rd TT

                    " If you don't use it you lose it,  but if you use it, it wears out.

                    Somewhere in between is about right "      


                    Running Problem

                    Problem Child

                      RP - Damn, it seems you're under bad air quality a good portion of the year. This feels quite dystopian to me.


                      It is due to California's lack of responsible forest management. They just let the fucker burn until the Federal Government can come pay for the clean up. Their plan for preventing fires is "hope we have someone to blame" such as "mother nature" or "the power company" and typically this all works out in their favor.

                      This is the exact same state who was told by 6 others "no, you're plan on reducing water isn't going to work" because their plan was literally "we get what we want, and you guys make the cuts necessary."


                      yeah...that fire last year piss me RIGHT the fuck off because Governor Newsome didn't do a fucking thing until the fire hit South Lake Tahoe at which point he declares an emergency and EVERYONE gets to pay for the recovery while he talks about handing out reparations and state wide stimulus checks to "people who aren't citizens or legal permanent residents." Dystopian is a POLITE way of describing it. " *bleepity bleep bleep*" is another.



                      Wildfire in Canada right meow. Looking at the map I'd guess it is in Eastern British Columbia. It is making Minneapolis have hazardous air. 1,632 miles away. 2,626 km away.

                      Moral of the story: Canada blows.

                      Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                      VDOT 53.37 

                      5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


                        Merkle good job on the race replacement workout. That 3.20 km pace looks great.


                        Fishy I find my first fast miles to be tougher than the latter during workouts. I'm sure it's our age and getting the heart rate high enough.

                        I doubled yesterday to allow myself to go fishing today 


                        Flavio I hope you feel better after this week. Put me down in the short legs list too 


                        Thanks! And I don't think it's necessarily related to age, I feel the exact same way. Especially with tempo runs. There's a reason the first mile or so of my tempos is the slowest, it's because I don't feel all that great. In fact this is more so the case for me with tempo work than speed or VO2 max (foreshadowing an upcoming inquiry).


                        Cal Is the book you're reading trying to be provocative? You can run 10 miles a day and still be strong. Two good examples are David Goggins and Nick Bare. To a lesser extent, but still, I would also consider Stephen Scullion an example. By no means am I against strength training or the points you are making, but I don't think you need to throw the baby out with the bath water as the old saying goes.


                        dktrotter That's a good point with the 2 miler. I just like complaining... and also getting PRs. And I'm going for my math PhD. Just finished my third year, hopefully only two more to go... you know how that is lol. It does seem that being in academia is conducive to running, but landing a position is really difficult as you know. Tenure track at an R1 is plan A at the moment, but I am exploring plan B's just in case.


                          Cal Is the book you're reading trying to be provocative? You can run 10 miles a day and still be strong. Two good examples are David Goggins and Nick Bare. To a lesser extent, but still, I would also consider Stephen Scullion an example. By no means am I against strength training or the points you are making, but I don't think you need to throw the baby out with the bath water as the old saying goes. 


                          Nothing provocative about that book, maybe just they have a strong opinions about what are the priorities. The book called - The Barbell Prescription - Strength Training for Life After 40.


                          But you are right, I should probably clarify that this subject is probably for older people, this was not of any interest to me until recently. What is your age, mid 30s, early 30s, late 20s? Totally understand your enthusiasm Smile. Your examples of people are not convincing at all - one guy is 29, another guy is 34. David Goggins is impressive, but there is something troubling about him - I watched him a lot, there is a deep darkness inside him, I think - I do not think what he is doing he is doing for himself, I think he is doing it to prove something to somebody. Whom? I don't know. And yes, it's really cool to do both things - running and strength training. And I mean, strength training as a separate discipline, not a a support for running activity and injury prevention as many refer to it here. A separate thing. But when you are close to 60? Running 10 miles a day and a targeted strength training at least 3 days a week... Possible. But... Wait until you are there. And I totally agree - there will be plenty of exceptions, I am just talking priorities when you are at that age, not mid 30s though Smile


                          And again, I am not anti-running. I probably just in a wrong phase for this particular place ...

                          paces PRs - 5K - 5:48  /  10K - 6:05  /  HM - 6:14  /  FM - 6:26 per mile

                          a smith

                          king of the non-sequitur




                            An example what doesn't make sense would be helpful. And I would not bother about grammar if you understand the core principle. Too often people get very picky about non-related issues skewing the main point.





                            I'd like you notice something about ... activities that play out in the Arena of Life.

                            None of them involve running, biking, swimming or skiing for hours. None of them are feats of aerobic activities.


                            doesnt make sense to me. seems the author has discredited everything great i have ever done because of my slow twitch nature.


                            Bridle Trails 50k 1-13-24 5:39

                            Cottontail 6 Hour 4-13-24

                            Cougar Long Series (May,June,July,Aug 2024)

                            Carkeek 6 Hour 10-19-24 




                              I'd like you notice something about ... activities that play out in the Arena of Life.

                              None of them involve running, biking, swimming or skiing for hours. None of them are feats of aerobic activities.


                              doesnt make sense to me. seems the author has discredited everything great i have ever done because of my slow twitch nature.


                              I think it makes perfect sense. I don't know if you were being ironic or sarcastic, but what they are saying, in your real, everyday's life you do  not need to run or bike or swim for a long time. Usually your everyday's life involves pushing, pulling, lifting, balancing, picking up things, walking - most of the things that require strength. And biking, running or swimming are not the best and not the most effective ways to develop those life skills.


                              I know, I am being boring, I apologize... Will try to minimize my mumbling from now on - I am in no way trying to convert anybody - just excited to share my discovery of the subject I was so missing on all this time.... Smile

                              paces PRs - 5K - 5:48  /  10K - 6:05  /  HM - 6:14  /  FM - 6:26 per mile


                              Mmmm Bop

                                It’s slightly bizarre to see Cal being so interested in strength training now.   I first embraced it at beginning of 2016 and have been reasonably consistent ever since, simply because I enjoy it rather than feel that I have to do it. Has it helped my running?…if so then I’d say not a huge amount.


                                I think I get the point this guy is making in that don’t put all your eggs in one basket. For a few years I was obsessed with running and the main focus in my life. Funnily enough that stopped happening during my 2019 PR cycle and have never had that full on enthusiasm again….maybe because running wasn’t a life long hobby or my number one sport?

                                I’ve pretty much achieved everything I wanted in marathon running….apart from beating Cal in a head to head race!  I think CIM will be my final marathon and I’ll be totally giving it my best shot as I’m not planning on travelling 3000 miles just to have a jolly with Cal

                                5k - 17:53 (4/19)   10k - 37:53 (11/18)   Half - 1:23:18 (4/19)   Full - 2:50:43 (4/19)