Goal of sub 1:40 half. (Read 3802 times)

hairshirt knitter

    Ah well, please can I join in with a sub 1:40 goal? It may be unrealistic, but this is my first year back after a 7 year break before which I ran 1:28 PR. I have a goal HM race in Autumn and am just building mileage and running a few races for fun and as a regular 'tempo'  builder.

    I agree that the key is a regular long run up to 16 miles (for me), and a regular tempo run, but the tempo run is the one that I've never mastered...

    I was aiming to get my mileage into 20-30mpw then maybe a 4-week cycle of 10-12-14-16 mile long runs, with overall miles dropping every 4th week for recovery

    For pacing are you all using a gps? Or measured route with mile markers, or heart rate, or perceived effort?

    I'm not sure about overall weekly mileage though, if you can run the long one and the tempo one, what are the other runs doing other than making you tired?

    Mr Inertia

    Suspect Zero

      Ah well, please can I join in with a sub 1:40 goal? It may be unrealistic, but this is my first year back after a 7 year break before which I ran 1:28 PR. I have a goal HM race in Autumn and am just building mileage and running a few races for fun and as a regular 'tempo'  builder.

      I agree that the key is a regular long run up to 16 miles (for me), and a regular tempo run, but the tempo run is the one that I've never mastered...

      I was aiming to get my mileage into 20-30mpw then maybe a 4-week cycle of 10-12-14-16 mile long runs, with overall miles dropping every 4th week for recovery

      For pacing are you all using a gps? Or measured route with mile markers, or heart rate, or perceived effort?

      I'm not sure about overall weekly mileage though, if you can run the long one and the tempo one, what are the other runs doing other than making you tired?



      Supporting mileage is a HUGE deal. More = better as long as you're not injuring yourself. Don't ask me about the physiological gobbledeegook as far as why; I'll just say that it's tried and true - nothing makes you a better runner than more running. In particular, a backup med/long run during the week (I plan on doing some 12-14 milers for that) will go a long long way towards your success.


      For tempo runs I'll use a combination of GPS, treadmill, marked courses and perceived effort (not all of them in the same run usually). A bit of trial and error will tell you what works for you. If you have a Garmin, it will probably serve as a useful tool to give you a guidline so you can then transition to being able to run them by feel.

        Think I'll join up too.


        Now, there is no way i will run a 1:40 this year, but this is a good goal anyway.   I ran a 2:03 HM back in March and am actively training for HM on Oct 4th and am sure i can 'at least' break 1:59.....still 15 weeks and with a some  good training, maybe even finish in the 1:54 to 1:55 range.....


        My Oct 4th HM is my only real "target race' for this year....so Im already really focused on it..... 

        Champions are made when no one is watching

        hairshirt knitter

          Supporting mileage is a HUGE deal. More = better as long as you're not injuring yourself. Don't ask me about the physiological gobbledeegook as far as why; I'll just say that it's tried and true - nothing makes you a better runner than more running. In particular, a backup med/long run during the week (I plan on doing some 12-14 milers for that) will go a long long way towards your success.


          I guess I was just being contrary as I fully intend to run more than 2 runs per week , but nevertheless interesting to contemplate these things! I often feel the benefit of a 'recovery' run to ease out any creaks and groans, and having the hrm has helped a lot in keeping me running easy, but I do often wonder about the actual benefit of  "junk" miles (other than simply enjoying going out for a run).

          Mr Inertia

          Suspect Zero

            Well, my half is pretty hilly so I did a pretty hilly med/long run this weekend


            13.34 miles
            Total ascent 3249 ft
            total descent 3230 ft

            biggest mile 414 ft climb/304 ft drop (mile 11)
            Total time 2:02:08
            average pace: 9:09


            According to Garmin, so take it with a grain of salt. Tough run.

            hairshirt knitter

              No proper long run for me this week, just an 8 miler in the week. Today was a 5 mile race at which I brought my pace down to 7:25 miles.

              This week aiming for 22 miles mileage and a 10 mile long run as key run.

              Have set the Valley Harvest 1/2 m in Wolfville, Nova Scotia as the goal race, Oct. 11 (http://www.valleyharvestmarathon.com/)

                I had two decent runs this week.


                10 mile run thur with some hill work in prep for 10k.


                combined 8.6 mile today with 2.4 mile warmup and 6.2 mi PR in 10k!


                I rAN 10K AT 8:00 PACE @  tough 10k and think by aug can hold 10 mile <  @ 8:00 for < 1:20 to get me close to sub 1:40 by CCHS River run or  Akron in september??

                "It's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard... is what makes it Great!


                  I thought OP was talking about an 800 at first



                    Running that fast would make my neck stretch...oops!

                    PBs since age 60:  5k- 24:36, 10k - 47:17. Half Marathon- 1:42:41.

                                                        10 miles (unofficial) 1:16:44.


                      Last week was interesting, I had a couple of races to kind of gauge were i'm at. The 10k didn't go so well time wise (49:08) but the course was hardly your average 10km course it was killer...you can read all the gory details in my run notes.  Did an 8km on Sunday which fell more along what I was shooting for time wise.


                      This week just looking to get back in the groove and hoping to bang out about 60-65kms.  I've also decided to start running hillier routes for the most part.

                        I did a Canada Day 10k this orning, and am quite pleased with my progress, especially my freakishly even pacing-9 of my km splits between 4:34 and 4:42! Last kilometer I pushed hard and was a bit faster.


                        I logged my finish time as 46:30 but thats unofficial, small race and no results expected on the website for several days. Naturally I forgot to push the button on the Garmin, both at the start and the finish!

                        Mostly flat course, out and back twice, temps in the 65 degree range.

                        PBs since age 60:  5k- 24:36, 10k - 47:17. Half Marathon- 1:42:41.

                                                            10 miles (unofficial) 1:16:44.


                        Mr Inertia

                        Suspect Zero

                          Finishing the week with a rockin good long run - 16.75 miles with 10 major hill climbs. Also did a good tempo earlier in the week with two 20 min LT sessions. Missed one of my recovery runs, but if I'm going to miss, that's going to be the least harmful to my training.


                          After rocking the hills this morning, I'm thinking I might actually be able to pull this off. I just gotta stay on the hills, rack up the mileage and hammer the LT workouts.


                          Piece of cake, right?




                          Really, tell me this is a piece of cake!




                          This is gonna be brutal, isn't it?


                            9 Weeks left til the Half.   I'm up to 13 miles, 3 times per week, with a tempo run and 2 recovery days thrown in there.


                            It's been quite hot out lately (mid-90's) which I'm actually grateful for because I have the feeling it'll be warm on race day. 


                            Having some trouble sleeping and I find that I want to eat everything in the house in the mornings.  Gotta love training.


                            How's everyone else doing?


                            Mr Inertia

                            Suspect Zero

                              It's going very well for me as well. Just about have the long run where I want it - should hit 18 this weekend - with a med/long run of 13 miles during the week. I've been running either an LT workout and a hill workout or two LT workouts each week. Mileage should be in the 60s this week. I'm running relaxed, fluid and lots.


                              11 more weeks for me. When I jumped on this thread, I didn't really think I had a real shot at making it. It's starting to look like it might be within reach though. Not an in the bag done deal sort of thing by a longshot, but I think I can pull this off.

                                one week til the race for me! i feel like i'm probably not duly prepared for this one as you are all talking about mileage in the 60s and here i am with 30 miles on the good weeks...  but i still feel very confident on my 12-mile long runs and am doing 14 tonight for my last long run before the race. how much do you all taper for a race like this? should i run much next week?