Weirdest thing you've ever seen on the ground during a run..? (Read 11262 times)


delicate flower

    I saw an unopened Slim Jim on the side of the road up against the curb.  Nothing really too unusual about that, except that it was there for almost an entire summer.  Every time I'd run the route, I'd look for the Slim Jim.  I'd see it and give a little fist pump.  "Yes!  Still there."   I was sad the day it was no longer there, and I had wondered how it would have tasted after baking in the summer heat for a couple of months.  Opportunity lost.  Sad


    Mostly harmless

      I saw an unopened Slim Jim on the side of the road up against the curb.  Nothing really too unusual about that, except that it was there for almost an entire summer.  Every time I'd run the route, I'd look for the Slim Jim.  I'd see it and give a little fist pump.  "Yes!  Still there."   I was sad the day it was no longer there, and I had wondered how it would have tasted after baking in the summer heat for a couple of months.  Opportunity lost.  Sad


      It could only improve it, right?

      "It doesn’t matter how often you do it or how much you accomplish, in general, not running is a lot easier than running." - Meb Keflezighi

      Prince of Fatness

        My daughter and I were just in Cali looking at colleges. When we drove onto UC Santa Cruz, a massive turkey attacked our bright red rental car. It was fierce, defending its ground. It almost won too, against a car.


        Turkeys are dangerous.

        Not at it at all. 


          Not especially weird, but.....last night running on the street, I kicked something that felt and sounded like a change purse, so I doubled back and sure enough, a small zipper purse with ~$25.  The cool thing was from where it was located I could narrow down with a fair degree of certainty which house it's owner lived in and either grandma has a great poker face and scammed me, or I made her night by returning it.

          So far this year I've come across a loose $5 and a $20 just hanging out on the ground. Posted them on The List of Craig. Lots of replies. Amazing everyone could describe them too.


            I was going through my pics and realized that I took one this winter specifically for this thread. This was at the end of my block:


            I want to do it because I want to do it.  -Amelia Earhart


            Joann Y

              I was going through my pics and realized that I took one this winter specifically for this thread. This was at the end of my block:



              I was wondering where that got to. Any chance I could swing by later and pick it up?



                I was wondering where that got to. Any chance I could swing by later and pick it up?


                Sorry. It was over by Argyle, so you will probably have to negotiate its return with a 5'1", 109 year old, chain-smoking, Vietnamese man. On the plus side, if you enjoy any of those tv shows where people like Bourdain eat completely disturbing food that seems more like it should be consumed as a dare, wandering the stores is a freakish blast.


                Mmmm...octopus testicles.



                MTA:  Also, keep your damn clothes on girl.  It was winter. You'll catch something.

                I want to do it because I want to do it.  -Amelia Earhart




                  I was wondering where that got to. Any chance I could swing by later and pick it up?


                  How can you tell that's your styrofoam cup? I don't see your lipstick color.


                  Anyway, while crossing a pretty busy street I saw a set of keys right in the middle. It was a pretty full set - 2 car keys with keyless entry fobs, something that looked like a security device to get into an office, and a bunch of other keys. I couldn't imagine how a set of keys like that could fly out of a car, or how it could be dropped while walking without noticing. Anyway I felt kind of bad thinking that someone would really be missing that. But could not figure out how to find its owner. I ended up picking them up and dropping them at the curb, somehow it felt better than leaving them in the street, although no logical reason why.


                  Joann Y


                    How can you tell that's your styrofoam cup? I don't see your lipstick color.



                    Ssshhh. I don't think people are supposed to know that I know that you know my lipstick color.


                    MTA: Toasted almond for those keeping track of these things.


                      MTA:  Also, keep your damn clothes on girl.  You'll catch something.

                      There was a point in my life when I ran. Now, I just run.


                      We are always running for the thrill of it

                      Always pushing up the hill, searching for the thrill of it


                        Ssshhh. I don't think people are supposed to know that I know that you know my lipstick color.


                        MTA: Toasted almond for those keeping track of these things.


                        If somehow lipstick were to get on me, toasted almond sounds tasty.  Do companies make flavored lipstick?  Or is that only lip gloss?  Has anyone come across Spotted Cow lipstick?

                        There was a point in my life when I ran. Now, I just run.


                        We are always running for the thrill of it

                        Always pushing up the hill, searching for the thrill of it



                            Has anyone come across Spotted Cow lipstick?


                          I have a Sunshine Wheat, Fat Tire, and Old Chub lip glosses. True story.

                          I want to do it because I want to do it.  -Amelia Earhart



                            I have a Sunshine Wheat, Fat Tire, and Old Chub lip glosses. True story.




                            When you've got Blue Moon, call me.

                            There was a point in my life when I ran. Now, I just run.


                            We are always running for the thrill of it

                            Always pushing up the hill, searching for the thrill of it

                            Joann Y




                              When you've got Blue Moon, call me.



                              Nothing but Blue Moon baby.


                              not bad for mile 25

                                I'm suddenly a fan.