2019 3:20, And Beyond (Read 444 times)

Speed Surplus

    OMR - That sounds frustrating. If you end up leaving, I hope you get some major severance/retirement.

    5:27 / 18:49 / 40:32 / 88:12 / 3:12


    Cobra Commander Keen

      DWave - The ick is very nearly gone now, at long last.

      SClever - Nice that your work does that. Mine does something somewhat similar, but it's essentially limited to gym memberships/fitness classes and fitness trackers. I was thinking of using mine toward a new watch (use it or lose it!), but Garmin isn't revealing anything I'm interested in that's fitness related at CES, so that may not happen until at least the fall.

      KCam - First off, I REALLY want to run the road in your display pic. Second, welcome!

      Beryl - What does one farm in S. Utah? Both sides of my family are farmers/ranchers from "way back", and that's what I grew up doing. Honestly sometimes I think I'd rather do that than what I do now.

      OMR - Congratulations for having standards - an all too infrequent thing these days. I'm also interested in the answer to DWave's question.

      Not only am I out of shape, I'm WAY out of practice in getting up early. Stayed up too late the last couple nights, slept in this morning. That's got to change! Given the state of my fitness I can still fit in the full distance of the run I missed during lunch today, so it shouldn't be a complete miss.
      The local running club had their first group LR Saturday, which I missed. They covered the new section of the start for the full and half, and I know others who extended their runs and went over new parts of the half course as well. The remarks I heard about this were unanimously negative. The new sections at the beginning are in sketchy, very non-scenic areas (no cheering spectators there!) and it adds two new bridges to run up/over, and apparently the second half of the new HM course is a good deal hillier than before as well. I have heard that next year will feature some more course changes, with the possibility of even more changes the year after that (all due to various construction projects), so hopefully we'll wind up with a better course than before.

      5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


      Upcoming Races:





        Hey all!  Beryl - didn't realize you lived in Southern Utah. I'm up here in SLC.


        As for intros, I think everyone knows most of it but I've been running since about 2010.  I'm on my second successful pregnancy in 3 years, so that's put some breaks into my racing, but I'm thinking this second baby, due at the end of March, is it for me so once I get back at it I may have to set some real goals.  My only real goal right now for 2019 running is to complete the Chicago Marathon. I'm not sure how training for it will go post C-section, but I did it once and DH is aware that it'll happen, so I'm just going to be tired.  

        I think I've officially called it as far as running this time.. made it 27 weeks into pregnancy and I'm still doing yoga or spin 4-5x a week, but my belly just isn't handling the running. Hopefully I can start up again in May!!


        Hi and Happy NY to everyone!

        PRs: HM: 1:32:59 (2015); FM: 3:18:36 (2017)

        Running Problem

        Problem Child

          omr I kind of wish I could retire at my prime age of 34 (I think) because the day to day is annoying. I have a similar meeting (to me) coming up I'm not looking forward to. I should probably run by heart rate but where is the fun in that? Hope it all works out.


          sc When did SEGA get online gamer names and how did you NOT continue use of it here? Have you ever used it as a password?


          max Are you The White Smoke because you were previously known as La Flama Blanca due to being a ginger?


          I lacked almost all motivation to do anything last week. I did a 12 miler which impressed me then stayed up too late Sunday combined with waking up at 3:30am Saturday and slept for 12 hours.




          California (South Bay) native living in a land where Californians are hated/blamed for everything wrong (United States). Running CIM again this year (3rd time) so I'm expecting a meet up somewhere kid friendly. Maybe Chuck-E-Cheese, or a park. Considering a marathon to a 4/20/20 play date and brunch. I've done ONE ultra and it was so long ago (2017) I've decided I could do another one because I know what I did wrong at the first one. I also want a belt buckle collection of 1, maybe 2. This forum is my social media so I'll post whatever I want, whenever I want, and include my weekly mileage. I lost a bet for beer, didn't hit my annual goal mileage AND had a great half marathon PR followed by a worst half marathon on the same day, all in 2018. 2019 is going to be my BEOTCH (hopefully) and I'm starting out 21.7 miles behind my goal. I'm also not inclined to run in wind, or snow. I'm kind of okay with rain as long as there isn't too much. I also don't really like running in the dark for extended periods of time unless it's asphalt with vehicles traveling at a high rate of speed compared to me. Oh and I title all my Strava runs as "That time" which actually becomes difficult.


          EDIT: Also, I'm going to try and "get into" (practice) amateur photography from now until July so I can get some good photos early june. Budget cuts might rule out doing any marathons since shoes are expensive, gear is expensive, and blaming everything on a 1 year old is somehow "different when they're your own."



          Weekly Summary
          Monday, Dec 31, 2018 thru Sunday, Jan 06, 2019

          <tfoot> </tfoot>
          Day Miles Pace Description Link
          Mon 6.2 8:18 That time it’s all about feelings strava
          Wed 4.1 8:47 That time its a new year and the old me strava
          Sat 12.9 8:59 That time it was just what I needed. strava
            23.2 8:46  


          Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

          VDOT 53.37 

          5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


            Dwave:  I teach at a private liberal arts institution that has struggled with declining enrollment for quite a few years, due to a number of factors, one of them simply being demographics, in terms of the number of graduating high school seniors in our typical recruitment region.  We are also incredibly non-diverse, in part because of the cost of tuition, and more and more, the world at large seems to see less value in a liberal arts education.  Anyhow, there is a big push here for 1) increasing diversity and 2) retaining students.  Well, failure rates and retention rates do not necessarily go hand in hand.


            I think there is also a shift in the mindset of the graduating high school senior, in terms of their maturity level entering college.  Our four-year program (i teach music theory, composition, and technology) is rigorous from day 1, and if you are not mature enough to understand that there are consequences for not doing things, like homework, or showing up to class, or asking for help if you need it, then you are not going to survive.  Our curriculum is set up so that if you do not get a C or better in the first semester of music theory, you cannot move on to the second semester.  Well...out of 63 students, 24 got a C- or worse.


            One of my administrators, in the course of a 60-minute conversation, put the blame primarily on me, at least three times.  He actually asked me if I texted students if they don't show up for class, asking them where they were.  Yeah, sorry...not giving students my cell phone number.  He also came up with his own solution to this problem, so that certain students could continue into the next semester despite their grade, and he proposed this solution to students without my (or my immediate colleagues) consent, basically overriding my authority as an instructor for my own class, making my grades meaningless.  We wound up having to compromise somewhat, and all students with a D or better are allowed to continue to the next semester.  The problem is, if you don't understand the stuff from the first semester, the second semester is going to bury you.  So it's not solving a problem...it's just delaying the inevitable.  (A few of those students might survive, but when it comes to grading, I can't make an exception for them because I think that.  They got the grade they earned.)


            I've been thinking about getting out of academia for a few years now, but I think this just kind of sealed the deal for me, depending on what happens as a result of all of this.  For me, the environment I am currently in has become toxic, and it's no longer good for my personal health.  So, I think it's time to move on.

            Running Problem

            Problem Child

              For me, the environment I am currently in has become toxic, and it's no longer good for my personal health.  So, I think it's time to move on.


              I'm here. I have to ride it out for a few years. I was told to make a list of things to discuss in a meeting with my boss, and her boss, centered around communication in the office. I was unaware I'm expected to tell my boss when my work is done and I have nothing to do when she has my assignments, and can see my work log at any second of the day. It's mostly going to be me requiring change since I feel the problems, including one being me, is the unwillingness for anything other than me to change. So I'm rolling with a "new year, new me" approach to work and just doing what I'm told while keeping my mouth shut and not offering any advice/criticism (always what it is viewed as)/ideas for improvement.

              Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

              VDOT 53.37 

              5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


              Mother of Cats


                I think there is also a shift in the mindset of the graduating high school senior, in terms of their maturity level entering college.  Our four-year program (i teach music theory, composition, and technology) is rigorous from day 1, and if you are not mature enough to understand that there are consequences for not doing things, like homework, or showing up to class, or asking for help if you need it, then you are not going to survive.  Our curriculum is set up so that if you do not get a C or better in the first semester of music theory, you cannot move on to the second semester.  Well...out of 63 students, 24 got a C- or worse.


                One of my administrators, in the course of a 60-minute conversation, put the blame primarily on me, at least three times.  He actually asked me if I texted students if they don't show up for class, asking them where they were.  Yeah, sorry...not giving students my cell phone number.  He also came up with his own solution to this problem, so that certain students could continue into the next semester despite their grade, and he proposed this solution to students without my (or my immediate colleagues) consent, basically overriding my authority as an instructor for my own class, making my grades meaningless.  We wound up having to compromise somewhat, and all students with a D or better are allowed to continue to the next semester.  The problem is, if you don't understand the stuff from the first semester, the second semester is going to bury you.  So it's not solving a problem...it's just delaying the inevitable.  

                Very interesting, and thanks for sharing.  It is strange how much the academic environment has changed.  I remember that when I went off to college in the early 90s, it was very common for students to move themselves in - sometimes the family came to help; sometimes they didn't.  And then after that first day, you were on your own.  Parents couldn't even know your grades unless you agreed to share them.


                The texting thing is just bizarre - not just for the expectation that you share your cell, but for the expectation that it is your job to make sure they do their work.  That deprives them of an important maturity touchpoint.


                As for the second bolded point, I'd be incensed as well.  One of the worst things any manager can do (I'm loosely including an administrator as a manager) is to undercut their own team.

                Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


                And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.

                Speed Surplus

                  He actually asked me if I texted students if they don't show up for class, asking them where they were.


                  LOL. I graduated from a liberal arts university (last millenium, though) and it seems things have changed. I can't imagine a professor texting me and reminding me to get to class. We had one history professor who would mock students in front of the class for their dumb answers on a test. Can you imagine that nowadays?


                  At risk of sounding like a cranky old man, kids are too *&$@ing entitled these days.


                  Good luck as you try to figure things out.

                  5:27 / 18:49 / 40:32 / 88:12 / 3:12


                    Dwave:  I teach at a private liberal arts institution that has struggled with declining enrollment for quite a few years, due to a number of factors, one of them simply being demographics, in terms of the number of graduating high school seniors in our typical recruitment region.  We are also incredibly non-diverse, in part because of the cost of tuition, and more and more, the world at large seems to see less value in a liberal arts education.  Anyhow, there is a big push here for 1) increasing diversity and 2) retaining students.  Well, failure rates and retention rates do not necessarily go hand in hand.


                    I think there is also a shift in the mindset of the graduating high school senior, in terms of their maturity level entering college.  Our four-year program (i teach music theory, composition, and technology) is rigorous from day 1, and if you are not mature enough to understand that there are consequences for not doing things, like homework, or showing up to class, or asking for help if you need it, then you are not going to survive.  Our curriculum is set up so that if you do not get a C or better in the first semester of music theory, you cannot move on to the second semester.  Well...out of 63 students, 24 got a C- or worse.


                    One of my administrators, in the course of a 60-minute conversation, put the blame primarily on me, at least three times.  He actually asked me if I texted students if they don't show up for class, asking them where they were.  Yeah, sorry...not giving students my cell phone number.  He also came up with his own solution to this problem, so that certain students could continue into the next semester despite their grade, and he proposed this solution to students without my (or my immediate colleagues) consent, basically overriding my authority as an instructor for my own class, making my grades meaningless.  We wound up having to compromise somewhat, and all students with a D or better are allowed to continue to the next semester.  The problem is, if you don't understand the stuff from the first semester, the second semester is going to bury you.  So it's not solving a problem...it's just delaying the inevitable.  (A few of those students might survive, but when it comes to grading, I can't make an exception for them because I think that.  They got the grade they earned.)


                    I've been thinking about getting out of academia for a few years now, but I think this just kind of sealed the deal for me, depending on what happens as a result of all of this.  For me, the environment I am currently in has become toxic, and it's no longer good for my personal health.  So, I think it's time to move on.


                    As a millennial that can be known to come to the defense of my generation, this is ridiculous. Texting students to ask where they are?! It annoys me that they're worried about enrollment and one of the things they want to do to "correct" the problem is just passing everyone.  I'd have a hard time in that environment as well and just find it amazing that people that can pack up and leave home are still expected to have reminders to attend class..

                    PRs: HM: 1:32:59 (2015); FM: 3:18:36 (2017)

                      omr - oooof,  that sucks.


                      My wife is a professor at a small liberal arts college in the Bronx (for 24 yrs), and has a lot of stories (and gripes) similar to yours.  Her school has evolved over the years to catering to a lower academic level of student and doing lots of hand-holding.   Some of her kids have tremendous problems to deal with at home, while others are just lazy and entitled.


                      Also, as I'm sure you know, kids these days have A LOT MORE ANXIETY that we baby boomers had (at least as far as I can remember....)


                      Resident Millennial

                        What a time! Look at all these fine people!


                        kcam- welcome! lots of Bay Area people here. I am in SF, jim (who has been kinda absent recently) is in Oakland, calbears (who randomly pops in) is in some east bay suburb. The three of us are PA-USATF racers. FB and brew are Bay Area alumni.

                        kcam- scrolling further down ... what team are you on?


                        PJ- clarksburg. yeah, no PA points anymore but they're still offering the prize money, which is nice. I wasn't going to do it (only 3 weeks before CIM). I have maybe 2 teammates who are going to go up for it after all, but the rest of us are "no". It's a weird time of year for us - still on the post-season break from workouts. It's pancake flat, has one hairpin turn, weather should be great (maybe rainy though? it's very rainy here). It will be a tiny field, though. It's usually ~500 racers, half of whom are PA people ("PA" doesn't stand for Palo Alto, either!), so I imagine it'll be under 300 and not competitive. I think you'd be better off finding a Bay Area half - shorter drive, more people to run with. Kaiser Half is the first Sunday of Feb, that's a great race.

                        also, all of those PA races are regular races that have bid to be on the circuit - so you can run them without USATF membership, and just take advantage of the fast field Smile  (XC may be a different story, though. Not sure)


                        beryl- welcome!


                        OMR- whoa. wow. I'm sorry, but I'm also glad if this is the "straw that broke the OMR's back".


                        dwave- totally agree with you, re. usatf chapters. I had not heard of it in Philly suburbs or in New York at all. Turns out they have chapters too, just not as active as here.


                        kk- hello!! glad to hear you are still active and feeling (hopefully) good!



                        Brief intro...

                        I'll be 27 very soon, cat mom of two, chemical engineer, current San Franciscan, previous New Yorker, urbanist. I sometimes cheat on running with my bicycle. I live with my lazy-but-fit boyfriend. . I don't eat dead animals or fish. I once did a trail ultra - max is a bad influence - and I'm not sure I'll ever do that again. I technically PRed in every distance I raced last year (1500, mile, 1600, 2 mile, 5k, 10k, HM, M), but two of those PRs were by just 1 second.


                        Also I haven't written my CIM race report yet

                        And we just got back from 3 weeks in South America. It was awesome. Today is my first day back at work - less awesome.

                        And my foot was bothering me when I started jogging again after CIM recovery, so I've run like 4x in the past 3 weeks. But I ran ~30min this morning and my foot didn't hurt!

                        mile, 5:26 /5k, 19:34 /10k, 41:00 /13.1, 1:31:49 /26.2, 3:12:58


                        pie man

                          OMR - hope this somehow turns out to be a positive eventually.  Can’t imagine what that is like.



                          The half actually works really well for me, I’m in some sort of shape and am entering my third full week of forced vacation.  The sooner I can run the sooner I know if I should chase a full and a requisite time. I think I saw Napa is the beginning of March and would be fairly interesting.

                          11:11 3,000 (recent)


                            pepperjack - I didn't know that Clarksburg was re-scheduled for Jan 13th!  I agree with rlk in that it won't be a very competitive race at all on Jan 13.  Many runners will be running the Kaiser half in SF.  Not me, of course, I'm in terrible shape.  I am very much hoping to be in shape for next Novembers CB, however.

                            RLK - I've always run CB as a tuneup for CIM.  I ran some very good races when I'd run CB half then I'd run the Silicon Valley TT 10K and then two weeks later CIM.  Lifetime PR's in the marathon and half set in those races, and very close to PRs in the 10K too.  I run with WVJS.  Mostly an old-fogey team.  Our Senior and Super Senior teams are pretty salty (when injuries aren't ubiquitous) but that's about it.  XC series is also open to anyone, don't have to be a USATF member.  The XC series is probably the best bang for your buck racing out there.  Super competitive, small fields, great courses and low entry prices!  Some of them are up in epperjack's neighborhood too.  Highly recommend.

                            Brewing Runner and OMR -  hope it all works out best for both of you.

                            Strict WTF adherent

                              OMR - F all that


                              Are we continuing last year's race calendar thread, starting a new one, or is the new TD forcing some sort of shutdown?


                              Anyone here running Broad Street?


                              Resident Millennial

                                kcam- yeah, sometimes our team does CB as a workout (not all out). i started working with a coach mid-last year and he advised against it.

                                yes i have done most of the XC races at some point, just wasn't sure if they are open to the public.

                                nice! i am an Impala. I always wondered how there is both WVJS and WVTC ... do you know the history?

                                mile, 5:26 /5k, 19:34 /10k, 41:00 /13.1, 1:31:49 /26.2, 3:12:58