Sub 1:30 Half Marathon in 2019 (Read 641 times)

    Jmac I read that as level 3000 on candy crush and it had me worried you were catching up 

    My DOMS came after 24kms with 10 at my dream on MP. After 5 days it cleared but then I went straight to sore calf mode. Yeah OKC were terrible. One of those games where you should win easily and therefore get surprised. They play like 4 games per week so its unsustainable to be at 100% all the time.

    Really good to see you are back out there and yes I don't even like running off a curb incase I get injured !

    55+ PBs 5k 18:36 June 3rd TT

    " If you don't use it you lose it,  but if you use it, it wears out.

    Somewhere in between is about right "      


      Hi, it was fun reading all the different stories we have with one passion (or obsession??) for running at the potential we believe we are worth! Welcome Chris, James, Tom (others?) and welcome back everybody else. It seems even my strange record of travelling will be beaten this year... I am travelling a lot for work as well Tom (I am currently in Manchester for a few days) and I hear you when you say hotel treadmills are your go to running location... unfortunately the hotel I am at the moment has no gym!!! so running outside in the dark is the only option. this morning I only managed 4 miles before my first meeting at 7 am ... I hope to get more in tomorrow (late start at 8!!! Smile


      Piwi good to see you are taking it easy and rationally, but also good to see your 10k today! We are still in the early stages so I am sure you'll get where you want! Smile


      Steve, you are getting controversial I'd leave the conversations between Flavio and his girlfriend outside the discussion Wink (but I do agree...)


      Matt good to see you back!


      have a good week everybody Smile

      I’m traveling for work myself this week along with starting a 12 week HM training program today. Week 1 Day 1 was 3 miles on a very crappie hotel treadmill. I will be in a different state tomorrow and a bigger city so hopefully that hotel will have a better treadmill because I have a tempo run scheduled.


        5k race done - unofficial 20:34.


        Really warm - I guess it was worth 30 seconds.  Tried to stay with the 20 minute pacer but faded away on the return (there and back course).  March 2016 was my last 5k race, August 2016 my last 10k so I am out of short race practice.


        I will race 2-3 more 5k races Jan-Mar, so hopefully some good training, recent race experience and a cooler day will get me down sub 20, and ideally sub 19.

        PRs: 5km 18:43 (Dec 2015), 10km 39:59 (Sep 2020), half 1:26:16 (Sep 2016), full 3:09:28 (Jun 2015)


        40+ PRs: 5km 19:31 (Oct 2020), 10km 39:59 (Sep 2020), half 1:29:39 (Jun 2018), full 3:13:55 (Sep 2022)


        2023 PRs (hope to beat in 2024): 5km 20:34, 10km 41:37, half 1:32:32, full 3:21:05


        2024 PRs: 5km 20:25


        Not an 80%er

          Tom - welcome aboard, we're glad to have another Kiwi here


          DJ - crisis with the wife has been averted (for now). I've made a running plan for her (pretty much my plan with one less day per week and the paces adjusted) and that's keeping her busy.


          Piwi - it looks like you guys have a clear sky to be able to watch stuff like that. Bonus points to Kiwi Zealand.

          LOL at the chill commentator, that reminds of that dash cam video from Russia where the guy sees a giant ball of fire in the sky and is just as chill.


          Mark - yeah, but in my case I scale back the weights cause I'm a weakling 


          Corey - I assume the .25 means 400 meters? If so some fast intervals going on there.


          Keen - so if you beat the 1 percenter does that make you a 1 percenter too? I'm glad to see you back at running.


          Matt - welcome again. You are so young it's ridiculous how much you can still improve. You are exactly at your peak as a male, make sure you make the best of it Smile


          Steve - come on buddy, cut the drinking short so that you can meet the one and only, the legend! There aren't many banter throwing, kayak fishing and surfing 50 years old that are that fast.


          Jmac - Now you see why Mark always has such sandbagging objectives Big grin

          Also, I'm so disappointed in you, I seriously had better expectations, you've been so lazy, how come you're still level 300 on Candy Crush 


          Watson - like you said, sometimes it takes a couple of races to get into the groove with these fast races. And the weather is not helping with fast times this time of the year.


          me - Back from the 3000m time trial. I ended up at 11:09, honestly not too bad. Temps were high between 23-26c 75-80F.

          I'm not at my best shape either at 87kg and a BMI of 26 which is probably at least 4 points above since I'm not exactly a stout body type.

          Moral of the story is that it can only get better from now on.

          PRs: 1500 4:54.1 2019 - 5K 17:53 2023 - 10K 37:55 2023 - HM 1:21:59 2021

          Up next: some 800m race (or time trials)

          Tool to generate Strava weekly


            Keen - yep that's the race. Were you actually previously signed up for the 50k? I may consider that pizza place, that is always a good post race meal. I make it a point to find some good fudge (my carb weakness) in any city I visit and after a race. Know of any in Tulsa or OKC?


            Piwi Kiwi - Probably a good call on cutting the training plan. If I remember correctly, you got burned out pretty badly one of those later years on RW when training for a marathon, and lost all kinds of motivation as a result. there's a sport I don't mind admitting that I have no clue what the rules are or how to play. Tough game tonight against the T-Wolves. They are usually a pretty good match up. Hopefully they have some motivation after that showing against the wizards.


            Jmac - are you actually in Manhattan? All the right turns would maybe think so, but I suppose any of the boroughs would be about the same. I don't suppose central park runs are an option? As Commanderkeen pointed out, my 25k race is Go Short, Go Long, Go Very Long if you want to edit that in on the main page next time you're in there. <= 1 out of 10 for pain is the cuttoff?? That doesn't give you very much, I'd probably give myself a 2 on a regular basis with varying parts of my body.


            Marco - as a platinum Marriott member, I insist on a good fitness center before booking any hotel for that very reason. Never know when an outdoor run is just not in the cards. You probably have me beat still, but I'm on a plane once or twice a month on average.


            Watson - not a bad year opener by any means.


            Flavio - what's next on the agenda from the coach after the time trial?


            I did end up getting a great tempo in on Sunday. Three miles warm up, then 6.2 miles in 35:27, with a warm down back home for a total of just over 10 miles. It's slightly faster than my goal 25k race pace, and felt really strong and focused. Like the type of run that you wish you saved for the race damn it. Closed the week out at a total of 61 miles. Probably no more real quality runs being 11 days out now, just maybe some strides toward the end of easy runs from here on out.


            I'm learning that New Zealand must be running capital of the world with all the members in here...


            RIP Milkman

              Flavio - I was going to update the main page about sandbagging goals. If anyone gives me some goal that's too easy, I'm going to adjust it, e.g. the next time Mark says "oh it's going to be a hot one, just gonna try to break 1:20"


              DJ - yes I run in Manhattan. I do almost all of my runs in Central Park actually, but the problem is getting there and back where all the 90 degree turns happen. Also, in Manhattan, you're doing an advanced game of Frogger where you're constantly dodging people walking out of stores, not paying attention on their cell phone, etc. which requires a lot of lateral movements. Also I think 1 out of 10 pain for me is all clear, 2 is more "hmm this is worrisome but will still run" whereas a 3 pain is shut it down. My PTT definitely was level 3 or 4 when I tried running on it, which is why I stopped. The vast majority of stuff I get is a level 1 pain. Also, this place is overun with these damn Kiwis. It's like Piwi put a damn homing device on these forums and attracted everybody else over the years. Great tempo btw, great to have someone so fast on here. Your model of consistency demonstrates why people like me, Kiwi, and Flavio are fools when we try to ramp up to crazy mileage out of nowhere.


              Steve - If you don't meet Piwi, I may have to ban you from these boards. If he was in NYC I would quit my job just to go on a run with him.

              5K: 16:37 (11/20)  |  10K: 34:49 (10/19)  |  HM: 1:14:57 (5/22)  |  FM: 2:36:31 (12/19) 




              Cobra Commander Keen

                JMac - Awesome that the metatarsalgia is healed and that you're making good progress with the PTT. High motivation is obviously a big plus, too!
                Laziness is definitely addictive. I'm completely out of the habit of getting up at 5 or earlier, so getting back into that habit is my biggest struggle right now.

                Mark - The official reasoning given for the course is that "OKC is growing!", and that they need more room at the finish area. Funny thing: the finish isn't crowded at all, so I don't buy that in the slightest. I'm sure all the restaurants, bars, boutique retail stores, and one running shop in the immediate vicinity of the race finish absolutely hate having an extra 50,000+ people around who usually wouldn't be in the area at all.
                The course changes just so happen to align with the finish of a trolley system in the area (not that anyone I've heard of actually wanted it).
                More construction in other areas is definitely the reason for the next course change, and then there's the possibility of another the year after as well (again, possible construction, or maybe just needing to "correct" the course). A minimum of 3, and possibly 4 different OKC Marathon courses in as many years.. Kind of crazy.

                Watson - A 5k with a pacer?? That's crazy! There are only two races in all of Oklahoma that have pacers (that I know of), and both are marathons. With the fastest pacers being for 3:30...

                Flavio - If I beat the 1%er that makes it a fluke! And it's certainly good to be back to running again.

                DJ - No, I hadn't signed up yet. I was planning on signing up by the end of the year, but even by that point I knew I wouldn't be in shape for it so I passed. I've heard that Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory has great house-made fudge (and you can watch them make it), but I haven't been there myself.

                Had issues getting up for my run this morning, bleh. I'll blame DD3 and her getting up a few times last night. I should be able to get in a solid 5-6 miles during lunch, though. We're basically having early spring-type weather right now, so conditions are certainly nice.

                5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


                Upcoming Races:




                  Watson great job on that 5k, Sub 20 is a lock on a cooler day and with some more training.


                  Flavio really nice 3000m you ran. That will be your 5k pace soon. The variety a coach will give you is going to make you faster for sure, No more 6 min/km runs 


                  DJ 35 min 10k tempo holy moly nice job.

                  What frustrates me about OKC and mainly Adams is he can score 10 points in literally 5 mins then nothing. Partly due to him losing confidence and partly that they insist on taking pot shot 3 pointers and missing. Luckily they steal the ball so often............

                  Cricket now comes in 3 formats to make it even more confusing ut nothing beats a 5 day match that ends in a draw 


                  Keen good job on the lunch run and good to see your return to Strava.


                  OK enough Piwi man love in here you are making my butt cheeks squeeze together which actually may help my running strength 

                  55+ PBs 5k 18:36 June 3rd TT

                  " If you don't use it you lose it,  but if you use it, it wears out.

                  Somewhere in between is about right "      



                    Flavio - that's a good 3km result.


                    Keen - it is a weekly racing series over the warmer months of October to March.  They have 2-3 pacers each week, with the paces varying.

                    PRs: 5km 18:43 (Dec 2015), 10km 39:59 (Sep 2020), half 1:26:16 (Sep 2016), full 3:09:28 (Jun 2015)


                    40+ PRs: 5km 19:31 (Oct 2020), 10km 39:59 (Sep 2020), half 1:29:39 (Jun 2018), full 3:13:55 (Sep 2022)


                    2023 PRs (hope to beat in 2024): 5km 20:34, 10km 41:37, half 1:32:32, full 3:21:05


                    2024 PRs: 5km 20:25


                      Also official time was 20:33.8.  So do I count it as 20:33 or 20:34?

                      PRs: 5km 18:43 (Dec 2015), 10km 39:59 (Sep 2020), half 1:26:16 (Sep 2016), full 3:09:28 (Jun 2015)


                      40+ PRs: 5km 19:31 (Oct 2020), 10km 39:59 (Sep 2020), half 1:29:39 (Jun 2018), full 3:13:55 (Sep 2022)


                      2023 PRs (hope to beat in 2024): 5km 20:34, 10km 41:37, half 1:32:32, full 3:21:05


                      2024 PRs: 5km 20:25


                      RIP Milkman

                        Also official time was 20:33.8.  So do I count it as 20:33 or 20:34?


                        This is the equivalent discussion of asking if Mark can count his 5000M time as his 5K PR. Ya'll are killing me.

                        5K: 16:37 (11/20)  |  10K: 34:49 (10/19)  |  HM: 1:14:57 (5/22)  |  FM: 2:36:31 (12/19) 




                        Hot Weather Complainer

                          Geez, a week of work deadlines and moving house and I'm expected to be up at 5am on a Saturday...hard task masters

                          5km: 18:34 11/23 │ 10km: 39:10 8/23 │ HM: 1:26:48 9/23 │ M: 3:34:49 6/23


                          2024 Races:

                          Motorway Half Marathon February 25, 2024 1:29:55

                          Christchurch Half-Marathon April 21, 2024 1:27:34

                          Selwyn Marathon June 2, 2024 DNF

                          Dunedin Half Marathon September 15, 2024


                            This is the equivalent discussion of asking if Mark can count his 5000M time as his 5K PR. Ya'll are killing me.


                            To be fair, they do count 10,000m and 10km records separately.  But, point taken.  In Watson's case, I'd always round to the nearest second i.e. 20:34.


                            Watson - nice job on the 5k.  The temperatures are suckage up here right now too and it's definitely hitting my training paces a little.


                            Flavio - nice job on the 3000m.  I still don't know how you regularly run in those temps, it's pretty impressive.


                            DJW - that's a really sharp tempo session.  A lot to be said for a really good workout or even a TT leading up to a race like that just to really get you sharp.  I ran my HM PB last Sept after running a 10k PB the weekend prior.


                            Keen - I hope the marshalling is good if they're going to potentially change the course that frequently.  It'd be so easy for runners, particularly when they're getting tired, to make a course error just out of habit.  I believe they've only made one change to the Auckland Marathon course in the past 25 years and that was a big improvement enabled by the busway opening on the motorway.

                            3,000m: 9:07.7 (Nov-21) | 5,000m: 15:39 (Dec-19) | 10,000m: 32:34 (Mar-20)  

                            10km: 33:15 (Sep-19) | HM: 1:09:41 (May-21)* | FM: 2:41:41 (Oct-20)

                            * Net downhill course

                            Last race: Runway5 / National 5k Champs, 16:22, National Masters AG Champ!

                            Up next: Still working on that...

                            "CONSISTENCY IS KING"


                            Not an 80%er

                              I have to quote this. Because! 


                              Jmac - please add it to the front page in the "best of the year" area.



                               OK enough Piwi man love in here you are making my butt cheeks squeeze together which actually may help my running strength 

                              PRs: 1500 4:54.1 2019 - 5K 17:53 2023 - 10K 37:55 2023 - HM 1:21:59 2021

                              Up next: some 800m race (or time trials)

                              Tool to generate Strava weekly


                              Cobra Commander Keen

                                Mark - Having good course direction will be a must, specifically for the latter parts of the race. The local running club and training groups from the running stores always do a bunch of runs covering as much of the actual HM/FM courses as possible (some people training for the HM just run the complete HM course every weekend). Between running the actual races and all of the training runs, lots of people (including me) have hundreds of miles covering the actual course. With the majority of the course being the same, habit could be hard to break at mile 20...

                                5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


                                Upcoming Races:

