Masters Running


Wednesdaily, 12.13.23 (Read 36 times)


    Mornin' Masters.


    "...getting ice cream mixed up with addictives that, of course, ice cream isn't..." I beg to differ with you, Tet: Ice cream can be quite addictive! 


    Busy day today, so no time for a wrap-up. I was up at 4:15 this morning, and did 80 minutes of knee exercises, core work, weights, and stretching. Then a shower and some breakfast and off to see the knee surgeon to find out what is next. He was surprised when I told him that it would have been helpful to have known before the surgery that I'd be non-weight-bearing for 6 weeks afterward. He was shocked because he said that I was not supposed to be non-weight-bearing! Now I find out!!! He said, and rightly so, that he's going to have a conversation with his staff to make sure they don't screw up like that again (it was someone else how told me that, not the surgeon because I didn't see him after the operation was completed). The good news is that he freed me from having to use the crutches or leg brace any more! I asked what they'd do with the leg brace, and he said federal rules prevent them from using it on another patient, so they would have no option but to throw it away. It is a very good brace (and not inexpensive), and is in great condition, so I brought it home and will see if there is a way I can get it to someone who can use it. So now I have to master walking again, and then I can look forward to starting up racewalking in a few weeks.


    OK - my next meeting starts in a few minutes, so...


    Have a greta Wednesday.



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

    Marathon Maniac #957

      Tet: Ice cream can be quite addictive!   


      I agree!  ...says the woman who has five 1/2 gallons in the kitchen freezer, and three more in the garage freezer...


      Jay - are you saying you could have been weight-bearing from the start?


      Moebo - It is always a good time to review your estate plan - you never know if you are going to be hit by a truck.


       After I lasted 36 hours from the Thursday morning surgery and was starting to think I wouldn't need any at all, the sound sleep from 8pm Friday night only lasted until 11pm when I woke up like my knee was on fire


      Yup - that's what happened to my DH. The nerve block was doing so well, he thought the same thing, until he woke up in the middle of the night in agony.  It is so much easier to get your pain under control if you take the "ice cream" BEFORE the block wears off.


      Surly Bill - if any of the beneficiaries have taxes on what they are receiving, that is THEIR worry, not yours.  They can consult with their own tax people - you already have enough on your plate.


      Steve - I love it!


      Erika - good luck today!


      The pulled muscle in my neck is almost well again - nice!  But I was feeling lazy this morning, so I just did about 30 minutes of weights and core.

      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


        Hey all.


        Interesting Jay but glad you finally received the process the surgeon wants you to follow. Attention to detail and effective communication  is a lost art.


        Good news on the neck muscle. Those are no fun especially when driving.


        I've been fighting a cold/flu/crud for over two weeks now. Get's better and then returns. Headed to med today. Very frustrating but I have managed to still get some time on the bike and short runs while avoiding people (don't want to share). Well it's annoying but not serious.



        "He conquers who endures" - Persius
        "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel

          Thanks, Jay.  That is unbelievable! I would have blown a gasket!  I'm glad you are free now, though.  Steve- great reindeer food story and pictures.


          Erika- thinking of you. Holly- glad the neck thing resolved.   Norm- not COVID?  Hope you feel better.


          4.5 pretty tired miles out there- but sunny.

          Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


            Thanks for the start, Jay. I think it's the medical device mfrs who have finagled it so that their products are officially "one time only" usage. The device they used on me last week came nicely packaged up from Boston Scientific and they had a couple more boxes on a shelf for the next guys.


            We've actually been buying ice cream lately in pints since it lets us have a variety of flavors without having an open carton hang around too long.


            Speaking of last week, what I had done was an order of magnitude or more less stress on my system than what Tet (and Erika) are experiencing. Still, the body has to put a lot of energy into the healing process and I'm assuming that that's the reason for my weak exercise showing yesterday in the pool and again today on the bike. I intended to ride 10 virtual miles but called it quits at 10K instead (although in my defense it was a hillier and thus more strenuous route than I had realized). In any case, I'm going to cut back on the aerobic activities for a little while and stick to weights and stretching at the gym.

            Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

            "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"



                 Norm- not COVID?  




              Checked that immediately. Frankly I think its a bad run of luck having been around some others who weren't feeling well as I was getting better from the initial ails.

              "He conquers who endures" - Persius
              "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel


              Marathon Maniac #957

                Jay- I think you could easily find a buyer on Craigs List, Ebay, or FB Marketplace.  A lot of folks can't really afford to pay full price for some of those devices.


                Our 4 free Covid tests arrived yesterday.  I can't remember the last time I had a cold or anything that would give me a reason to test (nice!), but it is nice to have them in the cupboard.


                Erika texted to say they are going to be taking her in, but she will check in later.

                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                  Oh oh, Jay has been turned loose. He'll be out on the roads at Jay O'clock in no time.


                  Wishing Erika good luck on her surgery. I'd really be sweating about now if I was doing that.


                  I think the good pain killers are meant to help recovery so there isn't any reason to be macho and try to make it without them. Unless they make you sick I guess.


                  I did my usual short kettlebell workout this morning. It isn't much but it is better than nothing. Never let it be said that I didn't do the least I can do.


                  I could see this happening to me if I ever visited someone with a cadaver dog.




                    Dang, Jay, that's not exactly a small screw up re the non-weight bearing, but it sounds like you handled it really well, not that we'd expect anything different from you.  I'm surprised he's not having you ease into it after all this time.


                    I think I missed your comment, Surly, but often times there's no tax due on inheritances, or if there is, the trust may have wording to cover it (or is this a probate???). And you are right that if a beneficiary is a creditor, that person would get paid just like any other creditor prior to distribution of the assets.  Also keep in mind that any compensation you receive will be considered income to you.  And take it!  You've earned it!


                    Left work early yesterday to take Sam to the vet (that's always an adventure!).  He stopped eating Monday.  He wants to, but just walks away.  So he got an anti-nausea shot and I'm hoping he starts eating again soon.  He ate a few nibbles this morning, but nothing substantial.  And he LOVES to eat.  He literally spins in circles when it's meal time.  I've tried everything I can think of with no result, so I'm going to ask for an appetite stimulant.  All I can think is that he ate something that got his stomach upset, and once that happens it can be hard to get them to start eating again.  Poor guy.


                    45 min of stationary biking this morning.  That's always an exciting way to start the day.


                    Holiday Fact: November and December are two of the most dangerous months of the year because of holiday decorating injuries, 34 percent of which are falls.

                    Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                    Trail Runner Nation

                    Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                    Bare Performance



                      Hi Masters - popping in to wish Erika good luck w/surgery! That did come up quickly (probably not for you though).


                      Jay - whaaat??? Don't they send you with all kinds of printed out instructions (or the ability to access in your online account)? I would be seriously pissed off about that.


                      You know what I say about painkillers... if you need them, use them! Of course as sparingly as you can. Sometimes when you are cut open, time is the only thing that will help heal that (literally) and you do need to be able to sleep to recover.


                      I got in 3+ miles this morning in chilly (23*) temps. I had to run some to keep warm 


                      MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                        Steve - nice five day early deadline.


                        . . . there isn't any reason to be macho . . ..

                        Dave - for sure. Fortunately for me, I gave up trying to be macho like MikeE, Wildchild, Tammy, erika and everybody else herein a long time plus, like Holly's DH, I did start the painkiller dosages right away when it became more excruciatlngly unbearable than the mild post-op pain for the first day-and-a-half that had had me hoping that would be the extent of it.  No real pain now six days later but, instead, a more pleasantly enjoyable soreness that makes my right leg feel like i'd just run some all-day-and-night ultra up-and-down one of Wildchild's or Tammy's mountains.  However, at least, the real ultra soreness had the courtesy to go away after a couple of days.


                        Jay - maybe because I knew it was going to be happening to me too, I distinctly remember your chagrin about your first six weeks being in a knee brace and, though the words "knee brace" have not been used in what I'm supposed to be taking care of for the next three months of being super careful and then to the end of the year making sure I don't buckle it or anything, I've been wondering about it for me that I'll find out at my upcoming next scheduled appointments at the end of the month and early next year.


                        ps - however, it sounds like your doctor's office might have put in their internships out here in Seattle where, e.g. Dr. Eye Quack a couple of years ago forgetting to prescribe the painkillers that would have gotten me through the first awful night too back then. I cannot imagine this weekend without them.


                        pps - the nifty little knee IV i had on until Monday was a  Pain Relief System for the outer dermises and came in with a nifty little black shoulder strap that can be shortened to a fanny pack too with big white letters "ON-Q PAIN RELIEF SYSTEM" that'd be fun in some future ultra that, though, not feasible anymore, might work out in one of the ultra festivals that include shorter halfs, even sometimes 5K's for the less inclinded.


                        Speaking of last week, what I had done was an order of magnitude or more less stress on my system than what Tet (and Erika) are experiencing. Still, the body has to put a lot of energy into the healing process and I'm assuming that that's the reason for my weak exercise showing yesterday in the pool and again today on the bike. 

                        Doug - I know your back's had the major incision surgeries too and, with my still struggling just to rise up out of the bed to get somewhere in our tiny abode that still hasn't gotten me more than 500 steps in a single day since the surgery six days ago has me in awe about the millions who live with crippling issues all their, or rest of their, lives to say nothing of Mariposai, Wildchild and those whose surgeries are life and death matters. My dad was distant in another state when he had four hip replacement surgeries none of which registered anything on me at all about what he'd being going through through our letters and the occasional long distance telephone calls of the time.  I can just see him up there, I hope, looking down and saying, "See, I told you so."  No wonder i appreciate the ease of internet communications keeping me in instantaneous contact with DD and DS along with my younger sister all in other states plus to say nothing of herein. Thanks for bearing with me.


                        ps erika - good luck. I hope your pain is as mild as my first day-and-a-half but lasts that way a lot longer. Fortunately, you are from Alaska where "men are idiots and women win the Iditarod" so your meds'll be ready to go and not on the "try not to use" shelf.


                        ps RCG - I thought painkillers were just for wimpies

                        Meant for someone else but not for me

                        But pain was out to get me

                        That's the way it seemed

                        and Now I'm a believer

                        Not a trace of doubt in my mind

                        I'm a believer

                        No more macho anymore.

                        "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                        Marathon Maniac #957

                          Tet - we are happy to bear with you!


                          Leslie - you are a better pet mom than I am.  Rosie refuses to eat fairly regularly, and I always assume it is because she ate something nasty in the back yard, but I just pick up her food bowl and say, "Well, when you get hungry enough, you will eat."  And she does.  Usually it is about 24 hours and then she will eat again.

                          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                            Thanks for the start, Jay.  Wow, that's a pretty basic instruction to have screwed up. Glad you're recovery's advancing, though.

                            Doug--take it easy. No point in rushing recovery now.

                            Marj--don't know that book. I've been reading up some on Israel-Palestine history recently. Oy!

                            Steve--that snow lasted about 14 hours, then melted. I bet yours sticks around a bit longer.


                            How can you people eat all that ice cream? I just look at a pint and gain weight. It's a rare treat around here.


                            All this estate talk is yet another reminder that--especially with no kids--we need to get our act together on this. Seems like there's always something else getting our immediate attention.  Recently it's been getting our retirement finances in order and helping my older sister through some significant health issues.  Maybe 2024 will be the year.


                            Very pleasant day here for a 22+ mile ride in the low 40s, sunshine, and little wind.

                            Be safe. Be kind.

                              Leslie - you are a better pet mom than I am.  Rosie refuses to eat fairly regularly, and I always assume it is because she ate something nasty in the back yard, but I just pick up her food bowl and say, "Well, when you get hungry enough, you will eat."  And she does.  Usually it is about 24 hours and then she will eat again.


                              You have to be careful with cats when they stop eating, especially when they're a voracious eater like Sam.  It's definitely a sign that something's wrong.  If he's not eating by tomorrow, it's back to the vet for blood work.

                              Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                              Trail Runner Nation

                              Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                              Bare Performance



                                Jay, we have a couple in our town that run a 'medical closet'.  They take all those types of things from medical appointments (crutches, braces, walkers, etc) and match them up with people in need.  It is done mostly through a network of churches.  I would expect there is something similar in many areas of the country.


                                And speaking of similar, after a surgery I went to my post op appointment 6 weeks out.  I was wearing the surgery socks because the discharge nurse instructed me to wear them until my next appointment.  And they were the all the way up ones, like panty hose.  My doc was incredulous when he saw them.  Why in the world do you have those on?  Well...maybe you need to communicate a little better with the discharge nurse.


                                Norm, I've had the same thing.  Can't seem to shake it and its not covid.  Today is day 17 (not that I'm counting) and I finally feel 99% of normal.  Hang in there.


                                Add my well wishes to all of yours for Erika.  She's been on my mind all morning.


                                I took the dog for a 30 minute walk along the river path.  I wore my running shoes in hopes she would want to pick up the pace but no luck. And, probably a good thing as the walk made my hip flexors incredibly sore.  Yoga next to see if I can work on that.
