Masters Running


Thursday 4-4-24 (Read 38 times)


    Good Morning, Masters.   My turn to do the daily kickoff since I think it's been about 5 years since the last time.   No wrap-up, just a kickoff.  Post'em if you got'em.

      Snatching a few moments before getting on with my day...


      Anne, I'm sorry to hear about your parents. Your dad is my age and between myself and my DW we have several friends who are dealing with dementia in their spouses or siblings. From my observations it is a lot tougher on the caregiver than the person with the dementia, who by definition is generally not aware of their condition.


      The above is also one reason why I haven't been present lately. We're realizing that with both of us currently with no physical issues and having our minds intact (well, at least in my DW's case! ), we should use as much time as possible to do the things that we can enjoy for as long as it's possible. So I'm generally trying to spend less time on the computer and other devices in favor of cultivating relationships with friends old and new.


      We finally made it back to Tucson in late February after forced cancellations in 2020 and 2022. The weather was of course great even though cooler than usual (and actually cooler than it was back here in Michigan on a couple days). But at least it was dry and sunny. I'll post some pics in a few days. Then when we got back my DW had her cataracts taken care of, with the 2nd eye being done this past Monday. That all went well although her vision will remain less than ideal until she's able to get a prescription and glasses about 6 weeks from now.


      I've been continuing to record walks and indoor bike rides with a bonus couple of outdoor rides during one of our warm spells in March. And I've kept up with some of you on Strava. I'll try to lurk more often and post more frequently in the future.

      Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

      "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

      Marathon Maniac #957

        Howdy folks.


        BTY - thanks for the kickoff.


        Roch - nice to see you again, same with Jlynne!


        Steve - can he at least read the road signs?


        Sleep issues keep messing up my workout mornings.  Today I managed to sleep until 5:15 (alarm goes off at 5:30), but was groggy for almost an hour afterward, in spite of coffee.  SO, I got in about 20 minutes of upper body weights and core.  35 and rain/snow-showering, so not ideal for a run anyway....


        My family will tell you that I am addicted to McDonald's ice cream cones (I use the term "ice cream" very loosely), and will have at least three per week when the weather is not frozen.  It has long been a family joke that their ice cream machines are down half the time, and my long drive thru wait goes unrewarded...


        May be an image of 1 person, ice cream and text that says 'Every McDonald's should have a flag that they fly at half- half-mast when the ice cream machine is broken.'

        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

          Thanks, BTY!   That's funny, Holly.  I always liked the free soft serve ice cream at the barbecue places.


          3.7 miles this morning- gloomy- before my church group.

          Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



            BTY - thx for the start

            Good to see jlynne & roch

            ((to those dealing with parents and other health issues))


            hopefully jay has power, as we've heard folks in ME and NH have lost power.  & hope he hasn't gone out in this sleet/ice/snow


            today minimal exercise, but yesterday lots, with walks with friends, followed by stint at food pantry


            class soon followed by lots of cooking....


            stay warm and dry,


            Marathon Maniac #957

                I always liked the free soft serve ice cream at the barbecue places.


              Wait, what?  Free ice cream?  Where?


              (says the woman currently working through 6 half-gallons of ice cream in the freezer...)

              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                I did a kettlebell workout this morning. It is so easy to convince myself to skip the workout on my running rest days, but I managed to fight that today and get it done. It isn't much of a workout. 4 exercises over 15 minutes but it seems to help my shoulders, arms, and back more than just sitting in a La-z-boy does.


                Shoe follow-up: I used to buy different color shoes so it they are easier to tell which is which but I like to wear old running shoes as my casual shoes and I prefer those to be dark blue and not a bunch of different colors, so I just recently started buying similar color shoes.


                I went for a walk in the neighborhood a little bit ago. The power is back on. I took a picture of one of the trees that are down:






                  Mornin' Masters.


                  Thanks for the start, BTY. Do you have that as a "to do" on your calendar for every 5 years??


                  It was great to see a post from Jlynne yesterday! Please stay with us, and let us know how yoou continue to do with the new bike.


                  That's a good operating philosophy for you and your DW, Doug. And I'm glad your DW's cataract work has gone well.


                  Sorry about the sleep issues, Holly. We have a fiend who regularly has a freezer-full of half gallons of ice cream. When we ask why he buys so much, he says it was on sale, so what else was he supposed to do? He lives alone, and so eats it all himself.


                  Nice 3.7 gloomy miles, KSA.


                  Thanks for the concern, Marj. A line went down at a corner about 75 yards from us, but we (fortunately) still have power. The winds were howling and the trees were swaying just about all night, and have barely calmed down. It is snowing, but the roads are more slush than snow. It's not supposed to get much better till late today/tonight.


                  Good work on getting your workout done, Dave. I'm glad you've got the shoe situation figured out. And I'm also glad the power is back on.


                  It was easy to make the call to stay in this morning instead of trying to fight the wind and everything else that was going on (and blowing around) in the dark. So I did about 65 minutes of core work and weights instead. I hope I can get a weather window for a walk this afternoon.


                  Have a greta Thursday.



                  Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


                    Fly by: Today is National Burrito Day. 

                    That’s it. 

                    I’m outta here.


                      Hey Friends - Is it really April??? Doesn't look it around here!!!


                      We cancelled the Thursday morning group run so I slept in a little and jumped on the bike a little after 7am

                      30 min PZ endurance ride, 15 min low impact ride, 20 min upper body strength, 10 min core strength


                      Have to get outside and clean off my car and do a little snow/slush clean up - really don't want to go out at all, but I have a 2p dentist appt.

                      The wind howling this morning was crazy!!


                        Thanks for the start, BTY.

                        Dave--magic shoes and the ability to conjure up lurkers. I'm impressed. (I usually try to rotate gray, black, blue; enough difference to notice but still usable as everyday shoes later on.)

                        Jay--I somehow missed the trees-on-cottage incident. Recent? I hope no one was hurt.

                        Jlynne! I've been asking about you. So glad you dropped in. Glad you're still able to do the important volunteer work. That bike trainer sounds great. Enjoy.  I just saw an interview with Percival Everett on the Newshour last night; impressive guy and that book's been getting stellar reviews. Definitely on my to-read list for the summer.

                        TW--those commercials are flying over my head. Is this a Europe-only phenomenon?

                        Mariposai--enjoy Spring!

                        Mike--hope things go well with your nephew.

                        tet--I'd never heard of bedbug-sniffing dogs. Good idea.

                        Steve--it's been a long time since I wrestled with stuff that heavy...oh wait, I've never (to my recollection) wrestled with stuff that heavy. You're a bear. (And I love burritos.)

                        anne--very sorry to hear of the new challenges caring for your parents.Never easy. Not sure if it's primarily psychological or involves mental capacity but given the family history has her PCP done a basic "mental status" exam yet? (A useful first step, often followed up--if needed-- with CT or MRI to identify any possible strokes, tumors, degeneration or other possible causes of changes in behavior, etc.)

                        Erika--sorry you're dealing with this, too. I'm glad you have a state-run system you feel comfortable with. That's huge. (And I smiled at the "red butt" description.)


                        These discussions remind me, FWIW, here are some items we've found useful in working similar issues for parents--and now ourselves.

                        We're realizing that with both of us currently with no physical issues and having our minds intact ... we should use as much time as possible to do the things that we can enjoy for as long as it's possible. So I'm generally trying to spend less time on the computer and other devices in favor of cultivating relationships with friends old and new.


                        Glad you checked-in though; I'd been asking about you, too. Anything you can do to make sure the Wings tank the last few games so my Caps can squeak into the playoffs (and get swept in the first round)?

                        Marj--what class are you taking these days?


                        Overnight rain, sunny morning for a 5-miler, the clouds are rolling in now and more rain in the forecast for this afternoon. Bleh.

                        Be safe. Be kind.

                        MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803


                          I scream you scream

                          We all scream for ice cream, . . .

                          except me but I'd probably

                          like it too if it were free.

                          ps - same as Don Kardong, Jay

                          is way up on my admired list

                          but I didn't know it

                          was ice cream too.

                          ps - agree on the Big Yellow "M" that grocery stores, drug stores, etc. should be required to post too so you don't have to get out and go up to the front door to find out.


                          Sure enough, there I go lauding the unusually March and now into April weather that blessed us with a rare, if ever, three-and-a-half weeks of cherry blossom viewing and already a day up into the high sixties when, all of a sudden, for the next week, at least, overnight temps that've plunged down into the mid-forties will be barely getting into the low fifties in the afternoon. Oh well, at least it's not raining and contrary to the narrow ribbon of cloud along the horizons of most nice days, today's 360 cloud cover is made up for by clear skies and view of the snow mountains from the Cascades to the Olympics. 


                          However, another busy day highlighted by lunch with hs classmates who now living down here followed by a follow-up last sayonara to the blossoms down at the sister city park as I did for the yesterday's parting at the Quad.  Thank you Japan for such gifts of beauty back in 1920 (Quad's) and 1975 (Kobe trees and 200 yo 10' high stone lantern) 


                          ETA tramps - okay, I'm not rooting for the Red Wing's anymore.  Good luck.

                          "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                            tramps//..........yeah, can't get it here............but Funny is Funny








                            spitting rain>>>>>>>>>My Perfect Conditions                 (if you can only shoot Trap in Ideal Conditions)


                            shot 20/19

                            on two rounds of trap,in high winds



                            won both rounds>>>>YOWZA


                            .....22-min on Precor EFX....

                            ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


                              Another day of nasty weather and YouTube yoga.  This is getting old.  But the good news is a Doug and a Jeanne drop in on the same day!


                                Thanks for all of the welcome back posts everyone. I really appreciate it. Everyone dealing with aging parents? I'm (and DH) turning into one of them. The good thing is now when I call my kids instead of texting them, they answer right away because they think something has happened to either DH or myself!  


                                Roch - you've got a great attitude. Carpe diem.


                                Tramps - I saw that interview last night. And I am REALLY enjoying the book!


                                Holly - can't quite match your ice cream numbers. We've got peppermint fudge, salted caramel swirl and plain old vanilla (for me) in the freezer right now.


                                Interesting day at the Salvation Army today. The bathrooms that the clients have access to are just down the hallway from the dining room where we serve lunch. One of our diners (he looked high on something coming through the line - maybe life?) went in the men's room and apparently forgot to close the door, because we could hear him yelling "I'm going poop!" all the way in the dining room. Ahh....good times.


                                Another day of high wind and rain. I went to the Y and did 45 minutes on the elliptical and 25 minutes of upper body weights and core stuff.


                                Have a great evening everyone.
