Goal of sub 1:40 half. (Read 3802 times)


    I assume I will be able to start near the front but a couple hundred runners could get ahead of me by starting too fast. Will this 1st mile time be slow because I will have to fight through runners?


    Don't worry about it.  It will probably only increase your chances of not going out way too fast in the first couple of miles.


    And in the spirit of the thread I broke 1:40 for a half this weekend.  It was a "half 50k" but still.

    Runners run

      One thing I am concerned about is the opening of the race.

      I am expecting at least 1,000 runners...maybe 1,300 runners or more.

      The opening will be crowded.


      I assume I will be able to start near the front but a couple hundred runners could get ahead of me by starting too fast. Will this 1st mile time be slow because I will have to fight through runners?


      If you are up towards front .. should not worry about being too slow.  Like you said if anything folks are going out too fast.  Just dont get caught up in "racing" people and/or jockeying too much for position the first .5 - 1 mile.  Run your own race and should have enough space to run free.


      odd thing for me looking back at last years results for the Erie Half is if I get close to 1:40 that should put me in 40 -50 out of 400+ half runners, The race is also a combined Full marathon that they run two laps, but seems like only 20 - 30 ran below 7:45 for the full.  so combined may be in top 10 pct of runners out of the gate in a combined field of 1000...And for me that is going to be a first.


      Not sure why what appears to be a slower than normal field as it supposed to be a fast track??  Anyways for me I think it may be weird to be at /near front of the pack and hope dont get sucked out too fast.


      So i guess moral of the story is run your race no matter if runners are too fast / too slow around you.   1000 runners in a half really spreads out fairly quickly and enough variances in pace that will not be crowded like a 5k.  

      "It's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard... is what makes it Great!


        Don't worry about it.  It will probably only increase your chances of not going out way too fast in the first couple of miles.


        And in the spirit of the thread I broke 1:40 for a half this weekend.  It was a "half 50k" but still.




        Right on Hereford...

          Wow, kmark, well done! It sounds like you paced it right. That's the way a half should feel.


          Congratulations, you win a pair of Saucony Pro Grid Guide 2's!


            hello all!


            my training this summer was derailed by a foot injury sustained while diving off the amalfi coast and also just from traveling and life stuff. all told, i lost about 6 weeks of training.


            as a result, i'm not where i would have liked to have been at this point in the season, but i raced a 20k yesterday in 1:37:26 which macmillan thinks would put me at 1:41 for the half. considering how much time i lost, i am pleased. i'm hoping to race a half in about 4 weeks here and if its the right day, join the graduates.


            happy runs, all!

              75 degrees and I ran a 7 mile tempo this afternoon trying for half marathon pace (7:30 or better).


              My mile splits were 7:23, 7:26, 7:24, 7:25, 7:34, 7:31 and 7:14


              Total time 51:57 or 7:25 per mile pace.

              It is not difficult but is scary to think I have never run 7:30 pace for anything longer than 7 miles before.

              I did run a 10 mile solo trial a few years ago at around 7:45 pace and that was a very hard effort.


              So not knowing what the final 6 miles will be like is kind of scary and I will have to believe in my ability on race day to carry on this pace through to the finish.

              SMART Approach



                Impressive work out in the warmth. You are strong.  I am pumping you up. Remember, race day you are superman and this pace will feel easier. You will be fine. This is right at or not too far off Daniel's fast tempo pace. I will caution you that this is quite a long tempo run at a brisk half marathon pace and it takes some recovery time. I wouldn't be overdoing these runs at that length. If you are running 70-80 miles per week ok.  I think you know the pace and 4-5 miles continuos at this pace is sufficient on your miles or 6 X 1 mile intervals at half marathon pace.

                Run Coach. Recovery Coach. Founder of SMART Approach Training, Coaching & Recovery

                Structured Marathon Adaptive Recovery Training

                Safe Muscle Activation Recovery Technique




                  Impressive work out in the warmth. You are strong.  I am pumping you up. Remember, race day you are superman and this pace will feel easier. You will be fine. This is right at or not too far off Daniel's fast tempo pace. I will caution you that this is quite a long tempo run at a brisk half marathon pace and it takes some recovery time. I wouldn't be overdoing these runs at that length. If you are running 70-80 miles per week ok.  I think you know the pace and 4-5 miles continuos at this pace is sufficient on your miles or 6 X 1 mile intervals at half marathon pace.


                  Thanks Todd. I know alot about 5k strategy but am really a rookie when it comes to half marathon training! I didn't even think this probably wasn't that smart especially since the temp was in the mid 70s. It started to become a struggle around mile 5 as I started to go over 7:30 pace....I wasn't really hurting it was just hard to keep the pace and if that happens in a half marathon race I can picture myself losing 30-60 seconds per mile over a 3-4 mile stretch near the race end. I am determined not to let that happen.


                  I am quite certain there will be a 7:30 pacer at the race and I shouldn't be boxed in too much for the opening mile at that pace...so the question is do I try to run with the 7:30 pacer for the opening mile...or 2....or 6???? or do I just run my race because I am cabable of running 7:25s.....but is the risk worth it. Today my opening quarter mile was somewhere around 7:05 pace and I quickly dialed it back down.....but in a race I could get carried away and hurt my chances unless I follow that pacer.


                  17 days to my half mary..

                  SMART Approach


                    Thanks Todd. I know alot about 5k strategy but am really a rookie when it comes to half marathon training! I didn't even think this probably wasn't that smart especially since the temp was in the mid 70s. It started to become a struggle around mile 5 as I started to go over 7:30 pace....I wasn't really hurting it was just hard to keep the pace and if that happens in a half marathon race I can picture myself losing 30-60 seconds per mile over a 3-4 mile stretch near the race end. I am determined not to let that happen.


                    I am quite certain there will be a 7:30 pacer at the race and I shouldn't be boxed in too much for the opening mile at that pace...so the question is do I try to run with the 7:30 pacer for the opening mile...or 2....or 6???? or do I just run my race because I am cabable of running 7:25s.....but is the risk worth it. Today my opening quarter mile was somewhere around 7:05 pace and I quickly dialed it back down.....but in a race I could get carried away and hurt my chances unless I follow that pacer.


                    17 days to my half mary..


                    This being your first half, I think starting with the 7:30 pace group is a great strategy to help you ease into the race and prevent you from going out at 7 min pace and creating some anaerobic overload. Follow this group for a mile or two and then slowly find your pace and ease into your comfortable groove pace for next 8-9 miles and then bring it home hard like the 5Ks you are used to.

                    Run Coach. Recovery Coach. Founder of SMART Approach Training, Coaching & Recovery

                    Structured Marathon Adaptive Recovery Training

                    Safe Muscle Activation Recovery Technique


                    Mr Inertia

                    Suspect Zero



                      Things have been nuts - 60 hours work weeks, mom's been pretty sick, that sort of thing. This week I missed my mid week med/long run, one of the most important (and favorite) runs. Just trying to arrange thigns the best I can, make the best use of what running I can do. I've got just about everything in the bag, I just need to keep it closed so nothing escapes.


                      2 more weeks.

                        Erie Tommorow @ 7:00AM ===


                        Conditions look prime with start in upper 50's and little wind on a flat/shaded course.


                        Goal/Plan all along since May was < 1:45 (8:00),  May go out @ 7:45 pace to get  <1:42, which one would think 1:40 should be possible. For some reason those two minutes and 8 sec per mile seem more than they really are.


                        We will see how things feel mile 6 -7 to make the call of laying it on the line.  A 1:16:40 max @ mile 10 may make things doable with a 23:20 5k to the finish  


                        1   7:45

                        2   7:45    15:30

                        3   7:45    23:15

                        4   7:45    31:00

                        5   7:45    38:45

                        6   7:45    46:30

                        7   7:35    54:05

                        8   7:35    1:01:40

                        9   7:35    1:09:15

                        10 7:35    1:16:40

                        11 7:35    1:24:15

                        12 7:30    1:31:45

                        13 7:30    1:39:15

                        13.1  :44  1:39:59 


                        I know not good just to try to squeak by .... But this is on the outer Limits if all is well at mile 6 and 10 checkpoints.

                        "It's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard... is what makes it Great!

                          hey Robert - good luck tomorrow - I sent you a text with our bib #s, but in case you check RA more than your phone, mine is 794 and Skeeters is 99. I'm gonna be wearing blue shorts and a red and white singlet.


                          i'll look for ya! good luck


                            My name is also Robert and that confused me briefly.  HEE.


                              Good luck Buckeye Fan!

                              I wonder if you are up late watchiing your Buckeyes play USC?

                              Just go out nice and within yourself and the splits will be what they are.

                              I agree with your goals to hold back till you get to around the halfway mark.

                              Have fun! Look forward to hearing how it went and some pointers from you.

                                Bucks -- tough loss tonite -- truly painful.  I suppose that the cover was something but I wanted the win.  Knock em dead on Sunday.  Crush the Frosh QB's.

                                2012= under-goaled