2019 3:20, And Beyond (Read 444 times)


    Can I join in here?

    I'm 57 and live in the SF Bay Area.  Longtime runner, keep my log here on RA so if you're interested in my running bio you can look at my log which has all of my PRs.

    Pesto - what you are describing sounds like high hamstring tendinopathy.  Somethin I am familiar with.  I have had it for the past 12 months or so.  I finally faced reality and stopped running in October last year to try and get it healed.  Didn't really run again until now (the new year).  It is a lot better now but I can still feel something there.  Not pain or even close to what it was, but 'something'.  Time will tell.  I was on track to run CIM this past December but realized it was a no-go with my hamstring thing.


    I've started running again but at a VERY slow and easy pace and reduced mileage.  Does 10minute miles and 25 miles this week seem 'slow' and reduced?!  I am signed up for CIM next December and, assuming my hamstring behaves, I think I have a good shot at 3:10 or better.  Time will tell.


    So what's the etiquette on this thread?  Do people post weeklies or ...  Not a fan of posting my weeklies since, if anyone's interested, they can just drill into my RA log.  I'd post general highlights and thoiughts on my training week.


    Duke Of Bad Judgment

      KCam:  Welcome.   Not much in the way of rules here - you can post weeklies all, some, or none of the time.  Same thing for training/race talk - you can do that all/some/none of the time.  If you don't like your current settings on those things, you can change them at any time - go to Options->Posting Preferences, and it will automatically gin up appropriate posts for you.  Like this one, where I'm not actually typing anything - I just used the Generate Post feature.  I am also (very nearly) 57 and grew up in the Bay Area, so we are practically twins.


      Pesto: I had the same thought as KCam - sounds too much like HHT, which I've accumulated two "experiences" with.  If that is the diagnosis, I am not as pessimistic about the prognosis.  I'll spare you "how to handle it" unless/until you know that's what it is.  I will say that it was very frustrating for a couple months (the first time) until I found some good information, and then I was sort-of training a few weeks later.  The second time it took about a month before I could sort-of train.  I missed a race near the beginning with each round, right after the injury, but otherwise didn't miss anything I really cared about.


      OMR: Kettle Moraine - cool!  That explains your power hiking training.


      Brew: No rules, so you can hang out here.  I don't think I'm in 3:20 shape either, even if I were to make the mistake of signing up for a marathon.


      Clever: I assume you are talking about the Pro Club.  I first went there about 35 years ago and it was not fancy yet.  I went back 15 years later and OMG.  Nice though, and my choice was free membership or a very small amount of money, so I went with fancy.


      Sorta brief intro, mostly for KCam and anyone else who makes the mistake of picking us misfits:

      56 51/52ths years of experience, I do live in Seattle, my name is not Max but some friends call me that.  (Some one-step-above-imaginary friends have also called me The White Smoke.)  I run a fair amount and am not particularly fast - 3:20 is/was a big deal for me though it is ho-hum for several of you.  Every year or two I make the mistake of deciding that the challenge of running a high-quality (for me) marathon is appealing, but mostly I do races that involve walking or even sitting in a chair (or creek) at times during the race.  Sometimes even sleeping.  Highlights for 2018 included a decent finish (~46 hours) at Ouray 100 which might be the hardest non-Barkley 100 in the US, a really fun DNF at the Euchre Bar Massacre, and getting an actual tiny violin for the overall win at the Crooked Road 24 hour.  The lowlight was my first legit DNF at IMTUF 100, when all kinds of things went wrong before and during the race - DNF'ing 83 miles into a hard race isn't the best thing ever.  Like Darkwave, I do a $hitpile of stuff to try to keep my body functional - stretching, rolling, strength training, rehab exercises, PT visits, and the dreaded pool running.  My DW and I even went to our first Pilates class yesterday, to see if that can reverse aging and/or The Creaks.

        kcam - nice to get some fresh, old blood on this thread.  I'm 57 too.  Welcome!!


        pie man

          I’m just north of the Bay Area, should be working for the forest service but currently on mandatory vacation.  I don’t seem to venture past Healdsburg, though.  Just did a group run with the running store down there Thursday, in fact.  I was east coast before this, so I’m still learning the geography.


          I’m looking at the half that was postponed during the smoke apocalypse in november.  It’s the USATF-PA (not Pennsylvania!) championship, so I feel like it would have been on the schedule of a forum member or two?  Still not 100% sure though.


          10 pretty easy today, that wet stuff was falling from the sky again.  I didn’t sign up for this.

          11:11 3,000 (recent)



            My Intro - I am pretty new to this thread.  Joined in October because there was not a 3;30 thread.  After good advice and training I am going for the sub 3:20, which happens to be my BQ time, in two weeks in Carlsbad, CA.


            Rick - 47 year old male, living in Southern Utah.  Married, 4 kids (only one still at home), farmer, a personal zoo of over 80 animals.


            Started running 10 years ago to lose weight.  Discovered road races and got addicted.  Unfortunately I did not know what I was doing and was always injured.  Always had knee problems, carryover from my hard skiing years.  Did a few marathons that ended badly.  Got into barefoot running.  Seemed to work, but I did not have patience.  Always loved trails and got into trail running and Ultras.  That went well, injuries were fewer.  Worked for a company that set up Ultra races for several years and learned from observation.  My training got better but was always inconstant.  Started a run streak 15 months ago to help with that and it worked.  2018 was a great year.  Something happened before the Zion 100 race and I found a new gear, maybe 2.  Had the race of a lifetime and discovered some speed.  Previously I had just accepted that I would be always be injured and slow.  No more, so here I am.

            12-23  Last One Standing  -  Finished 102 miles

            2- 24 Grandmaster 100 - 22:32, 1st place

            4-24. Cappy's Backyard - 17 yards, 1st place

            5-24  Bryce 100 - 29:38, 18th place




              I’m just north of the Bay Area, should be working for the forest service but currently on mandatory vacation.  I don’t seem to venture past Healdsburg, though.  Just did a group run with the running store down there Thursday, in fact.  I was east coast before this, so I’m still learning the geography.


              I’m looking at the half that was postponed during the smoke apocalypse in november.  It’s the USATF-PA (not Pennsylvania!) championship, so I feel like it would have been on the schedule of a forum member or two?  Still not 100% sure though.


              10 pretty easy today, that wet stuff was falling from the sky again.  I didn’t sign up for this.


              You're probably talking about the Clarksurg Country Run. That was the one that was canceled.  It is on the PA schedule and I've run it 5 or 6 times over the years.  Great small town race, inexpensive, the people are super nice and zero logistics problems when you get there.  Nice pancake breakdfast afterwards.  The PA also used to run the Humboldt half as part of their series but stopped last year (I guess they didn't want to bid on it anymore).  That's an excellent half as well.  BTW, CIM is the PA's marathon championship which is one of the reasons I run it every year.

              I'll probably schedule Clarksburg if my hamstring cooperates.


              My week was 26 miles including a 6.2mile "long" run this morning.  All of it very easy.  This morning's run was the best I've felt all year (we're only 6 days into the year!).  I did do 5 short pick-ups in the middle of the run.


              Rick - welcome!  My wife and I love Utah and the National Parks there.  We usually take a road trip out there every year though we missed this year.  We'll be back in either Spring or Fall.  Good luck at Carlsbad!


              Mother of Cats

                Beryl (should we call you Beryl or Rick?) - that is an impressive # of animals.   Wow.


                References to USATF-PA always give me the same reaction as PJ - "doesn't PA mean Pennsyvania?"


                I'm also surprised by how big USATF is out there.  It's really a non-factor where I am, in the DC area.




                My week: 53 miles of running, 6 "miles" pool-running, and some other stuff.  I'll probably get serious and return to the track and real work this coming week.


                M: 12 miles, including a workout of 2 miles, ~1.5 miles, 1 mile at half-marathon effort. 2:00 recovery after the 2 mile; bathroom break plus 60 second recovery after the ~1.5  (which was why it was ~1.5 and not 2....). Splits were 13:17 (6:43/6:34); 9:12 for 1.41 (6:31 and then 6:34 pace for the .41), and 6:30. Also leg-strengthwork/injury prevention work and recovery swimming.

                T: sick.  Nothing.

                W: 8 miles very easy (9:14)

                Th: 10 miles very easy (9:18); also drills, strides.  Later did upper body strengthwork/core.
                F: 11 miles, including a hill workout - 7 repeats of a hill loop (~2 minutes up, ~90 second recovery, ~30 second stride, ~60 second recovery to bottom).  Also leg-strengthwork/injury prevention work and recovery swimming.

                Sa: 4 "miles" pool-running in the morning.  In the afternoon, a swimming drills clinic and 2 "miles" pool-running, and then upper body strengthwork/core.

                Su: 12 miles aerobic and slightly progressive - averaged 7:45 for the run, with most miles in the mid-7's. Started with two easy miles at 9:25 and 8:33; ended with 2 hard miles at 6:59 and 6:54.  Also leg-strengthwork/injury prevention work and recovery swimming.

                Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


                And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.

                  My week:


                  M: ski

                  T: rd

                  W: 7 easy

                  Th: 6 with 2K@6:10 then 6 hill repeats

                  F: 4 easy + weights

                  S: 4 easy + swim

                  S: 7 easy


                  total = 28


                    Pepperjack - BTW, here is a link to the USATF-PA Road Grand Prix Series.  Good competition and a really great bunch of people to race with.  Are you a member of one of the PA clubs?

                    If you're in the North Bay the NorCal 10 in Redding is not too bad of a drive for a great race.  March.



                      kcam - thanks for the welcome and welcome to you.  I can recommend some good places if you want to avoid the crowds of the parks.


                      darkwave - Either is fine.  Beryl is where I live.  "Runner" is because there are no others.  If Rick is too personal, Beryl is fine.


                      My week:  55 miles.  One workout of 7 marathon pace miles (sub 7:30, moderate effort)  A long run of 17 miles.  Lots of hill work for the other runs because of a Strava group challenge with nearly 10,000 gain.  Pre race phantom injuries are occurring.  Hip is a little sore because of a hard day of skiing trying to show off.  Sniffles are happening.  The usual psychosomatic issues.


                      This week:  dropping out of the vertical challenge.  A couple of short speed sessions.  A medium run of 11-13.  Target 40.

                      12-23  Last One Standing  -  Finished 102 miles

                      2- 24 Grandmaster 100 - 22:32, 1st place

                      4-24. Cappy's Backyard - 17 yards, 1st place

                      5-24  Bryce 100 - 29:38, 18th place




                      pie man

                        The Clarksville race is merely postponed, and it’s this weekend according to their site.  Still not sure I can swing the entry even as reasonable as it is, though.  there are some other folks who post/used to post who would talk about the circuit so I was sorta seeing if they were out there.  Thanks for the link, that mile looks fun.  And the sac 10 miler is even sponsored by credit unions, just like the cherry blossom.


                        I’m technciallly lapsed on my USATF as of last month of so.  My old group was active purely to be able to do club nats.  I would still be Potomac Valley until I found a group out here,  but I don’t think there is a lake county anything.  And the Healdsburg folks seem more social than serious, but that’s just fine.

                        11:11 3,000 (recent)

                        Strict WTF adherent

                          I'm present.

                          Not going to bother with an intro. Those of you lucky enough not to know me should be thankful that you can continue not knowing me.


                            kcam:  Welcome.  I'm a slightly younger old fart (54).

                            beryl:  80 animals...need someone to come and feed them? ;-)  (I'm probably looking at a career change.)


                            My week -- focusing on race pace (50M or 100M)...


                            M:  Rest

                            T:  Rest
                            W:  10 @ 10:37
                            T:  10 @ 11:31, with some power hiking

                            F:  8:25 @ 9:40, some on a snowy trail

                            S:  12 @ 11:31

                            S:  12 @ 10:44 w/4 x 1M @ 7%


                            Total:  52.25.


                            I'm running paces based on heart rate, which is significantly elevated due to work stress (although the slow paces are probably good for me for my upcoming races).  Apparently I failed too many students last semester, and I am being blamed for...well...having standards, I guess.  I have a meeting with someone this afternoon to begin to explore a new career path to take me to retirement.  If I can figure something out, I will be resigning before the end of the academic year.


                              Thanks a lot for the good wishes, CK, and for the very helpful info kcam, DkW and max. I'll be googling that term quite a bit in the next few hours. I'll drop by again soon once I have a diagnosis. I hope it's nothing too serious and can resume training soon. I am supposed to start a 12 week program for Boston soon.


                              Now that I'm here, I might as well introduce myself to the new thread. I'm Argentinean, living in Vienna, Austria right now. Always liked sports but never really got into running. "Trained" for my first race in 2015, a HM I finished in 1h38. After that, first FM a year later in 3h28. Since then, I've taken running a bit more seriously and have run 4 FM (3 in 2018), breaking 3 hours in October 2018 with 2:57:59 in Graz. Also ran a number of HM, mostly during marathon training, with a PR of 1:20:45 a month before Graz.


                              For 2019, I have two FM lined up in principle: Boston and Buenos Aires (my hometown). For now, the goal is to find out what's wrong and get healthy. Will update once I have more info from the doctor.


                              Hi to everyone and welcome kcam!

                              5K - 18:03 (5.18) | 10K - 37:58 (2.18) | HM - 1:20:45 (9.18) | FM: 2:57:59 (10.18)


                              Mother of Cats


                                I'm running paces based on heart rate, which is significantly elevated due to work stress (although the slow paces are probably good for me for my upcoming races).  Apparently I failed too many students last semester, and I am being blamed for...well...having standards, I guess.  I have a meeting with someone this afternoon to begin to explore a new career path to take me to retirement.  If I can figure something out, I will be resigning before the end of the academic year.


                                Ooof.  I'm sorry about all of that.   Back 20 years ago when I briefly experimented with grad school, I realized that an academic career was not for me.  Reading stuff like this just solidifies this.


                                In your perception, has the pressure to pass students increased in the past few years?  Or is this just more of how it's always been?




                                Yoga and 8 "miles" pool-running today.  Pool sent out an apocalyptic email last night about how the heaters were broken and the water might be less than 70 degrees F in the morning, plus a cold pool deck.    Called this morning, and it was a relatively balmy 76.7.  Was a chilly pool-run, but not too bad.  The deck (down to the low 60s) was worse.

                                Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


                                And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.