Competitive Jerks Racing and Training - 2023 (Read 574 times)

    Quick one: Flavio glad for your trip and I love Barthelona for the food, architecture and lifestyle. Congrats to you and the wife on the PR. Did she run a 5min pace average? I mean thats crazy fast!!!! The guy in the blue shirt seriously wore long running tights in those warm weather and managed to beat you too?

    HM: 1:47 (9/20) I FM: 3:53:11 (9/23)


    2024 Goals: run a FM & HM + stay healthy!


    Mother of Cats

      Flavio - congratulations on the PR!  Really awesome!


      Sorry for my absence - wanted to crank out the race report first, and it was hard to find the time between driving back from the race and work.  Race report is here.  CK - I ran 1:33:20 at the One City Half-Marathon in Newport News, VA.


      I'll try to circle back for comments on other's weeks tomorrow.

      Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


      And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


      Are we there, yet?

        I’ll have to say that anytime I’ve run a PR I’m over the moon and on a high for weeks!  But if I feel I’ve underperformed in a race (even if the finish time looks acceptable) I’m inconsolable for weeks!



        With PBs decades in the past (even most of my ultra PBs set in the last 10 years are unlikely to ever be bettered now with the possible exception of my 24-hour best), I've had to take a somewhat different approach to how I evaluate my races.  It's very subjective of necessity, but considers what I think I'm capable of running, what I actually run, and what issues or problems I encountered during the race.


        Interestingly what should have been a highlight and cause for excessive exuberance was actually a bit of a disappointment. That was my first sub-3:00 marathon back in 1970.  No clock at the finish line, no immediate results posted or available on the internet, not even a digital watch.  My only indication of how fast I had run was my analog Timex wristwatch which read 3:01.  Not bad for a first marathon but frustratingly close to, yet not sub-3:00. I had to wait two week before receiving a postcard with my official result of 2:59:50. Of course I was happy, but lacking the immediacy at the finish line, it didn't have the impact later PBs did.

         2024 Races:

              03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

              05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
              06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.




          Quick drive by to  congratulate my old buddy Flavio. Always impresses with his 1500 speed up to 5k on moderate mileage.


          Steve that sub 19 5k puts you in a whole new league.

          You absolutely have good speed now 

          55+ PBs 5k 18:36 June 3rd TT

          " If you don't use it you lose it,  but if you use it, it wears out.

          Somewhere in between is about right "      



          Mmmm Bop


            With PBs decades in the past (even most of my ultra PBs set in the last 10 years are unlikely to ever be bettered now with the possible exception of my 24-hour best), I've had to take a somewhat different approach to how I evaluate my races.  It's very subjective of necessity, but considers what I think I'm capable of running, what I actually run, and what issues or problems I encountered during the race.


            Interestingly what should have been a highlight and cause for excessive exuberance was actually a bit of a disappointment. That was my first sub-3:00 marathon back in 1970.  No clock at the finish line, no immediate results posted or available on the internet, not even a digital watch.  My only indication of how fast I had run was my analog Timex wristwatch which read 3:01.  Not bad for a first marathon but frustratingly close to, yet not sub-3:00. I had to wait two week before receiving a postcard with my official result of 2:59:50. Of course I was happy, but lacking the immediacy at the finish line, it didn't have the impact later PBs did.

            Timex wristwatch!  I think I’m ancient for admitting that I loved my bulky Garmin 305! (think I still have it in my man drawer). Anyway, I hope you celebrated once you received the postcard. 


            I remember reading about Steve Jones when he broke the marathon WR at Chicago in 1984….he didn’t know how close he was in the closing stages as he wasn’t wearing a watch!

            5k - 17:53 (4/19)   10k - 37:53 (11/18)   Half - 1:23:18 (4/19)   Full - 2:50:43 (4/19)


            Not an 80%er

              RP - No, you're thinking about ultras, this is a short trail race, only 21km and I should finish about 5-10 minutes slower than a half marathon.
              Also thanks for the tip about the ziplock, I guess I'm gonna go with that.
              I happen to have a waist pack I bought for the marathon which could do the trick, it can hold the phone + the foldable water cup, whistle and thermal blanket.
              These cruise intervals just under T pace are excellent.


              Mickey - LOL, we do indeed, couldn't I have run just one second faster hahaha.


              MickJogger - Barcelona is indeed a joy to visit. Yes, the wife ran pretty close to 5 min pace per K, she was quite happy after having so many misses over the past 2 years, to be fair though, she mostly ran half marathons in warm weather recently.
              And yeah, LOL, I guess part of why I was not so happy after the PR was that I lost the duel with those other 3 dudes 😁


              DW - Thanks for the race report, as always very entertaining. LOL at the "quitters chair"
              My initial impression that this had gone better than recent races seems to be right. I'm so happy to hear that and also kudos for winning first master's female 💪


              Piwi - Thanks man, I'm slowly working my way back up to more mileage, but it's a real struggle for me, I guess I'm just not built for that.

              PRs: 1500 4:54.1 2019 - 5K 17:53 2023 - 10K 37:55 2023 - HM 1:21:59 2021

              Up next: some 800m race (or time trials)

              Tool to generate Strava weekly


              RIP Milkman

                DW - I read your report back to front, only because I wanted to know whether you were happy with the race first. I was glad to see you were! I'm sure it will not be all flowers and sunshine from here on out, but that was great to read!


                Mikkey - you know whose opinion we really need on all of these matters? JoshWolf. I'm kind of shocked he hasn't commented yet.


                Piwi - always happy to see you here! You can drive by anytime you want, although it would be nice if you parked the car for a bit and hung out 


                WC - I can't imagine that sort of wait! What a cool story. Did you save any of the stuff from your running back in the day?

                5K: 16:37 (11/20)  |  10K: 34:49 (10/19)  |  HM: 1:14:57 (5/22)  |  FM: 2:36:31 (12/19) 




                Overweight per CDC BMI

                  Quiet week for me during taper with lots of stretching. I couldn't resist running 200m repeats with the kids at track practice Sunday and the Piriformis was pretty tight yesterday. Keen are you able to add my Half this Saturday to the race list? Germantown Half Marathon with goal of sub 1:38 and no porta-poddy stops.


                  Flavio - nice 5k PR. It is amazing how you Europeans use the metric system for everything but cannot seem to figure out how to measure 5 kilometers. 


                  DW - good HM and getting your name called at the end for a great time is better than just heading to the car. Just curious with your medication, are you having to get up in the middle of the night to take it normally or is this just when you have a big event the next day? I am an early riser which is helpful for early races/runs but if I wake up any time after 1am, I have a terrible time falling back asleep.

                  Memphis / 38 male

                  5k - 20:39 / 10k - 43:48 / Half - 1:34:47 / Full - 3:38:10


                  Are we there, yet?


                    WC - I can't imagine that sort of wait! What a cool story. Did you save any of the stuff from your running back in the day?


                    I've got a bunch of newspaper clippings from small local races where the entire results were printed, but my pride and joy of running memorabilia is an 8x10 glossy of the start of the 1970 Boston Marathon from the front page of the Boston Globe where I can be seen clearly in the lower right-hand corner. I've never scanned it and it's packed away in a box, so I can't post it.



                    Faulty memory. Photo is from the 1970 Boston Marathon, which was not only my first Boston, but my first marathon. 1970 was the last year you could enter without needing to supply a verified qualifying time. I'm far right about halfway down with bib X1.


                    May be an image of one or more people and people standing


                    Boston also mailed certificates with place and finishing time


                     2024 Races:

                          03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                          05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                          06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                    RIP Milkman


                      I've got a bunch of newspaper clippings from small local races where the entire results were printed, but my pride and joy of running memorabilia is an 8x10 glossy of the start of the 1971 Boston Marathon from the front page of the Boston Globe where I can be seen clearly in the lower right-hand corner. I've never scanned it and it's packed away in a box, so I can't post it.


                      I think you have a project for this weekend!

                      5K: 16:37 (11/20)  |  10K: 34:49 (10/19)  |  HM: 1:14:57 (5/22)  |  FM: 2:36:31 (12/19) 



                      Running Problem

                      Problem Child

                        WC you ran a sub 3 marathon using ANALOG!?!?!?!?! . I just listened to a podcase with Des and in it she was talking about carbon fiber shoes and how the new generation probably won't know of a time when race shoes DIDN'T have carbon plates. I had semi-precise mileage pace plus clocks on course and a time sheet of when to be where for my first.

                        Also, a glossy of the start where you're at the front line is cool. I'd probably frame it just for novelty.


                        I don't think I have a coolest one yet. I'm pretty sure I am in the front line of a few local race photos.

                        Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                        VDOT 53.37 

                        5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22



                          Mikkey - you know whose opinion we really need on all of these matters? JoshWolf. I'm kind of shocked he hasn't commented yet.


                          Narrator: "It had been quiet on the competitive jerks thread.  But, after two months of relative civility, it was inevitable that sooner or later someone would try to start a flame war with an unnecessary dig that had nothing to do with running."

                          3,000m: 9:07.7 (Nov-21) | 5,000m: 15:39 (Dec-19) | 10,000m: 32:34 (Mar-20)  

                          10km: 33:15 (Sep-19) | HM: 1:09:41 (May-21)* | FM: 2:41:41 (Oct-20)

                          * Net downhill course

                          Last race: Runway5 / National 5k Champs, 16:22, National Masters AG Champ!

                          Up next: Still working on that...

                          "CONSISTENCY IS KING"



                            I've got a bunch of newspaper clippings from small local races where the entire results were printed, but my pride and joy of running memorabilia is an 8x10 glossy of the start of the 1971 Boston Marathon from the front page of the Boston Globe where I can be seen clearly in the lower right-hand corner. I've never scanned it and it's packed away in a box, so I can't post it.


                            This stuff is the coolest.  My club has a treasure trove of this stuff that gets pulled out every prizegiving for us all to look at.

                            3,000m: 9:07.7 (Nov-21) | 5,000m: 15:39 (Dec-19) | 10,000m: 32:34 (Mar-20)  

                            10km: 33:15 (Sep-19) | HM: 1:09:41 (May-21)* | FM: 2:41:41 (Oct-20)

                            * Net downhill course

                            Last race: Runway5 / National 5k Champs, 16:22, National Masters AG Champ!

                            Up next: Still working on that...

                            "CONSISTENCY IS KING"


                            Hot Weather Complainer

                              Mark - You may have played a part in kicking this one off!


                              WC - That's very cool, running a sub 3 with no technology.  Hard to imagine now but it probably felt completely normal back then.


                              darkwave - Really enjoyed your RR, some very positive signs there.  And congrats on the win.  As for the TMI..I do find it interesting how others "prepare" because I'm always trying to get my race morning 100% fine tuned.


                              I had a tempo run last night which was nothing too hard and had a bit of a shocker.  I had a really bad sleep the previous night, stressing about work and house sale stuff - at times I was lying awake with my heart racing.  It was also pretty warm out of the blue.  I went outside at lunchtime and it was 17C, nice crisp autumn weather.  Then after work on my way to the park it was suddenly 28C, overcast and humid (by Christchurch standards).  I felt okay and like a run might clear my head but my HR was 150+ in the warm up (5:20-30/km).  I felt okay so decided to keep an eye on it but tried to tell myself it was a technology fail (have had a few lately).  First 2 blocks of tempo I was working but not feeling as bad as an HR in the mid 180s suggests but then in the third block I could tell I was going to have to redline to complete this workout, and I'd probably fade anyway so I called it early.  This morning on my recovery (6:00/km) it was still 10-12bpm higher than usual.


                              Previously I'd never have looked at HR until post-run so it's good I got some warning signs.  Hopefully things settle down tomorrow and it's not a sign of something bigger.

                              5km: 18:34 11/23 │ 10km: 39:10 8/23 │ HM: 1:26:48 9/23 │ M: 3:34:49 6/23


                              2024 Races:

                              Motorway Half Marathon February 25, 2024 1:29:55

                              Christchurch Half-Marathon April 21, 2024 1:27:34

                              Selwyn Marathon June 2, 2024 DNF

                              Dunedin Half Marathon September 15, 2024


                                Steve - In my mind, the narrator was in the style of Ron Perlman from Fallout 3.


                                Anyway, it really just sounds like a bad day to me in terms of your workout HR. I had a similar but much less extreme experience where I had a crap run on Tuesday after a rough night, then ran a much faster steady run at a similar HR today, despite having done a workout yesterday.  Weather was similar both times so the massive change in weather conditions for you would've had a big impact also.  I think calling it early was wise.

                                3,000m: 9:07.7 (Nov-21) | 5,000m: 15:39 (Dec-19) | 10,000m: 32:34 (Mar-20)  

                                10km: 33:15 (Sep-19) | HM: 1:09:41 (May-21)* | FM: 2:41:41 (Oct-20)

                                * Net downhill course

                                Last race: Runway5 / National 5k Champs, 16:22, National Masters AG Champ!

                                Up next: Still working on that...

                                "CONSISTENCY IS KING"