Masters Running


Soup Sunday, 12.10.23 (Read 37 times)


    Mornin' Masters.


    We're going to get rain and wind today - could be a good day for soup. What's your favorite soup to make and/or to eat?


    I'm glad you felt better yesterday, Holly, and hope that you and DH had a good trip to Louisville.


    Good work at the Y, Jlynne. I hope you survived Candyland hell, and that you and the DH had a good time at the Packer's Christmas party - but what's with the 'no pictures' rule??


    Nice 4.3 miles with friends, bioguy. I hope that you and DW got out for your park walk too.


    Good 4.5 shirted miles, Surly Bill.


    Nice 2.6 miles to start your very busy day, KSA. I'm glad the get-together was fun, and hope the tea and dinner out were as well. Sounds like a tough day tomorrow for that woman in your group. I hope that being proactive against breast cancer serves her well in the long run. You can tell Ken that my PT started out pretty low-key too, but got, and continues to get more challenging every time since then.


    Outstanding racing in the Jingle Bell 5K yesterday, moebo - Congrats!


    Good 8 miles, and good for you for not letting the rain stop you, Dave.


    Nice pace-bunny-passing 41 mile ride, Tramps.


    Nice pre-rain 1.7 miles, Enke. Good luck and have fun in today's 5K.


    I hope all the discomfort is behind you, Doug, and that you'll continue to see post-op improvements every day. Have fun decorating the tree today.


    Excellent 5K time-trial, Quickadder. If you can do 8:35/mile, can you do 8:30??


    We had a great time at a neighbor's neighborhood Christmas party yesterday afternoon. The house was beautifully decorated, and there was more than enough delicious food and drink. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: we are very fortunate to have so many great neighbors.


    I was up at 4:30 this morning, and got started on today's stretching, knee exercises, and core work (65 minutes). I had the ankle weights on again for a variety of leg lifts, and they sure do make the work more 'interesting.' But I know that my leg muscles need building back up, so I'm fine with doing the extra work.


    Like many of you, we are expecting rain and wind today, so we're hoping to get to Trader Joe's and back before it starts. If I can, I'll get in some driveway crutching today as well, weather-depending.


    Have a greta Sunday.



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


      Thanks for the start and recap Jay.

      During the cold days I have a lot of soup-either from the can or clam chowder from Costco- my favorite.

      Yesterday we attended a Hanukkah party with an old fashioned Yankee swap of inexpensive gifts and the over to friends for a Stars movie. In a couple of hours we’re heading to the local movie theater to see Maestro- a biopic on Leonard Bernstein.


      Quite mild today but heavy rain starting later this afternoon with high winds. Got out for my morning 30 minute walk and met Marj at the turn around. Some runners exposing a lot of skin as the temps rise (not us😀).

        Great recap as always, Jay.  Thanks for the feedback on the PT.    Henry- it's amazing to me the varying levels of clothing you see in these early cold months.  I am practically dressed for a ski trip and I'll see someone run by in a singlet.  Um, no.


        My part of town dodged the horrific storms yesterday afternoon.  There were 6 deaths in the counties just north of us.  We had some bad storms, but no tornados right here in Franklin.  The destruction is bad in the northern counties.


        The tea was fantastic and beautiful.  My friend and I were seated at a table with our Rector and his wife and another couple.  A lot of work goes into that.  Everyone dresses up.  There were probably three men there and the rest women and girls.  It's quite the event.   The singer-songwriter evening was also great.  The slab of country fried steak I got for dinner was enough for 3 people.  I brought a lot home.   The singer-songwriter events are fascinating and so casual. Three folks were up there (they actually are a group that performs together but all have some number one hits that they've written for top artists) and they just talk and play songs and tell the stories behind the songs and how the top artists picked up the songs.


        5.3 miles this morning and that's it for the day.  Need to get the tree decorated now that it is in the house!

        Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


          Today marks 9 months for my current streak.

          Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



            I got out this morning for a run starting from the YMCA. My GArmin gave me a -5 a half mile in. Sure enough, very slow and high heart rate ensued. I cut it off at 2.25 miles and went into the Y and had a good lifting session.

            Mrs Bio and I went to a new to us state park yesterday and walked a trail along the Susquehanna River. After dinner we watched Julia Roberts and Ethan Hawke in the film Leave teh Wortld Behind. I read the book a few years ago and thought it was terrific. Movie version was pretty good.

            I have to spend the rest of my Sunday doing various forms of schoolwork. Given the volume of rain expected, it won't be bad,

              I got back out there today after a week off and ran a hard 5 miler on an indoor track (Jonathan Toews complex). It would appear I'm healthy enough to run again. Got my heart rate up to 150 for the final 1 mile sprint so I'm back! Cheers all, have a greight Sunday!


                KSA I have a friend in Clarksville,  I guess they were hit hard but she says they will be fine.


                Bio, that must be a good book.  I’m 25th on the reserve list at the library.  I should have it this time next year.


                PT workout today adding 5 more reps to each set.  Kind of boring but I’m to do a real slow build up over the month.  Later I’ve been invited to a church luncheon.. church lady food…is there anything better?  

                My usual soup is It’s Going to be Soup.  Ther are various ziploc bags in the freezer labeled GBS (going to be soup)  I have turkey stock from thanksgiving to pull it all together.  I think there are bags of leftover meatloaf, leftover tomatoe sauce.  Even a freezer bag of some red wine we didn’t love.  I’ll throw in some mixed veggies, maybe some noodles, and voila.  Panzanella salad on the side.


                  Good morning everyone. Thanks for the start and recap Jay. Hope your trip to Trader Joe's was uneventful.


                  Why, I have a kettle of vegetable beef barley soup cooking on the stove right now!  Sirloin beef chunks, beef stock, a big can of whole tomatoes (with their juice) cut into pieces, carrots, celery, diced potatoes, shredded cabbage and a good amount of seasoning. One of my favorites! My neighbor and good friend just found out she has breast cancer and has a stressful week of appointments, a biopsy and other tests. I'm thinking a meal of soup and some homemade bread might help them out with at least one meal for during the week.


                  It sounds like a lot of you have some bad weather heading your way. Stay safe! And I'm glad that you didn't have any damage from the tornadoes Karen. That's scary!


                  Just a two mile walk for me this morning. It was a long week and I just didn't have any energy to do more than that. Lots of things to accomplish yet and my DGS#2 has a basketball tournament starting at 3 that I'd like to at least see some of.


                  The Packers party was amazing. Every food you could possibly imagine was there someplace. Tenderloin, lobster, shrimp, sushi, salads and soup, at least 3 dessert stations and a great band as a nice bonus. There were tons of Packer players there too, but when they don't have their uniforms on, I'm not sure who they are! And the invited guests were supposed to "keep their distance" anyway 


                  Have a great Sunday everyone.

                    Now I feel bad about having a grilled cheese for lunch instead of soup; I'll remember to check in here first next time. 


                    I went to the gym this morning for a good, long workout, mainly involving more stretching than I'm used to doing. When I was running and would get occasional sports massages, the masseuse would also be telling me how "tight" I was in various areas -- hamstrings, etc. Now I'm not running but I suspect that cycling has its own tightness-inducing properties and lately I've been bothered by the lack of flexibility that's crept up on me. For instance, our Outback doesn't sit all that high compared to many SUVs but I've actually noticed some difficulty in getting my leg high enough to easily step into it. And it's been a very long time since I was able to stand on the ground next to my bike and kick my leg over it when getting on unless I lean the bike way over. Instead, I always get on by pushing off standing on the left pedal and then swing my right leg over (which could lead to a crash if I ever get my leg hung up on the back of the seat or whatever!). Anyway, that's the main reason why I'm going to start doing more serious stretching as part of my regular routine.

                    Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                    "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"


                      After 6 good days of workouts and running, today is a rest day. I love rest days. I woke up at 5:30 this morning. I felt like I slept pretty good but I checked my Garmin to make sure I did. I had a sleep score of 81, and the comment, "Plenty of Deep". It was good to have confirmation from Garmin.


                      Since it is a rest day, I did not get up after checking the Garmin. I stayed in bed for another 75 minutes, drifting between sleep and awake before getting up at 6:45.


                      That's about it from me.



                        Welcome back, Sub!   DNaff- Glad your friend is OK and hopefully no damage.

                        Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth




                          I'd already decided to try a 5K time trial today as part of the bye week before the RA Running Game final starts on Monday and was inspired by moebo's run to try for a sub-27, something I hadn't done since early 2020. I set the TM to an 8:35 pace and managed to keep running at that for a 26:44. If I can emulate Doug, I have 2 more years of sub-27 remaining.


                          A reminder that sign-ups for the RA Running Game 2024, team version, are due to end at midnight tomorrow (Sunday).

                          Nice time trial, Quickadder! I considered signing up for the Running Game, but I am afraid it would just be a recipe for injury for me, since I would probably end up running when I really shouldn't.


                          Thanks for all the kind comments on my race. I said I felt like it was a good effort but that I wasn't miserable (i.e. I could have gone a bit faster), but I just looked at my heart rate chart and saw that my average was 159. That is VERY high for me! So I doubt I could have gone much faster after all. Though I did lose 2 or 3 seconds at the end, when I stopped to walk at what I thought was the finish line, only to discover the timing mat a bit further along. Rookie mistake!


                          Today I wanted to go a bit long before the forecasted rain, but I wasn't sure how I would feel. I actually felt pretty good, so I just kept going. 12 miles, 9:38 pace.

                            With some reluctance, I got the latest COVID booster today.  I hope I don't have much of a reaction.

                            Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



                              Awaiting a pack of fresh oysters harvested today by Marj’s DS in Cape Cod. 

                              Great run Moebo.

                              Marathon Maniac #957

                                Howdy folks.


                                We had a nice time in Louisville, and the drive-through Christmas lights was pretty cool.   The nice thing is that since it is underground, you don't have to wait until dark, so we actually went at about 3pm.  Good thing, too, since we drove through that area when we were looking for dinner, and the line was all the way back to the interstate (really long).


                                We went to a fried chicken place for take out, and I ordered chicken tenders.  The sign said "Chicken Tenders, $12.95.  Extra Tender, $2.95"  I said to the kid at the register, "What makes it Extra Tender?"  The kid gave me a blank look.  "You know," I said," how are you making it Extra Tender - do you beat it to death with a mallet or something?"  He said, "That's if you want an extra tender, they are $2.99 each."  Offduh!  I really was reading it like it was meaning "Extra Crispy" or something, not like it was AN extra tender.   

                                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."
