Browse User Logs (Read 204 times)


    It would be great if I could browse User Logs made public by location.


    Connoisseur of Cookies

      That's potentially creepy. Maybe not *your* intent to be creepy. But really potentially creepy. Presuming you're looking for routes in your area have you looked at the maps and route feature of this very fine website?  Look under the Resources tab.



      "C" is for cookie.  That's good enough for me.


        Point taken! That was *NOT* my intention, just wanted to find routes since I'm new to this country.

        I'll check out the Resources tab. Thanks!


          Go to Resources and then click on Run Spots. This should help learning where to run in a new place.

            If you are searching for routes you could try Strava https://www.strava.com/activities/search

            "Any idiot can run a marathon. It takes a special kind of idiot to run an ultramarathon." - Alan Cabelly


              Thank you for all the alternative suggestions. Much appreciated!


                Log stalking is creepy ?


                Or is running route log stalking creepy?


                My log is not private - look at it all you want ... you will not see much.

                Long dead ... But my stench lingers !