Goal of sub 1:40 half. (Read 3802 times)

    Great job CR.  So what's next?


    I am back to the sub-20 5K grind.  It's been 2 years, several calf strains, and a torn meniscus. My best time on a certified course that was run properly was 20:40. I have been getting slower lately though. Guess I'm still learning how best to train.


    This 1:40 Half goal has been a nice side project, but if there is a 1:30 Half Marathon thread, please don't tell me!


    Oh, and I might try to do my first marathon next year in Oakland.

    Mr Inertia

    Suspect Zero

      I'm up on Saturday and planning my week this week.


      I was going to throw a little speed in Tuesday's workout, maybe 4 x 400 or 4 x 600 just to keep things moving.


      Mon: 45 min

      Tue: A few shorter intervals

      Wed off

      Thursday: 45 min

      Friday: off


      Your thoughts?

      SMART Approach

        I'm up on Saturday and planning my week this week.


        I was going to throw a little speed in Tuesday's workout, maybe 4 x 400 or 4 x 600 just to keep things moving.


        Mon: 45 min

        Tue: A few shorter intervals

        Wed off

        Thursday: 45 min

        Friday: off


        Your thoughts?


        Looks fine to me. Just keep Thursday easy. 4-6 X 200M intervals would be good enough. I certainly would not do more than 4 X 400. Do first 200 or 400 at goal race pace and then faster thereafter. You will do great. Good luck.

        Run Coach. Recovery Coach. Founder of SMART Approach Training, Coaching & Recovery

        Structured Marathon Adaptive Recovery Training

        Safe Muscle Activation Recovery Technique



          Does anyone else feel that CodeRunner's and Dakota RR's avatars are similar enough that one of them should be forced to change it.  Who had the black visor and red shirt picture first?  Or maybe they can play rock, paper, scissors for it.

          Runners run

          Prince of Fatness

            Damn, you're right.



            Not at it at all. 

              I'm up on Saturday and planning my week this week.


              I was going to throw a little speed in Tuesday's workout, maybe 4 x 400 or 4 x 600 just to keep things moving.


              Mon: 45 min

              Tue: A few shorter intervals

              Wed off

              Thursday: 45 min

              Friday: off


              Your thoughts?


              Good luck. I will follow you on Sunday. Looks like temps in the 50s with possible rain for me.

              I don't really have a schedule but after 12 miles the last 2 days I am taking today off then probably something like the following:


              Wednesday: 6 or 7 miles

              Thursday OFF

              Friday  5 miles

              Saturday 2 miles easy

              EDIT to ADD... Maybe I should buy a black visor and change my avatar picture???


                I ALWAYS run the day before the race.  Not much, and not fast (maybe a couple strides at the end).  3-5 miles.  If you want an off day, the best day in my experience is TWO days before the race. 


                I generally feel tight and slow during the first run after an off-day.  So I make darned sure this is not race day.


                ymmv depending on how you feel after off days in general.


                Prince of Fatness

                  I ALWAYS run the day before the race.  Not much, and not fast (maybe a couple strides at the end).  3-5 miles.  If you want an off day, the best day in my experience is TWO days before the race. 


                  Same here.  30 minute jog and maybe throw in a couple strides.  Helps more than hurts I believe.

                  Not at it at all. 

                  SMART Approach

                    I ALWAYS run the day before the race.  Not much, and not fast (maybe a couple strides at the end).  3-5 miles.  If you want an off day, the best day in my experience is TWO days before the race. 



                    What I  recommend if at all possible is to run the day before and simulate race day but not at the expense of not getting enough sleep. Getting enough sleep 2 days before the race is very important because the night before the race it is difficult to get a full nights sleep. I think it is nice to go for a jog the day before at the same time as the race for two reasons.


                    1. You get your body primed (memory) to run at this time the next day.

                    2. You increase your blood volume a bit with an aerobic work out the day before the race. This can be beneficial especially before a marathon.

                    Run Coach. Recovery Coach. Founder of SMART Approach Training, Coaching & Recovery

                    Structured Marathon Adaptive Recovery Training

                    Safe Muscle Activation Recovery Technique


                    Mr Inertia

                    Suspect Zero

                      Might be racing in some rain this weekend.
                        Might be racing in some rain this weekend.


                        Weather is looking good. 


                        High in upper 60's with night time low of 48 Friday night should put race start around 50 @ 7:00AM with clouds and chance of rain.  To me that is some good racing conditiions.


                        Good luck and hope to see you at the finish line.

                        "It's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard... is what makes it Great!

                          Damn, you're right.



                          Whoa, that is just spooky.


                          As DakotaRR has seniority here, I'll be looking for a new avatar...

                            Whoa, that is just spooky.


                            As DakotaRR has seniority here, I'll be looking for a new avatar...

                            Changed my avatar (it was time anyways), but unfortunately that spoiled the previous posts showing the uncanny resemblance between our pics.

                              Good luck in your races, guys!

                              I am looking forward to reading the race reports,  not logical of course, but I somehow feel that if you guys do well then my race on Oct.18th. will go well too.


                              PBs since age 60:  5k- 24:36, 10k - 47:17. Half Marathon- 1:42:41.

                                                                  10 miles (unofficial) 1:16:44.


                              SMART Approach

                                Might be racing in some rain this weekend.


                                Clouds and 50 would be perfect. Even a little sprinkle would be great and keep you cool. As long it doesn't rain hard enough where you shoes absorb water and then you are running in work boot and performance will suffer. I ran one half marathon in pouring rain. Not a fun experience. Good luck guys.

                                Run Coach. Recovery Coach. Founder of SMART Approach Training, Coaching & Recovery

                                Structured Marathon Adaptive Recovery Training

                                Safe Muscle Activation Recovery Technique
