Sub 1:30 Half Marathon in 2020 (Read 618 times)



    More gradual improvement, as I did 40 miles this week.  It’ll be a while before I’m back to normal, though, as my glute is still sore some days at easy and moderate paces and despite walk breaks.  Also, I can still feel a big difference between my left & right hamstring when stretching.  I did go faster (well, less slowly) on Wednesday with a similar effort and discomfort as the last few times in the park - 8:33 average with a steady moderate last mile at 8:23, compared to 8:50-9:05 for shorter distances a couple of weeks earlier.  I also  reached my goal of averaging 35 mpw for the year, and I expect to get to 36 by year-end.  Glad that I'm now feeling "running-tired" at the end of my treadmill sessions rather than feeling most constrained by the hamstring.


    Sun - ~7 miles (64 minutes at what felt like 9-minute mile effort) jog/walk treadmill, jogging mostly 9-minute repeats, 0:45 walking rest.  Glute sore afterwards.

    Mon - ~8 miles (73 minutes @ ~9-minute effort) jog/walk TM, mostly 9-minute repeats, 0:45 walking rest.  Hernia briefly sore.

    Tues - off, tweaked hamstring throwing football w/son

    Weds - 8 miles jog/walk in park, 1-mile repeats @8:33, ~1:30 walking rest, glute mildly sore whole way

    Thurs - ~8 miles jog/walk TM, mostly 9-minute repeats, 0:45 walking rest, glute mildly sore

    Fri - ~9 miles (82 minutes @ ~9-minute effort) jog/walk TM, mostly 9-minute repeats, 0:45 walking rest, glute mildly sore late

    Sat - off


    Total - about 40 miles

    Post-1987 PRs:  Half 1:30:14 (2019); 10K 39:35 (2019); 5K 19:12 (2017); Mile 5:37.3 (2020)

    '24 Goals: consistency, age-graded PRs, half < 1:32

      James good work.


      Mark nice long run. We had a brief cool spell this afternoon so I snuck out for a quick 5 miles. So much easier.


      Watson yes I'm surprised I actually averaged 60kms per week. Thats reasonably consistent. Will try and keep it going through summer to give me a nice foundation for next year.


      My week

      Weekly for period: From: 21/12/2020 To 27/12/2020

      Date Name Distance
      in km
      Duration Avg Pace
      per km
      Elevation Gain
      in m
      21/12/2020 Morning Run 10.02 00:48:58 04:53 11
      22/12/2020 Morning Run 10.01 00:51:52 05:11 11
      23/12/2020 Morning Run 10.03 00:44:40 04:27 15
      24/12/2020 Lunch Run 8.01 00:43:28 05:26 8
      25/12/2020 Christmas 🎄 day tempo 12.01 00:50:30 04:12 2
      26/12/2020 Morning Run 12.01 01:01:17 05:06 3
      27/12/2020 Afternoon Run in boardshorts 🤟 8.02 00:35:54 04:29 2

      Total distance: 70.10km

      55+ PBs 5k 18:36 June 3rd TT

      " If you don't use it you lose it,  but if you use it, it wears out.

      Somewhere in between is about right "      



      Not an 80%er

        Piwi - it looks like your old man is still going strong, that is a bliss!


        Steve - “ This has happened sometimes before when I don't concentrate on good posture and have my leg at a funny angle but I usually walk it off quickly.” This sounds like more strength training is needed. You shouldn't have to concentrate when you stand up.


        MickJogger - How’s it going? You recovered from that calf injury?


        Watson - good to hear the recovery is ongoing.


        Mark - You had a great year with tons of KMs. But I think some of us will beat you in total hours 


        James - keep at it. Keep that strength training going to build a good base too.


        me - a tough week. I know I'm approaching the upper limit and I need to be very careful now not to cross the red line.

        The next week is a down week and I'm strongly considering a 5k time trial next Sunday. Weather seems like it's going to be perfect. It'd be a perfect occasion as it's close to the last 5k paced workout in the plan and it'd serve as a gauge of fitness.

        I also need to run a 5k time trial so that I can get to the end of it and erase the memory of the last one.

        I'm a bit lighter hovering slightly under 80kg lately on the weekly Friday weigh-in. That also helps.

        What could go against is if it were to snow the day before or I'm too tired. I don't run well on tired legs.

        So the plan would be to have a small taper, regular tempo on Thursday, but then just a short run on Friday, then take Saturday Off.

        We'll see.

        Weekly for period: From: 21/12/2020 To 27/12/2020

        Date Name Distance
        in km
        Duration Avg Pace
        per km
        Elevation Gain
        in m
        21/12/2020 Morning Run 11.55 01:00:02 05:12 59
        22/12/2020 5x (3'36 I w 2'24 E) avg 3:41/km 12.60 01:00:00 04:46 20
        24/12/2020 24' Tempo avg 3:59/km 10.81 00:49:44 04:36 32
        25/12/2020 Morning Run 11.34 01:00:00 05:17 37
        26/12/2020 Morning Run 11.92 01:00:00 05:02 45
        27/12/2020 Morning Run 22.97 02:00:01 05:13 88

        Total distance: 81.20km and 6h50

        PRs: 1500 4:54.1 2019 - 5K 17:53 2023 - 10K 37:55 2023 - HM 1:21:59 2021

        Up next: some 800m race (or time trials)

        Tool to generate Strava weekly

          Flavio a 5k TT from you would be a great way to start the forum in 2021. Fingers crossed for good weather and an energetic Flavio 

          55+ PBs 5k 18:36 June 3rd TT

          " If you don't use it you lose it,  but if you use it, it wears out.

          Somewhere in between is about right "      



            James good week- way to get some miles in while staying healthy.


            Piwi - rock solid as usual.



            I just finished up my week, it was haphazard due to the holidays but I'm happy with the overall mileage and the cycling was a big miss but that's not a huge deal. I think I'm going to do a 5k TT next week as I haven't cracked 20 this year (I don't think I've even raced a 5k). I don't really have any workouts to indicate it's possible but I'm gonna try.


            Mon: Hour w/ 7 hill sprints (AM)  + 35 min (PM) + 35 min spin w/ 7 min Moderate effort + 15 min strength

            Tue   : 40 min EZ (AM) + 37 min progression (PM)  8:11, 7:35, 7:37, 6:53. 6:42 (7:22 avg)

            Wed: 40 min EZ (AM)+ 40 min EZ (PM)

            Thur:  20 min mod w/ pup

            Fri: 21 min Mod w/ pup

            Sat: 92 min w/ last 25 minutes Moderate (AM) + 15 min strength + 80 min trail (PM)

            Sun: 57 min recovery just chillin (9:14/mi)


            61.5 miles, 8 hours :47 min running

            30 min strength

            35 min cycling

            9h57m close enough for horseshoes


            Pretty happy with this even though I'm doing a ton of Z3 / grey area running / junk miles. Oh well, it's base phase and I feel strong. One last race effort next week and that's it for 2020. I think I'm at 2030 miles for the year so far which is my second best year ever and I lost 6 weeks to injury so that's pretty awesome.

            1600 - 5:23 (2018), 5k - 19:33 (2018), 10k - 41:20 (2021), half - 1:38:57 (2018), Marathon - 3:37:17 (2018)


              Flavio- a 5K TT at the end of a quieter week could be a great idea.  My coach often used to throw in a tough workout at the end of a down week and I'd normally hit them hard feeling really good with fresh legs.


              Piwi - nice week, good if you can just keep things ticking over for now and then maybe target a race in autumn.


              James - good to be able to tick off some running goals in this, of all years!


              Zebano- great job on the annual mileage even with 6 weeks off.  I am going to comfortably hit my biggest total even though the last quarter of the year has been very quiet.


              OK so did we decide who the new thread boss is for next year?  Otherwise I am just going to seize power myself haha.

              3,000m: 9:07.7 (Nov-21) | 5,000m: 15:39 (Dec-19) | 10,000m: 32:34 (Mar-20)  

              10km: 33:15 (Sep-19) | HM: 1:09:41 (May-21)* | FM: 2:41:41 (Oct-20)

              * Net downhill course

              Last race: Runway5 / National 5k Champs, 16:22, National Masters AG Champ!

              Up next: Still working on that...

              "CONSISTENCY IS KING"


              Hot Weather Complainer

                Flavio - it's more concentrating on sitting properly when I get deep into coding or troubleshooting.  Sometimes I don't notice I'm damaging myself.


                piwi, mark, zebano, James all great weeks.


                I've still got minor pain in the side of my knee but the improvement has been dramatic.  I tried yesterday but it wasn't pain free so I'm going to hold off until Wednesday and hopefully dive straight back in.


                Mark - CK was nominated but I think if he hasn't accepted the nomination by January 1, you're free to seize power.

                5km: 18:34 11/23 │ 10km: 39:10 8/23 │ HM: 1:26:48 9/23 │ M: 3:34:49 6/23


                2024 Races:

                Motorway Half Marathon February 25, 2024 1:29:55

                Christchurch Half-Marathon April 21, 2024 1:27:34

                Selwyn Marathon June 2, 2024 DNF

                Dunedin Half Marathon September 15, 2024


                  2020 recap


                  I started 2020 with four goals:


                  1. Have fun (done... although things got a bit dark for a few months)

                  None of us knew then what we were in store for this year, but I was certainly having fun until at least July.  Somewhere around those 120km weeks in August it turned into a slog and it then took a couple months to dig myself out of a post-marathon hole.  I've definitely been back to having fun and enjoying running the last couple of weeks and I'm optimistic for 2021.


                  2. Don't get injured (done... just)

                  Despite probably being overtrained for the marathon and feeling pretty crap for 2 months afterwards, I managed to not get injured.  I had some weird overtraining related thing going on with my right foot that blew up a bit after the marathon but seems to be OK again now.   Luckily I managed to get rid of a hip niggle that had hung around for the better part of a year.  I'm trying a new osteopath next week after going through three this year following my old one closing her doors due to Covid.


                  3. Do some new races (done... despite Covid)

                  Back in January Covid was this kind of faint threat that could've panned out like SARS did but of course it turned out to be a lot worse.  Luckily I got some races in before lockdown and then races started to pop up again around the country from July onwards when we exited the first lockdown.


                  The new races I did this year were:

                  • Run Devonport 10k
                  • Run the Point 10k
                  • NZ 10,000m Champs (see below)
                  • Wairarapa Country Marathon
                  • Mt. Maunganui Half Marathon

                  4. Lay down a kickass marathon time (done... not as well as I would've liked, but done)

                  If I'd been able to run Christchurch Marathon in late May things might've panned out differently but by the time my Plan C race rolled around in October I'd been training for almost a year for a marathon.  I came away with a 2:41:41 from Wairarapa Country Marathon, a 16 minute PB.  A bit faster would've been nice but for a small race, on a windy day, with 7km upwind and slightly uphill to finish, it was a good outcome.  No more marathons.


                  Highlight: NZ 10,000m Champs, Mar 21, 32:34 (PB)

                  The weird thing about Covid is that, if not for me scrambling to find whatever race I could do in mid-March while everything else was dropping off the calendar, I would never have run NZ 10,000m Champs where I somehow posted a 32:34.  I said at the time that I would be happy with the year on that result alone and I still stick by that.  I was absolutely stoked with everything about that race, one of my top 3 races of all time in terms of just nailing it - this despite having no specific preparation or taper as I only entered the race 2 days before.  That will definitely stick as my highlight of the year, especially being able to do it in front of my family who weren't able to come and watch many races last year.


                  Total mileage: currently 4,398km (probably finishing somewhere in the mid-4400's)

                  I have no issue saying that this will be an all-time record for me.  Fewer races, a big marathon block, all of these things put me well ahead of my previous best (4,146km in 2019).  2021 will be about lower volume and higher intensity as that is the formula that really worked for me in 2019 and early 2020.

                  3,000m: 9:07.7 (Nov-21) | 5,000m: 15:39 (Dec-19) | 10,000m: 32:34 (Mar-20)  

                  10km: 33:15 (Sep-19) | HM: 1:09:41 (May-21)* | FM: 2:41:41 (Oct-20)

                  * Net downhill course

                  Last race: Runway5 / National 5k Champs, 16:22, National Masters AG Champ!

                  Up next: Still working on that...

                  "CONSISTENCY IS KING"


                  Hot Weather Complainer

                    2020 Recap


                    Looking back, I think my goal was to build consistency and break 90 for a half, and set a PB if possible.  Like most, 2020 didn't quite go to plan but I did build some serious consistency.


                    To get my half PB, I planned to do a 10km race in early February (on grass mostly) to determine my fitness 3 months away from a goal race.  This was a tough day in very warm and windy conditions so I was happy with 42:23.  Then I planned the City to Surf 14km in mid-March with a goal of holding my targeted half pace and finish in under 60 mins, before having a crack at the Christchurch Half-Marathon on May 31.


                    This all fell apart in the week of the City to Surf when that race was cancelled, followed soon after by the Christchurch Marathon.  I lost motivation for a week or 2 before deciding to target a time trial on May 31 anyway.  Training went really well and I felt I was in PB shape but fell off the pace from about 13-14km and finished in 1:31:51.  I don't know if the odd nature of the "race" and build up played a part but I felt that everything was in my favour.


                    I missed the planned South Island Half with a cold and entered the Sri Chinmoy Half on September 13 which is 8 laps in Hagley Park, almost exactly the same course that I did my time trial on.  This time I started to fall away earlier and finished in 1:33:38.  Again I was at a loss although looking back I think the adventure race I did 2 weeks earlier played a part in not being rested enough.


                    From there I entered the Queenstown Half which is a trail race - I didn't have too many expectations but was still disappointed to fall away again for 1:35:11, but this time the reasons were obvious - tough course and conditions.  I should have been more conservative in the first half and will learn that lesson if I go back.


                    I've jumped into Marathon training for the Christchurch Marathon on April 11 and have a small niggle which hopefully clears up soon.  I did achieve consistency, like I never have before so I hope to put the base to good use.  My yearly totals show this.  I may add 10km to this total at the most but I expect it to not change much as I manage my knee:


                    2020    3431.20km

                    2019    2331.50km

                    2018    2308.70km

                    2017    2291.60km

                    2016    2796.60km

                    5km: 18:34 11/23 │ 10km: 39:10 8/23 │ HM: 1:26:48 9/23 │ M: 3:34:49 6/23


                    2024 Races:

                    Motorway Half Marathon February 25, 2024 1:29:55

                    Christchurch Half-Marathon April 21, 2024 1:27:34

                    Selwyn Marathon June 2, 2024 DNF

                    Dunedin Half Marathon September 15, 2024


                      Flavio - I missed your entry. Good week, I hope you do the 5k.


                      Mark -  glad you enjoyed the year and that 10k is still 🔥. The recovery from the marathon is something I intend to reflect on myself but I'll wait a few more days.


                      Steve -  that is a stellar jump in consistency/ mileage. I'll just add that in my experience that long block sets you up amazingly to PR. My best mileage year ever was 2017 and almost all my PRs are from 2018 despite that year having some injury trouble.

                      1600 - 5:23 (2018), 5k - 19:33 (2018), 10k - 41:20 (2021), half - 1:38:57 (2018), Marathon - 3:37:17 (2018)


                      Mother of Cats

                        James - the continued progress is good to see!


                        Piwi - the board shorts comment reminded me of how our weather is so opposite.  My run this morning was in -6 celcius.


                        Flavio - I would like to see you run a great 5K time trial to start off 2021 well for all of us.  No pressure.


                        Zebano - that's a good week.  I think gray zone running is OK when you are base building, FWIW.


                        Steve - I hope the improvement continues.  And I agree with Zebano - I think your hard work and consistency has set you up well for next year.


                        Marky_Mark - in reading your year-end summary, I'm struck by how well somethings worked out for you (i.e. the 10,000m).  Life closes doors but also opens them.




                        60 miles, 1000 yards swimming, and 2:30 hours of pool-running
                        M: 50 minutes pool-running and streaming yoga.
                        T: 5 miles very easy (9:42), upper body weights/core, 5 miles (8:40), drills and 2 hill strides.
                        W: 12 miles, including a track workout of 2x1200, 3x800, 400, 2x200 in 4:43, 4:40, 3:10 (fell asleep), 3:05, 3:04, 88, 43, 41. 400m recovery after each in between 2:2x and 2:5x. Followed with leg strengthwork and 500 yards recovery swimming.
                        Th: 50 minutes pool-running and streaming yoga
                        F: 8 miles very easy (9:08), drills and 2 hill strides, upper body weights/core, streaming yoga (very short session), 4 miles very easy on Fluffy the treadmill (9:00),
                        Sa: 12 miles on Fluffy the treadmill, including a ~4 mile tempo in 27:03 (4 miles at 6:46 pace according to footpod; treadmill said this was actually between 6:36-6:40 pace). Followed with leg strengthwork, streaming yoga, and 500 yards recovery swimming.
                        Su: 14 miles very easy (8:51), drills, and streaming yoga. Later did 50 minutes of pool-running.


                        I am about to fire the footpod for treadmill running.  I've checked the treadmill speed repeatedly, and it's accurate.  But....the paces measured by the treadmill will sometimes be echoed in the footpod, but occasionally be way off. (I'm not the only one to find the footpod way off on the treadmill, though the footpod manufacturer insists in all online dialogue that the footpod is always right, and it is the treadmills that are off.


                        There is a neat sensor that you can attach to the back of your treadmill that reads how fast the belt is going and reports it to your watch as if it was a foot pod, so I just ordered one of those.

                        Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


                        And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.

                          Zebano if we lived a little closer I could have paced you now I'm a professional pacer 


                          Darkwave I was surprised at how comfy the boardshorts were. I may consider racing in them so people expect me to be slow 🐌


                          Steve that mileage jump will set you up for next year. Keep it going even if results don't come immediately. Then a PB will come when everything clicks in a race.


                          Mark I think it was good for you to get that marathon out the way and now know that your heart is in the shorter stuff. When you slow and get old you can revisit the marathon.


                          My year was ok. I raced 3 Parkrun 5ks with very modest improvements. Age is chasing me down so 18.30 5ks are still challenging but I still have a goal of sub 18.

                          I raced an 11k and a 10k both on short courses but it looks like I'm around 39 min form. Next year I would like to get back into the 38s and run a half which I failed to do this year.

                          55+ PBs 5k 18:36 June 3rd TT

                          " If you don't use it you lose it,  but if you use it, it wears out.

                          Somewhere in between is about right "      



                            Steve- I agree with Piwi.  Sometimes it takes a while to realise the benefits of that step-up in mileage, but it will show.  And I think doing a marathon will probably help your HM performance too.


                            Piwi - no more marathons for me!  You have a good platform there for a half, might be worth thinking about something flat and fast in autumn like Waterfront or Christchurch.  I will probably do Whenuapai HM at the end of March as a tune-up for Southern Lakes (assuming races are still on then).  It's got some small rollers but overall not too bad.  Plus it's in my backyard and I quite often run through there on my long runs so I know the terrain really well.  Could still be quite warm at the end of March though, those mid-April races are often a much better bet in terms of temperature.


                            Darkwave - there are few things in life that are more irritating than technology that works most of the time, but causes problems just often enough to frustrate the user.


                            Flavio - I think that, even with a few weeks off, Keen will still take both the thread mileage and 'time on feet' titles for this year!

                            3,000m: 9:07.7 (Nov-21) | 5,000m: 15:39 (Dec-19) | 10,000m: 32:34 (Mar-20)  

                            10km: 33:15 (Sep-19) | HM: 1:09:41 (May-21)* | FM: 2:41:41 (Oct-20)

                            * Net downhill course

                            Last race: Runway5 / National 5k Champs, 16:22, National Masters AG Champ!

                            Up next: Still working on that...

                            "CONSISTENCY IS KING"


                              Who is starting the 2021 thread?  Might be best to post (or re-post) 2020 recaps in the 2021 as it will help newbies.

                              PRs: 5km 18:43 (Dec 2015), 10km 39:59 (Sep 2020), half 1:26:16 (Sep 2016), full 3:09:28 (Jun 2015)


                              40+ PRs: 5km 19:31 (Oct 2020), 10km 39:59 (Sep 2020), half 1:29:39 (Jun 2018), full 3:13:55 (Sep 2022)


                              2023 PRs (hope to beat in 2024): 5km 20:34, 10km 41:37, half 1:32:32, full 3:21:05


                              2024 PRs: 5km 20:25

                                Watson good idea.


                                Mark if Keen doesn't want the job im happy for a Kiwi

                                ( you ) to do it so we have world domination 

                                Tauranga half marathon is in early April reasonably flat. Christchurch is always an option for me now my daughter is there. It would be cool to get all Kiwis on here to do Christchurch?


                                Got this photo on my run today.

                                Sums up New Zealand to me.

                                55+ PBs 5k 18:36 June 3rd TT

                                " If you don't use it you lose it,  but if you use it, it wears out.

                                Somewhere in between is about right "