Masters Running


Fridaily, 12.22.23 (Read 36 times)


    Mornin' Masters.


    Dave, I'm glad your FIL is in a better place where he can get the help he needs, and without it all falling on your DW's shoulders.


    Good 3.4 miles in 30° temps, Holly. Yes - please try to contain your excitement about the beginning of winter. Sounds like DH scored well with the people he was working for at the glass factory.


    Good 4.1 chilly miles on a busy day, KSA.


    Nice 5 predawn miles, with your hammy behaving for the first half, Leslie. I hope the massage helped. Sounds like a great dinner with the ladies.


    Good 5 miler in IRC, Tramps.


    I'm glad you are making progress with the meds, Tet, but still taking them as needed. Can/does icing help reduce the swelling? You are welcome to come to as many of my meetings as you can stand want.


    Nice 2.3 mile afternoon walk with DW, Doug. I'm also a former smoker - I just decided to quit one day and did - I also think I was mid-pack, and that it didn't matter once the decision was made. That was 40+ years ago.


    Good moderate workout, BTY. It is easy to make the "not enough time" excuse, isn't it? But I'm impressed about how you always make enough time for great pool workouts.


    Nice 3 mile Garmin workout, Enke. DW and I have different last names, and still have to explain to people all the time that we both kept our 'maiden' names when we got married.


    Your generosity is heartwarming, Tammy.


    Great news that you are doing well, and getting good reports from your PT, Erika. I also read my surgeon's report, and it was an eye-opener, but I'm glad I have that record of what was done.


    Nice sunny Springtime 5-miler, sub7.


    Good comeback 4 miles, Twocat. Agreed that being in good shape going into a medical procedure pays dividends afterward.


    Nice 4 miles with the SS crew, Deeze, plus glute, lower body and core work.


    Good 4 miles for you too, Quickadder. That's an impressive TM streak - I don't think I could do that every day. Enjoy the time with your fam.


    Nice 1.5 miles and PT work, Steve. That's a lot of vials of Reindeer Food! You've made a lot of people happy with that. Congrats on getting another tip.


    We have 3 neighbors, and quite a few members of DW's side of the family who would come to our aid, no matter what. And we would do the same for them.


    We sent our reworked version of our mega-grant proposal to the pre-submission review team yesterday morning. It may come back for more editing, but it sure felt good to get it off our plate, at least for now.


    I got in 1.4 miles of walking before we hit the road early yesterday afternoon. We stayed overnight in CT, and I walked 2.4 miles on the hotel TM this morning. We'll be at our destination by early afternoon, so maybe I can get another walk in before the end of the day. No knee and core work today, but I'll be back at that tomorrow.


    Have a greta Friday.



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

      Thanks, Jay.  You have really upped your mileage! Tammy- you are awesome.  You, too, Steve.  Well- all of you are!  Thanks for being awesome.


      4.5 miles shuffling along.  Got back just in time to drive Ken to PT.


      Catch y'all later.

      Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



        Good Morning to all you Awesome People!


        (and I want to give a superduper awesome shout-out to Leslie. She sent me a lovely lap blanket she crocheted and I ADORE it!. It's so warm, colors I love and I know she put in many many MANY hours of making this.  She probably wouldn't want a shout-out about this gift but she's getting it any way   because she's pretty awesome Wink 

        short day today (well the day is still 24 hrs, just my work day is short  Wink  - I may just work until noon or so. Don't have much going on and about 3/4 of our small office is out today anyways.  Going to meet up with a friend for coffee in a bit.



          Thanks for the start, Jay.


          The photos yesterday were priceless!


          Today is a rest day for me.  The massage yesterday was amazing!  She worked almost exclusively on my left hamstring and did a bunch of trigger point work on it.  Some of it was pretty *ouch*!, but I gritted my teeth because it needed it.  She said the difference in tightness between left and right leg was substantial.  I'm going to bite the bullet and see her every other week for awhile until this is resolved.


          Getting back to people in your life you can absolutely count on and who you let talk into your life, whose words you weigh when making an important decision.  Not counting The Hub, I have am blessed to have 4 women who have been in my life for well over 20 years, who I know would would walk through fire for me, and who each have a lifetime of wisdom that I have drawn upon in some of the most dire times.  I count myself blessed to call them mentors and friends.

          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

          Trail Runner Nation

          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

          Bare Performance


          MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

            Steve - thanks. I think I finally got to the beginning last night when, with twocat’s wake up call and erika’s awesome progress, I was able nevertheless to grimace it and bear it to sleep solidly after finally dozing off though it exactly as Jay suggested with ice packs sine any of the dreaded PK’s for the first time.


            Can/does icing help reduce the swelling?

            Jay - excellent. I think not feeling like my lower thigh is going to pop through the tightly strung skin still stretched out like a drum is going to be the key to getting rid of the continuing pain I didn’t expect this long instead of just the lingering soreness I did expect but, though last night’s extensive icing didn’t seem to be reducing the swelling yet, that is going to be my focus until it does. Thanks.


            ps - glad you were able to take an overnight stop in your long Christmas drive. Have a safe trip, . . . and enjoy sitting around with friends enjoying Christmas while they treat you the same as you would treat them at your place, . . . but I doubt it. Smile


            Tom - good timing for me on finally being able to eschew the PK’s last night for the first time as the CVS pharmacy called to say there is a nationwide shortage of the Oxy-ones and they could only give me ten of the 25 refill pills prescribed. However, after last night’s first night without, I’m hoping they stay in way up in the top shelf of our roch’s closet equivalent.


            twocat - thanks too. It hadn’t dawned on me that, after a summer of moving (house) and not moving (knee), I was way behind where Jay and Erika were for theirs but I’m hoping already losing five post-op pounds will help. We’ll see.

            "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


              Kettlebell workout this morning. Tomorrow I am planning a longish run so I am paying attention to what I am drinking today. Making sure I drink enough water so I avoid last week's dizzy run.


              I probably should take the afternoon off. I finished up a major task yesterday and even though I have more work than I can handle it is hard to start something new on the Friday before the Christmas weekend. I spent the morning getting a bunch of stuff better organized. I can't think of any other things I can do to keep procrastinating on starting a new task. So it is either start working or take the afternoon off.





                Getting back to people in your life you can absolutely count on and who you let talk into your life, whose words you weigh when making an important decision.  Not counting The Hub, I have am blessed to have 4 women who have been in my life for well over 20 years, who I know would would walk through fire for me, and who each have a lifetime of wisdom that I have drawn upon in some of the most dire times.  I count myself blessed to call them mentors and friends.


                I think that is a super rare thing these days to have that in your life. You are certainly blessed for that!

                I have a couple of very close girlfriends locally too that I know I could call upon in an emergency and they would be there in a heartbeat.  Not to mention, any of the neighbors in my cul-de-sac, would also be there for me, or for us, should anything ever happen. We all watch out for each other and lend a hand whenever needed.  I recall when DH was in the hospital for a week with his cardiac issues, it was summer time, and a neighbor came over while I was at work and mowed and edge trimmed our lawns, took his leaf blower and cleaned up the place, etc.  

                Right as I was leaving to go meet my friend for coffee, she texted me that she overslept. and then she had a client appt at 9 so we had to postpone for another time.  So I'm trying to find things to do to feel semi-productive for a few hrs at work.



                  Nice recap Jay and great stuff getting your walk done. Safe travels.


                  Hope Ken's PT is progressing well Karen.


                  Enjoy that short day Tammy.


                  Got a nice 4 miler with some club folks last night. I really enjoy running on the rail trail in the dark. Very peaceful.


                  Got a good 8+ mile ride this morning and will run later. We, the run club, help set up for a race this evening called the Donut 5k. Lots of fun.



                  "He conquers who endures" - Persius
                  "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel



                    Hi Masters,


                    It sounds like all of our post-op patients are doing well. Jay, Erika and Tet all keep on hanging in there and doing what you're allowed to (or not).


                    Our Christmas plans were foiled by Covid - my parents were supposed to host the 10 of us and my dad has it (tested + maybe Tues). He's not feeling the best but will be fine. I'm guessing my mom will get it too but we'll see. Now I have to figure out if I can pass off my nephew presents or if I should just ship them. We weren't planning on being here Christmas Eve/Christmas Day, so now I have to figure out what we're going to eat... I'm sure it will be fine.


                    We are really in the middle of a gloomy stretch, here. It's not been too cold, but I don't think we've had more than 1 day of sun in the last few weeks.


                    I went out for a few miles run/walk before the cold rain started. I ended up running into the H w/Mia, so it was more walking, and then we stopped to talk with some neighbors, and got really cold! Didn't really warm up until I had a hot shower.


                    The H and I are going out for fish & chips for lunch in a bit, which will be good. I'm hungry already!



                      Good morning, masters! Well, it's not even 9 a.m. here so very much still morning. And today is 5 seconds "longer" (more daylight) than yesterday so yay, spring is coming! (drives DH nuts when I say that in late December)


                      Tet, just FYI, my sister had her knee replaced 4 years ago and she says she still has some swelling there. It's probably her new normal, but her knee looks so much better than before! It'd grown to look like a melon in her leg with all the arthritic calcification, just awful. Now it feels fine and she's looking at having a hip done. But, what I mean to say is, she did icing for quite awhile afterward to help with the swelling, so be sure you're doing it judiciously. Did they give you one of those "ice man" boxes that circulates ice water through a pad thing you wrap on your knee? I have that for my hip, and do it 3x day (although post-op instructions said do it for an hour 3x day for a week, PT said half an hour whenever I feel like it is fine). Hope you turn a corner soon without gritting your teeth.


                      So can I post a rant here? With so many of us going through surgery and treatment for various ouchies, I'm sure you've all heard this too. When I was suffering pre-op, and going into surgery, the #1 comment/question I got from people (and oddly enough, usually people I didn't know well who felt entitled to speak up) was: "It must have been all that running!" Or, "Was it all that running that hurt your hip?" I just hate that. Most people who undergo joint replacements are overweight and sedentary. Most people who struggle with recovery are in bad shape. My doctor said there are so many patients he won't even schedule for surgery until they lose XX pounds or % of body weight.


                      My first response that jumps into my mouth is "so do you ask other people if they have joint problems because they're fat and sedentary???" and of course, I bite my tongue and say "no, actually, running conveys many protections to joints and runners usually have better joints than non-runners." And they just nod like "yeah, sure they do" and walk off. I mean, most of these people I don't even know well, they just know I used to run a lot so obviously THAT was the problem. Grrrr. Totally pissses me off. Ok, that's enough. I'll be quiet about it now (maybe).


                      PT at 11, then home after picking up a grocery order. We were going to go to my parents' retirement community for their big Christmas dinner for residents and families. It was bound to be a crowded potential spreader event anyway, but dad called yesterday to say a member of the kitchen staff tested positive after feeling poorly for a couple days, so who knows how extensive the exposure was. He asked if we still wanted to go. Ha, no, sorry, and you better not go, either! He agreed and said he'd go get their dinners and take them back to their apartment. My mom really does NOT need an exposure at a super spreader event, although she loves the social aspect of it. I said we'd come visit this weekend. *sigh*

                        Anne (and Erika) - I'm sorry COVID continues to mess up so many plans.  It seems to be everywhere again.    Erika- I get asked if "all that running" has ruined my knees etc.  Yeah- it's annoying.  I agree with you that being fit is a HUGE benefit going into and recovering from surgery.  My husband's doc is a sports specialist, and, actually, the years of running (Ken is almost 79) probably did contribute a lot to the frayed tendons, but also probably prevented a lot worse things! We all just have to do what we can!

                        Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


                          Anne, I'm with you on getting cold like that. In these temps, if you're dressed right for running but then walk or stand around for a while, you can really get chilled. I'm glad that you warmed up once you got home.


                          +1 on your rant, Erika. Now that I'm not running, these same people ask if all my cycling is going to ruin my knees. Huh?  I guess they won't be happy unless I'm as sedentary and miserable as they are.


                          Hang in there, Tet -- we're rooting for you.


                          So where's my lap blanket?   Seriously, that was a nice gesture, Leslie.


                          I've been missing my MIL on this first Christmas holiday without her. She was always even more energized than usual at this time of year and loved decorating, dressing up, entertaining, and socializing: the uber-extrovert to our introversion.  Still, we're glad that she went without ever having to go into assisted living (even though she sort of belonged there in the last few months), With her level of independence she would have absolutely hated the loss of control.


                          I rode 14.3 miles on the bike trainer this morning on two routes of about 4 and 10 miles. The total elevation gain was 600ft split evenly between the two rides. That makes a big difference, as 300ft in 4 miles means there were a few fairly steep climbs. On the 10-mile ride there was nothing steep and I don't think I ever had to shift into my low range of gears; the shorter ride had me shifting gears a lot by comparison.

                          Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                          "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"


                            Erika-I get asked that all the time. My response is “ my DD had a knee replacement in her late 40’s and is still struggling. I had my first replacement in my 70’s and my 2nd in my mid 80’s and I’m walking and running with no pain”.


                            Events are super spreaders now with a resurgence of mild Covid (if you’ve been vaccinated). Hard to avoid crowds during this season.


                            Tired from poor sleep last night and no rest days for over a week. Naps and short walks today as the weather continues to be dry and relatively mild.

                            MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                              Did they give you one of those "ice man" boxes that circulates ice water through a pad thing you wrap on hyour knee? I have that for my hip, and do it 3x day . . .

                              Erika - I think it's the same as Leslie may have mentioned but I'd never seen it until they had it on me 24/7 or, at least, 40/1.4, and I even asked about one at the pre-op earlier this week and got the same 3X/day (even though all day long would seem better) so will keep emphasizing the ice as the PK's continue slip, slipping away, . . . I hope.


                              So can I post a rant here?

                              Excellent. Nobody who isn't a runner too knows that I'm a runner enough to warrant those kind of comments but, if they did, I would tell them my doctor said that "runners have the best joints I ever see and keeps any arthritis they might get whether or not they are runners or not down to manageable leaves, . . . compared to those who don't take care of themselves and are often so out-of-shape that we cann't operate until they lose weight, stop drinking, etc."


                              ps - you are unimaginably nice to bite your tongue.

                              I used to be like that but not since I got old

                              and don't care what other people think.

                              Thanks for setting such a good example.

                              And everyone else too. 

                              "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                                Thanks for the start, Jay. Hope your travel went well.

                                Erika--yup on the rant, though I've never gotten a mean-spirited version of that, just a reasonable question.


                                General cheers from the peanut gallery for the folks rehabbing.


                                Feel better COVID sufferers. Be safe, everyone; new variants out there taking over, FWIW.


                                Errands this morning before weekend crowds get bad. That meant an afternoon 22-mile ride on a crisp, sunny day.


                                Have a great weekend.

                                Be safe. Be kind.
